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So the new Sanic Kart just dropped out of fucking nowhere and while it adds a fuckload of features it's getting a bit of a mixed reception. Figured since the game has a following here I'd post it and you can make your own judgements.


I will say it's a very different experience if you're used to Kart. I've had some gripes and some "wow"s in the short time I've played it.
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I realize it's pretty dumb to engage with a post like this, but I feel I must point out that the game is absolutely free and open source.
>>243693 (OP) 
Is this the fork that was made because the original srb2k devs are insane trannies, or is this by those aforementioned insane devs?
Replies: >>243698
I do believe this is made by said insane tranny devs, which would explain a lot of the more bizarre, tryhard changes.
Replies: >>243700
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I've already played with some of the new features of 2.0 in 1.6, and I hated most of them. Hopefully they tweaked the hell out of them to make them a lot less frustrating to utilize.
>Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers
Sounds retarded. Also terrible new logo of the dev team.
Kill yourself.
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Thanks for being honest, I can now ignore this thread.
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The promotional video of the new version, however, is a really nice touch. I'll give them that.
Replies: >>243702
Absolutely, the visual presentation of the game is also quite stunning. Honestly, I was very excited to play it and enjoyed looking at it, but my first play left me with a lot of mixed feelings.
Replies: >>243703
I hated it at first too, but that was mostly because of how much I sucked. Now that I'm decent at the game, I've started to enjoy playing it a lot more.
Replies: >>243708
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i gave it a shot, it's like if you took all the race modifying mods like the spinning melee attack and the boost stacking and whatnot from srb2kart and slammed them all into one and tried your best to balance it
my biggest problem right now is the tricks because unless you once again set your camheight/distance and if you have a screen that can let you see the pixel vomit, you probably aren't gonna see them coming up, and the keys for inputting a trick are the exact fucking same as the ones you use to steer your vehicle.
i wouldn't be against a gamenight when the hornmod's ported though at the very least, but i really don't think it's gonna be as beginner friendly as its past game is
supertuxkart 2.0 soon(tm)
That's good to hear.I really fucking suck at this game so far. I'm just eating shit constantly and I really want to see what it's like when I'm actually competent before passing judgement on it.
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I played for about an hour on someone's server. To call this game the worst racer I've played is an understatement. There is so much wrong with the game now that I don't even know how to begin.
The good:
>Grow now lets you pick up item boxes while it's active.
>There were at most two new maps that played and looked decent, in particular the Sakura Taisen one.
The bad:
<It can take more than half an hour to get through the fucking tutorial.
<Now you have to unlock the bonus characters and FUCKING COLORS one by one.
<No Doomguy and Kiryu.
<New interface is awful and intuitive, and some basic features like online play are locked off unless you play through a whole cup of tracks first.
<Everything is so bright that it's impossible to focus on what's important. It feels like they've quadrupled the amount of visual noise that the previous versions of the game had.
<The OpenGL renderer has not yet been completed and playing with it will cause some visual fuckups (still much better than playing with an unstable frame rate that can drop into the 30s).
<The game no longer places the racists in a fixed position before the race begins; instead, everyone is free to drive around the map for a few seconds behind the start line, which is completely blocked by electrical beams before the countdown ends, and any attempt to cross it will put the players in statis for what seems like an eternity.
<Most of the time, I didn't even know what the fuck was going on. The gameplay is simultaneously too slow and too fast.
<Rings have been nerfed. It is no longer possible to simply drive over rough roads using them.
<Every single new game mechanic is horrendous. Tricks are by far the worst of the lot, because now you have to constantly let go of the movement keys in order to utilize them properly.
<Item boxes are comically huge, meaning there are now far fewer of them on maps. To compensate for this, they at least made them appear much faster, but this is simply not enough.
<Egg bombs will never fool you again, since they're a lot easier to spot now.
<Bananas are way too big.
<The chat font in the game looks all weird, is harder to read than the previous one, and I wasn't even able to send a single message because pressing the hotkey did absolutely nothing.
<Shrink still exists.
The ugly: It's just SRB2K with absolutely terrible gameplay mods that can't be turned off, which means that unless they somehow fix all of the above, people will continue to play the last good version 1.6 and no one will ever care about 2.0 again.
I played through the tutorial and the first grand prix and this is pretty much spot on. If you threw every gameplay wad you could find at SRB2Kart at once it still wouldn't be this busy and convoluted. Also OpenGL not really being supported struck me as paricularly odd considering the SRB2Kart software renderer is sigseg deluxe, then on top of that they also warn you about lag at "high" resolutions like 1920x1080.
It's probably better off being treated as a singleplayer game, trying to run this on a gamenight would end with half the anons quitting at the tutorial.
Replies: >>243761
They should have added the Chao Garden.
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>>243693 (OP) 
>made a whole new thing instead of fixing the litany of issues in the original game
Are we ever doing a gamenight of Karts again or is this the nail in the coffin?
Replies: >>243758 >>243761
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>an hour long tutorial for a kratt racer
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Here's a patch that unlocks everything including online play and characters:
You can play online with it just fine. You should also be able to go back to using an unpatched version after saving your profile with the patched one.
From 088a2a403090e5caf0dff4f84b32b70f95cb52b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sparda Spurdo <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] force enable unlocks

 src/g_gamedata.cpp | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/g_gamedata.cpp b/src/g_gamedata.cpp
index e080d5c5e..10da59c44 100644
--- a/src/g_gamedata.cpp
+++ b/src/g_gamedata.cpp
@@ -493,7 +493,8 @@ void srb2::load_ng_gamedata()
        size_t unlocks_size = js.unlockables.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)MAXUNLOCKABLES, unlocks_size); i++)
-               gamedata->unlocked[i] = js.unlockables[i];
+               // gamedata->unlocked[i] = js.unlockables[i];
+               gamedata->unlocked[i] = true;

        size_t pending_unlocks_size = js.unlockpending.size();
Replies: >>243761 >>243780
>everyone is free to drive around the map for a few seconds behind the start line
I have never seen any kind of game where allowing people to move around before fighting/racing/the action begins is a good thing.
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i'd probably at the very least steal every mod ever from the kart public servers before they go down because no doubt the retarded owners will switch to ring racers, then someone insane enough can curate and remove tranny shit from anything that looks cool
i tried to figure out why they thought this was a good idea, and apparently it's because you're supposed to use that gay-ass Spin Dash that takes forever to start up at the starting line.
i can see it being easier to get the full boost than doing an exact key press at '1' for the perfect boost, but this had to be the gayest way to go around it
Replies: >>243761 >>243762
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>It's probably better off being treated as a singleplayer game, trying to run this on a gamenight would end with half the anons quitting at the tutorial.
The game crashing every third map certainly doesn't help.
>Are we ever doing a gamenight of Karts again or is this the nail in the coffin?
I'm sure that the modders will stick with the legacy version of the game. Hosting a DRRR server for a few hours would be a good idea to show anons how much of a terrific mess this game really is, and then switching back to 1.6 once most players quit.
Here's the compiled file:
You can also skip the tutorial by typing "gaster" as a password/cheat code.
>I have never seen any kind of game where allowing people to move around before fighting/racing/the action begins is a good thing.
I'm absolutely sure that most of the people in their Discord tranny echo chamber tried to explain this fact to them. Unfortunately, to no avail.
It's not easier at all. Spin dash as a mechanic makes no sense in a kart racing game, nor does the tail whip mechanic (which I have yet to see even one person use).
Replies: >>243762 >>243763
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>Now you have to unlock the bonus characters and FUCKING COLORS one by one.
This pisses me off. Why do people think having to play a game before you can have fun is a good idea?
>i'd probably at the very least steal every mod ever from the kart public servers before they go down because no doubt the retarded owners will switch to ring racers
The trannies would be crazy enough to nuke all the mods on the site.
> tail whip mechanic
What's that?
Replies: >>243763
>The game crashing every third map certainly doesn't help.
So they fixed the broken constantly crashing software renderer and then broke the working OpenGL renderer? Amazing.
>> tail whip mechanic
>What's that?
Having ring boost on the same button as items wasn't enough so they added an attack mechanic you can use if you're at 0 rings (and no items). The longer you hold it the more you go into negative rings and at -20 anyone bumping into you will make you explode.
Replies: >>243768
What is the ring mechanic even good for? Spending them speeds you up but it's not enough to use shortcuts in most cases, and I never want to touch a ring box over an item box. I do like the new items like the spike mine, bumber and flame shield, but the bubble shield feels like overkill and the new mechanics are clunky to use.
Replies: >>243773
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>Having ring boost on the same button as items wasn't enough so they added an attack mechanic you can use if you're at 0 rings (and no items). The longer you hold it the more you go into negative rings and at -20 anyone bumping into you will make you explode.
Why is the ability to blow yourself up a viable ability? I assume it also damages anyone around you as if you were hit with a mine.
Replies: >>243773 >>243774
>What is the ring mechanic even good for? Spending them speeds you up but it's not enough to use shortcuts in most cases, and I never want to touch a ring box over an item box.
I really don't know, the only thing the tutorial really used them for was maintaining momentum uphill.
>Why is the ability to blow yourself up a viable ability? I assume it also damages anyone around you as if you were hit with a mine.
Sorry, you attack when you release it. You just have to go into debt to do it.
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from what i understand, holding the button prevents you from picking up rings and item boxes too when charging, so if you wanted to slide in on someone and whop them just like, hold down the key and wait until you inevitably get down to -20 rings and you're slower than them and they've already got an item box and have either boosted 10 miles past you or hit you with an item and take you out of the entire race!
what the fuck were they thinking
Who the fuck's in the reflection of the wizard's glasses? If I don't get the answer everyone's waifu gets orced.
Replies: >>243782
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It's Freya from Chobits.
Replies: >>243784
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Just finished setting up a server for anons to play, its IP is
It's unlisted, has no mods, is on hard speed and it should run today and tomorrow.
If the game sucks then I'll try switching to a different game over the weekend (and make a thread about it).
I'm currently idling in the server if anyone wants to join.
>for windows and mac
absolute porch monkeys
Replies: >>243803
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You can compile it from source for Linux
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I hate karts
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I have no strong opinions about karts one way or another.
There's 3 fags in the server by the way
>The game no longer places the racists in a fixed position before the race begins; instead, everyone is free to drive around the map for a few seconds behind the start line, which is completely blocked by electrical beams before the countdown ends, and any attempt to cross it will put the players in statis for what seems like an eternity.

It's from the Sonic Riders series
Replies: >>243816 >>243830
It worked in that game, srb2kart not so much.
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>force myself through the agonizing tutorial
>who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to throw virtually every single semi-major gameplay mod from SRB2K 1.X into the new base game
>have to unlock online mode, because clearly our open sores sanic fangaym needs to have an unlock system adjusted for modern audiences
>complete a singlegayer cup in second place somehow, SRB2K muscle memory makes drifting a struggle
>finally get to join anon's server
>chat doesn't have a default binding
>can't seem to find the menu for remapping while in race, exit back to main menu
>rejoin, it actually saves the last server you joined which is the only genuine improvement over classic SRB2K I've encountered yet
>try to enter a race
>gamepad stops working even though it worked fine in the tutorial and singleplayer modes
Modding autists are sure to turn this into something palatable down the line but holy fuck てゐ'non was right calling this one of the worst racers ever made, it's completely overloaded to the brim with hideous game mechanics that the tutorial does a shit job at explaining and the quality of life is 6 million times worse than classic SRB2K.
The original thrived on having a simple, solid foundation as a variation and logical expansion of the Mayro Kratt formula upon which mechanics, tracks, and other autism could be flexibly layered on top without too many gameplay detriments depending on the taste of player/server operator, DRRR by comparison makes Windows 11 look like Haiku and it wouldn't surprise me if the first wave of modded servers/mods just disable or slim down gameplay mechanics to produce something more akin to SRB2K.
At least compiling on Linux was fairly painless.
Replies: >>243830
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>rejoin, it actually saves the last server you joined which is the only genuine improvement over classic SRB2K I've encountered yet
SRB2kart does this too, Join Last Server in multiplayer does it
sonic riders is a bit more sane since it allows you to get momentum going, in this game you just sit like a tard, and because hitboxes in this game are shit, you could probably just barely hit the gate and then whoops, you're screwed
are EUfags at least able to join the server this time without lagging the fuck out? if the holepunching server is at least less retarded to disable in ring racers that's a big plus
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>Overshoot a turn and end up at the foot of a hill I need to boost up
>Try to spindash up
>Too slow
>About to give up
>A racer slams right into my ass and propels me up the ramp
>Actually about to have fun for a moment
>Hit a fucking barrier at the top and it bounces me back into gay baby jail

If there's one thing I absolutely hate about this game, it's the arbitrary boost barriers that are placed in shortcuts that are already difficult terrain. It's not worth it to attempt them without boosts but they still had to add that extra "fuck you" to keep you from coloring outside the lines.
Replies: >>243850
This looks like trash. I can barely tell what's going on.
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>That fucking tumble
I don't even have to try out the game, I already know how fucking awful that shit is by experience.
>If there's one thing I absolutely hate about this game, it's the arbitrary boost barriers that are placed in shortcuts that are already difficult terrain.
I think they only put them there so you can't ring boost shortcuts but then at some point made rings not really work on rough terrain anyway.
They should have made a sonic eroge instead.
Replies: >>243856
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>are EUfags at least able to join the server this time without lagging the fuck out
I'm a yuro and I was top scoring despite having 200 ms of lag.
What themes?
Replies: >>243858
Romance and handholding with an optional harem route.
Make it like that NDS dating game but with platforming mini games.
Fuck, I need to learn coding.
Replies: >>243861
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I never thought I'd be happy a lobby died.
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getting caught cheating will involve master emerald-induced CBT
Replies: >>243864
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also is it gay if I think rule 63 sonic is kinda hot
Replies: >>243864
After playing for a bit I have to say this version sucks compared to srb2kart. It's certainly a novelty in comparison.
Spoiler File
(2.6MB, 720x404, 01:00)
>master emerald-induced CBT
That's geimu oberu.
Amy uses her hammer, Blaze sets your benis on fire and Rouge uses her high-heels.
I mean...
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<Shrink still exists.
It's EVEN WORSE than that, instead of shrink immediately hitting everyone and forcing you to wait out sections of the track you can't do while small, there are fucking shrink rays all over the track that are nearly impossible to avoid and last forever, and on top of that nonsense the shrink rays also grow the player that sent them out, meaning that they stay big forever. How do you fuck up something that was already shit from the get go, that was already based on a shit item from bing bing wahoo kart.
Replies: >>243867
I thought that was an improvement over the original Shrink. It went from an item that instantly fucks over every other player to one that they can realistically react to and potentially avoid. The rays growing the player that used it is also a neat touch though it's hard to use because Grow is even shittier now and it only lasts a scant few seconds when it's the Shrink version.
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>I'll try switching to a different game over the weekend
Please. I beg you.
Replies: >>243949
>>243693 (OP) 
From what I gather from this thread, this game is what happens when a bunch of autistic  pros make a game.  They raise the skill floor instead of the ceiling because it's been so long since they've seen it,  they can't remember what it looks like.  They rework items that would personally fuck them over into more"fun" versions.  This is just my shit take on this.
Replies: >>243904
They casualised it and at the same time made it fucking terrible. Having to use rings to speed up but only at most like 30% faster even if holding down the button is legitimately terrible. The biggest sign of the casualisation  is what happens when you fall off a ledge.
Replies: >>243909
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Bloating the game with so many new features that even the nearly hour-long forced tutorial doesn't cover them all (not even that each character has different stats) is anything but casualizing the game. In SRB2K character select was 2 menus away, in DRRR it's 6 screens away, and you're no longer allowed to change your characters in-game. TThe character selection menu no longer displays speed/weight values by default, and hovering the cursor over a character (which someone may not know about) does not display its name. While the new interface looks nicer, the previous one was intuitive to use and just worked. The whole situation with 2.0 reminds me of the countless updates to YouTube's user interface, where every time they updated it, it wasn't because the previous one was broken and needed fixing, but because they wanted to force something that Goolag's diversity hires thought to be "better".
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Kanna is not supposed to be a NIGGER
Replies: >>243915 >>243918
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Some dude on Github is already trying to fix the game.
Definitely looks overdone. Should be an easy fix.
Replies: >>243924 >>244052
>they turned my tan tomboy gf brown
rage unending
I'd rather have software renderer fixes and SP features backported to SRB2Kart than a polished version of this turd.
Replies: >>243938
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How do you compile this rotten pile of shit on Windows? CMake keeps returning: CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja I've tried putting the ninja.exe everywhere at this point.
Likewise, but I think there's a fairly decent game buried under all of it's issues.
Replies: >>243939 >>243945
Add it to your path variable, probably?
Replies: >>243940
Didn't work.
Replies: >>243941
Make sure it's actually looking for ninja and not some variation
Try -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path\to\ninjabasedir
Replies: >>243946
Same story. I forgot to include the latter part of the error: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set.  You probably need to select a different build tool.
Replies: >>243951
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Most anons already mentioned most issues (and some merits) of this game, but I'd like to point another out.
The lack of support for SRB2Kart mods is a big problem, as it's one defining feature of its predecessor.
Porting old maps, models and scripts will require unnecessary effort which could have been trivially avoided, that is if anyone's willing to do it at all.
It should get switched tomorrow, hopefully.
Meanwhile anyone that hasn't tried this yet can still do it with others. Join >>243790 in an hour or so for more games.
Replies: >>243950
Holding "V" now respawns you in case you get stuck.
Well, try -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=path\to\ninja\bin then.
Replies: >>243952
I wanted to write that I already tried this, but for some reason after trying it again now it worked. However, now I'm getting other errors. Wish me luck.
Replies: >>243954
Good luck, external dependencies are a pain on windows.
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>speed-dropping makes you bounce just above the fucking booster pad you were aiming for
>boost gates completely halt your kart's momentum for half a second which is really disorienting, even when you do fulfill the conditions for passing through
>input lag is turned on by default
>that godawful vanilla track design
>having items, ring spam and meele attack on the same fucking button
How the fuck did they go from vanilla SRB2K to this?
The ring mechanic on its own isn't too bad but all the other shit stacked on top like the trick panels/springs, spindash and fucky items are just too much.
Replies: >>243957 >>243963
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>How the fuck did they go from vanilla SRB2K to this?
Delusion, and not letting others playtest your game and tell you why it's garbage
Replies: >>243962
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>and this is the one we are positive people will enjoy.
Reminder to add --skiplogo as a launch option to skip the long ass intro.
>input lag is turned on by default
I also recommend anon to disable lite steer, which is also turned on by default.
i wouldn't complain if they ported the air physics to srb2kart, you drop like a fucking rock when trying to do some air time for shortcuts like how i constantly fell trying to jump the gap in that one f-zero track, but meanwhile it seems like they at least accounted for air time in drrrrrrrrrrrr
There's 3 anons in the server right now
should I join or just keep playing dominions
Replies: >>243977
Up to you. We have 4 players now.
Wait, are we karting?
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They just updated the game less than a half hour ago: https://github.com/KartKrewDev/RingRacers/releases/tag/v2.1
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>maybe it's not that bad in multiplayer I thought
>maybe there are some fun courses I thought
No, it's worse and I didn't enjoy a single one. They took the best kart racer and turned it into the worst.
Replies: >>244058
No karting tonight for me, but tomorrow. Yee!
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thanks 4 hostin
also new changes suck icicles
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I think turning off Lite Steering helped a lot, but the rest of the issues with the physics like shooting off into the stratosphere and underwater segments still suck. I'm not sure how to feel about the rings, on one hand it feels nice to have some kind of boost mechanic to get out of rough terrain, add some oomph to a drift or overtake someone ahead of you, but on the other having none from getting assailed by items or running into hazards slows the game to a crawl. This is especially frustrating if you're at the bottom of a hill now that you can't just accelerate up it, or in said rough terrain. Thematically it reminds me of the special stages in Sonic Heroes where you're collecting orbs to keep boosting.
The respawn system is neat but pretty broken with how overzealous it is and that it just lets you skip segments of the track. It makes a sort of sense that it dumps you further ahead so you can end up closer to the racers passing you by, but it's so exploitable and control is taken from the player for much longer than in srb2kart it's frustrating.
The changes to old items are a mixed bag, I like how Hyuudoro and Shrink work now, but Jawz, Grow and especially Invincibility were all changed for the worse. Grow doesn't make you invincible anymore and Invincibility lasts much longer than in srb2kart, it's ridiculous. The manual item roulette system doesn't help either, you can easily get and stack Invincibilities if you're a little behind and just fly through the track. I think the silver lining to it is the effect when you collide with hazards where you destroy it with a Street Fighter parry. The manual item roulette was a mistake.
The new items like the Bumper, Spike Mine, Fire Shield, and Bubble Shield are great, although the Mine and Bubble Shield might feel redundant with the Banana. The Marble Garden Top though sucks ass, it controls worse than it does in Sonic 3 if you can believe that. it's novel but it is not the comeback item it's intended to be.
The new tracks are pretty fun if claustrophobic, except for Death Egg. That track was not meant to be played by multiple people at once. The old track remakes are okay, I just don't like the visual design changes and that they shrunk the tracks, it feels very weird having barely any room to maneuver.
Last thing on my mind is the trick system. Instead of tricking off of any vertical ascent like the mod for srb2kart, you can only trick off of very specific jumps which mappers may not and often don't include in their tracks. I preferred the freedom to choose when to do tricks and enjoyed seeking out opportunities to do them in unconventional places in tracks. The trick action itself is also very rigid and prone to fucking you over if you don't approach the jump perfectly.

With that said I'd like to try the game again once Nepfag here >>243915 makes a release and see if that alleviates my frustration with the game. If I had to choose between someone hosting this or srk2kart again I'd choose srb2kart in a heartbeat.
Replies: >>244062 >>244084
Git gud, plus you shouldn't complain unless you're willing to host something better. Kill yourself, just to be safe. I don't see your ID posting any good OC anyways, you're practically useless.
Replies: >>244059 >>244060
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Your game sucks, Charyb.
<you shouldn't complain unless you're willing to host something better
>implying I haven't
Nice try lmao, your game is a trashfire made by trannies who clearly have no idea what makes SRB2Kart good. No one likes your game despite being given many more chances than it usually would.
Really good review. I will let you to use my anime-ification beam on yourself to turn into a cute anime girl then allow you to let me suck your toes for such a high quality post.
Replies: >>244072
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Hello I have come to be a tumor on several imageboards at once
On cakechan somebody was talking about you anons really hating this game, I'd like to hear your reasons as to why I haven't played it personally and always enjoy reading rants
Replies: >>244078 >>244086
fuck off
Replies: >>244085

> Thematically it reminds me of the special stages in Sonic Heroes where you're collecting orbs to keep boosting.

I'm 99% confident the ring mechanic was taken from the couple of custom srb2kart maps that had that as a mechanic, i.e. Wave Dimension Zone.
Not really rants, just things not cared for.  I expect it to be tweaked now that it had been released into the "wild".
Replies: >>244090
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RIP my SRB2K Rosalina mod. I was gonna make more characters but it not happen.

I'm echoing everyone's sentiment about Ring Racers. These devs did not understand the mission.
>not weight 9
There's a whole galaxy of junk in that trunk anon.
post it anyway, it's not like a bad sequel invalidates the original
Replies: >>244091
Reading through the thread it sounds like the track design is kind of shit this time around?  And powerups were changed for the worse. And a lot of new content, much of which isn't good.
So with all of this, how does it play compared to the first? Like, how does it actually compare moment-to-moment and in what ways is it not enjoyable that you would change?
I had no idea you posted here too. It looks like we're both metastasized :^)
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>Weight 9
Weight only goes up to 8, Anon. At least it did at the time I made this. Dunno what it's at now. Her stats were 7 and 7, she felt big enough.
Mine was the first Rosalina in SRB2K but someone named GG73 made an improved version of mine.

My original: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/rosalina-v1-0.1541/
GG73's remix: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/gg73-pack.2076/

I don't, usually. This place seems deader than 8moe whenever I come to visit and that's already pretty fucking dead.My only other place is shitposting about giantesses on the halfchan /vg/ skullgirls thread.
Replies: >>244093 >>244106
Track design in SRB2K was always hit-or-miss.
That's because of fake gamergate hogging the front page. (That's also part of why 8moe is dead, though being run by a BBC addict and literally a jew is a much bigger part.) The way to counteract that is to post more.
Replies: >>244110
The karts we have running, is that new karts or old?
Replies: >>244101 >>244102
Karts in >>243790 are now dead, replaced by >>244076
I highly recommend going back to SRB2K because Ring Racers appears to be made for people who hate life and themselves.
Replies: >>244110
>Name: PsychoJosh
<...nah, that must be a joke

>it's actually him
When's GigaMaidens you obese faggot?
Replies: >>244113
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yeah, posting more here and NOT on kikechan, HINT FUCKING HINT, would be the way to bring good life here since people wouldn't be having to be under a roof of a known fat jew, who will delete your thread for stupider reasons than cuckchan, just to shitpost.
for those thinking about hostan after SVEN, feel free to grab this if you think you might want it:
everything from last karts all neat and organized, i'd figure out how to make the server stop relying on that shitty holepunching server though, maybe 1.3 doesn't have that by default.
though i heard that neptune found a way to get up to 32 racists, if there was a way to rip their code or at least rip their dicksword shilling just for that and make it server-side i'd suggest that too
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Do you actually think you can escape me? I am more or less everywhere.

I've actually managed to kidnap and hogtie some programmers from the Netherlands to help me complete GigaMaidens, so we are proceeding. Shall I make a thread about it?
Replies: >>244114
if you have progress, show it off in /agdg/
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These Time Trials feel absolutely impossible. SRB2K ghosts weren't nearly this soul crushing.
Replies: >>244126
Holy fuck the rubberbanding is so bad
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The new item balance is utterly fucked.
If you are not in 1st place, the Invincibility Stars will last you an eternity, and rolling them is so easy with the manual item roulette that I managed to collect a total of 5 Stars in one race.
Same exact thing with the new Fire Shield. I've already lost count of how many firsts have been stolen from me due to them being this overtuned.
Grow had its uses in Kart, but now it no longer doubles acceleration speed and is only useful as a weapon or shield against new threats on maps.
SPBs, for some reason, are a lot harder to roll now and can take as long as 15-20 seconds before it finally starts oppressively pursuing the player in first place.
Rocket Sneakers got nerfed and have less charges, and rolling them feels awful when there are clearly much better options now.
Thunder Shield has remained unchanged, but is now an even more of a joke, as holding items has been significantly weakened thanks to the existence of Rings.
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where is miku
Replies: >>244142
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>how does it play
It plays like someone took a collection of gameplay mods from SRB2K, "improved" them, hardwired them into the base game and then "designed" entire tracks around these new mods features.
I can sort of see where this approach came from as OG SRB2K ran into the problem that some track+mod combinations plainly worked better than others with track authors (un)consciously taking common gameplay mods into account when designing their tracks, which could then create scenarios in which certain mod combos or even character stats would be unable to execute certain corners or shortcuts, in rare cases even failing to make regular jumps aided by booster panels.
This sounds quite bad as from what I know there was never any documentation or hard mod dependency from a gameplay standpoint, but in practice most of the popular EU and sleepy gamenight serbs tended to have fairly sane combinations of track packs and gameplay mods that even when using chars outside the server meta these problems would rarely be encountered they tended to prop up more in giga autism discord tranny battle servers, which for some reason always had six trillion mods layered on top of each other.

Perhaps the Dicksword circlejerkoffs in charge of DRRR wanted a standardized one-size-fits-all dilation experience, but it didn't fly so good.
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