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it's fucking video games, baby

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Do you go for the classic "NIGGERMAN" or do you get creative?
Also, to the anons who play VNs, do you name your character after you?
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>>255121 (OP) 
Depends on the nature of the game. if it's single player I usually just go with the preset name, if it has one, or my real life name. multiplayer I usually just pick something random off the top of my head or that fits with the theme of the game. I don't really go for funny names like faggot or nigger or whatever unless I'm with other people and trying to do a funny.

tl;dr I don't give it too much thought at all
Replies: >>255158
>>255121 (OP) 
For single player games I usually do ADOLF, or あどるふ (yes, in hiragana specifically) in Japanese games. I rarely play online games and don't have a regular naming scheme.
For VNs I use my real name, but in ateji ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ateji ) instead of katakana.
>>255121 (OP) 
for singleplayer i usually use part of my real name and then something made up or a common word that goes with the game's theme.
for multiplayer for some reason i always gravitate towards the name "oswald" and i apply the same scheme as singleplayer, just Oswald + something made up.
"I say" is a pretty reliable classic.
I like Cho'gall on Heroes of the Storm. Since they are a two-player unit, it takes the first three letters of one player's name and last four of the other's for the playername displayed above the unit's head, so I used to spam-pick them in quickmatch with people I got to agree to change their Battle.net names to force Cho'gall's name to read "Nig'gers". It caused a lot of butthurt.
"Data Minor"
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Yeah, i am more or less the same.
I prefer using the preset or make up a nickname myself, i rarely use my real name.
I am not one of those people that can't play as a game character without pretending it is me, i don't need to "identify" or see my real self in it.
As for the funny names, sometimes i do it only to read the first interactions with other characters and have a chuckle, before re-starting the game seriously, but playing the entirety of a 20+ hours game as a character named "nigger" or "faggot"? Nah.
>>255121 (OP) 
Me :)
>>255121 (OP) 
I have a system.
>Preset Name
>Real Name
>Childhood Nickname
>Name That Fits the Character Using In-Game Name Randomizer
>Name That Fits the Game
>Name That Fits the What's Being Named
>Alternate Canon Name
>Canon Name
When I reach options four, five, and six, I decide the name based on its sound.
For any game thats either a lewd vn or some lifesim shit, I'll be either Gene or Roy Ourboy.

In any souls like I'll usually just name it after whatever build is based around, character or concept.

For anything like Etrian Odessey I usually pull characters from stories I like and try to recreate them (most recently one group was the cast of a fantasy romance story, next group was DETHKLOK)

Now that I think of it I don't do offensive names nearly as often as I should.
Bogart. Just Bogart.

I've never used my real name in vidya. It never even occurred to me. I use the preset or generated character names if possible, or something that sounds fitting.
Replies: >>255200 >>256880
Same. I would cringe if I saw my name while playing.
Replies: >>256805 >>256840
Douche McBagge is a personal favorite of mine.
>>255121 (OP) 
I re-use them from a list I don't really maintain.
>I would cringe if I saw my name while playing.
I feel the same.
Replies: >>256840
Mario or Sonic, regardless of game.
>>255121 (OP) 
or John Smith
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Usually Anon or if I'm feeling frisky I might name it something that fits in universe.
If there's no default name, I name my FeMCs Yuusha because I'm a hack like that.
It is a shame that you feel this way. I hope some day you'll allow yourself to become more immersed, or maybe feel more comfortable as yourselves.
Replies: >>256876
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Depends on the genre. In Dark Souls I like to use the latinized version of my real name.
In my Stalker Anomaly playthroughs I use Вова Вист
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>>255121 (OP) 
> do you get creative?
Immersion is gay, role playing is where it's at. I come up with a character and play as him, making choices based on his background and motivation. Naming him after myself would be weird.
Replies: >>256880 >>265755
I've used my real name in some sports games. It's genrally gay, though, even if you take into account that there are other people with the same name.
>making choices based on his background and motivation
If this leads to gimping yourself, then you're gay too
>>255121 (OP) 
Male: Asshat/Dingus
Woman: Stabitha Thievarian
>Immersion is gay, role playing is where it's at. I come up with a character and play as him, making choices based on his background and motivation. Naming him after myself would be weird.
I think you meant self-inserting
I usually go with the default name if it isn't stupid. Otherwise it's a choice between some variation on "AIDS NIGGER" and something corny based on the game. When I played Chrono Trigger I named everyone after the Dragon Ball characters they were cloned from.
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