/2hu/ - Touhou

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I love Reimu
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why is raymoo made of gold? who does she think she is, charlemagne?
Replies: >>205
Because she's too warm to be made as steel and isn't persuasive enough to be made out of silver.
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>Reimu will never smother you to death with her massive balls
Why live?
Replies: >>492
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You should call them "orbs", not "balls".
Replies: >>498 >>518 >>1340
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Reimu needs some rod and orb training with Yuuka Kazami.
Replies: >>498 >>518
go be a faggot somewhere else
Replies: >>500 >>502
Why would I?
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You don't like girls with huge cocks? Are you gay or something?
Replies: >>520
should've told you to kill yourself, my bad
Replies: >>535
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I prefer tiny dicks, though.
(Got it cus dick is short for detective XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
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Now that you're mad about it, I guess I have to post a sexy 2ho bulge.
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Her rod developed so splendidly over the years.
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ape reimu
Replies: >>962 >>968
Sending my Bitcoins now.
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>Reimu's balls have the power of youkai extermination
>The whole point of th1 is that she has to learn to use them without getting exterminated
>Did she ever directly touch them since then?
Oni-miko confirmed
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Help, my Reimu is broke!
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POV: last thing a wild youkai sees after sneaking into the village
Is [P] stored in the orbs?
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Reimu's a bitch.
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Reimu has a tiny cock!
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Reimu's tied up.
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Oh, no!
Reimu became a shota!
Replies: >>2015
Will get raped by Yukari in under 5 minutes.
Replies: >>2028 >>2031
Speaking of.
【幻想入りしたら】東方男娘録 第1話 前編【男の娘に】
I don't remember watching it all the  way, maybe I should fix that now.

Captcha back to once per post?
Replies: >>2078
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When seconds matter gap hag is minutes away!
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Just like the regular Reimu?
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Yokais love the taste of human fluids! They love human blood, sweat, tears, spit, mucus, semen, pussy juice and poop!
Replies: >>2048 >>2079
Why do I still open spoilers...
Hey, can you delete/ban those fags? I'm fine with playing the freedumb game, but... eh, I shouldn't be here in the first place, nothing good will ever be here. Unless I post it here, of course.

Need to ask where all the touhou aa is nowadays, since that one site got nuked.
Replies: >>2040 >>2043
Fucking cute boys is pretty normal. Get with the times, grandpa.
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Remember to post some sort of dick  every time you see sagecuckold trying to sound important.
Replies: >>2044
Nice cock!
What about bile, stomach acid and brain fluid?
Replies: >>2050
what about pee and poop and piss and shit and cum and fart and pee and poop and cummies
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Reimu tries a new outfit to get donations!
Replies: >>2052
Cute boy.
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Reimu tries new outfits to get donations!
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Uh oh! Reimu is angry!
Replies: >>2071
I bet it would feel nice to step on her belly barefoot like this.
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Reimu forgot to shave.
Replies: >>2098
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So, let's say a human eats a chicken.
At which point of chicken turning into poo will it count as human's body fluid and not chicken's?
Maybe I should repost some Reimu pics here. Throwing gold into sea of shit and throwing shit into sea of gold  feels so attractive.
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Reimu's gotten into some fishy business.
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Reimu never shaves!
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