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 Dress to impress!

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Not too many people, good food, not too expensive, etc.
Replies: >>190247 >>194664
i thought your picture was cute until i recalled people do those sorts of jobs in real life
Replies: >>194446
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Not muttmerica
Replies: >>190237 >>194603
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Where then?
Move to Japan like Pewdiepie.
Just kidding. Honestly I have no idea.
Replies: >>190241 >>190251
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>>190219 (OP) 
Don’t move to my state (Illinois) we aren’t going to last another 10 years
Eastern Europe
Japan is one of the last "first world" countries with few immigrants, don't pollute it.
Replies: >>190254 >>190273
>Eastern Europe
Which country specifically?
Replies: >>190260 >>194580
I don't know bro, one that's not too pozzed but is also not shit to live in.
Replies: >>190611
>Japan is one of the last "first world" countries with few immigrants, don't pollute it.
That'll change soon.
Replies: >>190274
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>just two weeks, dude
slovenia seems nice.
Just a little sad to think about.
Replies: >>194445
Not that much. It's not a particularly bad job, you just repeat the same movements, and you can use your mind for whatever (daydreaming, planning something, etc).
A lot of people actually lost their factory jobs due to automation. I knew a homeless woman with a high IQ that used to just hit a button all day and now it's gone so she sleeps in a ditch instead of doing that sort of simple repetitive thing. Autisms kept her from doing anything else. She's dead now because of cutbacks taking away a mental health goup people once used to go to for free to wash clothes and hang out and stuff, but not enough attended to warrant funding. For profit prisons instead. 

Anyway, Oregon is the only good US state so says I though I've never been there. It's a law thing. I cross referenced two laws, no dry county laws in place for the state plus legal weed state. Only two were applicable and Nevada doesn't count. They even have legal hookers in Nevada and it's a desert shithole. Oregon has everything, mountains and rivers, beaches, it's half a federal forest reserve. The Natives lived near Washinton for eons for a reason. They don't even arrest/fine for j-walking there and you can even do salvia, not that you'd want to, but in contrast with say FL you can get up to five years for salvia in FL. The HUURRRika is a big place in other words, and also FL is worse than a desert heat wise. I'm dying of renal failure here and "you can't drink water on the sales floor". Yeah, because I'm going home to drink water and not beer. Sure sure. Lemme go get pulled over for not having a bicycle light on at night and shit. Illegl search here and there based on how ya look, no niggers are homeless though just whites. Fuck FL it's making me go on a rant. I was forced to live here due to the system only giving me a scholarship here and my faggot ass relatives despite being on checks they refuse to leave. Should I be homeless and die of exposure in the North? My only option otherwise. I'd like to die in the woods of Oregon, polar opposite of FL, on the news here they act like it's sin city, fucking elderly jackasses.
Replies: >>194475
>Oregon is the only good US state so says I
Stopped reading, anyone who takes you seriously is a fucking idiot.
Replies: >>194483 >>195142
>high IQ
Choose one.
>legal weed state
Kill yourself niggereddit druggie.
Replies: >>194483
>says no alternatqive
Bad faith nigger. 
Normalfaggots banned drugs dude. Not everyone you hate is a reddit*r either.
Replies: >>194513
>Normalfaggots banned drugs dude
Normalfaggots also breathe air.
>Not everyone you hate is a reddit*r either
But people who love weed are.
Replies: >>194489
You're a retard Harry.
Replies: >>194490
Please speak in normal English or zzzchan slang, I don't know Reddit slang.
Replies: >>194496
>I made fun of you for being a wizard basically. get a sense of humor plz
Sorry I don't obsess over your western slop movies.
Replies: >>194496
>reddit slang
Wizard is imageboard slang. I called you a retarded virgin. You people are so fucking dumb. 
>slop slop slooooop
It was a book series you blithering idiot and in fact this is dank imageboard humor if you had the sense to actually comprehend the joke. You're a retarded autistic virgin Harry.
Replies: >>194503
uh oh fagatha is back.
>I called you a retarded virgin
Is there any problem with being a virgin?
>It was a book series
...Which was slop written by some leftist roastie.
Replies: >>194509
There's such a thing as trying too hard and you are it.
Replies: >>194520
Okay just one example then, even fuckin Missouri is better. You can do everything you can in Oregon but also own guns and defend yourself without genuine risk of being put away for life because some squatting spic tried to kill you and you didn't let him. Fuck Oregon and fuck you, rot in hell.
Replies: >>194532
I don't get what you mean fagatha. Go insert some more dildos into your prolapsed ass.
Replies: >>194535
>if the state is blue the cops will get ya over guns
Not how it works. Enjoy your shit taste in flyover states though. At least they're red! What specifically do you like about the x red state other than it being politically right winger? Exactly fuckface.
Replies: >>194537 >>194601
How the fuck am I fagatha you stupid cocksucking nigger faggot
>random red vs blue comment
Yeah you're either b8ing or full blown retarded. Lick my balls idiot I'm not falling for this.
Replies: >>194543
Flyover states are basically red and meant to be flown over unless you are part of some kike family that owns land there. You already fell for it, the idea that it's nice to be a slave there for them, the lords of land. Did you not notice the more red the state the less the forest's mass?
Replies: >>194576 >>194579
Hurr durpity doooo "what about thing that was never mentioned at all" looolll u fell 4 it i am clevar and smrt
Replies: >>194582
>more trees in forest good
>more trees means more magic mushrooms and stuff too dude haha
>*gets high*
Replies: >>194582 >>194597
poland probably the best country in eastern europe, estonia is good too for the low taxes, but is a shitty town in the snow.
You can do that in Missouri too, among several other better states.
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Easily Montana. No sales taxes, not too many people, good food, not too expensive, and lax street laws (you can pretty much plate anything)
Replies: >>194606
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>What specifically do you like about the x red state other than it being politically right winger?
Less niggers, more guns, less californians, less pot-heads.
Replies: >>194621
Poland,Czechia,Hungary or Iceland.
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Its population seems to suffer from the "too comfortable to care"  syndrome. A very common disease on ((( Conservative strongholds™ ))).
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Yeah, I bet she would've fared better in a blue state.
Replies: >>194608
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Replies: >>194610 >>194611
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Didn't know I was a cute anime girl.
Replies: >>194621 >>194628
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I just thought that Montana was one of the better states, I'm not saying it's not cucked. All states are cucked in one way or another
Replies: >>194635
>biological mother in canada
I hate clickbait headlines. They took her because of the biological mother thing, the tranny thing would have had next to no weight on the decision. 
Good for them in the end though, sounds like the kid was already a lying whore by fourteen. Save a lot of aggravation down the road.
Replies: >>194620 >>194621
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No glowie-sama, they took the custody away because they refused to play ball with the perversion of treating a girl as a boy.
Read the actual article dumbass.
Replies: >>194901
Less jobs, richer stoners due to higher demand of selling weed due to it being illegal, higher likelihood to be shot? 
It's a tallscreen image to begin with. 
Loli spammer was never logical. He just as a kneejerk reaction reflexibly spams shitty loli images anytime he's upset without even thinking in any and every thread that does make him uncomfortable in some way.
Replies: >>194623 >>194628
>Less jobs
More labor/trade jobs, less tech jobs I'd say.
>richer stoners
I prefer rich stoners over junkie ones.
>higher likelihood to be shot?
The state of Wyoming has one of the lowest crime rates while also having five times the amount of gun ownership.
Replies: >>194627
Montana is the kind of place I expect the dad to go over to boyfriend's house and shotgun him.
Replies: >>194902
>a super volcano 
There's a reason there's no people living in that state. Don't they have acid lakes?
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Consider it an improvement.
>Loli spammer was never logical.
Maybe not to you.
Also a (You) problem.
balkans will be the cheapest for food and living if you don't mind the stray dogs corruption and crime there. villages in balkans are pretty safe and most of the crime here is embezzement and thief, murder is the lowest in all of europe
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>Conservative strongholds 
anon even in Conservative states they have liberal cities and hippie towns in them.
Replies: >>194637
As I said all states are cucked in one way or another and all conservatives are cucked as well
>>190219 (OP) 
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Norway/Sweden/Switzerland/Uruguay/Czechoslovakia/Amsterdam/Iceland/Greenland/Luxembourg or you're GAY

t. murikan
Replies: >>194723
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Replies: >>195137
>trying to play the calm anime poster
>while emotionally controlled by political anecdotes
What's with parents having a say who their daughter dates / marries anyway? What criteria could they possibly have other than something like race or wealth? All I can imagine is
>the guy is black, so I decide to not consent to my daughter marrying him and now she legally is forced to listen to me
I'm not for cucking out White women to blacks, but I'm also not for religion / politics being part of law, and this law seems to be thinly veiled racism. If you need law to protect your genes they weren't worth protecting anyway you are just taking us all down with you by inflating tax; we literally have to pay more the more we become accomplished.
Replies: >>194970
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>What's with parents having a say who their daughter dates / marries anyway?
Kids are fucking stupid retard. They make stupid decisions. It used to be the duty of the father to discern the character of the suitors for his daughter not only to ensure a successful marriage but also because you are inviting them to be a part of your extended family. 
>I'm also not for religion / politics being part of law, and this law seems to be thinly veiled racism.
What law are you even talking about? The only shit relevant I can think of is disownment/emancipation and that doesn't stop 18 year old legal adults from doing whatever they want.
>If you need law to protect your genes they weren't worth protecting anyway
Pretty ironic statement considering the US legal system typically rewards the worst of the worst. I think I get what you were trying to say though, state apparatus shouldn't be used as a crutch for poor parenting.
>taking us all down with you by inflating tax; we literally have to pay more the more we become accomplished.
Zero clue what you are trying to say here.
Replies: >>195008
i think hes referring to laws where a daughter at certain age has to have parental consent before marrying
and that tax is a percentage
I liked West Virginia while I was there, but there's fuckall for jobs and it's not convenient for being a NEET if you refuse to work since the gibs are shit. If I ever wind up with a shitload of money I'm buying a lot of land there and living my days out in a small house in the middle of it all.
Replies: >>195169
New Hampshire or West Virginia, the freest states, one for being lolbert central, the other for being the only state in which it is perfectly legal to fuck your sister (talking fully blood-related and raised together, where both you and her are consenting adults, wincest pron with actual cosanguinous inbreeding in it is filmed in this state).

The whitest states are maine and vermont, but that may likely be changed since last I checked. These are both liberal cesspools, and the most racist states likely have a large population of "minorities" in them.

You might want to settle in the places where the horror films starring inbred/mutant killers/cannibals are set, these tend to be nice and safe places out in the boonies, far from civilization. The jew media tells you these places are bad, ergo, they must be good places to live.

For a good time head to Nevada. Las Vegas is a place where you can find almost anything, evidently that includes trafficked children, if recent news is any indication. Any place with a Disneyland is also likely a place where kid slaves are for sale (you could buy them up, and raise your own personal army of ninja assassins, like the foot clan had tried to do in the first ninja turtles movie, also is what splinter had done with the turtles in the same movie).
Replies: >>195150 >>195169
What's wrong with them?
Replies: >>195473
Why are you like this?
I've had similar thoughts about settling there when I amass enough dollarydoos, property tax is a third of what Ohio's is (but the income tax is about double fyi) also kinda pissed off they're offering 12k to faggot remote workers to move there but natives won't see shit. Hope the community shits all over them and makes them leave.
Las Vegas is a fucking shithole. I spent a Christmas break walking around there and its half abandoned urban decay sprinkled with homeless and the other half is the strip and casinos filled with fucking tourists, scammers, niggers and whores. Also this was towards the tail end of Covid and many places were still mandating wearing masks. The stupidity of having to wear a fucking mask in fucking SIN CITY hasn't worn off of me.
Replies: >>195278
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I've been looking at housing prices near me and in nearby states and it's fucking telling (it's all priced higher than the surrounding states when factoring in quality, size of the home, neighborhood, etc). Why someone would want to settle in such a pisshole state is beyond me. For the money I could pay for a dilapidated pisshole I could pay for a fully functioning house in good condition. I fucking hate it here. Not just because it's a pisshole, but because it has too many shit laws, lolicon being illegal being one of them
Replies: >>195174
where u at?
I know about the income tax that's why you get the money elsewhere then move there when you're not gonna work much anymore.
>>195137 (me)
>radio silence
That's what I thought.
Replies: >>195477
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Sweden is infested with faggots and Uruguay is a South American country. What else do you need?
Now go back to shoving black dildos up your, fagatha.
Replies: >>196010
Uruguay is like 98 percent white. Guess you can't take the heat?

Sweden is also mostly white and I guess you want to live in Bosnia seeing as to how you're all 'oh no gey'?
Replies: >>196013
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>98 percent white
Replies: >>196014 >>196018
He has a swastika so you know it's just a tan.
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Wjhy do you keep posting the exact same image ad nauseum? Is that the only picture you've got inside your image folder?
Replies: >>196023 >>196028
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>Wjhy do you keep posting the exact same image ad nauseum?
Because I think it's funny, and every time I post it it's relevant to the topic. Pic 1 is where it came from by the way.
>Is that the only picture you've got inside your image folder?
See pic 2.
Replies: >>196028
Ah, I (>>196018) see, you have dispelled my doubt.
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