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Tomb raiding thread!
Ignore the remaster play the originals.
Also reminder that this friday at 4 EST I will be streaming the tomb raider cartoon and the movies.
Replies: >>259675 >>259699
reported for reporting me
>>259646 (OP) 
>I will be streaming the tomb raider cartoon and the movies.
v-vidya gaems?
I've only played TR: Anniversary. I can't get into the originals.
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>>259646 (OP) 
>Ignore the remaster play the originals.
That is always good advice, but...
Wasn't the remastered original trilogy actually good?
Replies: >>259700 >>259796
Iirc the publisher forced them to censor some shit afterwards.
Replies: >>259701
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I haven't played those remasters, but i heard that the only minor issue was Crystal Dynamics being butthurt that THQnordic insisted of keeping the titles unchanged that they put that gay disclaimer (about the og games being 'problematic' and CD taking their stance against the content) out of spite.
Replies: >>259796
I've only played the early games, but it's always been a mystery to me how this mediocre-to-outright-bad series managed to get so many games.  Maybe the formula changed at some point, but those games really failed to impress me.  Are tits really that effective in marketing?  They're even still making them after those cinematic games from the '10s that I think everyone nobody liked.  Tomb Raider "fans", explain yourselves please.
>Are tits really that effective in marketing?
Yes? TR wasn't the most famous or prominent franchise in its heyday, but virtually everyone who played then-current games from 1996 to 2000 had seen or heard about it.
Replies: >>259914
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You know what, I think I'll go one step further in indicting this crappy series.  I've been posting on video game image boards since somewhere around 2007 or so, and in that entire time I honestly can't recall ever seeing fine-detailed discussion about a particular level or section of these games whenever the topic is brought up.  Now it's true: anon is full of casual faggots who prefer to meme and rarely rise to the level of deep game discussion no matter what the game.  But 16+ years is a helluva long time to see nothing substantive for this series.  I think the deepest discussion I've seen was about how the reboot games from the '10s were shitty cinemaplay experiences.

I really get the sense that these games are just icons and nobody actually plays them.
Replies: >>259730 >>259789
It's also interesting to note how we are told to look back with fond nostalgia for a series that was being polluted by publisher bullshit quite early on.    Going all the way back to Tome Raider II (right after the surprise success of the first game that saved Eidos from bankruptcy), Eidos did all sorts of aggressive strongarming and other fuckery against Core Design to burn out their developers and turn over dev teams.  Eventually when they had sucked the life completely out of Core Design, they dumped them, took over the IP, and whored it out to another developer with a goal of annual releases.  Tomb Raider as a series is practically a case study in the kinds of cynical, greedy publisher behavior we've come to expect in modern games development.  The first thing that ought to pop in people's minds when they think of Tomb Raider is some asshole in a suit bullying the life out of developers--rather than how sexy Lara Craft is.
Replies: >>259789
They had very impressive graphics when they released but I always thought they controlled like ass. Also, as unbelievable as it might sound today with that low poly count; tits.
Replies: >>259724 >>259789
The tits don't look that good, but I appreciate the fact that Lara isn't fat.
Regarding gameplay, grabbing on to a ledge was a cool and rarely used mechanic at the time; only Commander Keen 4-6 and Prince of Persia come to mind.
The control scheme definitely sucked even back in the 90s, but the gigantic maps and overall atmosphere more than made up for it. Nothing beats the rush of exploring tombs and caves knowing you're at the mercy of whatever lurks inside, TR1 especially perfected this.
TR2-5 were "more of the same" with increasingly retarded mechanics and a decreasing number of actual tombs.
I'm not sure I would describe it as a "rush".  Usually you're tip-toeing around at a slow methodical pace because there's some kind of instant death hazard around every corner.
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At 4 EST I will be streaming the tomb raider cartoon and the movies
That is in 1 hour, for the bakas
Replies: >>259731 >>259738
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You should try out Tomb Raider: Anniversary. It's a remake of the first game with GOOD controls.
It also has some cool mods.
Replies: >>259735 >>259796
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>GOOD controls
Too bad the camera fucks one of the final ascents in the game.
Still great games and actually good remasters.
The wet skin transition is really good and I like the climb animations.
Replies: >>259737
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>actually good remasters
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Movie done, now streaming cartoon!
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>I've only played the early games, but it's always been a mystery to me how this mediocre-to-outright-bad series managed to get so many games.  Maybe the formula changed at some point, but those games really failed to impress me.  Are tits really that effective in marketing? 
Tomb Raider: Legend changes the formula of the original games a bit, with much better controls, while still staying somewhat faithful to Tomb Raider's and Lara's identities.
Try that one, then maybe go for TR: Underworld
>Eidos did all sorts of aggressive strongarming and other fuckery against Core Design to burn out their developers and turn over dev teams.  Eventually when they had sucked the life completely out of Core Design, they dumped them, took over the IP, and whored it out to another developer with a goal of annual releases.  Tomb Raider as a series is practically a case study in the kinds of cynical, greedy publisher behavior we've come to expect in modern games development.  The first thing that ought to pop in people's minds when they think of Tomb Raider is some asshole in a suit bullying the life out of developers--rather than how sexy Lara Craft is.
The reason Tomb Raider started selling less and less was exactly due to this.
Too many games in such a small amount of times caused both the developers and the players to burn out.
TR was kinda the Ass Creed of its time, poz excluded.
It reminds me of when Crapcom felt that RE had to change (at the time of 4) because people didn't like RE anymore, but the truth was, that you can't release the same fucking game over and over again with such a short span of time between each title and expect thei sales to never go down (or even more delusionally, increase)
You can do that for 2 tiles, or maybe a trilogy, then you must let the series rest for a while (at least 5 years if not more) and work on something different before bringing the series back.
Suits don't understand this.
>They had very impressive graphics when they released but I always thought they controlled like ass. Also, as unbelievable as it might sound today with that low poly count; tits.
>The control scheme definitely sucked even back in the 90s, but the gigantic maps and overall atmosphere more than made up for it. Nothing beats the rush of exploring tombs and caves knowing you're at the mercy of whatever lurks inside, TR1 especially perfected this.
>TR2-5 were "more of the same" with increasingly retarded mechanics and a decreasing number of actual tombs.
Lara's tits and sex appeal definitely played a considerable part in the series success, but not the only reason.
I played the original games more or less when they came out on the first PlayStation and even back then i remember thinking that the controls were ass and not intuitive at all.
I had a feeling the devs were aware of it, that's why they used put an obstacle course to get players used to the awful controls before getting started.
Anyway, apart from Lara's tits, another reason the games were so successful is because, when they came out, polygonal games were still a novelty, and playing a 3D game where you could freely explore some caverns without knowing what was waiting for you inside of it, was very exicting and pretty much groundbreaking for its time.
Even my kid self back then, despite finding the controls awkward, still wanted to play the game for that reason, and as i said, moving a 3D character in a 3D environment was still a novelty.
Sure if TR came out 10 years later, it wouldn't have been AS successful.
The timing of its release couldn't have been more perfect for that game, and ultimately is what really turned the game into a success.
Replies: >>259796 >>261586
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They censored someone of things like the nude girl on the back of the guy's jacket and removed some official risque renderings of Lara that you could view within the game (I heard they patched them back in, but I don't care).

>The control scheme definitely sucked even back in the 90s
From what I seen according to people playing the trilogy remaster, they have to keep switching back to the "classic" tank controls because using the "modern" control scheme makes the games feel like they're downright broken.

>You should try out Tomb Raider: Anniversary. It's a remake of the first game with GOOD controls.
Not as good advice as you might think. While being a "remake" of the first game, the overall narrative of the remake ties into the immediately proceeding (Legend) and following titles (Underworld). Not to mention that it's a different Lara than the original game. Tomb Raider has been rebooted twice, the first time in 2006 with Legend and the second time in 2013.

>It reminds me of when Crapcom felt that RE had to change (at the time of 4) because people didn't like RE anymore, but the truth was, that you can't release the same fucking game over and over again with such a short span of time between each title and expect thei sales to never go down (or even more delusionally, increase)
Isn't that also what happened to Mega Man?
>Sure if TR came out 10 years later, it wouldn't have been AS successful.
Yes, it would have. Another reason why Tomb Raider was successful was that it was essentially a female Indiana Jones video game, during a time when your only choices for an Indiana Jones video game was the silly adventure game from four years ago, the "Super Star Wars" platformer on the SNES, or some random RPGmaker level title (That was literally released the same year as Tomb Raider). It wasn't until 1999 that The Infernal Machine finally came (Two weeks after TR 4: The Last Revelation), which was developed in direct response to the success of Tomb Raider. A success Lucas was rather sore about for the next several years as he outright rejected any and all possibilities of Tomb Raider having anything to do with Indiana Jones due to seeing Core Design as stealing the latter series' "thunder".
Replies: >>259798 >>259806
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>I heard they patched them back in
The excuse was that it was a problem with "textures conflicting" or some shit like that.
What i do think is that some faggot in the dev studio tried to censor those out of butthurt and when people noticed and Embracer got to know, they forced them to patch those back with their excuses.
According to some rumors, it seems that Embracer is having enough with Crystal Dynamics' faggotry, and told them to stop with the "woke" (aka niggerfaggot) shit or they would close the studio and give the IP to some other studio.
The "disclaimer" in the remastered trilogy was apparently an act of sabotage by Crystal Dynamics after Embracer ordered for the games to be released uncensored when those faggots instead wanted to.
Those niggers won't learn until they find themselves without a job, then they'll ask for compassion like those fags at Volition did.
>Yes, it would have. 
Not with the same controls.
As a concept, meaning some hot young woman exploring ancient tombs and shooting wild beasts and mythological creatures it would have, but we were merely talking about gameplay there.
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A sad reality we live in.
I appreciate games that don’t have standard control schemes or don’t require constant camera management. The level design takes full advantage of the controls and I like the secrets, especially because many games no longer have secrets anymore.
Replies: >>259810 >>259819
>I like the secrets, especially because many games no longer have secrets anymore.
Or unlockables, sadly.
The controls really aren't the games' only problem.  The biggest issue I have with them is poor pacing.  Because the developers decided to eschew any sort of lives or limited retry system, pacing in Tomb Raider games is largely dictated by checkpoints or savescumming and the limits of your patience.  In this aspect they share a similarity to the 2D frustration platformers vomited up by indie hacks in the '10s.  Though to Tomb Raider's credit at least they some some risk-reward dynamics going on where it's often worth trying to access dangerous locations to find ammo and health that you might need.  As far as replay value goes, there's trying to replay a level to get a faster clear time, but you have to be very keen on the controls and have patience for slow, tedious climbing and block pushing mechanics to find this enjoyable.

Seriously, there is no reason for Lara to climb and push blocks around so slowly.  It doesn't make the games more fun or engaging, it just exists to waste the player's time.  This is the kind of dogged, naive attachment to realism that one expects from a newbie game developer, although it does make sense given that Tomb Raider was originally made by European devs (infamous for "intellectualizing" action games with realistic mechanics).
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>TR wasn't the most famous or prominent franchise in its heyday
I would argue it was.
Replies: >>259929
Giddings me? It was. Every Sonigger in the 90s was fapping to Lara's massive milkers.
Replies: >>259933
>Every Sonigger in the 90s was fapping to Lara's massive milkers.
Not just Sonyggers, but PCniggers as well.
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>The two kids are dumbstruck when she walks in
>Younger one whispers "It's Lara Croft" to the older
The boy's reaction is particularly amusing since he doesn't know what to do.
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>there's this strange lady in spandex akwardly jerking in the room
>she's holding two pistols I don't know what for
>she's now laid a hand on my little bro
>now we're being taken into some room
>I just wanted to play videogames
>I wish I was home
>my feet hurt
Replies: >>260842
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They put Lara Croft from one of the movies in some English schoolbook.
Me as a kid:
>Who is that?
<Don't you know? That's Lara Croft. That famous video game character!
I already knew Lara Croft but that could have been from any movie. There was nothing hinting it was supposed to be Lara Croft.
Anyway. Lara Croft shirt isn't made of latex and in most games and scenes she doesn't wear those retarded glasses.
It's always the same damn light blue cotton shirt.
Replies: >>261524
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>Lara Croft shirt isn't made of latex
I always thought Lara was wearing something like a one-piece swimsuit (with the shorts on top of it) to not get drenched when she had to dive and swim.
I can feel my kundalini rising as the music plays in this video.
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If you are playing the trilogy, please check out this mod which replaces Lara's face for a prettier one.
That face is cute, but i think the remaster devs did a good job with Lara's model and face, that look exactly like the CG renders of those times, so like she was supposed to look like.
Replies: >>261536 >>261656
Looks like a fortnight face.
Replies: >>261572
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I agree, they really nailed the pre-rendered look. 
There's a mod for Mario 64 called Render96 which does something similar, so as far as accuracy goes they did a good job.
I'm glad they aren't going for the TTRPG design...
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When we joked about lefty faggots wanting to put "disabled obese gay niggers" into vidya we did it as a joke, but these faggots are now doing it unironically.
Replies: >>261552
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>That picture
You should know better than to make jokes by now.
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I expected the remastered face to be hideous but it actually looks nice and similar to the pre-rendered Lara from the 90s. Have to agree with >>261534 on the Lito mod.

I've always wondered how they made the "fake metallic" look on metal cap Mario.
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>Was too busy mentally mocking this retarded design
>See her legs
>Laugh for a solid minute at how absolutely retarded this shit is
How can people genuinely make things like this and think "Yeah, thas okay!" While I'm laughing I'm also sad.
Good, let them double and triple down on it, no one will buy this trash and it will become a laughing stock.
Replies: >>261604
>that you can't release the same fucking game over and over again with such a short span of time between each title and expect thei sales to never go down (or even more delusionally, increase)
>You can do that for 2 tiles, or maybe a trilogy, then you must let the series rest for a while (at least 5 years if not more) and work on something different before bringing the series back.
I think this probably depends a bit on genre.  There are franchises like Mega Man that saw yearly or even bi-yearly releases for decades.
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Calling it now, Crystal Dynamics will be the next big studio to bite the dust.
Replies: >>261605
crystal dynamics is still in business? are there any of the original devs left? I thought it was bought out and it only existed in name kind of like 3drealms
Replies: >>261614
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Breaking sterotypes by creating the most sterotypical disabled fat nigger.
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Crystal Dynamics are the ones raping Tomb Raider since the 2013 reboot, killing Lara Croft to give us female Nathan Drake.
No idea how many original devs are there, if any.
Maybe they are Crystal Dynamics in name only, just like NaughtyDog that has ZERO people left from the Crash, Jak&Daxter or even Uncharted days.
>the CG renders of those times
She was ugly in the CG back then though. That was always a flaw of Lara imo, she looks better in the reboot than her original manface.
Replies: >>261661
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Nah she looked her best during the 2000s
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