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Before we start you must know there are two kinds of imageboards, those that allow themselves to be co-opted by Jews, their shabbos goys and or feds (read as shabbos goys again) and those that stand their ground being bastions of knowledge and what is right until their invariable end.

ZZZChan is on the path of being co-opted as I'm sure you all know, just looking at the announcements tab fills you with dread. 
>>>/christian/ has joined us from cafe
We'd host Christian golems on our site. This is just moving the goal post, what's next is trannies, homosexual lgbt stuff actual hebrew boards and whatever other shit they want so they can muddy the waters.
After there's enough of these normalfag tier niggercattle boards. They'll start demanding OUR original boards are
This board is a dead man standing, you had your chance to be good stand your ground and get v@ like 16chan but you chose the path of least resistance. Enjoy being a faggot board owner with the 50 or so redditors you rule over you spineless cuck.

By bringing /christian/ here they announced their want to kill the board. Make archives of everything you hold dear if you haven't already this will become a shitfest very fast.
>Of all the images you could have chosen, you use fucking stupid moeshit
We really are doomed
Replies: >>194596 >>194598
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Replies: >>194589
This would have a more appropriate picture for the first post
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>make archives
Imageboards are meant to be ephemeral, you're not supposed to defend old moldy threads from 2 years ago as if they're something precious that needs to be protected and archived forever at the expense of new content. The whole design of imageboards is that when you create a new thread, an old thread is deleted, this is fundamentally different from basically every other discussion forum and social media design and it has been that way since the beginning. It's only when newfaggery and glownigger datamining were at critical point when people started thinking that every thread needs to be preserved and archived forever.
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>>194586 (OP) 
>IT'S OVER #2104921402194
I'm positive you're about as correct as the other guys who "predicted" zzzchan would be dead in 2 weeks starting from day 1, nearly 4 years ago
Replies: >>195116
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>>194586 (OP) 
I don't know man, I don't like christcuckery either, but I think going from chirstcucks to trannies and homos is too big of a leap. But yeah I don't think it's particularly good that they found their home here.
But AT LEAST the schizoshitter hasn't been spamming /b/ since /christian/ was erected here.
If you hadn't come from f*cebook or r*ddit yesterday, you'd know that on imageboards the attached images are not always related to the subject. Have some more, niggerfaggot.
>hurr durr 2d girl picture le bad, disgusting fetishism photo le good
The state of cute aggression niggers in 2020 + 4.
I don't think that's particularly good. I guess it would make sense if a person used normal forums and then used imageboards for shitposting, but for people like me who aren't interested in namefag echo chambers and only use imageboards, it would be good to see some permanence.
If I made an imageboard, it would allow 500~1000 active threads and/or it would have an inbuilt permanent archive.
Careful, he'll call you a spic with a small amygdala or some shit then turn around and keep complaining about the board being shit without a shred of irony.
Replies: >>194598
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>small amygdala
Consider this image.
Replies: >>194629
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>>194586 (OP) 
>We'd host Christian golems on our site.
WE don't host anything. The BO does. And he's the one making the decision you now decry. So go complain to him instead of bothering the users.

>After there's enough of these normalfag tier niggercattle boards. They'll start demanding OUR original boards are
I guess by this you mean, they'll start demanding the mods ban users from the original boards on those grounds.
They may, but again, it's up to the mods and the BO to give in to said demands. If they are stupid enough to do so, I'll simply leave in search of greener pastures and take my posts and OC with me.
But I fail to see what leverage niggercattle would have on the BO though. A guy who seems content with hosting boards that average 3pph is suddenly going to give in to bitching busybodies? What would they threaten him with? Bringing his site from 60 users back to 40?
Regardless, they way to keep boards safe from such nonsense is to make it valuable by filling it with fine content. That way the owner will think twice before bothering the users, and if he ever does, he will be widely condemned for it (Which I believe is what happened to Mark).
Replies: >>194630 >>194631
>*proceeds to kick a cute puppy and strangle a cute kitty*
Replies: >>194633
Proper argument, now.
Replies: >>194633
You type like a soyshitter. Back to your shithole.
Replies: >>194638
>Passive-aggressive pseudo-replying
That's not even the sharty that's some shitty splinter site
Replies: >>194645
That's Krautchan or some variant of it.
They're all glowing shitholes; they themselves found out that all Krautchan traffic gets funneled through the USA Department of Defense.
Replies: >>194647
They made a pedo "visual novel". https://vndb.org/v13871
Before you say that lolicon is not pedophilia, I know that, and I am a lolicon myself. But that art style is more realistic and completely different from idealized Japanese lolis, and I've heard that the characters are actually based on real children or something like that.
Replies: >>198786
zzzchan is doomed because the majority of its remaining users are annoying spergy faggots who spend all their time bickering with each other on the stupidest shit imaginable. When they get told that they're retards who are full of shit, they then start having sperg meltdowns and temper tantrums where they spam screenshots of imageboard posts and anime girls ad nauseam as some sort of magical ward against their "boogeymen". Lather, rinse, repeat which is something that these unwashed miserable incel losers have never done in their lives until the board is 110% garbage.
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oops i destroyed the imageboard
what a shame
Replies: >>194667
Blame the moeniggers
Replies: >>194669
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Are you happy? Look at what you did, you got Anon sperging out again. 
Reflect properly on your actions or get corrected.
zzzchan is doomed because everyone is being too nice to others, terrified of offending someone else's feelings. This prevents argumentation which is a tool for finding the truth.
Replies: >>194669
I'm blaming everyone, especially (You) and me. It takes two mental deficients to tango, so to speak.
Your opinion is fucking retarded and so are you. Die a violent death.
Replies: >>194671
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>194666 (demonic trips)
>anti-moe nigger seriously replying to a post saying "incel"
That's a new low, huh?
Replies: >>194674
Why'd you respond then
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Shit, i missed that.
Time to post the Enkidu Gambit then.
>>194586 (OP) 
whining about a non issue and spreading fud, what a novel and fun concept sage + hide + report
>the majority of its remaining users
it's 2 people samefagging over and over and running in circles. bye.
>Schizo screenshot again

Thanks for proving my point, jackass. Posting "enkidu gambit.png" for the millionth time as if it's some magical ward against the word "incel" just makes you look like a clueless retard.
Replies: >>194681
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>makes you look like a clueless retard
<does nothing to explain why it would make me or anyone else look like anything
Thanks for proving that you have no argument.
>the reason my enemies deplatform and de-career me for not going along with white genocide is because...uh...not reproducing makes me "unpredictable" which they fear and...uh...by being incels we can go extinct faster which will really show 'em who's boss
Replies: >>194689 >>194695
It's schizo nonsense, disregard it
Replies: >>194692
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Back to donating all your money to twitch e-whores or whatever you do all day,
Replies: >>194706
>not reproducing
Not having sex in general; sex and reproduction can be separate concepts. Shamkat and Enkidu weren't necessarily making babies.
> makes me "unpredictable" which they fear
The nail that sticks out gets struck down. Enkidu destroyed the hunters traps, which inconvenienced Uruk as a whole; thus why the hunters asked Gilgamesh for help.
>by being incels
Did you miss the "involuntary" part?
Replies: >>194709
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Alrighty then
Replies: >>194714
cry harder pedozzzigger
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en masse
>>194586 (OP) 
>people on sleepy that are more fun to argue with than cheese pizza loving brownoids larping as sex gods
God I fucking wish.
this is pointless outrage over a slow dead board (christian) that won't do shit, plus trannies and homos were already here before that board got added if it indicated anything about direction or favoritism. so, there will always be an endless supply of things to act mad about if that's what everyone wants
It's been here for years and nothing happend, nigger.
You're mom is doomed to suck my cock
Replies: >>194806
Actually web forums are the same way. They fucking hate it when you necrobump their threads and often lock the old ones and/or ban you for necrobump.
It's only on Usenet that you can have really long-lasting threads, everywhere else it's discouraged by the very nature of the rigid, centralized interface.
>>194586 (OP) 
This website is dying and not bringing in new users way before this happened. I could explain to you in-depth why all imageboards are dying. But my words will be wasted and you will blame everything on some boogeyman
Replies: >>194809
>I could shit out some inane schizo ramblings. But my word salad will rightfully be ignored and you will point out the actual problem.
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Oh no we are doomed! Lets all go back to 4cuck or better yet some site that requires a login with 1,000 tracking cookies! Just face it, you have no other alternatives. You are trapped here and you will like it
>Imageboards are meant to be ephemeral
Even back in the day, when 4chan wasn't total crap, people were always willing to save threads they liked through screenshots, saving them as HTMLs, or using ancient archives like 4chanarchive despite what jewt intended with cuckchan. The ephemeral mentality doesn't apply to most imageboard users nowadays.
Trust the plan agen- I mean anon, this racist harmful site will go down in the next two weeks.
Replies: >>195542
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>>194586 (OP) 
>people replying to niggerpill (myself included)
Replies: >>195214
Niggerpill doesn't set foot on this site, if he (still) even exists anymore.
Go back to 8moe, and don't you ever dare use a Poirot webm as a reaction to anything ever again; he is too good for the likes of you.
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Wow, somebody doomposted on a shitposting board. That takes some nerve!
Why would you ink out the usernames? Is it because you're trying to imply it's the same person when they aren't?
Replies: >>195276
mental illness + delusions of grandeur. nobody cares about you and what you think you're doing, you are irrelevant + useless.
Wrong, I care and God also cares. This website is disgusting and it needs to be cleansed.
Replies: >>195276
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This goblin is no longer a tranny.
Still a goblin though.
Replies: >>195287
Men can get away with being goblins. Before even getting into trannies, actual women are doomed if they're ugly.
Replies: >>195290
It's pretty much the exact opposite. The only way a man isn't doomed for being a goblin is if he is making 6+ figures. Women are extremely judgemental and impressionable as children and to them if a man isn't making 7 figures, he's pretty much a failure because they were brainwashed into thinking so. Same way they the majority of women are in debt because they actually believed the absolute scam that is the ((( credit ))) system so they use credit cards on top if having a mortgage and paying college debts kek.
Replies: >>195301
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When did being a man start being about pleasing whores?
Replies: >>198789
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Goblins, oh yeah!
People only took screenshots of things that were truly exceptional and worth saving and immortalized it into an image, and only the part that was funny/interesting was saved rather than the whole thread. Also putting it into an image can be OC by itself because you're composing only the funny and interesting parts.
Nice projection.
The webring is dead, no matter which site. See how it used to be 2 years ago no now.
I personally blame the mods of most of the sites and boards, all the retarded infight and drama.
Reminder that the only reason the Japanese draw stuff that can't be linked to a SINGLE real child is because they have less complex facial chemistry than "whites". They all look the same. Europoids have the most genetic diversity, it's why we won all the wars. Orientals would be as good if not for all those kings that had too many babies. It ruined their genes.
/christian/ is the /leftypol/ of the webring.
Circa 1960+.
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