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Is telegram good? I dont like how it demands your real phone number. Thats pretty much OPSEC fuck up number 1. But everything else is dead and gay with niggers anf pajeets.
As far as I know you can still get prepaid phones with cash in convenience stores, just use one of those if you really want to use telegram. Otherwise guess you're outta luck.
>>198563 (OP) 
> it demands your real phone number.
Obviously no then, it is not good.
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Telegram is not truly secure and you're liable to run into faggots who will call you your best bro then reveal themselves to be corrupted characters and gay perverts. Signal also requires your phone number but is actually secure as all the personal info is put through hashes the devs can't see, and given it's banned in Iran and China I think it's a sign it's trustworthy. Everything sucks so do whatever.
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>>198563 (OP) 
I mostly use it to get notifications for items on sale, but for privacy my answer is no. Earlier, coincidentally, I was looking at outgoing connections on my phone, and telegram (the foss version on f-droid) was pinging google, as a starter. It requires a phone number, which is not great. Group chats can't be encrypted properly, so no real privacy there either. There is no control over which metadata you can enable or disable, unlike with XMPP. And it's centralized.
For some better IMs info, check these charts:
A bit less faggy than Signal, but I don't know if it's worth it. Last year, I decided to join into multiple political groups and sadly most of them gets infested by latinx subhumans who love Israel.
Replies: >>198821
Telegram in terms of discourse is a hideyhole "cool" alternative for rightoids who left or branched off of Twitter for whatever reason, mostly for getting banned or being retards who couldn't handle debating/arguing. It's good for feeling smaller and refining niches, and filesharing as the max size limit is 2GB.
Replies: >>198834
You will never be a girl.
Replies: >>198849
>fag gets a hair up his ass and starts whining about nazis and shit all over the place
Is this board nothing but a tantrum room for broken brained malcontents anymore?
Replies: >>198849
Faggot right-wingers with Roman bust profile pictures that don't practice what they preach is what I meant. Have you not met the type?
Replies: >>198864 >>198915
That's 80% of the webring boards though.
No and most likely neither have you. You probably saw some stupid joke images on one of these sites and had a conniption like a stupid overly emotional faggot. I bet you don't even need HRT to transition with estrogen levels that high, bet you have gyno too.
Replies: >>198866 >>198867
t. fattest Mexican in the world pretending to be white
I think he's talking about those guys who try to get you to buy their book or nutritional supplements by preaching a bunch of platitudes about masculinity. Basically ecelebs who act like surrogate father figures.
Replies: >>198869
Ok, im not bothering with telegram. Too much kikery. I will remain on altchans only behind my vpn and Tor.
I wasn't but those guys sort of count too. I doubt this projecting sperg knows what a groyper is or how much discourse and ideology has changed since 5-8 years ago let alone browsed any social media to think he knows what he's talking about.
Replies: >>198870 >>198871
Yeah, you've lost me.
Replies: >>198872
Replies: >>198872
I guarantee you he's having problems with some fag that has nothing to do with this site and the estrogen is causing him to wave his bitchtits in our direction just to vent his frustration. You can tell because he's throwing around the projection accusations even though no one else is having a meltdown about nazis.
Replies: >>198874 >>198875
I have no idea why this guy is mad. He started bitching about spics out of nowhere and then the thread died.
Replies: >>198905
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(61.4KB, 400x400, 00:01)
>say Telegram was a hotbed of fake right-wing faggots
>you had a conniption over it
>give you examples of the types of faggots I've encountered there and on Twitter
>you continue to be mad
If anything it sounds like I hit too close to home for you. That or you're an ESL.
I don't know the specific reason either but I've seen so many tantrums thrown by insane retards like this to know he got btfo somewhere else and is slinging shit here to make himself feel better by destroying threads. It's so fuckin tiresome.
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>>198563 (OP) 
>Is telegram good?
Maybe? Depends on what you wanna do with it I guess.
>I dont like how it demands your real phone number. Thats pretty much OPSEC fuck up number 1.
Almost all corners of the internet are a honey pots, might as well enjoy the ride regardless OP because either way the USA or China is gonna get your data if they want it.
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No, don't ever register your phone number, name, address, etc. Those are only needed for ecommerce when you're having something delivered. A chat "app" that asks for them is a big red flag!
signal is better. they've been audited and the only data they hold on you is when your account was created and the last time you logged in (if you're paranoid about the feds).
Replies: >>199011
I think Signal is like Whatsapp while Telegram is analogous to Twitter too.
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