It's time to chew ass and kick gum
Cirno's fat ass.
Cirno Time!
i've got bakas of steel. bakas bakas bakas bakas bakas bakas bakas bakas
Smartest teacher!
>>474 Holy fuck I've been trying to find that specific song for years what is the source?
>>477 Cirno's Fucking Math Class
>>480 >a delegation from 2ch materializes wherever there's a cirno thread Great.
>>482 >2ch Who would want to use that trash. Besides cirno isn't even assosiated with 2ch unlike the site where I stole this.
>>479 Thank you
Time to kick wazoo
>>254517 The fattest.
I need a way to hide posts with webp files.
>>712 Update your browser.
>>717 That's sagecuck. Whining about modern software not supporting his ebin windows millenium setup is about three quarters of his precious online persona, so just ignore him.
Listen to your own advice
>>482 >>483 I wish the 2hu board on 2ch wouldn't be fucking dead. I guess that's bound to happen when you have a site with very many boards all specialized on a single topic.
>>792 2ch has many alive specialized boards. Maybe Touhou just stop being that popular or something.
You can read japanese or something? Or you are about russian 2ch?
That was fucking good
>>447 (OP) >>707
>>2043 Is this you?
>>2477 Nyow, this is Orin.
>>2479 Where's her dick?
>>2480 Youkai are illusory beings, they can hide their dicks at will.
>>2481 They can hide their dicks inside my asshole!
>>2481 What's wrong with her nipples?
>>2483 They're erect
>>2484 Aren't nipples just tiny penises cumming milk?
Did you know that despite constituting less than 1% of Gensokyo's total population, Nameless Fairy # >>2482 is responsible for over 90% of all illegal penis contraband smuggled through the GHB pecker-checkpoints?
>>2485 No. Mammals' ability to lactate developed out of sebaceous glands. Sebum is a primary component of dick cheese. So nipples are actually tiny penises that cum smegma.
>>2488 So I can feed a baby with my smegma? Nice!