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I fucking hate dogs, they're noisy, gross, ugly, annoying, and often dangerous. Truly the niggers of animals. Cats are much more beautiful/cute and civilized, they're more comparable to Whites/Asians.
What may be even worse that dogs themselves is the whole cultism surrounding them which is absolutely everywhere and makes me feel like the last sane man in the world. No, fuck you, I'm not a psychopath or anything of the sort for not liking your disgusting monsters, etc.
The only context in which I could like dogs is maybe 2D doggirls, but even then, catgirls are still way better.
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Doggos are the direct descendants of the noble wolf, the first wild animal to team up with humans, to fight against the horrors of this world. The first friend of man. You call them niggers for being loyal? Any more disrespect out of your zoomer mouth and I will feed you to the woofer!
Replies: >>183133 >>183152
You're the zoomer here for using braindead '"'"words'"'" like this.
Replies: >>183138
t soylennial using " " " " " " " " " grammar " " " " " " " " " like this
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we call all of them dogs, but you can't compare to a wolf a superior German Shepherd with the little piece of shit of pic related.
something about this speaks to the mexican soul but I don't know what it could possibly be.
Replies: >>183154
Yo quiero taco bell.
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Drop the chalupa, man!
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Lmao, cope harder, pussy.
Replies: >>183325
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Imagine hating anything cute and furry
They were made to be a delicacy bro, get over it
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I'm sick of seeing childless couples and their stupid dogs
Replies: >>183217 >>183224
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It's the government's fault for not making genetically engineered dog girls. Do that and you will see dogs AND children (because the dogs will be the children).
Replies: >>183300
Some summers in my village you couldn't go out in sandals because there would be shit everywhere. From one end of the street to the other, you'd have to watch your step. Some would even start attracting flies.
We'd also have dogs that'd bark late into the night, non-stop.
Fucking boomers. It's not enough that they open the floodgates for rapefugees, they can't even take responsibility for their ankle biters.
Replies: >>183446 >>195098
We need a good furime visual novel
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>catgirls are still way better.
But catgirls have that sandpaper tongue that would make kissing feel pretty awful.
Replies: >>183326

I see what you did there
I've had my cat lick my finger a couple of times and it actually feels a bit good.
Replies: >>183332 >>183454
Skin on your hand is much tougher then the one on your penis or tongue.
Replies: >>183333
OK, but why do you assume that catgirls would have tongues like that in the first place?
Replies: >>183334
I assume were engineered to fuck, tailored to the person buying her
Replies: >>183439
I am not engineered, so speak for yourself.
Replies: >>183448
Why are you mexican?
Replies: >>183538
Are you a dog?
Replies: >>183510
How's it feel? I imagine it's similar to a toothbrush or something
Replies: >>183508
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Like a toothbrush made of tiny fingernails.
Replies: >>183557
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Why do you like throwing baseless accusations around so much?
Replies: >>183532
because I was implying that we could genetically engineer a dog to fuck, and then you said that you were engineered for you want, and then i got flustered
Replies: >>183537
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>>183129 (OP) 
Cats destroy the environment, cannot be tamed, and are a vicious predator that can live on it's own. Dogs rely on you, are easily controlled, and are more effectionate and also playful as fuck. Which one sounds like a nigger again? That's right, the untamed creature that can live innawoods and be fine of which is too feral to be controlled. Dogs are like people, they cannot liv in the woods alone. Some cats kill their young and a dog would do it only if the puppy is already dead and at least the dog would eat it wheras the nigger ass cat sits there sad after seeing that it's a tiny cat that fucked up it's pussy and made it chimp out. Cats have barbed dicks unlike dogs and their knot or however that is spelled...naught.... naughtical knot.....hmmmmmm... but the point is that no one has a cat dildo. Dogs getting stuck together is really hot. DANGEROUS??? That's a good thing, gun grabber. One more thing: more people are allergic to cats than they are allergic to dogs.
Replies: >>183540 >>195106
>I assume were engineered to fuck, tailored to the person buying
Replies: >>183593
I look white to me.
>rely on you, are easily controlled
>and are more effectionate
You're a nigger.
Replies: >>183545
>wanting to be your cat's slave
Okay Tobe.
Replies: >>183582
I have a cat too and that's not what it feels like. It feels like wet sand paper but warm and soft. It feels amazing to be licked by her and she licks me a lot
fuck off moshe
I assume they were*
>>183129 (OP) 
do japoids really hear "baka" every time a dog barks?
Replies: >>183604
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friendly reminder dog meat isn't illegal in Japan. Although the vast majority of Japanese do not eat dog meat, it has been reported that more than 100 outlets in the country have been selling it imported
Why is the dog in this photo so angry even after death?
Maybe because it's a pit-bull?
>a cooked pitbull
>unsubstantiated claims
>unrelated picture of unknown origin
Replies: >>183621
I could only find it on kikepedia, where everyone is a known liar, so there’s that
Replies: >>183664
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>>183129 (OP) 
Replies: >>183638
>You don't own a cat, he is a free citizen. Take dogs; dogs are friendly and fun and loyal. But slaves. Not their fault, they've been bred for it. But slavery makes me queasy, even in animals.
>*holding hands on head*
>noooo someone is alluding to facts and evidence
pls kill yourself and take your fellow mouthbreathers with you kbye
Replies: >>185022 >>185025
wikipedia IS bullshit tho
Replies: >>185093
t. Kikepedia
Replies: >>185093
>download books from libgen instead
>look up author
>some random asshole that agrees with other authors
>this making something really true 
lol nope

Not that I care but dog meat is probably legal in most places. Who is going to stop you if it were not? Even eating human is not illegal in most areas of the world. It's one of those things.
Replies: >>185139
This still doesn't make kikepedia a reliable, unbiased source.
Replies: >>185145
Everyone is biased m8t. Having a degree makes it worse not better.  Only a baby is unbiased and it's basically retarded until biased.
Replies: >>185152
I beg to differ. Kikepedia is used to spread misinformation/spread lies by journos all the time (See: literally any social/political-based issue)
Replies: >>185157
Eating dog meat is customary in China and both Koreas. No idea about anywhere else beyond periods of starvation forcing people to do all kinds of shit to survive.
Replies: >>185155
I recall some American natives and natives of India also growing dogs for food. Coincidence?
Replies: >>185156
It's funny that the guy who first arrived at the South Pole planned his whole expedition around eating the meat of dogs pulling his sleds.
Replies: >>185160
Mostly jews graduate from Harvard.
>>183129 (OP) 
You forgot to mention how bad they smell if gotten wet. At least the dogs kept outdoors that aren't meant to be bathed regularly.
He also fed the (so long) surviving dogs with the meat of their less lucky pals.
>What are some things that you hate anons? That isn't the obvious stuff posted here?
For me, I fucking hate the dogs with an absolute passion. At the end of the day, it's their fucking choice whether or not they chose to maul innocent children or not and they constantly shit all over the streets they are supposed to behave well in. Almost none of them even know what they are doing and almost none of them know basic civilized behavior. Fun fact, there is a huge uptick in mutilated children with dogs (which is 40% of all dogs) when compared to the general population
Replies: >>188127
That's just shitbulls.
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>I fucking hate dogs
I like zoophilia hentai because its fun to watch humans fucking and getting fucked by the many wierd and wild dicks and pussies of the animal kingdom. These are depictions of human genitalia being matched with genitals that are so different from those of the human species, and wholly unintended by nature to be used with each other in mating. Its an exploration of animal cocks and cunts, and how it might be for humans to get mated with them. Also the rest of the anatomical differences of animal species and how they would factor into sexual activities with humans. I am kind of fed up with the limited number of species that get used in zoo hentai, mostly domesticated creatures like dogs, though seeing a human bitch getting bred by a doggie red rocket is still hot af, i do wish i could see more than just canines and horses. Also id like to see more female beasts getting fucked, both by human men (straight fembeast) and by human women (lesbeast). Not a fan of gaybeast at all bc im not a fag.
Replies: >>188240
Oh the fag shit is where the line is huh?
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If you think a puppy is cuter than a kitty, you have brain damage
Replies: >>195050 >>195094
It's a harsh life-long disability that affects most people in the world.
It's called "non-White", regardless of the skin color.
Whatever pedo
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This used to be a real problem in Paris decades ago. Now it's only the rapefugees that shit everywhere.
Cats get rid of rodents while the best thing dogs do is shit on the front lawn lol and the vast majority of the time dogs don't do shit when the house is being robbed
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