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>>300 (OP) 
If it were the 90s, you'd form a committee that would eventually decide to make a cringeworthy rap video.
The more things change, the more they stay the same, huh?
>>300 (OP) 
>How do you rekindle interest in libertarian ideals?
Educate people right. Target males as they're more receptive to libertarian values. If you have attractive men being libertarians the women and other men will follow.
>>300 (OP) 
>How do you rekindle interest in libertarian ideals?
Nobody cares. The fewer there are the more special that makes us,
Replies: >>308
Don't you want your ideas to spread?
Replies: >>309
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>Don't you want your ideas to spread?
I want to be left alone. If you want to be part of some politics themed social group then there's better ones than this.
Replies: >>312 >>313
We got ourselves a Brownouter.  I thought you guys had disappeared.  Nice to see you around again.
But if you spread your beliefs further, it might mean less people tread on you.
>>300 (OP) 
Liberterrorism. Presenting violent revolution as a viable means of establishing the minarchist/anarchist state.
Replies: >>538 >>544 >>975
1 - That's not how the NAP works.
2 - That doesn't work.  Libertarians don't have media control, so the media would just run a PR field day with an even like that.
Replies: >>539
>That's not how the NAP works.
Our enemies break NAP. It would be like punishing criminals for their crimes and restoring order.
>That doesn't work.  Libertarians don't have media control, so the media would just run a PR field day with an even like that.
There were revolutions that happened with the presence of media. Bad PR didn't stop communists from taking over China, Vietnam, half of Korea etc.
Replies: >>540 >>544
>There were revolutions that happened with the presence of media. Bad PR didn't stop communists from taking over China, Vietnam, half of Korea etc.
Yeah no, pretty sure that wouldn't fly today.
In the modern day, liberterrorism would be more effective as agit prop.  E.g., pretend to be a socialist when you take shit out.  Shit might've been fly 50 years ago, but we're so deep into Orwellian shit that it's not going to work.
>Our enemies break NAP. It would be like punishing criminals for their crimes and restoring order.
>Implying anyone mentally ill enough to be a terrorist wouldn't take out a random mall, school, church, or mass gathering instead of an actually important target like Soros' house, or a politician's residence.
Yeah, I'm not sure that realistically fits the psychological profile of a terrorist.  If you're mentally ill enough to do this shit, you're not going to be going after targets of people who are actually stepping on you.
Replies: >>543
>we're so deep into Orwellian shit that it's not going to work.
Not every corner of the Earth is that deep in Orwellian shit. Look at Afghanistan. All media black PR wasn't enough to stop Talibans from taking over. And that wasn't 50 years ago.
>If you're mentally ill enough to do this shit, you're not going to be going after targets of people who are actually stepping on you.
>implying terrorists are mentally ill
[citation needed]
Going after people who are stepping on you is not even terrorism, it's self defence. 
Once again - look at Talibans. They have been called terrorists and they went after people who stepped on them and succeeded in taking control of their territory
Replies: >>544 >>579
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Replies: >>557
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>>300 (OP) 
Make more libertarian waifus.
Simple as that.
Shit will always trickle down into the mainstream eventually so that's how we start.
Replies: >>603
Unironically right-wing ACAB.
The police are the true government, without them the politicians are just men in suits with opinions that matter only to them.
The revolutionary knows where the true power of the establishment lies.
The first act of the french peasants was to stom the bastille and retrieve their weapons from the cops, a coordinated surprise attack launched by bunch of guys armed with nothing but sticks and stones can be effective enough to take a small police station and acquire the very first armaments of the revolutionaries.
Replies: >>558
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>The police are the true government, without them the politicians are just men in suits with opinions that matter only to them.
After Jan 6 they didn't call the cops they called in the military. And while some middle aged trump fans taking an unguided tour around the capital building is a funny meme, try that shit at the federal reserve building and I have no doubt they will go tiananmen square on your ass.
Replies: >>586
>Not every corner of the Earth is that deep in Orwellian shit. Look at Afghanistan. 
Is The Taliban Creating A Surveillance State In Afghanistan?

The Taliban said it has installed around 62,000 security cameras in the Afghan capital, Kabul, a city of some 5 million people.

The Taliban’s Interior Ministry said on August 30 that it planned to expand the surveillance network to the rest of the country in the next four years.

>it's self defence. 
The Taliban has banned women from visiting one of Afghanistan's most popular national parks, in the latest attempt to shut out women from public life. The ban has prompted widespread anger, with one Afghan woman telling RFE/RL's Radio Azadi that it was "illogical and inhumane."

LGBT activists say the return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan has resulted in discrimination, torture, and even murder. One gay man told RFE/RL that he had to quit school to protect his identity while another said he and his boyfriend were tortured by the Taliban and had to vow to renounce same-sex relationships.
Replies: >>844
There's no distinction between police and military, originally they were one and the same before further specialization. 
Even now,  they are the same thing, They both serve the same purpose.
Replies: >>600
The enemy is the establishment, which is cops and soldiers both, along all the rest of the uniformed guys with guns who serve the state as its emforcememt and defence. Remove them, overcone them, them the entire system collapses as a new one rises to fill the vacuum and replace ir.
May is the ultimate libertarian waifu.  Loves guns, hates ATF, and is a loli.
>>300 (OP) 
By increasing oppression why paradoxically further opening up the internet.
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Not gonna lie.  The Taliban is starting to seem pretty based.  Defeating ZOG and tearing down its rainbow fag flags and BLM murals, putting paid to traitors who collaborated with the foreign occupier, they just can't stop winning.
You can't.  People are genetically predisposed to not accept egalitarianism so much more than libertarianism that libertarianism will always be impossible to politically implement.

I still think libertarianism should be supported, because 98% authoritarianism is still better than 99%, but I think we should recognize that libertarian ideals are impossible to kindle in the general public.
Replies: >>846 >>893
>to not accept
I meant to accept.
>>300 (OP) 
>How do you rekindle interest in libertarian ideals?
Step 1: Acquire female. Step 2: Write total nigger death on her tits. Step 3: Show the total nigger death titties to White simps. Step 4: Repeat until you have an army of simps who will carry out whatever missions the Nazi mommy writes on her boobers.
>we should recognize that libertarian ideals are impossible to kindle in the general public.
Sounds like you have some fatties and some chubbies to bully into losing fat. Protip: Just because you don't have a protruding gut, doesn't mean you don't have more lean to get.
>>300 (OP) 
Hey OP, I found the problem:  >>953 .
Replies: >>957
What's the issue?
Replies: >>958
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If you don't try to make things palatable to others and empathize with them, it doesn't matter how good your facts are:  they're going to ignore you at best, and actively try to work against you at worst.
E.g., the entire field of marketing.
E.g.2., libertarians' responses to the issue of inequality.
Replies: >>959
>libertarians' responses to the issue of inequality
As long as men are free to own property and make their own decisions then there will be inequality. The guy who works 70 hours a week will have more money than the guy who smokes weed and plays games all day. The guy who invests $1000 in btc will have more wealth than the guy who invests $1000 in gold. Liberty and equality are always pulling in opposite directions you can't have both.
Replies: >>1024
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You can't. You're either based or you're not.
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as opposed to using violence to achieve tyranny? Kys faggot.
Alright, now that the election is over and the bots are all unfunded and probably left, time to post on the board again!
What you said and how what I said can still both be true.
Replies: >>1031
>What you said and how what I said can still both be true.
Liberty and equality are opposites.
Replies: >>1035
Yes.  I know.  You already said that, and I already agreed with it.
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