>There were revolutions that happened with the presence of media. Bad PR didn't stop communists from taking over China, Vietnam, half of Korea etc.
Yeah no, pretty sure that wouldn't fly today.
In the modern day, liberterrorism would be more effective as agit prop. E.g., pretend to be a socialist when you take shit out. Shit might've been fly 50 years ago, but we're so deep into Orwellian shit that it's not going to work.
>Our enemies break NAP. It would be like punishing criminals for their crimes and restoring order.
>Implying anyone mentally ill enough to be a terrorist wouldn't take out a random mall, school, church, or mass gathering instead of an actually important target like Soros' house, or a politician's residence.
Yeah, I'm not sure that realistically fits the psychological profile of a terrorist. If you're mentally ill enough to do this shit, you're not going to be going after targets of people who are actually stepping on you.