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it's fucking video games, baby

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Can be indie, triple-A or whatever.
These four are the only ones I can think of. Maybe that new Sanic racing game, but there's only been a teaser.
Full release of Onirism
Outlaws support for The Force Engine
Any fan translations

I've been so totally burned on new games fucking up, I don't look forward to anything anymore. Dragon's Dogma II was the last thing I had any hope for, and that purposefully gave me the middle finger.
You're looking forward to a mediocre game that came out two decades ago?
Replies: >>265391
Maybe he's a Nintendo Switch user.
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>>265375 (OP) 
Replies: >>265396
13 Sentinels was the last time I was genuinely excited for a game being released that wasn't a romhack, and then they cancelled the Vita version and butchered and pozzed the translation.
Since then I've had largely nothing but apathy, the occasional pleasant surprise aside when something turns out not to be shit.
Replies: >>265398 >>265401
Is time to learn moonrunes.
Replies: >>265400
City of the Wolves
Anything that makes piracy easier
Watching AC Kangz crash and burn
Watching Switch 2 struggle to justify its existence
Learning moonrunes wouldn't fix the fact that my platform of choice was cucked at the last second by Soyny and Fatlus's kikery (but I still plan to do so of course).
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>I've had largely nothing but apathy
Same here, i am not even reading news about the upcoming shit.
The only thing i am waiting for is for the chinese to make one of those cheap handhelds that are powerful enough to play up to PS2 and XBOX games with a ability to plug them to the TV like the Switch and i'll need nothing else.
>Watching Switch 2 struggle to justify its existence
I sadly think the Switch 2 will be a massive success regardless of its hardware and software offering for the same reason the PS4 was so successful despite being a shit console with no games.
And i say "sadly" because Nintendo badly needs another massive flop to get humble.
Nintendo this time will only need to not be as shit as the competion to dominate, kinda like Soyny did at the time with the WiiU being a mess and the whole always-online spybox fiasco.
"Hey look, we are not like them!" That's what soyny only needed to say to sell their worst console up to that point.
Replies: >>265406
I guess Dying Light The Beast. Parkour and zambies. Plus it looks like the buggy kart is gonna be making a return and that was pretty fun driving away from volatiles, now I just need to get some friends to play.
Never really played Dying Light 2 since my pc can't run it but I heard mixed reviews about it.
Then there's Double Shake and Route 66
And maybe Deepstate. 
But thats about it.
Replies: >>265412
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In my mind Switch sold due to a few things:
>women discovering Animal Crossing during the scamdemic
>the novelty of a current-gen "console" that you could carry around relatively easily
>actual family friendly features like the splitting controllers
>parents that are still stuck in the 90s thinking bing bing wahoo will babysit their kids
>the rare people who enjoy bing bing wahoo and other Nintendo evergreens without going full soy with it

I think Nintendo has actually put themselves in another Wii U situation. Soy isn't going anywhere sadly, but I doubt we're going to see another scamdemic considering the last one got derailed by some fucking leafs, and everything else is stuff you can already get from a Switch today. Without another gimmick on par with wagglan all they can really sell a successor on is better performance, except Nintendo has already conditioned their customers into thinking performance doesn't matter. They'll probably pull a BotW and make Metroid Prime 4 a dual-platform release where the Switch version has bad performance even by Switch owners' standards (meaning less than 30 fps at a render resolution 360 owners would laugh at) but otherwise they've blown their wad as far as evergreens go.

Barring something out of left field like a Mother 3 remake please no I just don't see a way out of this hole. Depending on how badly the other two bigs fail they could end up losing the least, but I don't see how the Switch 2 ends up being a convincing sales win.
Replies: >>265410 >>265425
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>>265375 (OP) 
Maybe Nightmare Operator. It's not 100% confirmed to come out in 2025 though.
Replies: >>265416
>I think Nintendo has put themselves in another Wii U situation
Unless they make the Switch 2 a drastically different device from the original, they're probably fine and will be at least decently off for the next generation.
Replies: >>265427
>Mouse: P.I. For Hire
>Tails of Iron 2
>Detective Instinct: Farewell, My Beloved
Thats what I got for a few smaller games. 
>Dying Light The Beast
I don't have particularly high hopes for the game given
>Dying Light 2
You spared yourself by not playing it. The game suffers from two major issues, the first being they rushed development and pulled a Watchdogs where they made a huge reveal and large sections of that reveal were cut or reduced. The other issue is that they somehow thought everyone liking the game was because of its story and not the fun gameplay. So they double down on forcing story bits that don't matter basically "evil" guy is trying to find a cure for his daughter and has to make a few sacrifices but that is bad somehow. You are forced to fight him and cannot join his cause and the game's idea of story is to have you ubisoft style find bases and hand them to one of two factions to show which side you want to join. 

It felt like Dying Light 2 was going to have more planned expansions but only got what was most likely already made for the game, and the bare minimum done to fix the plethora of bugs on release. The devs are retarded and continue to think people care about their fanfic-tier story for a game that should only be about gameplay. They fucked over their own story for the second game where the evil bad company just literally recreates more zombies and now it infects the entire world. Meaning the entire point of the first game is pointless. The fact they have to showcase Kyle Crane in being in The Beast one shows they learned nothing because no one knows or cares about the character from the first game they only remember drop kicking zombies and parkour around the city.
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I am looking forward 2 games off the top of my head. The first game is a chink Resident Evil clone called The Killing Antidote. It looks a lot more fun than RE2 remake and actually has attractive women in it. The downside is that the main girl speaks chink as do all the other voice actors. The other game I'm looking forward to is Gears of War: E-Day. I played a fair amount of Gears of War back in the day on the 360 and I had a lot of fun with it. Much like Halo, it seems like after their main developer left, Gears of War went to shit. I had a lot of fun on Gears of War 2 and 3 while playing horde. If they want the game to be successful, I hope they bring the game back. 

After finishing my main statement, I actually realized I have no idea if The Killing Antidote will release this year. Hopefully, the Chinks will be able to release the game this year.
Is the music by Floating Door?
>>265375 (OP) 
>games you're looking forward to
Showa American Story
Replies: >>265427
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Beyond Citadel is already out, but from the top of my head the ones I´m looking forward to are The Killing Antidote, full release of Onirism, The Touhou Empires (this time for sure), Nightmare Operator, Titan Quest 2, B.C. Piezophile, The Scramble Vice and Haydee 3
That is if they actually release this year and not get delayed for whatever reason
There is also Metal Bringer, but that is less looking forward towards it and more interested in seeing how a mecha musou roguelike will play out in the long run
>make Metroid Prime 4 a dual-platform release
Thing is, Metroid is not a console seller.
They'll probably release a new 3D bing bing wahoo instead.
>Watching Switch 2 struggle to justify its existence
If we're talking about general predictions, I expect Ubisoft to go bankrupt and Microshaft to exit the console market this year.
Replies: >>265427
My point is I don't think the N has a story to tell for why a Switch 2 is different and you need one, which was part of why the Wii U did so badly. Everything that would be a selling point for it beyond "next product must consume" is something the Switch does today, and at this point everyone who wants those things already has one.
You know that's a chink "game" right?
10cent will buy Ubisoft long before they would go bankrupt. They both have an interest in destroying western civilization so it's a natural pairing. Microsoft may be looking to dump hardware with the "everything is an xbox" bullshit they're pushing but they'll regret it real fast given cloud gaming is still physically impossible.
>>265375 (OP) 
>Sonic 2 Absolute
Waiting for the faggot devs of Sonic 2 Absolute to release a new update. They've teased a proper integration of the Hidden Palace from the original mobile port and I'm hoping they add consistent Super Sonic sprites as well.
>Shantae: Risky's Revolution
I'm very interested in how this is going to turn out. I would've preferred they keep the original portraits but whatever.
Anything else that is coming out this year that I might want to play won't run on my potato. I'm not even sure what else is supposed to come out this year. Also, if I were you, I would not spend a single penny on that Glover remaster. The ((( devs ))) claimed they had the original source code when porting it but they can't even get it to work properly at 60 FPS.
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Everything I wanted already came out. Beyond Citadal, EDF6. Maybe some spaceship games I can play with some friends but besides that there really isn't anything I particularly care for. 
Maybe Peripetia when it finally launches. 
What is even coming out that looks good? At this rate I'll have to learn to dev and make my own game.
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The Big Catch is slated to release this year, and while the demo had some frustrating moments due to areas having too much downtime when you fail a jump or the character physics being slightly inconsistent, it was overall a really fun time that reminded me of a lot of the 6th gen magic in games like Shadow of the Colossus or Jak & Daxter.

There were a couple times I just stared at the skybox, appreciating the alien sky and wondering what was out there. It takes a very special combination of gameplay and visuals to truly immerse me in something, but the did it here.
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Besides some of the indie games already mentioned here I'm looking forward to Secret Flasher Sereka's sequel.
same, but also tsukinomizu's and monotool's next releases
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I finished it but completely forgot about it until your post, challenges were sorta fun and I got to highest rank or whatever. 
But I never got the appeal of girl at best running around and/or masturbating in that unity 3d, surely there are easier ways to see that.
Replies: >>265441 >>265465
Theres games I'm anticipating that im positive about, but also games im anticipating that I have only grim expectations for but hope they'll surprise me. I'll list both in no particular order without specifying which im positive or negative about.

My Winter Car
Kenshi II
Turok Origins
For them to finish abiotic factor and palworld. Though palworld looks like it'll never really finish and just be a game they decide to kill once they made enough money.

>Anything that makes piracy easier
This is very important to me, as well as the  expansion of Vulkan and death of DX12 and the death of denuvo. probably waiting for this more than anything i listed above. Theres some yakuza games locked behind denuvo that look good.
Garou City of the Wolves 
Killer Bean
>surely there are easier ways to see that
It sure isn't the best-looking game, but good exhibitionism doujinshi/games are rare, so you have to appreciate the few you get.
It also makes a big difference that you're controlling her in real-time as opposed to looking at still images or slide-shows from a VN.
Replies: >>265443 >>265500
Spoiler File
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Also the concept of just of girl doing it solo, I find that too boring. If it was more like jairou stuff then it would be great.
I want the soccer player to join and fuck the boy too
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What's the appeal of this?
Replies: >>265448 >>265473
Porn brainrot
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You only get aroused when a dick is present?
>The Big Catch
This looks hella fun, where can I get the demo if I don't have steam?

>saves the thumbnail
Replies: >>265468
>if I don't have steam?
Steam is as free as piracy :^)
I dunno, the usual places. Just make sure you get a recently updated version after they added a way to locate collectibles and fixed the checkpoint progression tracking.
Replies: >>265653
I look forward to seeing my own game finished and released for you nigger faggot to play. Otherwise I will blow my fucking brain out. Damn
the real question is: wheres the fucking SAUCE???
Replies: >>265481
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>mention author name in post
>file name has name of manga
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Replies: >>265501 >>265502
>exhibitionism doujinshi/games are rare
They sure are, and unlike the other anon I strongly prefer solo content. Do you have any recommendations, games or otherwise?
Replies: >>265503
Flying Turks?
>Noooo you don't get it! We have to apply the logic of the 3D world to 2D! 2D girls poop, you hear that? 2D GIRL POOP, OK??
What's the appeal of it, retard kun?
Replies: >>265512
cuckchan alert
Replies: >>265508
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We are reaching extreme levels of "literally anyone I disagree with is cuckchan" here.
Replies: >>265514
He’s straight, faggon-san.
>t. cuckchanner
Well so am I and I don't see the appeal of a woman flashing to random strangers and potentially getting raped, maybe it's because i'm white.
Replies: >>265520
See: >>>/b/232062
Replies: >>265544
Maybe it's a good idea to keep your fetishes to yourself then.
Replies: >>265551
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One of the things I enjoyed most about this game was how much fun it was to collect stuff. The animations and feedback from the game is top notch, and it's a clear indicator the devs aren't fucking around like normal Unity devs. Everything is bouncy and kinetic without being overanimated or distracting.
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Replies: >>265677
Unseen properties of depictions of things can be safely assumed to be identical to the properties of the thing upon which the depiction is based. To assume otherwise is folly.
Replies: >>265588 >>265590
>>265375 (OP) 
I'm greatly looking forward to Underrail 2. The addition of vertical terrain in combat will be a boon.
Finally, Indie games are good
That's like saying that most 2D girls (when there is no explicit indication that they are virgins) are implicitly whores who had countless dicks in them because that's how 3D women are.
>I dunno, the usual places.
I checked all the torrent sites I know and even IGG, there's no trace of the game anywhere outside Steam. Gabe really made piracy irrelevant huh.
Replies: >>265747
Nah, the Internet was way funner when you were at constant risk of getting somebody's completely unprompted and extremely vivid sexual fantasies. It's social media that made everyone afraid of his own dick.
Not like there's lots of faggots, furries and other degenerates advertising their gayness, right?
>It's social media that made everyone afraid of his own dick.
Are you living in the opposite world?
Replies: >>265741 >>265757
Correction: the internet was way funner when you would get somebody's completely unprompted sexual fantasies and then bully him to death for it. Social media made normalfags afraid of tanking their social credit scores so they won't let you do this, and modern degenerates have already given their souls to satan so bullying doesn't work on them.
Replies: >>265757
>Gabe really made piracy irrelevant huh.
Piracy is still plenty relevant, but indie games have always faced a lack of publicity as their biggest hurdle. Having a retard-proof, centralized platform that makes everything Just Work is definitely worth it for them.

>inb4 the Slavery.png fag drives by again
Like half of the Internet is convinced that hentai is a human rights violation or something. It's all just "wholesome" shit with them or maybe so-called "safe horny" picks like hags. I think that the average person would be more passionate about what bathroom their favorite eceleb took a shit in.
I thought that faggotry wasn't even worth mentioning because normalniggers were conditioned to look the other way with them. Hell, I'd say that a huge contributor to it's popularity on the Internet is that it's one of the only universally permissible avenues for sexual self-expression.
We went from fapping to Bridget and saying and doing whatever we wanted, fucking human skulls, doing irl raids, and knocking over card stands, to being no fun allowed, virtue signaling about which of our fetishes is straighter and arguing about which 2D animated slut is more wholesome while secretly jerking off to her getting railed by goblins.
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>We went from fapping to Bridget
>virtue signaling about which of our fetishes is straighter
I recommend you the following community, bud -- https://boards.4channel.org/lgbt
Projection detected.
>straight gay (gachimuchi, ye olde /b/, classic Internet shitposting)
>faggot gay (early 2010s game journalist approved wider "geek" >culture, numales, soyleftards, niggerpill)
>gay straight (NTR)
I think another problem is when places like Brazil and India started getting internet, most of the white people got replaced with newfags who thought they could become white if they browsed /pol/ hard enough.
Replies: >>265794
No one cares about the "opinions" of a literal homosexual.
Replies: >>265797
Would you object if we disabled tor proxies and range banned all IPs from South America?
Replies: >>265806
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Yes, we should disable TOR and all proxies in general just like 4chan, to...... uh, protect ourselves from those pesky Brazilians! We should also make email verification required for posting, for extra safety.
Replies: >>265812 >>265816
>email verification
Don't forget setting a cookie hotwired to all 1500+ of the most common advertising companies that requires a lengthy AI-generated captcha to solve with a 24 hour posting timeout every time it's reset.
Also link to Patreon with the meta board moved to Discord to improve user engagement.
Keep your havaianas on.
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