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it's fucking video games, baby

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Which is a name I hate but it's sort of become a way to describe the Demons souls, Dark, Elden, ect, flavor of games. So fuck it, I'm going to use it. This also includes non Fromsoft titles that are in a similar vein. 

With the current DLC for ER on the way I've taken to actually trying to beat the game. I find that what happens is that I play it, get bored of my build, then try another one. Recently since picking it back up I've stuck with a dex/fai build and I'm enjoying it enough. I'm tempted eventually to do a build around just using those Carin sword sorceries and not even bother using a weapon but I'm sure I'll change that a few times before I settle on another one.
I got to Radahn and he is slapping my shit because I forgot to level VIG and now I have to go see that one bitch and rebirth or get good but I think there are a few more things around that I can do to get some souls runes to pump my vig up a few points. I don't know how many anons here play but I've always thought it would be fun to try and play together, or at least do a boss or two. 

Speaking of the Soulslike older from titles are Kingsfield and ShadowTower are more than welcome as well as are any other recent games that have come out emulating them, or older titles that are the same. Just talk about gaymes.
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Sekiro is FromSoftware's tightest, most complete game and their best combat system to date.
Yeah it's great that it's for the most part an actual action game and removes all the RPG clutch crust. Making the game entirely skill based or for the most part.
Still, I wish they would make Otogi 3 next or Ninja Blade 2, which seems unlikely considering that Elden Ring is perpetually among the top games on Steam both among sales and most played, which tells me they aren't quite done with the Soulslike cow.
Replies: >>249460
You wouldn't want the husk of Fromsoft to touch anything they've done pre-Dark Souls.
Are Nioh and Nioh 2 the only good non-From Souls?
Lies of P is pretty fun and looks great but you have to handicap yourself to get any real sense of difficulty.
The Surge is a fun novelty but frustrating at times. I'd recommend it if you want to see a different aesthetic for a soulslike game. I haven't gotten around to The Surge 2.
Replies: >>250390
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Have you guys tried Let It Die? I love that game.
Though I would call it a Souls-lite rather than a Souls-like.
Replies: >>249547 >>249559
I wanted to but the f2p really turned me off. It seemed genuinely interesting and now that all the anons who played it are probably gone I really wish I gave it a shot. 
Why they don't make a standalone game is beyond me.
Replies: >>249558
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>now that all the anons who played it are probably gone
Yeah, I played the game for years, but I had to drop it because there's no real new content coming out for it anymore.
This year's so-called "updates" are just recoloured variants of old weapons and bosses with different stats. And maybe a few new decals.
It's safe to say the game is pretty much at the end of its lifespan. The dev team moved on, they're busy at work on the sequel as we speak.

That said, if you haven't played LID yet, I recommend giving it a shot. All the more reason now that the game is old, there's tons of content for newcomers to enjoy. It's a creative soulslite roguelite with one of the most fun combat systems of any last-gen game I've played.

I know the F2P model can be a big turn-off, but if you do decide to try the game, here's one useful tip I can give you:
If you play smart, you won't have to buy any microtransactions. The game occasionally gives you Death Metals for free, and it's enough to get by. Buying item storage expansions is by far the best way to spend them. The rest are all ripoffs.
Replies: >>249559
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I've been meaning to get back into it for a while now but I can't find the willpower to re-learn it. The grind is absolutely insane though, and not even the goy mode helps you much. I have around 200 hours in it and I've barely made it to the skyscraper place, where of course all the enemies cream me. I think I got stuck on the first boss in that area.
It'll be interesting to see what the actual sequel they're making after the disaster that was Deathverse will be like. I hope they either just bring back Ojisan or a worthy successor, not something like that shitty TTS robot and generic gameshow hosts.

I remember it being super generous with giving you premium mode for free for days at a time when I played.
New to souls. Do you need a controller to play these games or is keyboard and mouse okay?
The original Dark Souls has terrible KBM controls, but the remaster improved them, it is identical to DS3 now. 
Sekiro in particular is amazing with KBM because of the reaction-focused block/deflect combat system. You will never tap a gamepad button as fast as you can click a mouse, and you can bind nearly every power and potion to a different hotkey.  

Personally I hate controllers. I cannot stand imprecise movement and camera control in games even if they're "built with controllers in mind". The extra movement directions that you get with a controller are completely irrelevant and will never make any difference in a fight. But the superior mouse camera and faster input of the keyboard absolutely will.
Used a controller my whole time but like anon said, the kb+m controls are much better. I know a few guys who play that way.
I spent all this time leveling in EldenRing and can finally use Vyke's spear and it's very eh. I feel like grafting a bullet to my brain.
It's slow, short, and it's special is neat but stacks madness. I think I need to rethink this.
Replies: >>249614 >>250790
You should've played abetter game instead that actually respects your time
Replies: >>249623
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I've sunk thousands of hours into these games and I'd recommend using a controller. If you are completely new, maybe adapting to KBM is ultimately better for you, dunno. I'm stubborn and I like to play games with controllers when I can. I think my hands are on the smaller end, though.
Replies: >>249618
I think my hands are on the smaller end, though.
Replies: >>249619 >>249633
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>forgot to use a > for his post.
Replies: >>249620
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i will never outlive this one
Replies: >>249633
What weapon did you use in eldenring?
Replies: >>249633
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I also think my dick is narrow and tiny. There, you can outlive that one now.

Do kataner!!!
Oh wait.  There is a magic spell that let's you summon a huge hammer. Armed with this knowledge I have made a new build using that sword sorceries. I use a Nobles slender sword for backup but otherwise cast sword. I think I'm going to enjoy this.
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Elden Ring's DLC comes out tomorrow.
Tell me if it's good because I didn't even get to beat the base game, as I was playing it on my brother's PS4 because it doesn't run on my PC, but then he took his PS4 back.
I'll probably hold off on it because I only have one character that could even do it right now and I started playing another one.
I finally decided what I want to play, I'm doing a Carin sword sorcery guy. God damn, it's pretty fun, it's peak nerd who has been bullied long enough. Carin Slicer shits out damage and costs like nothing to cast, the greatblade is an excellent crown cleaner, and while piercer is thirsty hell it staggers really good and can knock big guys out of their attacks. There is a hammer spell I'll be getting shortly too. 
My backup weapon is the Nobles Slender sword with a frost enhancement. I like the length and it looks baller. I'm really liking this build, lots to do with it.
I'm in a similar boat. Strongly want to play, but can't for... reasons.
Replies: >>249954
Wut raisins?
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it's bullshit and unfinished. bosses have very, VERY bad camera problems to the point where you can't even tell what this fucking twink snake-boy boss is even gonna fucking do because he's sailing up straight in the air for 5 straight seconds, which can always be delayed if he feels like it, or what a giant boss is gonna do because you and it are both against the wall. and the dungeons are full of complete fucking war crimes, such as mini-boss tier normal enemies and spots you can legitimately get trapped in. had an instance where one boxed me into two piles of slabs and killed me, and then another where i jumped and ended up completely stuck in the jumping animation between a couple other slabs and just fucking died midway.
hand-to-hand kung-fu weapons are in now so that's pretty neat, 6/10 so far
Just beat it. It has some neat new weapons and skills, if somewhat impractical from my testing. The open world is barren as fuck, just lots of empty space between dungeons. Looks pretty but is just a time waster. Be ready to fight more of the same base game dragons in the open world with maybe one new move. Legacy dungeons are alright, felt longer than base game ones. Although the last dungeon is pretty obnoxious. The bosses are honestly quite bad though. Aside from a couple standouts good fights (Messmer and Midra) they are overall janky and poorly designed. Camera is still shit, so you cannot see what large bosses are doing when they get on top of you. Many never stop attacking so you just roll spam through 90% of the fight. The final boss in particular is an unfun abomination. Only boss I used a spirit ash on just so I could have some breathing room. After beating it though I found out there does already exist a cheese with Fingerprint Shield, shield grease and a blood infused rapier that completely trivializes it. If I ever play this DLC again I am definitely cheesing that garbage. Also apparently it can be parried, never even occured to be to try that so shame on me there. I don't believe there is any strategy to make the boss fun though.
Overall it doesn't feel like a finished product. Maybe they will improve it with patches (doubtful). I cannot in good faith recommend it at its current $40 price tag though.
Replies: >>250210
Been having similar thoughts during my playthrough. While pretty, most of the open world is lackluster and a pain to get through. Not only that, I found myself advancing the main plot sooner than expected since my sense of exploration makes me unintentionally do so (thankfully didn't completely lock me out of certain questlines). The dungeons themselves look cool and some are even fun to navigate, but I cannot say the bosses themselves have been fun to fight and beat. I will say that despite how annoying it was, the Bayle dragon fight was made a bit better when you summon the game's Captain Ahab and he gives a battle speech during the fight.

I have to agree that the new weapon types, spells, and ashes of war. While a lot of fun, they aren't really practical against a lot of the new bosses and bigger enemies. What's the point of adding all these cool attacks and spells if many of the enemies/bosses you fight can hyper armor through them and knock you down on your ass with a basic attack. Like the base game, you're better off sticking to basic attacks and AoW/spells that are quick, but hit hard. At this point, I'm just trying to get as many of the new weapons and spells as possible so that if I ever go back to this game, I can just respec my character for different playstyles without having to find and grind this shit again.
Replies: >>250243
Oh yeah, Igon's voice actor gave 110% for the Bayle fight. Was pretty amazing. Igon and Ansbach are probably my two favorite NPC's in this DLC. Although I did miss a few NPC questlines so I will have to go back sometime and do the others.
Has anyone tried Another Crab's Treasure? It released a couple months ago and despite the devs being whimsical faggots (they made Going Under, that bog standard roguelite with a corporate memphis/bauhaus/flat design aesthetic) it seemed like it had a focus on things that the capital-S Souls games don't: blocking with shields which have meaningful durability, improvisational combat, dodge rolling not being the be-all defensive option, and vertical exploration. The animal characters are endearing to me as well.

I should just pirate it and play it for myself but I'd like to hear anyone else's thoughts.
Replies: >>250726
>Mohg was innocent
Apologize /v/.
Replies: >>250306
Innocent of what? he's still a scheming invading creep, obsessed with blood, and fingers, sure maybe he's doing it either at or under control of Miquella the homo, but all evidence points to him being that way prior to Miquella's interference.
Replies: >>250316 >>250317
Ok yeah but like besides all that stuff.
I mean it's kind of hard to tell because the lore of this game is nebulous and nonsense anyway. But based on Sir Ansbach's character and dialogue it seems pre-enchanted Mohg and his Pureblood Knights were actually a proper chivalric order. Pretty stark contrast to the Mohg we see in-game and the seedy Varre. Only thing they were really guilty of is using bleed builds (which 80% of the playbase is also guilty of) and maybe consorting with the Formless Mother?
After playing this DLC I am thoroughly convinced that some of Fromsoft's talent must have quit or retired before Elden Ring. Not a single boss in the DLC measures up to the best bosses from the Dark Souls trilogy. Even the better ones like Rellana, Messmer and Midra still aren't even close to being as good as bosses like Artorias, Alonne, Friede and Gael. I don't see how the same team could have produced Gael and Consort Radahn, it must just be a different team.
Replies: >>250368 >>250383
From my experience, the issue is that they keep trying to incorporate boss elements from Bloodborne and Sekiro into the bosses in ER. Problem with that is you don't have the same mechanics as said games for your character in ER (or at least not conveniently). It's possible to get some things like BB's side stepping and rallying or the use of multiple tools like Sekiro, but they require you to sacrifice an ash of war slot on the weapon, the use of a late game optional great rune, or your character will stand still throwing/using said tool before getting hit by the boss due to how aggressive they are. If these bosses were in either of the 2 games, they'd be more fun to fight and beat. I had a similar thought going through DS3 after BB, but still had some satisfaction with overcoming the bosses. 

The only exception is Final DLC boss Radahn, which feels like an out of place mmo boss. 1st phase is annoying, but doable. 2nd phase felt like they gave up on how to make it fun and challenging and just opted for flashy but ridiculous. In addition to enhanced 1st phase attacks, he has multiple giant AoE and follow up beam attacks (beam attacks do chip damage regardless of blocking and are hard to dodge), with a half second means to attack or heal. On top of that, he'll do his ultimate meteor slam at low health that causes 2 high damaging explosions that throw you off on dodge timing. This DLC reminded me why I stopped playing ER after being it the first time; lots of good ideas and changes, but the execution wasn't as good.
Replies: >>250383 >>250409
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I'm getting filtered even by early boss fights, part of it I blame for the janky ass camera (especially in the stupid tiny area at the start where some ninja dude is), but it's mostly my fault for having the reaction time of an old fart. Having to walk all the way back to the boss areas is also very annoying, but supposedly that's part of the dork souls experience. Can I have some beginner tips so I don't have to suffer as much?
Replies: >>250387
Elden Ring being Dark Souls trying to be Sekiro seems to have become an increasingly common stance and a lot of the negative reviews for the dlc basically say the same. It's really strange how they successfully managed to shake up the formula with Bloodborne and again with Sekiro but completely dropped the ball on this one. In a sense it kind of feels like the action aspect of the game took a backseat and the RPG aspect was pushed to the forefront. Instead of reflexes and discipline you need better stats, more hp, more spells and more weapon arts. Counter the enemies bullshit with your own, like poise breaking jump attacks so you don't have to engage in the usual dance of dodge and counter to begin with.
On the one hand this makes most bosses a lot easier than your average Dark Souls boss, at least in the base game. On the other hand fighting them normally often feels awful or at least off. Not all bosses are like that but enough for it to be notable. So you can either not have fun by cheesing a boss or not have fun by engaging them normally, at least that's been my experience.

In short, the combat system of the game is not designed for a lot of the enemies you actually get to fight, making for a lackluster experience. It's not the difficulty (I found Elden Ring easier than Dark Souls for the most part), it's the way combat flows and encounters are designed.
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alright, because this game is so fucking vague i'm gonna give a little-known protip
don't fucking kill mesmer until you've killed the divine beast, got to the storeroom in the dungeon, and talked to the grandma with the armor you got from it on, she'll give you an incantation that i don't know is shit or not, but you'll be locked out of it entirely if you killed mesmer
Replies: >>250409
i hate that the community for these "games" is full of trannies.
Replies: >>250413
>part of it I blame for the janky ass camera 
There's only 2 areas in the game where the camera is a problem. Trust me you'll instantly know where those areas are once you get there. 
> Can I have some beginner tips so I don't have to suffer as much?
Well fast reaction time is an important thing to have, but you can still pull it off with some cheese. 
First, understand that as long as you deflect, your guard cannot ever be broken even if the bar is 100% full. Guard break is only a problem for those who just hold down the block button. I don't think I was guard broken more than 5 times in my entire playthrough, because I played a shitload of For Honor back then and deflecting 500ms attacks had become very easy to me. 

You should also use your prosthetic arm a lot. It's not a little gimmick, it literally acts as an arsenal expansion. Think of your prosthetic arm the same way you think of magic spells and bombs in Dark Souls. The umbrella and firecrackers in particular will help you turn some bosses into minced meat. 

Also, kill the red fish.
Replies: >>250734
Tell me more about The Surge and sequel.
Replies: >>250421
I am never fighting that final DLC boss fair again. Not only is it annoying to dodge, the second phase is pure eyebleed. The boss fight is just ugly. Also can't even see what is happening half the time because the Lothric-wannabe's mop hair. That double slash into cross is seemingly impossible to completely roll through from the front. Roll through the first one and the second one always hits you, at least at medium load. So far, there seem to be 3 or 4 cheeses for the boss thankfully (the rolling sparks one is the funniest, though less practical than just fingerprint shield poking).
My friend said he just killed the grandma after divine beast and it gave him the incant. Not sure if you can still do that post-Messmer or not. I was able to figure out the intended way due to the player messages in that room.
The entirety of gaming is full of trannies, thank you for your input mr.(1).
>Tell me more about The Surge and sequel.
The Surge released a while ago back in like 2017. It takes a lot of obvious inspiration from Dark Souls "but with an industrial tech aesthetic" and much higher quality animations and visual fidelity. It's genuinely a really cool-looking game that combines futuristic mechanized body rigs and corporate tropes with an interesting iteration on the Souls combat formula. Instead of a sword, you have an arc welder. Instead of a mace, you have a pneumatic hammer for pounding rivets. Instead of magic spells, you have a personal drone you can load with utility programs. Instead of the typical graveyard -> castle -> poison swamp -> Anor Londo progression, you have an airplane graveyard -> biolab -> industrial recycling complex -> executive suites progression.

You have Vertical and Horizontal attack buttons, each with a unique attack chain if you hold a direction on the stick. You can lock on to enemies' center of mass or individual limbs and use your attack chains to inflict damage to those limbs. Once an enemy is low on health and you have enough Energy, you can attempt a dismemberment/execution targeting that limb to break it off and get the schematic/equipment piece. You'd probably imagine this system working as follows:
>inflict damage to the limb by hitting it
>perform an execution targeting the limb
>get the equipment

The way it actually works is:
>target a limb and do an attack, which may or not actually make contact with that limb depending on how the enemy is moving
>if the attack connects with the body part you're targeting, an invisible number which determines your chances of success for an execution goes up
>the enemy's limbs also have health values which determine how hard it will be to cut them off, which is also invisible (though you can reasonably surmise how much damage you've dealt because there is some visual feedback in the lock-on reticle)
>once the enemy is low on health and you have Energy, you can attempt an execution
>the execution performs some math in the background and you either succeed or fail, with different animations for each outcome

This may not sound like a meaningful difference, but it wasn't until a serious way into the game that I realized how this all worked and why it was causing incongruities between what I expected to happen and what was actually happening. It's possible to inflict a lot of damage onto a single body part and not succeed with the execution (because the enemy is durable), and to inflict a lot of damage spread out across an enemy's limbs and still succeed on a fresh limb you hadn't touched (because your invisible Attempt Bonus was higher due to your accuracy). These things are nebulously explained in the game.
Replies: >>250422 >>250588
The game's level design also has what I can only describe as an insecurity complex. This game doesn't just take inspiration from Dark Souls, it is actively attempting to outperform and exceed Dark Souls in exactly the same ways Dark Souls is constructed. There is literally a Firelink Shrine elevator in the main hub area, and next to it is a larger elevator shaft which you'll only unlock after getting to the endgame. "Fuck you, Firelink Shrine - I can do it better!"

This would be fine - funny, even - if the game didn't have some of the most atrocious, painful level design right near the start. The biolab area is a mandatory, long, linear area which you unlock after the airplane graveyard and which you must complete before unlocking the majority of the central hub. Not necessarily a problem, except that the jump in difficulty from airplane graveyard enemies to biolab enemies is enormous, there is a miniboss prowling around in the biolab's courtyard area, the area is covered in patches of toxic corrosive goo (which of course the enemies are immune to, even though they aren't wearing hazmat suits).

Also, there isn't a bonfire for like 20-30 minutes.
Also, the bloodstain in this game runs on a timer (which gives you a bonus if you get there fast enough, to discourage you from being too patient).
Also, there are traps in the underground maintenance tunnels.
Also, you can't open shortcuts to make subsequent trips easier.
Also, you can easily get gangbanged by two enemies in a tight corridor and just die for seemingly little reason.

It is fucking excruciating. I cannot imagine how many people not nearly as stubborn as I am would have simply quit the game because of this one shitty area. It's quite strange to consider how smart the level designers must have been to design the entire game, yet how stupid they must have been to place this kind of rage bait right at the start.

Then you realize there's a DLC area in a pleasant corporate theme park environment which takes place right across from the biolab area, and which is full of open-ended areas and enemies that are much less hassle to fight.
...Ah. It falls into place.

I should be clear that these issues were fixed in patches, so the process of running for 20 minutes, gritting your teeth, making it four inches further along, and dying to a new dark enemy in a cramped maintenance tunnel will not happen if you play the game now. But it sucked.
Replies: >>250424 >>250588
There are also shortcomings in level design: the devs are too fond of these cramped white skeleton/ribcage maintenance tunnels to connect disparate areas, and some of the late game level design is riddled with them to the point it made me have trouble remembering what connected where. There's also not much enemy variety: most dudes are the standard Dark Souls zombie, with some faceless drones and the occasional nonhuman enemy. The cool things like industrial garbage cleaners the size of elephants, miniature cleaning robots that freak out if you get too close, and Black Knights being security guards with riot response gear are comparatively few and far between.

There's also a hopping/ducking system rather than the typical Souls i-frame dodge - you do have a dodge, but it's movement only, so you actually need to be aware of an enemy's range and play around that accordingly. The hopping/ducking against high/low attacks sounds neat, but it's very awkward to do, the timing is unforgiving, and it was only used by a handful of enemies in the entire game (that I recall).

I sound harsh, but I did have a lot of fun with The Surge, and I think it's definitely worth a pirate if you're interested in seeing what a corporate Soulslike made by a competent dev would be. The start is a bit rocky, but if you give it a chance and don't get discouraged by some aggravating enemy encounters, then I think you'll have a good time.
Replies: >>250588
I see.
Update: I decided to buy this game and see if it was any good. It's been fun so far, with a cohesive art style that is rare among both indie and AAA games. There has been some awkward phrasing and text, which may indicate poz, but there hasn't been a transgender lesbian crab yet so I am remaining cautiously optimistic.

There's a loose environmentalist theme but it's no worse than Ferngully so far; I'll let you know if the communist manifesto appears on a bookshelf.
Replies: >>250727 >>250730
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> There has been some awkward phrasing and text, which may indicate poz, but there hasn't been a transgender lesbian crab 
There's a "pride" flag that you can unlock. You just gave money to an alphabet company.
I like how that "crab" (lobster) looks ready to kill itself.
Replies: >>250730
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>There's only 2 areas in the game where the camera is a problem. Trust me you'll instantly know where those areas are once you get there. 
I think I found them and both had those annoying ass ninjas for mini-bosses.
>First, understand that as long as you deflect, your guard cannot ever be broken even if the bar is 100% full. Guard break is only a problem for those who just hold down the block button. 
Now that I played a bit longer, I think my biggest problem was not realizing I was still thinking too much with dodgebrain and not enough with parrybrain. I still have a hard time to deal with peril attacks but I'm doing better now.
>You should also use your prosthetic arm a lot. It's not a little gimmick, it literally acts as an arsenal expansion. Think of your prosthetic arm the same way you think of magic spells and bombs in Dark Souls. The umbrella and firecrackers in particular will help you turn some bosses into minced meat. 
The purple umbrella definitely helped me beat up the stupid headless and spooky ghost things, and it's hillarious to see a whole group of monkeys chimping out on one another after giving them the finger, but I did end up running out of these emblem things on some bosses just because I ended up retrying so many times, and it's a pain to replenish them too because the money needed to buy the also vanishes (though I should have bought them all first before facing them).

That said, I'm now on the big fireball of anger known as Demon of Wrath and I might be regretting my choice of getting the shuriken as my first lazurite weapon instead of the flamethrower, and I don't really feel like grinding for confetti/emblems. I'm also regretting the choice of not putting a point or two on the dragon mask instead of some of the probably more useless skills I ended up getting. I don't suppose there's a way to reset the skill points?
Replies: >>250753
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Yeah, I discovered that after about 3.5 hours, which is conveniently outside of Steam's refund window. I filed a request anyway so we'll see if I can spend my imaginary funny money on something that wasn't made by faggots. It's a shame because the game is really fun and I can tell they put a lot of effort into the art design.

Weirdly, the name of the item is "Rainbow Crabitalism" which sounds like it could be some kind of backhanded joke (the phrase "rainbow capitalism" is used by people who think that companies pander to faggots because they believe it is profitable rather than because Blackrock is shoving money at them), but the pristine depiction of the flag next to everything else in the environment being made of trash tells me where their priorities actually lie.
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>Your refund request has been denied
This is what I get for not pirating first.
Replies: >>250738 >>250793
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That's what you get for buying games faggot.
>I don't suppose there's a way to reset the skill points?
Nope, you're stuck with what you have
Replies: >>250780
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too easy too is overlevel and shouldn't really count as a souls-like
Replies: >>250817
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Buy Zortch instead.
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Replies: >>250989
>>249442 (OP) 
use arcane/faith build if you are looking for a fun build. You can add dex to have access to more weapons so it stays fresh.

Agreed, I hope they release a sequel. Funnily enough, Sekiro was my easiest souls game despite everyone saying it was their hardest. I am guessing other souls game allows you to more or less cheese the game with builds, and simplicity of Sekiro does not allow such shortcuts. 

Essentially Nioh is Dark Souls if it was fun. But I still prefer Elden Ring over Nioh. I am pretty sure some old "soulslike" games are on par with fromsoft. As long as those games came out before the "soulslike" phrase is coined, you can trust it. Unfortunately I cannot recommend any since I barely play any RPG games.
Replies: >>250847
I liked that Dark Souls and Demon's Souls kept using a shield viable, even in pvp. But a lot of people prefer rolling around like an idiot and applaud Bloodborne and whatnot. I even did a Simon Belmont playthrough of Dark Souls using a whip with a dagger to parry but overall I still prefer sword and board measured gameplay despite any style I experimented with. Don't know why people obsess over dodging and i-frames...I would attribute it to personal preference and I simply like parries and blocks but acrobatics seem pervasive and "meta."
>But I still prefer Elden Ring over Nioh
Even Nioh 2?
Replies: >>250908
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after pirating elden ring 2 years ago and liking it a lot but never completing it, I decided to legally buy it during the current steam sale, i really didn't cared for my previous save file, so i'm going to start all over again.
i only played the version that released first, i never touched the updates/bug fixes that came later, does anyone remember if anything major was changed/fixed from ralease?
Replies: >>250904 >>250909
Some bosses got their HP values reduced.
Moonveil got nerfed to the ground
Hoarfrost stomp had some nerfs that mostly applied to PVP
Dialos' quest has a proper end at the Jar village
PVP arenas were added at the 3 abandoned colosseums you find through out the map. 
And that's all I remember.
Replies: >>251001
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Maybe. Although Nioh 2 is quantitavely a better game than Nioh 1, I would still prefer Nioh 1 because levels don't feel like AI generated, it has some actual distinct design and characteristics for each level. Nioh 2's levels, especially its god awful lighting makes me want to vomit. Essentially a perfect Nioh would be gameplay and all the new stuff from Nioh 2, and level design of Nioh 1. Also keep in mind that I only played NG1 which is pretty much a "tutorial" to actual game that starts with NG+ where you have to take your build seriously. I did put some effort into mage like build, but I think I would have enjoyed Nioh more if I tried NG+ that puts more emphasis on builds. In Elden Ring, your build matters from beginning and big part of my enjoyment came from trying different builds and weapons. Pic related
>>250900 (checked)
Assuming you were using an old build like 1.2, it had bug where Arcane weapons like Mohg Spear did not scale with Arcane. Another big change is that they actually finished some NPC side quests in case you were doing them. Also you can do Varre's quest offline now. Before that you had to invade other players which were impossible in pirated/offline game. Other than these, there is not much big change as far as I know, unless you are playing PvP. Those "nerfed" OP weapons like rivers of blood are still pretty good btw.
Replies: >>251001
Is Lies of P any good? I downloaded it and it looks really gay
Heard it's pretty good.
Are you wary because of the twink MC?
Replies: >>250986
well you play as an effeminate kpop faggot
Replies: >>250986
Yeah there's the twink guy but also the whole victorian era aesthetic in general. I played a bit, killed the first boss and gameplay feels a lot like dark souls, even for a "soulslike". It was ok though
prove me wrong elden ring is the easiest game fromsoftware ever made.
Replies: >>250997 >>251062
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Replies: >>251006 >>251009
I did play it a bit. It feels like someone made their own soulslike with blackjack and hookers and feels better for it. Because it's been around souls games feel like they have some features that are added in because the devs want to try something new or old ones that are just kinda eh, or the design of the game has just changed. Lies felt a bit like older titles but since it was made with another team it had their own flair on it. Felt pretty gud.
i remember playing samurai class and mostly only using my default katana, Elden Ring is the only souls game i have ever played so i had no idea about stats, but samurai had very high END and that worked most the time.
as a complete beginner whats the best class to play?
Replies: >>251063
In Elden Ring you almost start off with a horse guving you an unfair advantage with enemies  elden ring hardly gets changelling except during the late game stage
kuri kuri mix is harder than any soulsslop game bitch nigger
This fag sure does love to post about how much he hates Elden Ring.
ElDung Ring: Shadow of the Turdtree
Replies: >>251023 >>251036
This is why I still read these threads.
It literally has the poopoo eater. Like he eats poo. Munches it, snacks,  slops, feasts. This nigga eats shit.
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I'm gonna activate my P-organ alright
I think Sekiro is much easier, at least for me. Since your only tool is parry, and no complex integration of scaling, attributes, dodging, etc. 
I think bosses in Elden Ring are harder than other Dark Souls games but your builds can be much more powerful. DS1 for example would feel harder because the game feels too restricted and clunky to a point that a boss with very simple moveset would be pretty difficult to deal with. Overall it is a game that feels less like an action and more of a timing management
Samurai has general concensus on being the best. Warrior and I believe Vagabond are also considered one of the better choices, but pretty much choose whatever class you want according to their weapons really, stats don't mean anything. In early game, don't even care about scaling since upgrading the weapon gives much more damage than putting 2 more points on your stat. If you have a weapon that you want to try, get enough points (usually STR and DEX), and upgradte it. Keep in mind that for non-somber weapons the upgrade system is rather shit, and somber upgrade items, despite being slightly rarer, is much easier to upgrade with.
Anyone ever mess around with the EldenRing Coop mod? I've tried it once before but this was like a year ago. Looking at it now it seems to be a much cleaner install, literally just drop the folder in the game directory and then you mess with the ini file. 
There are still a few bugs like one going on when Melania warps you to the round table hold and a some weirdness that can happen with clients syncing and events happening in game.
It makes me wish there was a whole game like this but build around it.
Replies: >>251091
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I had a great time with my friends playing the whole game on it. It works surprisingly well, but since it's a mod, it's not perfect and there are occasional game breaking glitches that require the host to reload his save. Apparently it supports invasions now, although I'm not sure if it works for non-Steam fags as well.
Replies: >>251100
Maybe anons cud pley
Finished the gay commie crab game after about 20 hours. It's good despite the artistic/political leanings of the people who made it. Art direction is inspired and consistently good despite a few areas that became plodding chores; the "junk ocean" aesthetic fits the gameplay well and enables a lot of fun visuals like crabs using pasta for hair and making houses out of bottles and plastic cartons.

The millennial communist writing holds it back at almost every turn. What starts out as a good-natured adventure story with some unfunny quips becomes a masturbatory rant about how capitalism is evil and everyone would be happy if there weren't any money and how everyone except the moral people are transparently stupid (but also, there isn't any meaning at the end of things - lol! imagine if things had essence!).
The Carian peircer spell does more stagger than the giant fuck off magic hammer and I'm kinda butthurt about it.  HOWEVER the giant fuckoff hammer will flatten enemies with a charged slam.  Magic knight is the true path forward in the game, you literally get it all.  Sellan feet, doll hole, all of it.
Replies: >>251353 >>251641
It really suffers with bosses, especially in DLC. I used Dragon Incancations which are also "slow but big damage" spells essentially. In main game, most bosses give you enough time and range to use them. Even for main remembrance bosses it usually works pretty well. Even if it does not, using any summon for distraction will guarantee that it will work although I refrain from using them. In DLC I mostly used dragonmaw if enemy can stagger, otherwise game starts to punish you for using heavy weapons and spells.
How is Elden Ring in offline mode? I guess you really just wouldn't see the inane hints from other players? And the coliseum won't work? I've been playing for a while, I'm not very far, and while I own the game on Steam, I'm thinking of starting a new game with the Goldberg Emulator. I just hate starting up Steam that much. I'd rather be able to click the game and play it, instead of having a spyware daemon running 24/7 on my system. Will I be missing out on major game elements if I do this? Honestly it kind of seems to me like they added these online elements as an afterthought to deter pirates
Replies: >>251357
>>251355 (checked)
that's how I played it since I pirated it. I can't really compare it to online mode since I never tried. I guess it just adds PvP, no other difference. Also you can use cheat engine in offline mode but check what you can do and what items you can get before going online again. You might get banned if you change your stats for instance
Replies: >>251358
Goldberg automatically puts your saves into another folder, so the two profiles shouldn't mix. I just hope there's not any additional DRM. I don't think Easy AntiCheat would fuck my main profile over if I used it.
Replies: >>251435
You're not missing out on anything, except maybe invasions that let you farm rune arcs faster. Varre's questline can be progressed offline by using the invasion sign and killing Magnus the Beast Claw in the Writheblood Ruins in Atlus Plateau, or if you're too weak/bad you can die to him 3 times which will also work.
Replies: >>251366
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Why did you delete your post, anon?
Replies: >>251401
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anon did it to get those sweet dubs, but you stole them
If you use eldenring.exe instead of start_protected_game.exe like Steam does by default, you don't even run EAC and get put into offline mode automatically even if you still used Steam.
If you mix that with goldberg to not have to run Gayben's DRM platform, and maybe use the seamless co-op mod with invasions turned on in the ini file you pretty much have everything except the messages. And considering most of those are either begging for updoots to get free heals, or trying (and failing) to be funny that's more of a benefit if anything.
Replies: >>251581
I'm using windows 
>inb4 lmao pleb
So elden ring is over 50gb, should i install it on the disk where the OS is installed (C:) or should I install it on the additional storage disk (D:)?
Replies: >>251575
>should i install it on the disk where the OS is installed (C:) or should I install it on the additional storage disk (D:)?
As long as both are SSDs then it doesn't matter
Replies: >>251576 >>251588
First time hearing about this and it's kinda insane, are you sure there's no difference in performance? Even on windows?
Replies: >>251579 >>251585
First time hearing about what? What the fuck are you talking about? As long as they are both the same type of drive then there's no reason why it'd be any different, unless the drive you're installing it to is an external, then there may be slight loading differences because of the read/write speed.
Replies: >>251597
>and maybe use the seamless co-op mod with invasions turned on in the ini file
Wait what do you mean by this, I can still play online without Steam OR EAC? That's amazing, I think I just found it:

So with this I assume the invading players are only going to be other users of the mod, right? I think Goldberg blocks all internet connections, so I don't know if this would work. But it's a cool idea, I might have to try it
Replies: >>251588
Actually, it looks like this will be a challenge, but I found a guide for playing seamless co-op that uses Goldberg, so it might be possible. I wonder if invasions are still possible in this particular setup
Replies: >>251592
OS drive being "better" for games is literally snake oil. 
Games only load faster on the OS drive if it's the faster drive. When you use a super fast NVME for your Windows and a generic SATA SSD for your games, then obviously the NVME will load faster.
Replies: >>251597
The game runs just fine on my 7200RPM HDD.
Apparently, it only works through Steam's P2P. However, you can play with friends through a VPN, such as Hamachi, just like what that guide on Github says.
Replies: >>251592
I see no reason invasions wouldn't work, if the rest works as intended. It'd just be only with other people on the same VPN. Could be a fun gamenight maybe, if someone's willing to figure out an easy setup with premade full item saves so people can just do duel arenas with whatever build they want.
That said yeah, for your normal playthrough you're gonna just be offline unless you have a friend that wants to use the same setup. Not a big loss, that's how I played the entire game too. If anything the lack of spoiler soapstone messages is a benefit.

>The game runs just fine on my 7200RPM HDD.
It runs fine, but loadtimes are slower and there's a bit more pop-in when you load into an area at times. Pretty sure anon just meant there's zero difference between drives as long as they're the same speed.
Replies: >>251616
Well both are SSDs and both are 1TB so i guess I'll install my copy of Elden Ring on (D:) since that one has the most space, thanks anons.
I'm actually not that new to Elden Ring, my guy is currently at Rennala Queen of the Full Moon. It's just that I haven't been playing it that much lately because I usually play older games and I don't care to launch Steam. I wonder if I could even transfer my Goldberg saves over to Steam if I want to play online stuff like the coliseum later? I haven't even unlocked it yet. I'd probably get banned, so maybe I shouldn't risk it

That Haguichi VPN only allows up to 5 players at a time. I checked the others, and ZeroTier allows up to 25 connections for free, while I think Radmin is unlimited, so that's probably the one to go with. Only problem is that it's Windows-only, and I'm using Linux, but I don't see why i couldn't connect with Wine. I'm seeing some results for a Discord group based on seamless co-op, so maybe there is a master server somewhere that people play on. I was able to launch the game offline with Goldberg, but I couldn't launch the mod, I think because of Flatpak fuckery with ntlm_auth, so I'm going to try Lutris instead
Replies: >>251641
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>I wonder if I could even transfer my Goldberg saves over to Steam if I want to play online stuff like the coliseum later? I haven't even unlocked it yet. I'd probably get banned, so maybe I shouldn't risk it
Soulsborne title saves are tied to your Steam/PSN/Xbox ID. You'd have to edit the Steam ID of your save with your real Steam account's ID through a save editor for the game to even load it. Just make sure that you don't edit your character's stats while doing so. Having unobtainable cut items in your inventory or chest will also get you banned.
>Only problem is that it's Windows-only, and I'm using Linux, but I don't see why i couldn't connect with Wine.
Just use ZeroTier, then. It does support Linux.
>I was able to launch the game offline with Goldberg, but I couldn't launch the mod, I think because of Flatpak fuckery with ntlm_auth, so I'm going to try Lutris instead
Try launching the game with this Python script: https://github.com/gurrgur/er-patcher
>Magic knight is the true path forward in the game, you literally get it all.  Sellan feet, doll hole, all of it.
It really does feel like some of the bosses like dragon pussy or dragon edgelord were designed with ranged combat in mind. First playthrough I had no problem with fighting them since I was using the Moonlight Greatsword. Now I'm doing a pure STR build and fighting them with nothing but melee is pure cancer. Fighting them like that is anything but fun, unless you are really resilient to damage and have a lot of Estus charges at a high level, so you can mitigate the amount of bullshit you "have" to deal with. And don't even get me started on that abysmally low FOV camera.
Replies: >>251653
>It really does feel like some of the bosses like dragon pussy or dragon edgelord were designed with ranged combat in mind. First playthrough I had no problem with fighting them since I was using the Moonlight Greatsword. Now I'm doing a pure STR build and fighting them with nothing but melee is pure cancer. Fighting them like that is anything but fun, unless you are really resilient to damage and have a lot of Estus charges at a high level, so you can mitigate the amount of bullshit you "have" to deal with. And don't even get me started on that abysmally low FOV camera.
There's a reason you get the dragon-hunter's katana before that area. It scales only with STR and DEX, pretty much intended as the "in case you don't level INT or FTH but still want a ranged attack" weapon with bonus damage against dragons to boot.
Also remember that sometimes, it's better to not target large enemies, or toggle the targeting on and off depending on the situation. This isn't anything new for Souls games.
Replies: >>251656
>There's a reason you get the dragon-hunter's katana before that area. It scales only with STR and DEX, pretty much intended as the "in case you don't level INT or FTH but still want a ranged attack" weapon with bonus damage against dragons to boot.
I was talking about the base game. You aren't supposed to fight Lanssex or Fortissax after the DLC, because they're too weak at that point of the game. I would've used the Dragon Greatclaw, if only it was a good weapon. Having a C scaling in STR and DEX on a +10 weapon that requires 30 strength and 14 dexterity to one hand it is a fucking joke. Using Dragonwound Grease on any other infusible STR weapon outclasses it (since it gives 20% damage buff against Ancient Dragons instead of the Greatclaw's 15%). Not to mention that it's ash is Endure, which isn't bad by any means, but when you first equip it you'd expect it to be something related to the red dragon lighting attacks that it's wielder uses against you while he fights you instead.
>Also remember that sometimes, it's better to not target large enemies, or toggle the targeting on and off depending on the situation.
Of course it helps, but it still won't make fighting enemies like Ancient Dragons any more enjoyable (at least for me), because their hitboxes of attacks are so huge that the only good way to avoid damage from them is to constantly stay out of my weapon's attack range. And I desire to fight, not be forced to endlessly stare at my enemy's cool moves like some cuck.
I have yet to challenge the new dragon enemies in the DLC, but I damn well hope that fighting them will be more enjoyable than fighting the countless copy pasted dragons in the Lands Between, which only a handful have at most 1 or 2 unique moves that set them apart from the others. I have no clue how FromSoft went from Kalameet and Midir to whatever these fights are supposed to be. That said, Placidusax was a fun fight, but I wish they had placed a stake of Marika on his arena. Same thing with Maliketh, Godfrey and Radagon.
>>249442 (OP) 
Ok, I'm about to try that Python script, but I've been having a hell of a time trying to get the mod launching in Bottles and Lutris, and I think it's some fucking soydev shit that's stopping me from doing so. I can launch the eldenring.exe just fine, but when I launch the ersc launcher, the terminal window closes immediately, and I have a "SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() did not locate a running instance of Steam" error. If I move the ersc dll to another folder the windows cmd window pops up saying it can't find the dll, so I think it's actually capable of running. The fucking website makes it clear that pirated copies are not supported, so I think this absolute, soy-chugging, fucking pussy faggot put some other kind of authentication in that bypasses the Goldberg dll. But I could be wrong.

Wasn't that one only 25 connections max? I didn't see any limits on the Radmin site, so I wonder if there's some mega server somewhere I could connect to via wine
Replies: >>251681
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>See video related.
>There's no way this actually works.
>Fire up the game and the task manager.
>I didn't see any limits on the Radmin site, so I wonder if there's some mega server somewhere I could connect to via wine
I highy doubt there is one. Most likely there will be one when the official servers die and PS4 emulation will be a thing.
Ah nip coding.
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How viable would an almost pure bow/crossbow user be in Elden Ring? I'm considering playing ER since I finally have a PC that can run it, but I'm kinda tired of the soulsborne melee formula and magic hasn't been enjoyable since Demon's in my opinion.
It's fine if you're willing to grind/give yourself ammo. You'll be spending a lot on arrows.
Replies: >>251718
Well the open world seems like it would make resource grinding almost incidental with exploration, so that's probably fine.
FromSoft has always been very scared of ranged-only weaponry, which is why almost every weapon that deals damage from afar has limited ammo and low DPS. Most players just simply use them for applying status effects from afar or for safely finishing 1HP targets. That said, in Elden Ring there are a few standouts like the Golem Greatbow and the Greatbow that you get from Radahn's rememberance after defeating him. There are also the two new bows and crossbows that you get from the DLC, which make bow-only builds actually fun to play with and quite viable.
Replies: >>251728
>not using the core that literally everything else on the system is running on boosts performance
holy hell
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What even is a "soulslike" anyway?
Replies: >>251734 >>251736
If the damage is so low that it's tedious to kill bosses then I'm out. Can you at least get decent damage scaling from over-leveling?
Replies: >>251730
>Can you at least get decent damage scaling from over-leveling?
You're gonna get at best a C scaling on a max leveled bow, but the vast majority stay at the D scaling. If you really want to play Elden Ring with bows, you could try playing with the Reforged mod that improves their abysmal scaling and DPS: https://breezewiki.com/err/wiki/Bows
Replies: >>251731
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Eh, my mild curiosity about this game is not really worth the effort of messing around with mods, and nexus can fuck right off.
Anything like demons, darks or bloodborn. Gay name? Yes, but gets the point across.
It's a buzzword like Metroidvania and Roguelike. It basically means "games that are like Dark Souls". Any questions?
This didn't really do anything for me. I tried it in Raya Lucaria where, for some reason the frame drops a lot. I will check DLC areas that had similar issue. Also both my CPU and GPU are kind of bad anyway, so it can't be saved by disabling core 0.

It's shit, don't bother other than applying status. Maybe there are 1 or 2 ways to deal good enough damage but this is no different than buffing a really weak weapon 100 times to make it viable.
Fia's simp squad is btfoing me. I think it will actually pull phantoms from real players so I get to face a constant stream of leet fextraliife builds. Some nerds do have nice style though. 
Currently pumping int so I can use relannas staff. So far my magic blade build is working great and for when I want to mix it up I have the noble slender sword.
Replies: >>252698
Er sucks no in all honesty it just does. PvP took notes from DaS3 which is you haven't interacted with that loop it's shameful how shitty reds are treated. When every invasion is a gank-fest & You can't get ANYONE to invade YOU personally it's a worse kind of hell.
I don't curb stomp reds when I'm helping other people but I will do one vs ones if they wanna try it. 
But anyways 1vs3 gankfests get old quickly even if you have a myriad of weapons and things at your disposal it's fucking retarded.
Anyone claiming this game was made in six years is bullshitting you. The games balance (not the DLC I haven't touched it but if it's balanced around similar numbers to the late main-game I don't think I wanna play it) is so awful after lleyndell you may as well be playing another game -- The same shitty fodder enemies are before no new attacks, nothing new. The issues with balance extrapolated to the point some foes are broken & just not fun to fight against. I dunno about you but spending ten minutes slapping a knight then having to do it all over again isn't fun (I'm exaggeratting but alot of late game "hard" enemies are pure bullshit with ridiculous amounts of hp, you can't really stagger them and thanks to ER using barely any stamina to commit to actions enemies will just bullshit you too hard. Can't imagine what the DLC is like.
Altus plateau is visually pleasing but that's really it in my eyes.
Replies: >>252314
>crying about the easiest souls game by From
Replies: >>252314 >>252319
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>Can't imagine what the DLC is like.
It's the same exact thing, but worse. The only fun parts in it were the new weapons and weapon types, the Shadow Keep, Igon and a few decent boss fights like Messmer, Midra and Scadutree Avatar. I'll give them that the Land of Shadows looks infinitely more interesting than the world in the base game... at the cost of it being twice as empty.
That's Dark Souls and it's non-debatable.
Replies: >>252319
The easiest game would be Demon's Souls or DaS1.
Though honestly none of them are "hard" over inflated hp pools isn't challenge.
Christ; Well do yourselves a favor once Darkmoon updates play ER with that.  Makes you faster, you attack faster & the combat feels more like Bloodborne with BB style dodge mechanics. While unbalanced to some extent especially early game you'll actually love battling a few bosses like Maliketh when you can actually match his speed.
A few bosses got fun for me but dunno if the mod has been updated.
Replies: >>252698
I finally beat Fia's simp squad. I ended up having to use the towershield summons because they could tank long enough tot actually hold the npc's attention. I need to finish up the depths and then remember what the fuck I was doing. maybe I'll go to the jar Colosseum.
That's interesting to hear, because for me it was the easiest boss to play with, and for most other people too, since they are "PvP" kind of enemies but with brain damage. I guess the kind of build I used made me stagger them easily. 
Dark Souls 1 is the most basic one, but not the easiest. The gameplay is pretty basic to comprehend albeit boring. Depends on what kind of person are you but this either makes it the easiest or hardest souls for you. Personally I would consider Elden Ring the easiest due to combat not being utter clunkfest and having enough flexibility to be pretty strong.
Replies: >>252950
For fia's squad I was using sword magic which outside of the greatsword doesn't really stagger. On another playthrough I had a big sword and applies lion's claw until the problems went away and it was a lot easier. So yeah, all really depends on the weapon. 
With the patching that's occurred a lot of things are faster now, which I do appreciate but that also works for npc invaders too.
How do I quickly get to Mohg? I want to DLC but I'm nowhere near Mohg as far as I know...
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>How do I quickly get to Mohg?
eat big, hit the gym every other day, do your squats, don't skip leg day and in 6 months you'll have enough noob gains to mohg any skinnyfat/hamplanet redditor. you can do it, I believe in you. we're all gonna make it.
Mohg is close to the endgame. It's my understanding one of the questlines can get you to him earlier, but I dropped the game when I learned that it wasn't as simple as getting to Nokron.
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Replies: >>253086
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Oh fuck, I didn't see that outro.
Replies: >>253086
fromdrone moment
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Fuck, that was crazy
Replies: >>253117 >>253134
Goddamn you fags are terrible at this game.
That was hard and my guy was way underpowered for that fight. I'd like to see you do better
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At least he's not mindlessly spamming L2 and R1. That said, anon should definitely respec all those unnecessary endurance and mind points into vigor and str/dex/int/fai/arc. If I had to spend 6 minutes on annoying boss fights in Elden Ring, I'd go crazy.
What's the point of using a katana if you're using it like a ghetto spear? There's a reason spears became the supreme weapon.
Replies: >>253153
That guy was especially difficult, but I really wanted to beat him to see if it'd advance Ranni's questline. They usually don't take that long, I already beat Morgott, for example.

It's simply the strongest weapon in my inventory because I was able to upgrade it to +9 with the somber smithing stones. I had to replace it with my Uchigatana because the game doesn't give you any of the fucking regular smithing stones. It does a lot of magic damage, and also causes blood loss buildup, but you wouldn't know in that video because there was no way to get a chain attack on that guy without dying
Replies: >>253154
>because the game doesn't give you any of the fucking regular smithing stones.
That's indeed retarded, but you can unlock an infinite supply of them through Bell Bearings that you obtain by defeating certain bosses (except for Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones). The first one is located in Liurnia's cave tunnel. The second one is in Atlus Plateu' cave tunnel. The third one can be found at the very beginning of the Mountaintops of the Giants area in a crate located under the ruins. The last one can be obtained in the Crumbling Farum Azula after defeating a non-optional boss (which is definitely way too late). Lots of enemies in the DLC also drop them quite frequently.
Replies: >>253181
The game also just gives you plenty of stones, as long as you go to the mines. They're visible on the map, burned out spots.
>>249442 (OP) 
Just call them Dungeon Crawlers
Replies: >>253287
over 70% of bosses on elden ring are outdoors, wtf are you talking about?
is elden ring a good game to play wizard? I never played one of these games with magic
It's powerful but boring to use sorceries. Everything else is pretty fun.
Replies: >>253367
which build would you recommend to stop being the dude with big sword guy
Replies: >>253375
You can't go wrong with the Carian Slicer, and the best part is that you can obtain it in less than 5 minutes into the game for mere 1,500 souls.
Put points into str+int and go with a fist weapon. Pick up Discus of Light and Comet Azur. Roleplay as Krillin and sling Destructo discs and Kamehamehas at people.
Play sword wizard.  Its mega fun
You can do a lot with wizard in this, the different sorceries lend themselves well to different playstyles. I want to make a muscle guy who uses gravity magic.
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Finished Nioh 1 Way of the Samurai with the DLC, the final ending was lame, what is up with that? I liked the base game ending better, even with the DLC hook thingy.
>overreliance on timing
>input reading so bad every single eceleb stumbled upon the ichimonji cheese within weeks of release
>lack of variety
>most powers, consumables, and prostethics are basically instakill counters against a few enemy types and worthless against the rest
Sekiro is the most honest combat system From ever put out, in the sense that it shows they really want to go back to Ninja Blade.
Replies: >>254908
>copying faggot streamers
>using consumables
lmao I bet you look up "builds" for Souls games too.
The Soulslike of Chinese games
Tell me what you enjoy about Wukong: Black Myth, and swedish meatballs.
Replies: >>257669
Sure. I love me some monkey kino. I never played it,  shill me on it chang.
I'm not up to date with based and redpilled lingo, what the fuck does swedish meatballs have to do with anything?
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New info about the upcoming standalone Elden Ring game.
Source: https://www.famitsu.com/article/202412/27477 (archived: https://archive.is/EaCI6 )
>Core Gameplay:
>3-player cooperative game where players must survive for three in-game days
>Each day has a day/night cycle, with boss battles occurring at night
>The playable area shrinks over time, with rain marking the boundaries
>Sessions last approximately 40 minutes when successful
>Character System:
>Features 8 fixed characters called "Yoruwatari" (Nightwalkers)
>Each character has unique skills, arts, and initial equipment
>Characters start at level 1 in each session and reset afterward
>Players can collect "Relics" (similar to Bloodborne's Blood Stones) for permanent character improvements
>Setting and Story:
>Takes place in a parallel world to ELDEN RING
>Shares only the basic premise that "there was once a Shattering War in the Land Between"
>Features both ELDEN RING enemies and some DARK SOULS series enemies
>New main antagonist called the "King of Night"
>Gameplay Elements:
>Random generation of bases, dungeons, and item locations in each session
>Weapons have random stats and combat skills
>Players can explore separately or together
>Features a "loose connection" multiplayer style with minimal communication tools (pings and gestures)
>No PvP elements - purely cooperative
>Players can rescue fallen allies by attacking them
>The game is designed to be what the development team calls a "short RPG," condensing the RPG elements of exploration, character growth, and boss battles into compact sessions. While it uses ELDEN RING's assets and basic control scheme, it's being developed as a distinctly different experience with its own unique gameplay systems.
>The game is scheduled for release in 2025.
Replies: >>263780 >>263960
>Procgen rougue-lite slop
>Miyazaki not involved
>This experience was basically already possible in ER with mods
>Using their biggest IPs (name recognition) and their assets with absolutely minimum connection to justify it
I'm really skeptical about this one, and I'm worried that this is Bandai's first step in creating a live service, gacha-funded Soulslike that will consume all of From's development effort for the rest of time. 
>a "short RPG," condensing the RPG elements of exploration, character growth, and boss battles
Glad to see that Japanese people still have no idea what an RPG is.
>Glad to see that Japanese people still have no idea what an RPG is.
What would you prefer?  Trash tier tabletop mechanics shoehorned into a singleplayer video game?
Replies: >>263920
Ideally there would be a better word. Something like "character builder" or "build making mechanics"
Replies: >>263926
The term rpg is so nebulous now its kinda a moot point.  People know what they mean when they say rpg
Replies: >>263940
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>gacha soulslike
Would get a phone just to roll those gachas.
Replies: >>263930
most people don't know and even if they do they don't care, which IMO is a good thing because I don't give a fuck about that  SHIT to pretty much every non obsessed and number crunching autist  rpgs are just games where you get stronger and have choice in if you want magic  swords or guns and experiment  with upgrades while going on a journey.
no one actually enjoys games with fail states just because you made a wrong decision unless it means more content or funny moments and it sets you back only a minute
Replies: >>263940 >>263953
You got the sellen feet ssr Rare!
Abusing the term more necessarily means you don't know what people mean when people say it. If someone says they like RPGs, they could mean anything from Baulder's Gate to Diablo.

>non obsessed and number crunching autist
That's tangential at best; being a good RPG has very little to do with having numbers to crunch and everything to do with enabling players to make choices that allow them to play a variety of fleshed out and consistent characters (in the sense of a character in a play) of their design.
Also, there's clearly a lot of demand and love for good RPGs with consequently choices. I don't blame anyone who doesn't like they, but to say that no one likes them is ridiculous.
Replies: >>263952 >>263953
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>being a good RPG has very little to do with having numbers to crunch and everything to do with enabling players to make choices that allow them to play a variety of fleshed out and consistent characters 
Making choices and "roleplaying" has nothing to do with being an RPG, despite the name. You can do those things in any genre, FPS, action games whatever. Being an RPG actually is about having characters and situations represented by abstraction through numbers and systems such as classes and what have you.
For example, RPGs:
>icewind dale
>fallout 1
>final fantasy (the old ones)
>dragon's dogma
>dark souls
>alpha protocol
>fallout 4
Not RPGs:
>super mario bros
>deus ex
Etcetera. I'm tempted to Cyberpunk 2077 in the "not rpg" section based on what I've heard about it, but I haven't played it so I will refrain. Unfortunately, developers have not really explored branching paths and dialogue choices very much in non-rpgs yet, but hopefully this will change in the future.
>That's tangential at best; being a good RPG has very little to do with having numbers to crunch and everything to do with enabling players to make choices that allow them to play a variety of fleshed out and consistent characters (in the sense of a character in a play) of their design.
That's your own stubborn definition derived from tabletop role-playing.  People who want a good (video) game are interested in other attributes.  Namely: does the game have good controls?  Does the game test the player's skill in a fair and consistent manner?  Does the game have meaningful depth in its character building that can affect the player's ability to succeed or fail?  Whether or not an RPG has "engaging role playing" or whatever frankly subjective measure of the player's fantasy satisfaction does not determine if it's a good RPG or not.

>no one actually enjoys games with fail states just because you made a wrong decision
If it's a dialogue decision I'm inclined to agree, because it's very difficult to design dialogue choices in a way that consistently telegraphs to the player what the outcome is going to be and that can actually function as a check on player skill (in this case the skill of predicting a game's writing style).  However, failure due to poor character building, not using the right item, not recognizing a particular enemy behavior, etc.  These are all forms of skill testing that can create depth and what I want to see in an RPG.
>Unfortunately, developers have not really explored branching paths and dialogue choices very much in non-rpgs yet, but hopefully this will change in the future.
Hopefully not.  I don't need to wade through a bunch of pretentious dialogue when I want to play an action game.  In fact you know what?  All RPGs should have skippable dialogue as well.  This is why I enjoy about Roguelikes: they shut the fuck up and get out of my way so I can access the part of RPGs that's actually enjoyable.
Replies: >>263959
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How does Deus Ex (the original) not fit the description you gave?
Replies: >>263959
payday is an rpg
The cuddle lady bullied me in her bossfight but I finally beat it. Sword magic deals awful poise damage to npcs.
Yeah you're right, I messed up on that example, I forgot about the skills. It's still firmly in hybrid territory though, and very very light on RPG mechanics.
I don't exactly disagree, and I prefer my RPGs to focus on combat and dungeon crawling over story. That said, I think there are plenty of games that could benefit benefit from this approach, such as horror games, or something like Zelda that's a bit slower paced and more "adventure" focused over combat.
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>The game is designed to be what the development team calls a "short RPG," condensing the RPG elements of exploration, character growth, and boss battles into compact sessions.
Replies: >>263963
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Always wondered if this was any good.  Sadly they fucked the PC ports with DRM.  I love the short self-contained aspect of PSO's Challenge Mode and fast early game progression and had it recommended to me once before on that basis.
Replies: >>264025
They're great games. Give them a pirate.
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>you can challenge yourself in any game, thus making all games RPGs and genre distinctions meaningless
I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread.
Replies: >>264098
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Consider learning how to read.
>The run back to the bosses in demon's souls
Replies: >>266442
Demon's Souls is nothing at least it gives checkpoints to some capacity.
Replies: >>266443
I've only completed the dark souls trilogy and bloodborne and just started demon's souls. How can the checkpoints be worse in elden ring or sekiro when you only have a single checkpoint before a whole level and a boss in a demon's souls?
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Replies: >>266446
Literally me.
Anyone played that mod that adds lost izaliths cut content back?
It's not out for dark souls remastered yet so I can't play it. God, Dark Souls would've been perfect if lost izalith was finished.
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