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it's fucking video games, baby

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What have you bene playing lately? If you're human and play games on the regular there might be something about them that has stuck to you and you deem worthy of sharing. If faggot e-celebs exist it is proof that plenty can be said about videogames, whether good or bad. Gameplay, story, characters, its sounds department or its music, the graphics or lack thereof, and the like.

For instance, I've been meaning to finish Forbidden Siren on the PS2, and you can tell it's a Japanese game because there are funny slanted faces plastered over the 3D mesh equivalent of a potato.
Gameplaywise it plays like your average survival horror game with a unique twist. For some reason I'm yet to figure out, the player characters have the ability to "sightjack" the vision of the faggots trying to kill you. Using this technique you can check on their behaviour and their movement pattern, as well as guessing where they are located using the map and their field of vision. It's a pretty cool gimmick the game was built on, given you're helpless most of the time and there are plenty of villagers with firearms sprinkled throughout the map.

That being said, I've only procrastinated completing this game because it's a fucking slog to play through. The gameplay loop consists of missions printed on time slots on some retarded looking bulletin board, and each mission needs one objective done to be completed. Keep in mind there are 10 different playable characters the story is constantly jumping to from mission to mission, and the game is constantly reusing the handful stages there are between them. I can't forgo how I had cleared Akira's mines mission at the beginning of the game to be immediately greeted by the same mines in the very next mission only with a different character at a different time, felt like the game spat at my face at that time.
What's more, more often than not you'll clear a mission only to be forced to return to another one you completed an hour ago only to collect some stupid new item on the map. From what I've seen so far this has to be done with every mission in the game, and since you don't get to decide which mission's next you're forced to backtrack two missions to gain access to a new level. This is dogshit level design, and this is coming from the guy who directed the first Silent Hill 1 and later on produced the Gravity Rush games. The fact that a game you have to sit through for 3 hours from start to finish is more replayable than a game split into missions speaks volumes on how grating this game is. I can only hope the second game is better.
On a side note, the localization on this game reminds me how fucked the English language is. The Italian, French and Spanish version all use sex instead of gender on the characters' bios. Surprisingly enough even the UK version does as well, the US one being the odd one of the bunch. I supposed Americans chugged too much fluoride compared to yuropoors, even back in 2004.
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>>240854 (OP) 
                             TO CHANGE.
Replies: >>240886 >>240959
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>>240854 (OP) 
>the localization on this game reminds me how fucked the English language is. The Italian, French and Spanish version all use sex instead of gender on the characters' bios.
I hate that fucking word, americans are so puritan that they needed to invent a new word just to not say the taboo sex word, and with the time they have forgotten who the true word was. Is like today with words like nigger. This kind of thought is less common in european catholic languages because they come from a catholic tradition, unlike anglos who are protestant, nowadays nobody believes in the religion part, but the cultural puritanism remains, and even catholic countries are getting infested with those ideas that comes from the protestants. This is the natural outcome of centuries of being ruled by bastards who believe the things of a 2700 years old book are true. That's why catholicism was so good, you can commit all the sins you want, at the end of the day, you make a 3 seconds pray or give a coin to the church and you're forgiven, meanwhile with the protestantism, people need to win god forgiveness or born with a predestined fate. I just say all this shit just to say i hate all the anglos, but the americans more, and the germans too, for bringing such idiocy to the world.
Why the hell do we accept american nonsense? even the shitty UK was doing good saying the correct word, and nowadays i see the fucking gender word even in italian or spanish. People who defend this shit are dumb and should die in a pire for their sins against reason, another thing with english is that they don't have a official regulation, like in other languages like german or spanish, this is also a good thing, for the flexibility it offers, but at the same time, its downfall, because every fucker can invent a useless word like gender or like those tikokers speaking in a vulgar bastardization of english. Official regulations are also a bad thing, if for political reasons they start accepting this bullshit, but most academics that study letters that deep are autistic and don't accept that shit easily. In fact, is not wrong per se, saying that a thing is gender masculine or example, 
but only if it refers to a word, words are technology, so they have to follow certain kinds of rules, you can't say a person is gender X, because you're referring to an actual human, no to the word itself. Gender is a social construct, (and i think even this word is wrong, and the actual correct word is genre btw, but i am not sure), but is a social construct, not because you can believe that you're an 120mm Leopard 2, but because words are a consensus between humans to allow the communication of societies. THE THING IS WHY IF THE FUCKING SPANISH ROYAL ACADEMY, THE FRENCH ACADEMY OR THE ITALIAN ONE DOES NOT MAKE A FUCKING MENTION OF THE WORD GENRE AS SEX THERE ARE TONS OF FUCKINGS NORMALFAGS USING IT AS A SYNONYM OF SEX ON THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGES???!  Normalfags don't even know their native language...
 The thing i most hate is the idea of that your will will mold reality. In this sense, trannies are as crazy as new age faggots. 

Oh, this was supposed to be about videogames, so.... man, the PS2 was truly the best era for survival horrors, the japanese truly know how to make disturbing shit... nowadays i think the concept of what a survival horror is has been lost, because every modern one i see is more of a action shooter than a "survive the horror" which are what they are supposed to be.
It's so funny to me how weimericans think they're too puritan
I played through Devil Castle X: Nocturne in the Moonlight on the PSX and am trying to beat Rondo of Blood on the PCE CD.
Nocturne is somewhat of a biblical metaphor in that it tempts the normalgoy and soyjourno with gorgeous artwork and fantastic music, but utterly corrupts the root of the Castlevania series in the progress.
The core problem with the game is not that it's an exploration platformer, but rather the gay nigger ESGBT ARPG leveling and equipment/item system.
It completely and utterly destroys and pretense of balance, purposeful enemy design, and player skill - the longer you play, the more Arcaado morphs from a faggot bishie fucking proto ESG soygoblins with a sword into a walking tank of an isekai protag who survives boss battles by getting pushed around and occassionally chugging a potion or meat if the boss does more than 1 damage per attack.
In Rondo of Blood this is impossibru as Richter's whip never gets stronger nor do any of the enemies, instead the player gets better at the fucken game after beating the dullahan lance nigger stage 4 boss after 80 tries holy fug that boss fight is cancer.
The game's level design naturally reflects this as every enemy, platform, item is placed with a purpose - it may seem difficult at first, but with enough perserverance (You) will eventually 2hu through skelebones instead of getting knocked into the spike pit, gracefully jump over skeledragon projectiles while axing them for hearts only for a fugging hadesnigger to dodge your whip again and molest a quarter of your health away right before the Axe armor room ah fuck and grow into a man in the process.
Nocturne on the other hand?
>walk around bashing skeletons, spirits, armors
>can dodge their projectiles by ducking unlike Richter who has to carefully time his whip swings in order to intercept their projectiles and rape Armors to undeath lest he get raped by a spellcard's worth of Axes, but Alutard just whacks them until they died
>encounter a boss while exploring
>die a few times, think I can see a pattern but want to take break and explore a bit more before trying again
>find 3 heart containers, several potions and a rare end game tier weapon some random enemy dropped, gain several levels from bashing fodder enemies
>boss now does half the damage and dies in a few hits in spite of me fucking up and getting thrown around hard, but Alushart is too stronk so the boss dies
>leaving behind a health upgrade because Alublart clearly wasn't strong enough already
This could be addressed if the RPG leveling system+potions didn't exist and armor upgrades were deliberately placed like in Metroid, but of coursh all the late 90s journalistes ate it up like bull semen and every Trannyvagina since then save for the N64 entries and that 7th gen GoW clone follows 月下の夜想曲's nigger formula.
Fuck niggers, kill niggers.
The music coupled with that dragonball animu artist really were magical. And sudden battles like in Final Fantasy are gay in comparison to the Mario RPG / Chrono Trigger style. More should have done it (back then). I know the sequel is bad so I've refused for all these years to even download nor play it, not even watch it. Lightning and bottles. Having a storyline that's superior like FF7 is more touching though than just charming art and music, though FF7's was kinda epic it wasn't as charming art wise. I haven't played a game in about 2 years myself, having a job gets in the way. It takes me too long to calm down so I can't read or play games, just drink booze and watch gay tv shows whlie slowly dying. Chrono Trigger even having multiple endings back then, it was very good but it ruins you for other games you know. The game I was (re)playing was/were those two Gamecube Zeldas, also very prime. I only played the best so it's no wonder I can't be bothered to play games, no joy if you replay them too often and fuck new/jew games of course. 

tl;dr: nice mspaint drawing of Lavos. 7/10 post
Replies: >>240905
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>nowadays i see the fucking gender word even in italian or spanish
Gender is fine when referring to innanimate objects that make no sense to be humanized (a male tree or a female lamppost). What strikes me the most is that the PAL version of Siren released a month before the NTSC-U release. Siren USA uses the same dub and translation set as the European one; the only change to their release was changing sex into gender.

Here's a funny one. Sony of America approached Clap Hanz into localizing Everybody's Golf for the American audience, and this was the result. Thankfully the American characters were never heard of again after this game.
The latter European version ditched the US roster entirely and brought back the Japanese one, with the addition of the two US guest characters (Jak and Ratchet).
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I have no idea who he is but Toni is apparently meant to be an IRL golfer. Fairly funny considered they never bothered clarifying who he was or tried advertising the game using his name.
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Rose was the last opponent on Minna no Golf 3 and so was Louise on Hot Shots Golf 3. They both use the same skeleton and share a number of animations, as unlikely as it seems.
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Mel comes up to you and slaps you're waifu in the ass. What do you do?
Replies: >>240899
T-Bone would come from behind him to pick his pockets.
you see, little timmy, you can't sell "sex" as dignified, no matter the era you live in, so words get changed to accomodate
and the world works on the backs of those who sell things they do not truly own (quite often for money they don't truly own either)
AI generated post.

To continue with my train of thought from earlier, damn Lavos 2 is a massive difficulty spike. I had made sure to finish all the optional quests before storming the Black Omen Dream, had consumables coming out of my ears and already knew about the trick with the wall panel enemies, so I thought I was pretty fucking overpowered at this point. Zeal looks like hot shit but at this point you have all the best equipment and magic damage is a funny joke you tell your friends. The worst thing she can do to you is Halation and she's not fast enough to capitalize on it unless you're extremely unlucky. Lavos wasn't much better as you just shit damage on him with double/triple techs and kill the shell before it can do anything really scary. I got cocky and didn't equip properly after that, so Lavos proper behaving like a real JRPG boss caught me completely off guard and I couldn't keep up with his damage output. Doesn't help that everything after the shell phase is actually pretty creepy. Even though Lavos is just imperfect Cell with some extra bits stuck on. Now you can't unsee it either.
Replies: >>241049
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Im still trying to complete the first Halo game. How the fuck this spawned a franchise is something i will never understand. I just played a chapter of like 1-2 hours and im not exaggerating that 90% of the level was copy-pasted hallways. It was so fucking boring. I just want to get this shit game over with so i never have to touch it again.
Using Dash Faction, I just finished the first Red Faction on hard. Its control scheme takes some getting used to, but it's a solid game all around. I think environmental destructibility for exploration was underused. The plot was cool, and the setting felt very inspired by Total Recall while the gameplay was equally inspired by Half-Life. I wish the environments were more interactive and detailed. There's a TV in the mercenary barracks, and I wanted to see it play and turn it off and on. I think the lack of interactivity and detail are due to the game releasing on the PS2 and Windows at the same time. I hope Red Faction 2 is better, but I have not heard good things about it.
Have you played any of the ROM hacks for Chrono Trigger? How were they? I read that Plus adds 1999.
Replies: >>240966
I just finished the vanilla game with the "final cut" retranslation patch. I don't know why you would want to explore 1999, it doesn't make thematic sense. All I would want out of a CT hack beyond balance, reworking Singing Mountain as an optional quest and making the endgame more threatening. Lavos' shell phases are so weak it's downright funny.
>okay, you can do this, they're just three kids and you're a giant space porcupine with 65 million years of experience, you just have to mimic something powerful and they'll fold
>let's start with that metal dragon thing the nerdy girl's father made
<dies in one turn
>uh shit, how about that factory guardian the humans built before I sterilize the surface
<dies to one Frog Drop
>maybe that impervious beast the angsty one left to guard my burrow?
<Mix Delta, crit, crit
Replies: >>240970
Apparently, Plus has 1999 open up in accordance to character side quests done. It also re-implements a lot of cut content, has some balancing changes, and makes the game less linear. I want to play it, but I've never played Chrono Trigger before. I think I'll play with the Final Cut instead, but if I ever did play Plus, I think there would be major translation differences between the two since Plus mainly uses Woolsey's script. I've heard that Woolsey's is bad. Did you play the version of the Final Cut that makes gameplay changes?
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Finished Alien Isolation, I really like it, despite having some annoyances. Too many sections with the fucking robots, and i dont just deal with regular robots, because i also deal with robots in hazmat suit that become 3x bullet sponge for some reason. Also I like Amanda, she's kinda cute.  

Did you know there is comic about batman vs alien?
Replies: >>240985
There is also a comic about aliens vs terminators.

Lavos and or "Cell" were both meant to be boss gauntlets. Of course it being the same artist and all, why not have such symettry? It has lots of literary symmetry in fact with DBZ... not that I can even rememeber things.
Playing through Dracula 2: The cursed seal on the FDS and OOT on the N64 simultaneously because I'm retarded.
OOT may not be the bester gaem evar made, but it is in a similar spot to M64 in that it is designed and put together with a degree of competence that not only holds up today, but just like M64 before it released at a time when 3D games let alone 3D Action-Adventure games hadn't quite been fully figured out.
Rockman Dash for example as a contemporary game is playable, but total jank compared to OOT with many design faults and errors likely down to the devs simply not having experience with 3D games let alone 3D Rockman whereas OOT's different elements mesh together like it's the second or third 3D Zelda game in the series even though it's the first and the devs shouldn't know how to do it this right but they somehow did.
Even later 3D Zeldas never quite matched OOT in its complete/wholesomeness, they might've exceeded OOT in certain Areas of gameplay while falling short in others with an overall less consistent presentation and feel.
Actually, OOT surpasses M64 in this regard as it has barely aged at all compared to that game, even close to 30 years after release the N64 dithering, fog and 8x MSAA still create a wonderfully depressing hyper-realistic atmosphere on a CRT that neither modern Zeldas nor modern games in general have succeeded at matching and the gameplay is just as functional as it was back then.
M64 on the other hand has the arguably best controls and movement of any 3D platformer in history, but the low polycount, stock textures and levels jumbled together from random floating platforms combined with pop-in and painfully 2D enemies pretending to be 3D cement it as a game from when DOS was still a major gaming platform whereas OOT may as well be considered an early 6th generation title.

Dracula 2 is what happens when you have a fine 2D platformer about whipping skeletons to excellent music, some head dev plays Metroid and thinks it's hot shit and then decides to make a game like that but using the SkeleBDSM game as the basis with no prior experience with sidescrolling Action-Adventure/Exploration Platformer games, a genre title that at the time probably hadn't even been named because it's 1988 and Metroid only came out 2 years ago.
It's...well-intentioned and moderately playable, but falls far short of the greatness of 悪魔城ドラキュラ on the FC but is still better than the MSX version, lol.
Biggest problem is that it takes ages to get around everywhere due to a complete lack of teleporters/fast travel or regular shortcuts, combined with the gameplay still retaining the movement of the original fixed level sidescroller but the level design not fully incorporating adjustments needed to make exploring less of a pain it ends up somewhat shit.
Stairs were acceptably bullshit methods of traversing between elevated platforms while getting raped by Medusa heads in the first game, here the devs didn't quite know whether to make endlessly long horizontal sections or opt for a more vertical design approach like Metroid and thus opted for a 56% compromise with long scrolling sections interrupted by stairs and floppy disk loading times which subjectively take forever to climb.
Add together badly designed towns with multiple levels of elevation connected by long stairs because Simon Belmondo is too sophisticated for ladders and absolutely gay nigger invisible blocks in dungeons and you may as well be falling asleep from all the tedium if not for the excellent music, oh and they removed all the bosses in place of static orbs you have to hit with a holy dagger that has to be obtained in the dungeon first.
While it sounds shit and is to a degree, the NPCs in the Japanese original at least give you enough hints to figure out shit for yourself, it's just that doing so isn't very fun.
Thankfully ESG wasn't much of a thing back then so Konami was able to learn from their mistakes and release the excellent 悪魔城伝説 in 1989, which is like the first game but improved all around.
Is 紅魔城 any good?
Replies: >>241194 >>241250
>Rockman Dash for example as a contemporary game is playable, but total jank compared to OOT with many design faults and errors likely down to the devs simply not having experience with 3D games let alone 3D Rockman whereas OOT's different elements mesh together like it's the second or third 3D Zelda game in the series even though it's the first and the devs shouldn't know how to do it this right but they somehow did.
Huh, I think MML is far better than OoT. For one thing actually having a jump button is better than that awkward "run at the edge of a cliff" thing. And it's just more fun to play in general.
Replies: >>241269
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Finished Aarklash Legacy, its a mediocre top down game with amazing graphics and setting, I liked the hook of the game, you control a team of  repoman for a fantasy bank, raid some country's vault and start a war, then the game turns generic fantasy story where you have to stop the big baddie from turning into a god.
The gameplay is kind boring, its a diablo like game with RTWP gameplay and linear levels, if this game was a turn based it would be much better, RTWP feels like a mobile game. 
The best part of the this game was the art style, its great, I'm sucker for this aesthetics I love games with this look, I don't know how to describe it other than european high fantasy, Overlord, Trine, Fable, love them, I'm sure there are more games with this aesthetics out there but I still have to find them.
Play LoZ MM.
I'm playing Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Campaign on hard with Imperial Guard and getting my ass handed to me.
The A.I spam is just too fucking much, you either rush their base or you get pummeled and even then you better micro like a God so you can build enough defenses for the cunts who flank you.
>>240854 (OP) 
forbidden siren is bullshit  from my memories they expected you to use the internet to find solutions if I'm right
but it's still criminal that there's no undub for ntsc-j

I've been playing quake champions fun ignoring sound sucks and finding matches takes a few minutes
OOT gets many little things right that Dash fugs up, such as:
>why the fuck does ankle-sized grass have invisible walls
>why is there no targeting reticule to indicate what enemy my gun is pointing at
>why can't I move while locking on an enemy
>why is the camera not trying to stay behind my character when walking around while taking some static object collision into account instead of being entirely manual with no regards for clipping
>why can Rheinhardt and Carrie from 悪魔城ドラキュラ黙示録 alter their direction mid-jump while Dash Rockman can't?
ハイラル is also much better designed than the Islands of Dash.
Dash is still a decent game, but it definitely came out before OOT codified 3D Action-Adventure game design.
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Its pretty damn beautiful
Replies: >>241460
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It sure is.
Meanwhile, this is how my very first game of Civ V went: I spawned in the arctic and lost the game before I could make a single move.
Replies: >>241461
Why'd you turn off the option that makes it so you don't spawn in a place you can't survive?
Replies: >>241478
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Is No More Heroes 2 just not as good as the first game?

I've had this nagging feeling about since I realized that all of the "training" and "side-jobs" are just "Le funny retro mini-games". However, the absolute bullshit required to increase Travis' power, Shinobu's levels being a nightmare to play, and then No.8 boss being a bumper-car battle on mile-long motorcycles that you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT LOSE just feels draining on me. Especially since I had more fun playing with Jeane and the fucking tile sliding mini-game than I am actually playing the damn game, itself. What's the deal? Much of the game seems to be copy and pasted from the first game, but it all feels less refined. And the only improvement I can really say about the game is exclusively in regards to Naomi's tits. I feel like this also has something entirely to do with the fact that the final act of the first game was a rug pull that revealed that the entire point of everything was Travis coping and training to get revenge against his sister, then this game ignores all of that with a "reset to zero".
Replies: >>241475 >>241532
I think part of the reason NMH2 turned out like that is because NMH was intended to be a one and done. So NMH2 was more of a cash grab to capitalize on the minorI think success of the first. While I don't remember hating NMH2, I didn't like it as much as the first.
>the only improvement I can really say about the game is exclusively in regards to Naomi's tits
Agreed. Giant anime titties are always nice.
Nigga I opened the game for the first time and the game said "lol skill issue"
Replies: >>241484
>>240854 (OP) 
Just finished Beyond Good & Evil
It feels to me that this game gets way more credits than it deserves, it's not bad far from it but the gameplay part of the game is just decent it's mostly the way the world is presented that I fee deserves being called great.

The stealth part of the gameplay in particular is just not good, but the combat isn't all that great either, it feels like clunkier Arkham series combat with less cooperative everything especially camera but I can excuse it somewhat as I don't feel anyone had any idea of how to make fluid combat that wasn't DMC-tier tism at the time which simply wouldn't fit here..

Sequel never ever not that I would ever want anything from modern Ubisoft anyways.
Replies: >>241482
>Sequel never ever
Wasn't there a sequel announced a few years back and the trailer was predictably filled with niggers? Did that get shit canned?
Replies: >>241483
It was announced in 2017, then had reports of being reboot  not too long after then some leaks said it was in complete dev hell  and about to be abandoned.
Replies: >>241507
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You won't start in the arctic unless you check "disable start bias" in the game setup, since each civilization is predisposed to a certain starting terrain and none of them make you die immediately.
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Happy Humble Burger farm. A horror game in the form of wage cuck simulator. 
I should've saved it for halloween but fuck it I'm vandalizing property and wasting money.
>game first revealed  in 2008
>4 more years 
looks like we're going to get a new record holder for games in dev hell
Replies: >>241526 >>241561
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Replaying gothic 2, this time as a mage, just finished the expansion quest. Spamming goblin skellies to kill everything is fun, even managed to bring down some trolls. Game is even comfier than I remembered
I's already the record holder, Duke Forever only was in dev hell for 14 years
Replies: >>241527 >>241561
yes but it's unlikely anything will ever beat it because no one would be stupid enough to  try such a thing again
Replies: >>241561 >>241567
Yeah, NMH2 isn't very good. The combat and gameplay are dumbed down. The character designs were changed. Its existence is contradictory to the first game. The best thing about it is Margaret. Her song and fight are like a targeted attack at SUDA for how pretentious the first No More Heroes is, especially in comparison to SUDA's previous work, and she's the cutest boss, thought Kimmy is a close second. If you want a successor to the first No More Heroes, play Killer is Dead and Shadows of the Damned.
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Its actually really fucking fun. At first i thought it was some shitty one gimmick indie game but the more i played the more i started to like it. I still havent beaten it yet but i have become alot better at it.
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Grimoire was first announced in October 1997 and released in August 2017. That's almost 19 years and long enough that no extant website was old enough to cover the announcement and the release. Also honorable mention to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, which was first announced in 2010 and has already beaten DNF.
Replies: >>241568 >>241569
Sui Generis, the fully fledged RPG that Exanima is supposed to be a combat demo/showcase for, will most likely be that if it's even still in development.
There' probably also early access titles that have been in such state since the launch of that idea and aren't any closer to a complete release like JOYLANCER and will surely go on to remain unfinished for the next decade.
>almost 19 years
actually that's almost 60 years
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>playing NIOH
>almost finish the game
>notice I can transform into NPCs from the game
>immediately buy the first female npc on the teahouse shop
>run to the nearest hotspring
>use it
>she doesn't undress
>>240854 (OP) 
>What have you bene playing lately?
I've played a bit of BOTW and BOF3 recently.
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I thought this was based on a skyrim mod made by a couple guys over the years.
What the fuck?
Is the mod better? The weird zoom while sprinting is making me sick.
Replies: >>241631
Anon it would help if you say what the fuck you are talking about.
Replies: >>241634
Body type?
Replies: >>241635
I mean the game you're talking about.
Replies: >>241638
Forgotten city.
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Empty Shell
You ever played Teleglitch?
This is basically a shittier version of it without the crafting and screen effects out the ass
Replies: >>242009
I played teleglitch and i hated it so i guess its a even worse teleglitch?
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Well it has some good menu music. Lets hope the gameplay is as good...
Replies: >>242011 >>242013
I haven't played this in almost 20 years, but I remember it being a lot of fun. A bit weird design wise, but still fun.
it's not  bad  it's similar to Half-Life 1  but it's very much janky and broken  even with fixes 
I would  love if someone actually made a modern PC port with some trimming of the bad parts  but I don't see that ever happening since copyright nonsense
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Avernum Escape from the pit, this time I will finish this game for sure, its okay, the amount of dungeons this game has  its impressive for 1MA, however the balance and pacing is all over the place, some areas are fun to explore while others are boring due how expansive certain locations are compared to the smaller more compact regions, the game is very stingy with rewards there is an in setting reason why the aren't many useful equipment laying around but its not fun burning through potions and scrolls only to be rewarded with absolutely nothing.
Game does not have music, I play this game with Torchlight, Arx Fatalis, Diablo, Fable and Gothic soundtrack in background, I've tried to use the Silent Hill soundtrack but it didn't work.
Replies: >>242031
>can't say yes
Replies: >>242032 >>242049
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Replies: >>242050 >>242069
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>no marriage proposal
Replies: >>242054 >>242072
>no marriage proposal
You need to click "Yes." first to get to that option.
Replies: >>242072
I`ll play it with this mod please.
Replies: >>242072 >>242078
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>female entity smiles in your general direction
>already wants to put a ring on her
As >>242054 pointed out, you don't want to be the male equivalent of a shotgun bride.
398e50 edited his screenshot, it's not a mod. You can tell the new line blurs differently than the rest of the text.
Replies: >>242095
this anon doesn't secretly want to fuck spiders, he openly wants to fuck spiders
Replies: >>242079
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Who doesn't?
Replies: >>242080
Bro the eyeball was there first
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>already wants to put a ring on her
I would.
Replies: >>242099
>no fibers on the end of her legs
2/10 wouldn't even gift a fly
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I went to Midwest Gaming Classic last weekend and I played a fuckton of games. They come as close to having "everything" under one roof as you can get and with a surprisingly low tranny quotient for a nerd event in current year to boot. If you can make the trip in April a 2-day pass is worth every penny. If you have money to blow paying for Friday night might even be worth it, there is just so much to see and play there aren't enough hours to reach all of it (or even most of it) in two days. Today I'm going to talk about the most surprising part of the whole show: indies that were actually fucking worth my time. Yes, there was a lot of indieshit at both the "future classics" tables and the dedicated NES homebrew section. These games weren't indieshit.
>Bangle and Maggie: Highlight of the show. Big titty elf zombie (Bangle) kills things with a giant fuckoff claymore while a magical jellyfish (Maggie) provides cover in a sword-and-sorcery desert setting. The "gimmick" here is that every physical attack (both normal attacks from mashing X and special attacks bound to Y) affects your movement and every possible movement state (standing, walking, running, rolling, rolling from running, jumping from running, etc) makes a different attack come out when you press X, so as you git gud you can dodge and attack in a single smooth motion and rush down bosses much faster than normal without having to learn motion-based special attacks. This is important as Bangle is very slow for a side-scrolling action game and your escape tools (a heal and a dash-slash) aren't spammable. The one major issue I had with the game was that this mechanic wasn't discoverable: I had to ask the developer on duty how to avoid getting corner carried by the boss, because it kept using a forward rush attack and jumping over it wasn't reliable. He said the demo was from partway into the game and the tutorial level will give you a chance to learn the moveset. Other than that sore spot, the audio was on point, the art is good and consistent (although I wish it wasn't pixel art) and holy shit it's a woman with big tits in a western game. Vid related, but in the show demo Bangle had big floofy hair instead of the ridiculous bowl cut from the trailer.
>IVOR: Unity FPS made from 70% Quake, 25% Blood, 5% vikingposting and 100% particle effects. Nothing especially good or bad that's worth writing an essay on, it knows it's video game comfort food and doesn't have its head up its own ass about it. Unoptimized by admission of the dev, he's using Unity's HDRP to get all the fog and particle effects looking the way he wants and it's killing performance to the point that the demo crashed at one point because the laptop it was running on overheated. He promises he'll try to optimize it before final. There's a copy of the original gamejam demo on itch right now and the MGC show demo should be up in a couple weeks, so you don't have to take my word for it, go play it: https://moonmuse-jams.itch.io/ivor
>OverObj: Bullet hell on the NES. This one stood out to me because it looked like a real bullet hell with no sprite flickering, but it ran on a real NES-101, not an emulator or a clone with the sprite limits removed. Pretty damn impressive if you ask me.
>Asteroids Recharged: From the guys making the other Atari-remake cabs someone was making fun of in the news thread a few weeks back. Turns out "Humble Bundle barrel sludge" works pretty well when you're only paying 50 cents a play for it. Dev on duty said they were looking to do title updates to add shit like bosses and versus mode. Went from being ready to take a fat shit on the old man who brought it to unironically looking forward to seeing one in the wild.
Replies: >>242125
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>that video
I don't give a shit about the other ones you've listed but this one looks pretty neat.
>every possible movement state makes a different attack come out when you press X
>Bangle is very slow for a side-scrolling action game and your escape tools aren't spammable
Cool. Sounds like something some developer from the 90s would've tried in some experimental SNES game that's now worth 800$ on the second hand market. Much better than every other indie game in existence that aping Super Metroid, Megaman X, SotN and all three at the same time.
>I wish it wasn't pixel art
I don't mind it. The enemies and the main character use a limited palette that both stands out from the background and is easy on the eyes. It feels well thought-out and inspired, unlike current year neon pixelshit vomit. The motions on the main whore are really smooth as well, and no post-processing effects either. Again, it looks like something a real developer from the Mega Drive era would've developed if he had a better machine and higher resolution.
>holy shit it's a woman with big tits in a western game
She's even got jiggle on her titties on her animations, it's great.
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Tried playing the original Blood but i suck because im unfamiliar with the key placements. Its really weird since the keys just seems spread around at random close to eachother and its not regular type key placements. I think for example the jump key is A while the attack key is Z. Its strange. But im also trying some other game called Hedon which seems to be some sort of homage to these old games.
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Has anyone else here played the Wii port of Samba De Amigo? If you have, is the motion detection really 'that' bad or is it that I'm extremely uncoordinated?
Replies: >>246021
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i just started playing saints row 3 and i just chose some mode called "whored" which is just some rounds of fighting against things or with abilities and its pretty damn fun.
Replies: >>242672
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<First vid is what you think you look like when playing seventh gen games
<Second is what you really look like
I think I finally understand why people hated motion controls in a lot of vidya. It's much less to do how justified they are or how well they're implimented, and much more to do with the fact that you're standing there looking like an idiot regardless.
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Tried playing some Turbo Overkill because it looked nice. Well turns out that the weapons are shit and your slide ability instant kills enemies so after about 20 or so minutes of gameplay i uninstalled it. And ofcourse it had some cringe shit in it aswell like this image.
Replies: >>242821 >>242846
Are all weapons oomers?
Replies: >>242834
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Played alien fireteam elite with a friend, it is a fun game where you kill aliens, to bad about the diverse and inclusive army, where there is, I shit you not, a chink female with one leg that is the fucking pilot. And the game makes you wonder, who really is the monster here.
Replies: >>242838 >>243984
As far as i played, it was only that weapon which i unlocked after 3 or so levels
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I didn't even notice any of that, I just had fun.
Replies: >>242854
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it's a boomstick, why wouldn't it be called "Boomer"?
And you've only played the first 20 minutes, so you've only fought cannon fodder enemies, later ones don't go easy on your chainsaw shenanigans.
I am saddened to hear that they haven't fix the weapon feel though, that was my only gripe with the demo.
If I wasn't forced to go back to that shitty base, each time I finish a mission, I wouldn't notice either.
Replies: >>242864
the only person from the base I remember is the guy selling you weapons
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Voices of the Void since it got a new update around a month ago
Got a swanky new base with interactable vending machines that dispense food and drink (that costs points)
Still messy as shit though and the transformer that has the switches for doors, lights, etc. is now in the basement with all the mannequins which can go fuck itself
Replies: >>243140
Spoiler File
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Guess what I have fired up out of spite for hacks.
I've been playing that.  This game spooks the shit out of me.  I really need to grow a pair and go exploring at night. Also having to hit my daily quota means I don't have a lot of time either, I should just import stuff to a new save.
Replies: >>243142 >>243156
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>I really need to grow a pair and go exploring at night
Me too, though I´m saving up for a drone so that I don´t have to 
>Also having to hit my daily quota means I don't have a lot of time either
Yeah, that eats a surprising amount of time especially the hashcodes if you fuck them up because of a typo or death through reckless driving/jumping
>go exploring at night
Pretty much all events come to you or are tied to specific locations. There isn't much to find just wandering around at night, other than that one fella.
>I don't have a lot of time
The earlygame couple of weeks are pretty tame and uneventful so you're not missing much. It takes a while to figure out but some upgrades are actually worthless and some speed up your workflow immensely. A few points in sensor speed and success rate can make a big difference. Storm filter is expensive but a good early investment so you don't have days where you just can't get any work done because of rain. The buttcoin mining station and omega catbot are really good albeit very expensive long-term investments as well. Make sure you keep a good amount of scrap on hand so you don't need to grind for it later.
Replies: >>243161
Oh yeah kurfus is great even if the little shit has jump scared me more than any other event in game.  I should continue this weekend, my base is cleaned up and I'm making money now.
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Gundam Musou. It's interesting seeing what parts of the source material (like Sayla's entire existence, or a cutscene for Kamille's mom getting spaced even though that's arguably the cornerstone of his character in early Zeta) get left out of Official Mode. At least Kamille's VA sounds as psychotic as he is in the anime.
>training mode exists to turn your money into XP
>each training level has a different gundumb character as the "instructor"
>Ramba Ral says some moonspeak shit about fighting as bars fill
>suddenly Master Asia shows up
Is the combat in Arkham City meant to suck this much? Why is every goon a bullet sponge?
Replies: >>243636
>Is the combat in Arkham City meant to suck this much?
It's a western action game.
>Why is every goon a bullet sponge?
It's been a long time since I've played it but you're supposed to work up your combo counter until Batman starts ninja flipping everywhere and then knock them over for instant kills takedowns.
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Just finished the original Metal Gear Solid 2 on PS2. How ironic that a game whose theme revolves around digital information existing forever gives you a code at the end that you can't even use since the website doesn't exist anymore. And apparently the website is the only way to know what codename you got for that playthrough.
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>alien fireteam
>mfw Prometheus references out of the ass
This game doesn't want me to have fun.
I went to update Red Viper after Anon in the 3DS thread reminded me of its existence, apparently a dynamic recompiler was merged so it can finally, finally run Virtual Boy games at full speed on an o3DS.

Naturally the first thing I did after installing was plop in VB Wario Land, and holy fuck what a fucken game.

This is the objectively true direct sequel to SML3, Wario Land II is a meme by comparison.
Gameplay follows directly from SML3, albeit with a few physics changes.
Wario walks perceptively slower than in SML3, but his tackle is faster and he can jump a little farther with the added speed.
He only tackles when walking though, holding B while standing still makes him extend his shoulder for some reason.
Powerups are the same as SML3 with greater flight speed for the wing/crocodile helm, it was a little disorienting at first compared to SML3 but the VB's widescreen aspect ratio helps a lot so getting used to it was easy, also while you can't pick up a powerup that you already have powerups don't disappear on their own, which can be quite useful in stages with scarce powerups or lots of hazards on the way to secrets.
The horned helm has lost its ability to attach itself to the bottom of solid blocks, I do not yet know the significance of it as in spite of the game's limited vertical resolution there's a fair share of stages with vertically orientied level design.
Wario can still pick up and throw enemies, though from what I've played so far there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of emphasis on that feature compared to SML3 and WLII.
Exclusive to VB Wario Land are arrow blocks that make Wario jump to the background layer of the stage and a variety of enemies capable of moving between the fore and background, obviously done to showcase muh 3D but even so they're well-presented and integrated.
Stages can be very large with plenty of secret passages hidden behind unmarked destructible walls or gated by certain powerups, like the first game the objective of each stage is to find a key in order to unlock the elevator at the end.
Upon completing a stage there's an optional minigame for shekels or hearts, followed by a tally of Wario's total shekel and treasure hoard and a small world map, though given that each level is entered and exited via linear elevators I don't know if there's a way to freely traverse between them for a 100% completion ratio.
Overall the game is fun to play and a worthy sequel to an already great GB game, too bad it came out on a failed abortion of a console.

From a technical perspective, the VB Wario Land is a marvel.
The spritework is arguably the greatest of any Wario Land game including WL4, Wario and his surroundings are obscenely detailed with not only great care being paid to the sprites themselves but also the 3D effects accompanying said sprites.
Wario's arms are separate from his body and displayed on different depth layers to create a sense of depth which just werks, blocks noticeably stick out with none of the distortion common to 2D games on the 3DS leading me to believe the devs must've manually adjusted the sprites for each eye instead of running them through some lazy algorithm like 3DS developers often did.
Many enemies carry projectiles or shields which are occasionally displayed on a different layer further adding depth, and even tiny details like little flowers or 2-pixel wide dust particles are placed at different layers shitting all over the 3DS port of Cave Story+ and its cardboard cutout 2.3D implementation, fuck's sake not even NSMB2 had actual 3D pipe sprites.
It's not strictly necessary for gameplay though useful to better judge timings in boss battles but looks bury pleasing to the eye and should definitely be enabled unless you're one of those poor people who couldn't afford a proper 3DS and had to settle for the inferior 2DS instead.
Audio wise the Music the game has fits the gameplay and scenery, though is slightly subdued compared to the more standout style of SML3 and WL2/3/4.
One thing that distinguishes VB games from GB fare is their reliance on PCM samples converted to waveform with varying degrees of success, VB Wario Land's implementation primarily sticks to GB-sounding pseudo-PSG samples while also throwing in multichannel SFX sampled from an arbitrary source, this doesn't sound too terrible but it can be slightly jarring to hear at times.
In short, Nintendo should've dropped the Virtual Reality buzzwords and released the VB as a regular Nomad-esque portable console instead.
Replies: >>244827
>In short, Nintendo should've dropped the Virtual Reality buzzwords and released the VB as a regular Nomad-esque portable console instead.
Wouldn't fix the issues of headaches and neck pain that seemed to follow the Virtual Boy. Though with effective the 3DS is with the Virtual Boy, Nintendo should've had this implemented with the virtual console instead of waiting for some madlad to figure it out.
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Replies: >>244892
What's with the anons that try to disown the MGS games and keep spouting only the Metal Gear games were any good? I've been seeing many of them lately and would at least like to know why's that.
t. hasn't played either MG nor MGS
The first MG was alright, but what annoyed me about it is that they don't tell you Schneider's radio frequency even though he gives you important hints. As far as I know the only way to find it out is by messing with the dial on a certain screen, they should have had a hostage or other contact tell you it like the other numbers.
Probably the same reason any other time the contrarian faggotry pops up on any /v/. The latest games sucked and people fellated the good games for so long so obviously we now have to shit on all except the absolute oldest ones as some kind of autistic course correction or what the fuck ever. I'll admit the dick sucking surrounding the first 3 MGS games is obnoxious but the games themselves are very well made, there was a lot of attention to little details that make them fun to play even today imo and no amount of the newer games being shitty is going to take that away from the older ones. Only MGS 1-3 matter anyway, Kojumbalaya didn't even want to keep doing the series after that and his pretentious wannabe movie director bullshit really started to leak into his projects after 3.
Oh yeah the Metal Gear games are pretty enjoyable as well but they get far less attention because most people don't want to take the time to get used to playing them so some more hardcore fans might be bitter about how comparatively unknown they are. Regardless I think comparing MG and MGS is kinda stupid anyway, it's an apples to oranges scenario in every way except maybe the story which you don't even need to know MG's story to understand MGS's.
It is just a joke, the games are fun, Metal Gear Surviver is one of Kojima best games and I'm having fun playing it.
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it fucking sucks. I played for an hour or so and im never touching it again. Theres just no fun in it. Alot of backtracking and respawning npcs and no fucking save points because i dont have a fucking msx so i have to rely on elevators. I just gave up. Its too boring.
Replies: >>244950
It's been a decade since I've played New Vegas so I'm installing a couple of stability mods.
Replies: >>244960 >>246615
On a scale from 0 to 9/11 how would you rate this kikeshit?
Replaying Dungeon Siege 2 w/ Broken World. Time flies as I autistically micromanage equipment and spells for 4 and eventually more party members, not that it's really needed to win.
In the case you don't know, be sure to give vivanewvegas guides a look, so you won't accidentally install a decade old, obsolete/incompatible fixmod that breaks the game.
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Started playing Underspace a couple of days ago and its pretty good
Its janky Freelancer and for an early access game there a surprising amount of stuff to quest or explore and some features I really didn`t expect
Started Total War Warhammer and I have no idea what I'm doing. Is it normal to have to mash Enter for 5+ turns in a row waiting for something like a siege to finish? Whenever I play strategy games like this I always end up either overextending and eating shit because I have no resources to do what I need or waiting to stockpile resources and having the AI walk up and rip me apart because they're two "tech levels" above me, so I'm not exactly confident here.
Replies: >>245259
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The Japanese games industry is superior.
Replies: >>245154
The fuck is that belt-loving guy is saying?
Replies: >>245164 >>245190
>Getting out of Cyberspees lit. "net airspace" is akin to waking up from a realistic dream.
>I've come back...with that thought, my sight goes over the familiar hangout.
The beltfag isn't saying anything, it's just the MC monologuing.
The more important question is why does he have no neck?
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>try Empire campaign a couple more times
>get rekt every time
>give up and play Dwarfs since they're supposed to be easy mode
>find first greenskin army
>it gets rekt
>march on captured settlements no.1 and no.2
>they get rekt
>start making growth buildings so I can start playing Pimp My Karak(tm)
>start building a second army but making buildings takes priority
>find a naked greenskin lord all by his lonesome
>he gets rekt
>do quest battle
>get bloodied a little bit but still a crushing victory
>start marching into the next province because REMOVE URK and hopefully delete a greenskin faction before it can spawn more armies
>"Bloody Spearz has confederated with Greenskins"
>fucking Grimgor Ironhide walks in out of fucking nowhere and sacks my settlements
>run waddle back to Karaz-a-Karak like a scared manling
>Grimgor catches me before I can reach friendly territory
>the power bar is 90% red
>fuck it, nothing to lose
>dawi put in a good showing but Grimgor is too stronk and I get routed after burning down a third of his army
>fuck it, underway time
>come out just inside friendly territory
>cool, hopefully I can encamp next turn
>Grimgor steps up to put the boot in
>the power bar is 100% red
>"if this army is defeated it will be wiped out"
Replies: >>245523 >>246238
Update update, I managed to bullshit my way further into a new campaign. Managed to avoid getting krumped by Grimgor, built two high power stacks and now I'm slowly cleaning out the greenskins to the south. The only problem is it's turn 75 and I only just liberated Black Crag. I have alliances with three Dwarf factions and the raw autoresolve power at Karak Eight Peaks is overwhelming. It doesn't even have Skarsnik on it, it's still run by "mutinous gits". I can't whittle at it with hero actions because I forgot heroes existed until 5 turns ago. I still have everything to the north to bail out and Chaos doomstacks coming in 25 turns, how fucked am I?
Replies: >>246238
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Scouring through romsets I discovered that there was a Japanese-exclusive Shadowrun game released on the Mega CD, in spite of there already being a Shadowrun on the regular Mega Drive.

Out of curiosity I grabbed it and was thus greeted by what is so far the objectively superior game to Snatcher and another proof of 小島 being a hack.
I don't know if it's because the game was developed by Compile and released in 1996 or something else, but the spritework is beyond gorgeous with the proper >filter accompanied by 天国によりの音楽 in spite of primarily using the onboard YM2612 FM synth soundchip and doing an infinitely better job at it than Snatcher.

The game has you play as a party of Shadowrunners in mid-21st century 東京 investigating the murder of a gang member at the request of a friend of your party's Street Samurai.
You do this by going to various places, talking to people, collecting clues etc. like any other console adventure game such as Snatcher, but unlike Snatcher instead of awkward light gun segments Shadowrun has fully featured SRPG battles because what fucking licensed game out of Japan doesn't?
The developers went as far even as decided to replace attack animations with dice rolls incl. animated dice and damage tables, either the Japanese games industry is superior or they ran out of time because lol Mega CD game in 1996.
Replies: >>245742
I tried playing that since I love the other Sega Shadowrun game but I got bored by the first battle. Snatcher is definitely better since the story is actually engaging.
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Started playing A Story About My Uncle and within 10 seconds of the game i was greeted with this. Time to move on to the next platformer game.
gone homo 2 electric boogaloo
>within 10 seconds of the game i was greeted with this
what? a bunch of old timey pictures of people a few of which might possibly be the game devs? why does that bother you so much?
Replies: >>245846 >>245876
What am I suppose to see here?
Replies: >>245846 >>245876
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Anon, I'm retarded and blind, please explain.
Replies: >>245876
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are you mentally ill or something? don't answer that.
Replies: >>245876
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Stop pretending to be outraged and tell >us what >we should be chimping about.
All I see is some dude, an Asian couple, some faggots surrounding a man lying on the floor and an obscured image of a millenial gathering.
Replies: >>245876
The fuck am I supposed to be seeing here? Are you implying that's two women, and because they are near each other they are instantly gay? Because I'm pretty fucking sure the right person is a guy.
Replies: >>245876
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Why are you pretending that you cant see racemixing propaganda?
You are so mind bogglingly stupid that it honestly makes me think you're a bad actor.
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>t. angry hapas
Replies: >>245923
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>old man with saggy tits and a neck that resembles a clitoris
>slams one inside some hag Thai hooker's vaginal landslide
>both of them real people the game's developer is merely documenting on
<racemixing propaganda
And this is enough to blow up a fuse in your brain? There's not a single gamete in their sex balls to produce a future imageboard user.
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The chink woman and the old guy? Is the old guy white? or a Chink? Are they a couple? I can't fucking tell from a photo alone, anonchan.
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Started play Abotic Factor. 
So far I'm enjoying it. The premise is like the devs looked at HalfLife 1 and instead of Gordan you are the random science nerds attempting to survive instead. You do this by scaving office supplies, samples, and random garbage, then banging it into make shift armor and weapons and doing your best to survive the hostile environment, extraplanar entities, and kill squads roaming the facility. While technically "survival-craft", one of the 4 horsemen of terrible games, it has a story to progress through and the novelty of surviving in an office environment/research facility makes it feel really fresh. 
The game uses a skill system where the more you do something, the better you get at it, then there are also stats. You can choose a particular background at first to give you bonuses to certain things, as well as choose perks/malus for traits. Works on a point system with perks costing points and malus adding points. 
They go pretty hard on the Half Life references too if you enjoy that. 
I dunno, I'm having fun
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>female scientist
Replies: >>245890
what has lethal company done to the medium
Replies: >>245891 >>245893
Kek. Nigger, you will compain about anything. Never change.
Replies: >>247639
Unless they whipped up a game in like 5 months it's a coincidence. IF it was my guess it was probably to copy how halflife looked. 
But what do I know,?I just play games.
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>>245888 (checked)
I think you mean webm related, because the game that anon is playing is nothing like lethal company.

Please tell me there's a method to batch download these
So HL1 but zombie forts?
Replies: >>245997
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Someone mentioned this game in some thread which i cant remember. All i can ask you is: Are you fucking kidding me? I literally just started the game. Instantly dropped.
Replies: >>245950
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Replies: >>245992
I was playing sand land and noticed random cliff edges were lined with yellow paint.  They also include persistent dialogue to tell you when they need new vehicles to cross certain obstacles.
I played the demo which really only has you with 1 main "base" and while base building is a big part of it, so is moving through the facility including building items to help you move through it. It kind of combines an action game with an autism simulator.

You establish a base (maybe choose and old break room or something) and you start gathering equipment, furniture, supplies, and improve your survivability by making armor out of books and duct tape, weapons out of office supplies.  new more powerful weapons, and items like jump pads to help you traverse to new areas and eventually escape the facility. You loot vending machines and make/cook foods you find as you explore the facility, opening paths, finding other people trapped in the facility that offer information to help you advance like powering elevators or trains.  when its time to move your base of operations, there are items like carts you can build to help carry all your shit and bring it to the new place, which you can set up really anywhere. you have a hunger, thirst, bathroom, temperature meter, and you also get fucked up from not sleeping or not sleeping comfortably. You get bonuses for making your base more comfortable. Like if its warm, safe, entertainment, comfortable furniture, good food, coffee. 
I enjoyed it.
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my parents got me the novelty super Mario game & watch thing for my birthday back on January, that's what i have been playing and Palworld too i guess, ill eventually go back to playing minecraft, i always do.
Stop spamming your gAI images followed by worthless posts you 4ddit rapefugee.
Replies: >>246012
you seem upset
Replies: >>246013
It's very easy to shit up a small imageboard with neverending AI trite, of course I'm upset. Go back to talking with your imaginary ChatGPT friend, nigger.
Replies: >>246014
how am i "shitting it up"?
there's just one of me and i never go off-topic like we are doing right now.
Replies: >>246017
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And this one that's 5 posts too many, knowing you'll pop up every now and then like a vermin with your faggotry.
>they weren't lying on trashchan nor uboachan
You can fuck off back to any of those. Scram.
Replies: >>246018 >>246021
Who cares. /b/ is an unusable mess anyways.
i remember seeing this everytime i went to gamestop, i did ended up playing the display demo they had in there once, it was fun though i only played it once, the motion detection was alright, didn't felt any different from other rhythm wii games or even wii sports.
fucking kek.
>go back
lol, lmao even
don't worry bro, there's enough AI for all chans ;)
Replies: >>246038
How do you make good AI stuff? I tried it once but could only make abominations.
You askin' the wrong dude.
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Playan Dark Souls 3 while eating fries with mayo dip and orange cola.
Life's gud.
Replies: >>246047
Post your fashion.
Replies: >>246048
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Replies: >>246052 >>246101
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>He's a faggot
I regret asking.
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hyped for multiversus.
what AI generator were you using?
Replies: >>246100 >>246109
they have all of warner brothers, DC, cartoon network, etc and this is what they can come up with as playable?
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>bare chest
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
im pretty sure banana guard is a placeholder but i agree, Lebron doesn't belong in this game, neither does reindog, but im pretty sure I heard they were adding Dexter and PPG next which is goof because Adventure time and Steven universe aren't good CN reps.
Replies: >>246105 >>246109
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Install this.
Get models and stuff from here.
Have fun.
Small tip, if you are using high res. you should set the Denoising strength to .5 to stop the damn thing from creating abominations because for some strange reason it is set at .7.
There are some AI threats in /monster/ /animu/ and /tg/, go over there to get more tips and stuff for AI.
Replies: >>246107
>Lebron doesn't belong in this game
They added the nigger because of the shitty movie.
Replies: >>246107
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that looks pretty great for 512x512, what model is this?
also thanks for sharing the link to the UI, i hope that anon understands and tries to learn on his own.
100%, WB thought Space Jam 2 would be a hit.
Replies: >>246136
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All I want is picrel but good and with all the missing characters like Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi and the Teen Titans,
Why is it so hard?
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>Why is it so hard?
Because the people running these companies don't care about making money. They don't care about making products that customers will buy, nor do they care about securing revenue so that they retain their shareholders. What the people at these companies care about is pushing a message, an agenda, their worldview. And if you don't want to support that endavor, then you can piss off and pound salt as far as they care because the products they are making are not for you and never intended for you in the first place.

The people they ARE intended for is the political activists who are suppose to bring about the Communist utopia at the end of history. IOW, the retards you currently see protesting across the first world and calling for it's destruction.
Replies: >>246112 >>246122
Replies: >>246113
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Are you going to start sperging that pointing out how these companies are staffed by political activists is a topic that should be "exclusive" to the GG thread?
Replies: >>246115
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Replies: >>246132
Puffy was based on a real band trying to get exposure in the US so that's not going to fly in an (invariably) low-budget licensed game, and WB doesn't want anyone to remember the OG Titans cartoon and compare it to the dogshit Titans shows they've excreted since.
I'm worried that this is going to continue for a long time, given that the people in charge have supporters and collaborators both young and old, so that it'll last for multiple generations. This shit won't end in our time, absolutely not, but I wonder if it'll end by the time our children lmao or grandchildren double lmao become cognizant
Anyway, video games
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i was wrong, banana guard is actually a real playable JOKE character.
the game is fucked.
Replies: >>246131
they couldn't even get daffy duck or thundercats in the game before getting like 3 adventure time reps
Replies: >>246133
Taz got in before daffy which is fuckin crazy.
>what model is this?
I think is this one.
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I've played through a great deal of EDF 5 and I'm hating it a lot more than I remember. The aliens are fucking annoying as hell and the robots and drones feel more annoying than I remember EDF 4.1's Deroys. The Hectors were a classic and simple enemy rather than a constantly dodging fucking giant frog or armored grey that only gets faster the more armor you take off.
For all the neat stuff that was added like the Ranger dash, it just doesn't feel as fun to me. Roly Polys suck to fight because they knock you down a fuckton; grey aliens get heavy armor with barely any time given to get used to the normal greys and then you're just grinding through their armor for five years to take a leg or arm off and then grind five more years to take another piece off and kill it; if you stagger some of the aliens, like the arty frogs, they can back-to-back shoot laser arty at you really quickly compared to normal and sometimes the grey aliens decide to just dodge roll for half an hour in every direction
I miss when EDF was giant bugs, not-godzilla, and alien-controlled robots, and looking up the trailer for EDF6, I'm hoping they at least polish the alien AI and make them not as tanky
I'm going to start up 4.1 again and cross my fingers I'm not blinded by nostalgia goggles
Sounds like you are using anything other than shotgun as ranger.
Replies: >>246142 >>246214
Shotgun's great, but if I'm stuck to one weapon type alone when there are a sea of weapon types, then I don't think game is so good and maybe not good. I didn't have this problem in EDF 4.1 and I haven't become that shit at video games in the 50 years since it released
Replies: >>246155 >>246214
>Roly Polys suck to fight because they knock you down a fuckton
That's when explosion armor comes in handy.
>grey aliens get heavy armor with barely any time given to get used to the normal greys and then you're just grinding through their armor for five years to take a leg or arm off and then grind five more years to take another piece off and kill it.
>if you stagger some of the aliens, like the arty frogs, they can back-to-back shoot laser arty at you really quickly compared to normal and sometimes the grey aliens decide to just dodge roll for half an hour in every direction
That's when you get creative with Not-C4 bricks or use a bike to chop their legs off then fill them with more holes in their asses. You can also plink them with the big ass single shot sniper rifle or play hyper aggressive with the biggest pickup beacon you have.
For real though, Ranger is underpowered compared to the other EDF monsters, but his shotgun isn't the only thing that gives him some fangs.
Nigger, what?
Replies: >>246147
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This is my Godzilla-kin OC, Ergina
Replies: >>246149
Ranger requires a lot of knowledge, skill, luck, and patience compared to the other 3 classes in 5. Damage falloff mechanic hit him really hard, making most assault rifles into peashooters. Rocket launchers also do pisspoor damage and cause more problems than they solve. He lacks mobility, that even air raider has thanks to red nyx, and the other classes have him easily trumped in damage.
He has some notably good weapons though like acid guns, fire crackers, missile launchers, shotguns, minion busters, c4s (needs spawn knowledge), railgun tanks and helis. DLC rifles are good at least.
Thankfully this seems to be fixed a bit in 6 with him getting an extra loadout slot so you can afford to bring more than a shotgun and a reverser, and rockets and rifles overall being buffed a bit.
Replies: >>246214
Ranger used to have the most straightfoward, easiest to use guns in the game, but I guess they were worried that it was making things too easy? I remember nearly all EDF guns being viable in 4.1. Maybe they forgot the fun of EDF was blowing up hordes of aliens and wanted to make more difficult, tanky enemies because soulslike.

Oh wait, I remember playing through EDF 5 on PS4. Shotguns are most consistently good until you unlock the better weapons. I remember using high-power sniper rifles for the armored aliens, and the rifle with piercethrough for swarms of smaller enemies especially the green ants. The aliens and their tankiness require a different approach, and the reload time for the snipers compliments the "take cover" strategy that seems to be encouraged against ayylmaos.
Replies: >>246227 >>246233
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Yeah, I appreciate you and the other anons giving advice. I've powered through the grand majority of the stages, I think I'm on 103 right now or so, and now that a lot of the guns are upgraded/better versions, I'm actually not doing terrible with the aliens now, I just had to get over the hurdle that was having very shitty weapons for dealing with large, tanky, fast, rapid-firing enemies. It's gotten more bearable now and isn't as annoying. The bike was very useful for Level 100 and the one I had dealt actually respectable damage to the ayy's armor and took off their legs in no time
And you're not wrong, I actually had that same thought the more I've played, that they probably decided to lower the Ranger's usefulness/effectiveness/deadliness so there'd be more incentive to use the other classes or that they'd at least more or less match up in their different ways
It's not perfect, but it's definitely better now
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just downloaded a 11gb ddr song pack
Replies: >>246235
Part of it is also probably the upgrade system. If you get shitty drops, even the best weapons feel bad.
I'm also looking at it from online perspective, I rarely played offline. So immediate stopping power was really important which shotguns excel at. And online basic enemies like ants have just enough health to survive rocket hits, leading to them being spread out from the explosion and surrounding you which further led to the weapons being unfavourably viewed. Also doesn't help that explosives suck ass against armored enemies. That is getting fixed in 6 thankfully.
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Last time I played (TWW2), I found Kroq-Gar to have a pretty easy start, since you start with the edge of the map behind you. If you're playing with battle difficulty higher than normal, be aware that all it does is significantly buff enemy units in melee, which sucks.
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Playing some Psychonauts. Holy shit this babe is sexy. I was literally forced to stop playing after  like 2 cutscenes with her because i was so horny. in one cutscene you read her mind and she says something like "just kiss me already" I could not continue to play after that and was forced to go jerk off. Now i can play but fuck. She is so sexy.
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What the fuck anon
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You doing alright?
she has no nose broh
Replies: >>246433
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>Finally grab myself a copy of Zone of the Enders HD
>Load the first game up to just take a look at it
>Still watching cutscenes before I even start playing the game for a single minute then back to an unskippable cutscene
<Think it's a fluke and load up the second game
>Instead get five minutes of walk-and-talk gameplay between the long cutscenes where the only thing I can do is walk and jump
I guess that's what I get for playing a Kojima game.
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Anon she literally looks like a loaf of bread with a skirt on, what the fuck
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i mean i cant blame you, that rectangular head does things to me
Noses are the ugliest feature of a face. 2D girls have tiny/no noses. You know who has big noses.
Replies: >>246434
the new Velma, fucking hate that bitch!
I remember playing that game and I remember her saying "You hit like a boy."
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Wow. The picture in that post was shit and it was from the garbage sequel. Now this is erotic.
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>Rasputin has 5 fingers
>she has 4
I don't know how I missed this as a kid because this sort of stuff bugs the absolute shit out of me.
Replies: >>246529
Fine, I'd do her
Replies: >>246516
Bro you'd do anything with a pulse so long as it was attractive to you.
they are all weird puppet people, think of it like the muppets or smiling friends. all of them are weird beings that resemble animals or humans or neither so everyone looks weird and "unique"
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Playing Old World Blues right know and fuck, I wanted to blow my brains out during the intro with the brains, Anthony Burch wrote the DLC or something like that?

In contrast, I had a blast playing Honest Hearts and finding the survivor diaries in the caves.

I'm already level 30 and maxed small guns, so I switched to energy weapons to not completely destroy the game.
Replies: >>246634
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i'm playing elden meme.
i dunno man, i guess the reason why normalfags find it the most accessible is because namely your horse is busted as shit and lets you cheese the unneeded grind before letting you go into the areas you can't ride it. trying to get from a mostly-empty place to a place you gotta go to just feels like there's not too much point in it being an open world.
i will say that the fights are fun and very masochistic and that's probably what matters the most, plus it's generally fun to look at with some parts of the world being very pretty, but it's probably me just wanting more streamlined "alright you beat this level, now either find secrets in it or go to the next one"-type stuff. maybe my opinion will change when i actually beat it or maybe i'm just a speed-junkie dumb fuck
It's not bad but it's definitely overrated. The open world adds nothing to it.
Obsidian claims the intro to OWB was Bethesda's mandate. Though they pretty much blame every criticism on Bethesda so I don't know how true that really is. Plus the writing of NV is really Burch-like at times anyway. See pretty much all the companions.
Replies: >>246637
It probably is Bethesda's fault since there's an unused ending to OWB where you side with the Think Tank and let them take their experiments to New Vegas and fuck the whole area up. but apparently Bethesda found out and made them remove it because they actually really hated how Obsidian put in a "you side with the bad guy and destroy the world" ending on Dead Money.
Finding out that Bethesda hates "player joins bad guy" endings really gives you a lot of insight on their writing choices.
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Honestly, Elden Ring and OSRS are the only open-world games I like because they are the only ones that feel full of new stuff at every turn. Every other open world game feels empty.
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The best thing about runescape is that it has actual fucking designed quests and not just busywork to pad out the playtime. It still makes me angry that not a single other MMO has done what runescape did with it's quest system. The community nowadays is horrendous though.
Replies: >>246652
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But ER's open world content drops off exponentially and there's basically nothing to find in the world after Liurnia.
Replies: >>246647 >>246652
Admittedly, I haven't finished it, but for the 40 or so hours I played it, I kept finding new stuff everywhere.
I know people play these games for hundreds of hours but I still find that amount of content impressive.
you could just rape minecraft with mods or smtn idk.
you are probably better off playing more lineal games, the new god of war might be more your speed.
it's nostalgia, MMOs were never good.
i don't really know the way to play such a game but when i played ER i just ran around the map and killed random enemies like a retard until i got halfway through the castle (stuck with the arm dragon head boss)
Replies: >>246657
>it's nostalgia, MMOs were never good.
Wow thanks for the unsolicited stale response
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>full of new stuff at every turn
Anon, there's a boss enemy that has been recycled 8 times.
Lmao, you made my day.
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I really dont get the appeal. Im not enjoying building stuff.
congrats on failing your autism test
Someone post the jew Killer Mk. 1488
Replies: >>247389
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<s'gibt nichteinmal eine Option für Deutschen Text, trotz des Bayrischen(?) Settings
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I think this is the beta version of the Mk.1488.
>Im not enjoying building stuff.
That's not the sort of game for (You), then.
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Replies: >>247416
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fag alert
Replies: >>247417
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What the fuck.
Replies: >>247421
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Turn on the spoilers
Replies: >>247440
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>draw a girl
>slap on a dick, claim it's a guy
>then get "him" pregnant anyway
Going so far into faggotry it almost becomes straight again.
Replies: >>247448
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The only point of it is to give them a dick so it's still definitely gay.
t. pettanko fan
Where is the female half life scientist? Its about noticing patterns.
((( Steam ))) tags Little Goody Two Shoes as LGBT+, but all I've seen so far are strong 百合 undertones and a 5-10% brown people quota probably enforced by Unity's CoC.
The rest of the game sticks with what was established in Pocket Mirror, does it get worse later on?
It's yurishit
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its faggot shit
Replies: >>247695 >>247735
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Replies: >>247697
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It's over? What has ended?
Replies: >>247703
The braincells that anon has stopped working years ago, that's why he can only repeat a forced fad that is unfunny as shit
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i finally got time to play some multiversus, it's actually fun, i don't have that many friends so im fine with them adding a PvE mode, im also not good enough to actually seek PvP on my own, it's good that 2v2 is the game's default mode.
Not even surprised about that shit.
Almost finished with Destroy All Humans after dropping the remake. I don't know why anyone was surprised when the remakes were niggered up, if you went by the Cortex Scan thoughts half of america was gay in the 1950s. Also random soldiers namedrop the Texas Air National Guard and the final boss namedrops the Project for a New American Century, which is probably as basic as leftist whining gets in 2005.
Regardless the game itself is fun but very flawed, like most GTA-alikes. Grinding for DNA is boring since there's no fast way to extract brain stems and it never gets faster after you get the anal probe, Majestic agents can basically say "no" to your holobob whenever they want, and the saucer is both underused and not the engine of destruction it really should be. It's still fun to sneak in to Area 42 or Union Town with holobob, use hypno to make Majestics do the funky chicken before they uncloak you, anal probe the crowd, and then blow up the tanks that show up after with ion detonators. Supposedly 2 makes all of this better so I'm looking forward to trying it next.
Replies: >>247965
I wouldn't set your hopes too high. I recall not liking DAH2 as much as the first. You're right about DAH1 being a fun but flawed game though, it's a shame it got worse as it went along. Definitely give 2 a try, but don't set your expectations too high.
Replies: >>248421
Play Akai Ito and Aoi Shiro instead
Etrian Odyssey IV, I keep hearing that's the best game to get into the genre and the series. It will take me like a year to finish it, so... in a year I'll know if I like the genre or not.
Replies: >>248141 >>248191
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Been playing Blast Femus 2, at the Elevated Temples

I think the idea behind having 3 different weapons with their own mechanic is interesting but poorly executed
There are less execution variety compared to 1st
Lots more normal-enemy-but-purple-therefore-stronger compared to the first, I don't recall this even being an issue in the first because the enemy variety was so great
Not as brutal and striking as the first

Feels like they're just riding the success of the first with this one, which is a shame because for all of its flaws, I think the first Blasphemous was a good Metroidvania. Hope the game gets better
Playing Jedi Academy via OpenJK. Still excellent. A few missions (both Rancor ones) are weaker than others though.
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It's ok, it's been 19 years and I'm still restarting NTDF, I'm gonna finish it this time.
Just remember that you're playing the easiest game in the series, so you'll still be a filthy casual even after you finish it. It has maybe the most fun classes though, enjoy yourself.
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Getting Over It. 
Its a pretentious difficult game.
Did they never proofread this game?
It's either pretentious or fucking genius. There's nothing more infuriating than falling down and having to restart, but then to have some guy try to sermon to you right after that happens is absolutely the pinnacle of infuriating.
Replies: >>248470
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Another game in the genre of running fast and doing parkour/obstacles to complete levels. Not really into it. Not really something i would play over other games similar to this. It also has horrible performance where if i dont pick vsync then my gpu will coil whine extremely loud. I've never heard it coil whine that bad before. Even with vsync on i tried ultra graphics and that just restarted the coil whine. With vsync on you're also stuck on like sub 60 frames.
Replies: >>248243
Just proofread your post you fucking moron.
Replies: >>248259
Being able to delete your own posts is dumb, anons should have to live with their embarrassing mistakes.
Yeah, I'm playing it now and it feels like a "two steps forward, one step back" kind of game. The saucer is better, most of the weapons are better and there's more to do than just blitz through the story missions and grind for DNA, but a lot of the fun tricks you could do (like killing people in holobob by double-tapping Y and letting Havok do the work) have been nerfed and the saucer is much slower. In the game prototype video from 1 the devs mentioned having to cut out most of the detail from levels because of streaming issues, so that's probably why. I'm still having fun though. The alien sex god being voiced by David "Bob is doing well" Kaye is a nice touch.
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>>240854 (OP) 
I've been trying to get into Skyrim, but the other day I played Morrowind and spent hours on it instead.  Man it's such a good game.
I played some Haydee and L4D2 today.  Had a good time with some randoms on a long campaign.
I’ve actually heard Bennett Foddy talk outside the game and it turns out that is actually how he talks. He’s a philosophy major which should explain why he sounds so pretentious.
im still playing multiversus, i don't care about the grind drama, i like it, it's a fun game.
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Replies: >>248752 >>248788
Please tell me you're using a dancepad.
Replies: >>248788 >>248809
Please tell me anon posted using a dancepad
Im not using a dancepad
Replies: >>248903
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Crayon Physics Deluxe
Its simply too hard for a retard like me so i always end up cheesing most of the levels by just spamming objects to win
Replies: >>248903
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Boooo you suck anon kun
Anon triangles are all you need for these, quit spamming rocks.
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Flipwitch. Some porn game where you can genderbend
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playing the first hitman game. These controls are fucking stupid
Replies: >>250636 >>250647
Replies: >>250640
>that art style
oh no, have you checked who the developer is?
Replies: >>250645
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Did something change? Lets see.
PCGW lists the dev as "MomoGames" but it seems to have no connection with Momodora beyond stealing the art style because pixelshit is cheap and easy.
Replies: >>250649
Play Repure Aria instead. Same concept but without the western taint.
The whole game is extremely janky like that.
>No suspicion meter so it is a legitimate strategy to sidestep along a wall to get behind a guard and kill them
>Separate health bar and armor bar and armor only protects certain parts of your body
>Entire last portion of the game focused more on action then stealth
The armor bar directly fucked me over a few times when an enemy would score a headshot and I would be instakilled. Plenty of people also hate the snow mission in Hitman 2, but the jungle missions in the first game are worse. There is a good reason Hitman: Contracts is a remake of the first game minus the jungle missions.
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I couldn't find anything on Momo Games themslves, but I dug up some dirt on the "co-developer"/publisher AKA Critical Bliss.
>Critical Bliss consist of one person. He is a former professional marketer with the goal of taking the money of everyone he encounters with minimal effort on his part. Those side games he is “publishing” are an attempt to get Patreon and Kickstarter money off of their work, and then run away with it. He will not allow any of those games to release on an expected schedule. If a game looks like it will soon be finished, he will convince the creator that something is not done right, which will cause to game will tank so it is better to never release it. This method of continuing to push back deadlines allows him to suck up as much Patreon money and Kickstarter money as possible will stringing along expectant fans. 
Apparently CB is a literal nigger, lmao,
As for Flipwitch, guess what group of "'"people"' really likes the game? lol
Replies: >>250654 >>250668
Apparently the artist behind Flipwitch, Aetherion, is openly anti-lolisho.
Replies: >>250668
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Aetherion is also a nigger and a tranny lover (possibly a tranny himself), what a surprise.That's all on flipwitch folks.
Replies: >>250654 >>250668
And people had the gall to doubt me when I called this shit out in the webm thread.
Replies: >>250659
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I've been playing it too. Too bad it's made by a niggertranny.
I'm still going to beat it though since it's kind of fun.
>people had the gall to doubt me when I acted like a schizo and shit runny taco bell diarrhea all over the thread while presenting negative evidence for my claims
Replies: >>250662
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>obvious tranny shit is obvious
that's you, you are silly
Replies: >>250663
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That's what the voices in your head said. It wasn't actually obvious, suspected maybe but not obvious. (You) acted like it was a sure thing instead of merely assuming bad faith, then tarded out when asked to show your work.
Is this supposed to make me not play the game? I dont give a fuck what developers say as long as its not in the game.
well its a game about changing your "gender" and getting fucked by monsters. so have fun
I will.
Replies: >>250676
which is lame and gay
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Found the gay
Replies: >>250680
It's called genderbending and its nothing new. I already told you in the webm thread that genderbending isnt tranny shit.
>fucked by monsters
That sounds fucking hot!
Nothing gay about genderbending and fucking monster girls.
You're outright delusional and your fetish is objectively disgusting. Go away.
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>>fucked by monsters
>That sounds fucking hot
Please stay, and record your adventures in the gamplay thread.
preferably with a full bodycam
Replies: >>250687
>I already told you in the webm thread that genderbending isnt tranny shit
You already falsely asserted that genderbending isn't tranny shit, when in reality it is. Always has been. You're just as retarded as the fags claiming that liking traps doesn't make them gay.
I was looking for this clip a long time. thanks
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>genderbending isnt tranny shit
>fucked by monsters sounds fucking hot!
What was it that Jesus said about loudly proclaiming your virtue again?
Replies: >>250711 >>250719
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>He who covet the pride flag unto his anus shall be smitten down by the Lord before his kingdom come.
>22 And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.”
If Jesus lived today, you would call him a schizo. You obfuscate to defend tranny porn against the true words of those who condemn it. Woe to you, you hypocrite.
Replies: >>250724
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>It is like to the children in the marketplace
>John the Based came neither eating nor drinking, and they said, "Take your pills schizo"
>The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they said, "What a soydrinking libtard tranny pozzed faggot"
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Finished Shatter, its a pretty arknoid clone/block breaker, the music is really good but the game has one problem, the "ball" is unpredictable making some levels and some bosses frustrating to finish, had to use QJoyPad because the game wasn't recognizing the controller and the doesn't offer the option to remap the buttons on the keyboard.
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Picked up Blinx the Time Sweeper again. These later levels are bullshit. Imagine Barrels O Fun but your only weapon is shooting barrels, and sometimes the barrels land at your feet and then explode. Surprisingly there's almost no Blinx fanart on the internet despite being the last of the furry mascots, I did find this though.
Replies: >>251377
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>install The First Descendant
>qt girls
>so far so good
>move to a new map
Fucking gooks, I thought they hated niggers.
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Playing Ed-0 Zombie Uprising, its a action mystery dungeon/roguelite/ whatever game, the gameplay is enjoyable, you go around cutting down zombies and picking random shit to increase the movement speed while looking for food
There are a few problem with this game, I don't like to use this word but I don't have another word to describe the game, its souless, its a souless game, there is a lack of good or interesting character design in the game, there is a lack of sex appeal, the ninja girl doesn't look interesting, the female zombie is flat as plank and doesn't show leg or any cleavage, all the enemies are so generic they edge on being something that you can in asset pack you on the unreal or unity store, all the town NPCs share the same generic model, there are no characters in the this game, except the dungeon merchant, best character design in the game, another problem are the bosses, shitty hit boxes and shitty animation making them a chore to beat, and finally the performance, its an unreal engine game, its either blurry vision or vomit vision, either way the performance its all over the place with freezes every time the game loads a new asset.
Replies: >>251326 >>251388
why do people make games that look blurry as hell? I'm not talking about that in particular, but man, high budget games looking blurry as hell? not even ps2 graphics were as bad. most unreal games look like shit, blurry as hell, no shadows and for some reason they work at 25 fps
Replies: >>251374
You might want to delete that post and post it again
I finished OFF, and here's my interpretation of the story. 

Hugo created the Batter and Queen, but they're not married because Hugo's parents were either never married or divorced. The Father, who is the Player, Elsen, and the Batter, kept his son in his room in the city, only bringing him out for the occasional religious event, hence the warped perception of cities and what makes up the world. He was neglectful in that he didn't attend to him often due to work, but he was attentive in that he made him take his medicine regularly and tried to keep him entertained with books he thought a child would like, despite Hugo being beyond them and the books themselves being stupid. Hugo began leaving on his own and stopped taking his medication. The Father noticed this and took the boy to a cabin in the country. While there, Hugo met Japhet (a pseudointellectual and/or student/teacher who gave him books), Enoch (the Father's boss or a local official), and Dedan (a friendly local or elderly veteran/former noble with a significant amount of free time). After telling them his situation, they agreed to support Hugo in staying with his Mother in the country. The Father agreed, believing her to be able to take better care of Hugo, and himself to have failed in doing so. 

The Father returned to the city, and the four remaining in the country lived out a life of keeping Hugo happy as he's kept on life support due to his repeated attempts of escape and refusal to take his medication causing his condition to worsen significantly. However, they eventually revealed themselves to Hugo as far worse than his father, who only had occasional outbursts (the Burnt), and Hugo begins to act out (the Spectres). Time passed, and the Father learned of Hugo's birthday party and living situation through his friend Zacharie, who is dating Suchre and provided goods to the Father while he was watching Hugo. Enraged, the Father stormed back to the country as the Batter, with the plan of confronting and removing, likely killing, the men who had replaced him in Hugo's life while facing his own past errors (the Elsens), forcing a confrontation with Hugo's reality as the boy's birth defect, arthrogryposis likely paired with a congenital heart condition, has become terminal (the Secretaries) and an acceptance of how and why the others replaced him (the Add-ons). Upon arriving, he was met by The Judge/Pablo, a local who was the brother of Valerie, now Japhet, a rather foolish pseudointellectual. The Judge helps the Batter initially but couldn't stand the reality of what he was doing when Japhet was killed.

After beating Dedan and Japhet (or Dedan, Japhet, and Enoch), the Batter returned to where he started and fought Sucre, who had decided to intervene in favor of the Mother, now the Queen. Afterward, he fought the Queen, who had taken on a Christ-like role in the boy's eyes despite her active negligence, especially of his desire for immediate affection. He defeated her then confronted a lucid Hugo, who had been interpreting everything so far into a story of his own. The Batter killed Hugo's view of himself as in control and invincible but reassured him that he would not have to fear what came next. The final confrontation with the Judge/Pablo was right before the Batter turned off Hugo's life support, ending the charade on his birthday. The Judge wished for the world to continue, despite him and Zacharie being the only ones left who would have any power, and the Batter obviously wanted to end it, seeking to turn everything off.
Replies: >>251963
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Incompetence, devs want to crank 4k textures with a billion polygons and shaders with dozens of draw calls per frames and hope that the user has some kind of future GPU with 128GB of VRAM and the engine does some kind of miracle work for them, look at this image, there is almost nothing being rendered in this scene and yet the frame time is unstable, its not the foliage, there is no enemies on the screen, there is no volumetric light, fog or particles, just a fog and some trees.
Unreal Engine is a stuttering pile of shit that no one should use, but there is a point where the devs themselves are fucking it up on purpose, they upscale the game and force you to use TAA to hide the jagged edges, blurry is not enough, you need to have ghosting as well.
You can achieve the same result with good texture work, good character design and 2D particles, but modern devs don't know how to make good graphics without shoving a billions of post processing effects on the game because fuck you, in the PS2 you had dozens of active character with complex state machine maybe even hundreds depending on the game with a stable framerate, now a zombie game from 2022 shits itself because path finding is hard and shaders need hundreds of draw calls per second, optimization, fuck that, we don't have time for that.
Sands of Time is better.
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Replies: >>252192
This game looks so bad that it should literally run at locked 60FPS native 1080p on a Playstation 2 Slim and I will fistfight any developer who tries to say otherwise.
is this the chinese will smith musical zombie game?
Replies: >>252192
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Holy shit, I had no idea that Temporal Distortion was so strong. Combo it with a flashbang or Cryostasis and it rips an asshole in any single target.
What about the space monkeys?
Replies: >>252195 >>252197
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Replies: >>252055 >>252192
Playan Mayro Odyssey and having fun.
The game feels like the logical culmination of all the post-M64 3D Mario platformers polished to a T with the only 3D Mario moveset objectively comparable to M64, the presentation is gorgeous as Nintendo seems to employ actual visual artists instead of default Unity lighting >filter pajeets and the level design is superb. 
Replies: >>252048
I wish Odyssey had level creation because the base game is too numbingly easy. The most fun I had with the game was the Luigi Balloon challenges in the post-game.
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>>240854 (OP) 
>first pic
What game is he playing?
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Finally, I have finished this fucking game, holy shit its fucking mediocre and boring, I used cheats because fuck this game, the final boss is immune to special attacks from the charms, so every damage related to the charms you picked before the boss fight are useless, WHY, WHY WOULD GIVE ME SPECIAL ABILITIES IF I'M NOT GOING TO TO BE ABLE TO USE THEM, and boss fight, each hit takes 1/10 of the health, he has the ability to remove special attacks or disable them, he is immune against throwing damage, its a fucking mess, and when you finish the game it doesn't even say thank you, fucking ungrateful nips, this reminds of a PS2 game called Chaos Legion, badly designed and mediocre game but had some interesting ideas.
I have no fucking idea what the designers wanted to do with this game, a Onimusha clone, a dead rising clone in Edo period, the game can be fixed with a few tweaks, you can turn into a roguelite survival horror game, or a roguelite mosou, or even a roguelite onimusha, decrease the number of rooms by half, decrease the size of the rooms, remove the starving damage, decrease the defense of the zombies by 80%, remove all bosses, simplify the parrying system and make the player immune to normal damage while defending, all of this can done in a day, but to truly fix this mess you need a whole year, add an equipment system, add a character that uses ranged weapons like firearms or bows, a level system with attributes, and take inspiration from L4D and Risk of Rain.


No, its a shitty game published by D3 and developed by LANCARSE, its a commercial failure for good reason, but for some reason D3 is going to release a physical version for the NoGamesStation 5
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It's pretty damn hard. I was stuck on the 4th level for hours. Had to look at a walkthrough several times. Who the fuck thought making a game about trial and error is fun? Maybe im just retarded but this game seems unfairly hard
Replies: >>252205 >>252439
I've tried to get through C47 a number of times. Furthest I've ever legitimately made it is 'Say Hello to my Little Friend'. All the Columbia maps involve running blind through too-large levels covered in Silent Hill fog and populated with hostile AI.
IO didn't really have a cohesive idea of what Hitman was meant to be in the first game, and it shows. Design is all over the place.
Replies: >>252247 >>252439
>Say Hello to my Little Friend
What a coincidence since i just completed it. Fuck what a hard map. I dont think the other jungle maps were hard considering the first one you can basically cheeze by just running to the plane and getting the idol statue before guards arrive and then going to the village and delivering it. When you free the tribesman you dont have to follow him so you can just walk back to the village following the river. Then its the next level with the jaguar and it was pretty easy considering you just have to feed the jaguar at the bloody altar.
I just really dont get how people get through this game without the use of a walkthrough at some points. Some things are just very obscure trial and error.
Replies: >>252284
people had more free time back then
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Replies: >>252677 >>252709
Wait until you play Hitman 2, it's harder and the most challenging of all by far
>Who the fuck thought making a game about trial and error is fun?
The game gives you plenty of assets to decipher the solution, it's the shit you can buy in the menu pre-missions
>IO didn't really have a cohesive idea of what Hitman was meant to be in the first game, and it shows. Design is all over the place.
Wrong, they wanted the player to have several ways to complete levels and it shows, you are just a nigger not to see. Clear exceptions being the last levels to be fair
>Furthest I've ever legitimately made it is 'Say Hello to my Little Friend'
Get good
Replies: >>252440
>The game gives you plenty of assets to decipher the solution, it's the shit you can buy in the menu pre-missions
You're right. The more i played the more i realized that you have to read everything before a mission starts. But even then i still had issues on some levels. I can happily say i cleared plutonium runs loose without any walkthrough of sorts because alot of people seem to think that mission was hard.
Replies: >>252522
Picked up Day of The Tentacle again after finding out my issue where the game would softlock might have been caused by my free as in freedumbs mouse driver locking up. before you ask I'm using original hardware and MS MOUSE.COM gobbles conventional memory like your mom gobbles cock Fun fact: Just like Teagan, Laverne is based on a real person. The IRL Laverne was Mexican though, sorry for blowing up your "literally me" fantasies.
Replies: >>252510
I don't think conventional memory was as important for games in that era because of the advent of DOS/4GW, but I remember having to add the NOEMS argument to EMM386 in the config.sys in order to run Day of the Tentacle back in the day.
Replies: >>252511
That would sorta explain why I looked in the manual and couldn't find any system requirements other than 2MB of XMS. On the other hand one of the vintage games I have a legit copy of is Dark Forces and it asks for 500K of low memory in the readme. I didn't need to disable EMS for DoTT though, I just had to disable L1 cache (there's a nifty program called SETMUL which can do this on anything after a 486 and even set CPU multiplier on Athlons, not that you should run most speed-sensitive games on an Athlon) to work around the Adlib bug. I tried the official patch but it just froze my system.
And already I'm remembering why I didn't try too hard when this game started shitting the bed. LucasArts games are fun and well-written but their puzzle graphs still require buying the hintbook calling the 900 number in the manual being psychic, lucking into the exact conversation path to get a hint or trying every item with every hotpoint in the game far too often. How was I supposed to know that Hoagie can read Bernard's book or you're supposed to put Ed's hamster in the ice machine to get it to the future instead of assuming "this ice is old" means you have to use the ice in the present without prompting?
Replies: >>252524
It is a silly game to be fair in terms of difficulty curve, for example Traditions of the Trade in that first game is by far my favorite level of the original canonical series yet it's piss easy despite being placed in the middle of the game and after a couple of lengthy and hard ones.
The original "intent" in my opinion from the devs was to make a lot of game styles viable but spending the less amount of money was the "pro" grade, TotT being quite easy because you can breeze it using only the kitchen knife, in Blood Money it gets even easier due to getting two syringes, the ability to push people and the "free" knockouts with the pistol whip, coin toss being another free option. 
BM is way too easy with those tools and any game would be although perhaps not Hitman 2, that game was made by devils, way too tough to try deciphering in the first couple playthroughs.
Yeah the hamster one is pretty stupid but I guess you could figure it out eventually by the fact that you can't put it in the chron-o-john yet you clearly need it in the future for the hamster wheel.
I disagree. Laverne is the most animated when talking to the mummy (which I assume was intended to inspire some creativity when players were stuck) and she has some dialog about a hamster substitute, which implies you need the hamster somewhere else. Maybe the devs assumed the sheer infamy of the hamster/microwave gag meant players would assume there would be a way to do it again and work backwards from there.
And to prove my point about difficulty, I'm already finished. The only other puzzles I really needed help solving were getting the chattering teeth, getting Ed to part with one of his stamps and the cat. Everything else I had an issue with was a case of either trying to do things in the opposite of the intended order because I couldn't solve those puzzles (and missed the breadcrumb meant to point you in the right direction) or "how the fuck was I supposed to know that would work?" I'm sure someone is going to call me a zoomer for this but there was a reason adventure games ultimately died out, no matter how hard they try every puzzle will be a moon logic puzzle to some subset of the playerbase.
Replies: >>252530 >>252639
At least the Lucasarts once don't kill you every 5 steps or let you get stuck in an unwinnable state without telling you.
True. When I was a kid my dad inflicted the Hitchhiker's Infocom game on me because we found the BBC series at a Circuit City and I liked it. I never got past the Babel Fish puzzle because I was a little kid and it was designed to make the game unwinnable if you solved it through trial and error, you figure out the last step at the same time the machine runs out of fish. I just found out DoTT had its hintbook bundled with the game, which is probably the smartest way to do it. I'll probably try Maniac Mansion or Monkey Island next because I'm a glutton for punishment.
Replies: >>252565 >>252576
Maniac Mansion is one of the few exceptions where you can make it unwinnable, though it is less likely if you bring Bernard along since his ending is harder to mess up.
Out of those two, Monkey Island will be a lot less annoying with its puzzles because Maniac Mansion will happily kill characters and make the game unwinnable.
Replies: >>252577
You usually just get thrown into the prison that you can escape from rather than killed.
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FYI if you want to play LucasArts shit you should just download DREAMM instead of fucking around with 5 different emulators.

It uses the best version of every game, including the Ultimate Talkie version of Monkey Island and the FM Towns version for the handful of games like Loom where the FM Towns version is objectively superior.
Replies: >>252610 >>252618
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Replies: >>252611
I've never heard of a classic LucasArts game actually needing a hack or fanpatch.
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Monkey Island didn't have a talkie version.
Replies: >>252619
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Replies: >>252624 >>252639
Game voice acting has become significantly less professional in the time between the original version and special edition, so it's probably best to just play it text-only.
Replies: >>252644
>last spoiler
Assuming it's about how to get it as Laverne, I would have never guessed the first part without looking it up.
Despite all the moon logic, I did manage to complete Maniac Mansion 1 without a guide, getting all the endings with different characters too. I also blazed through Thimbleweed Park, the spiritual successor to Maniac Mansion. I only had to look up one puzzle. I had simply neglected one hard to notice detail and I didn't realize that I had made progress.
So, either some adventure games have less obnoxious puzzles or my brain has managed to occasionally adjust to the same frequency as the developers.
The voice acting is a gimmick when added to classic games, whereas in Monkey Island 3 which always had voices, some of it enhances the comedy, notably various pirate songs. Hopefully these re-releases at least fix the horn bug in Monkey Island 2. Save your game before blowing the horn - if you don't solve a puzzle right after doing so, reload.
Replies: >>252644
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Voice acting has actually become more professional (and also usually blander, which I'm sure is pure coincidence) than it was in the 90s. Back in the day voices were either done for free by employees (the talkie version of Star Control 2 is an example of how well this can work) or by relative unknowns. When someone with mainstream name recognition was doing a voice it was usually a marketing gimmick.
Yeah, I had to look up how to get the human guard to leave and didn't think to ask the only fucking humans left in the building other than me. After that I probably wouldn't have made the connection between the cat, the whiteout and the cat toy in Hoagie's path without a guide anyway.
Funny thing about Maniac Mansion, I've been playing it for most of this weekend and I would have won 5 minutes ago if I hadn't forgotten to give Bernard the card key. I was going to try to win with Razor because she's cute but I think I fucked that up somehow because I couldn't find any way to get Green Tentacle his band deal, which I assumed was how you got him to help you with the meteor. I couldn't even get her tentacle raped because I saved before he took away the recordable cassette. All I spoiled myself with was the major ways to get stuck, how to drain the pool and how to open the keypad door in the basement. Well that and the most infamous ways to get killed: "Radioactive steam!", the tentacle mating call, and showing Ed the hamster bits. Everything else was just trial and error.
>voice in classic games
I would agree except for the fact that LucasArts had an established precedent of going back and recording voice for their earlier adventure games when they rereleased them on CD-ROM... except for Monkey Island.
>Back in the day voices were either done for free by employees (the talkie version of Star Control 2 is an example of how well this can work) or by relative unknowns.
Adventure games usually had a good cast.
>I couldn't find any way to get Green Tentacle his band deal
Watch the TV for a hint
Replies: >>252688
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>When someone with mainstream name recognition was doing a voice it was usually a marketing gimmick.
I hate it when they hire kikewood actors to do voice acting when it is clear as day they can't do it.
Apparently you get a better rating if you kill less people but wheres the fun in that?
>usually blander
yeah the heart is missing. I can do without them paraphrasing/making up translations just to lip synch better, too.
I'm playing EDF 6 and I'm having fun. 
New enemies so far are kinda neat and really annoying in the fun way and other enemies like the Frogs have different animations now where they will clamber up buildings and drop to all fours and scurry out of danger.
Replies: >>252686
Hope we get a gamenight set up after Synergy becomes Deadergy
Replies: >>252703
No I got that part, and after fucking up the envelope I realized it was important and reloaded to find another way to get it open. The problem is I couldn't find any stamps to mail it with.
Replies: >>252691
Oh the stamps are missable so maybe you missed them.
That's why Bernard is easier, missing the stamps makes the game unwinnable for everyone else.
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I´ve been playing Captain of Industry the last couple of days
Its pretty nice and the terrain deformation is a nice thing to have, but leads to some jank with truck pathfinding and building placement
Also the logic with which belts snap onto the buildings can get pretty weird and lead to some not so nice spaghetti and not being able to just auto-replace parts of a belt with splitters is pretty annoying
I would like that.  Leveling a city with a few best buds. Nothing like it.
Replaying Serious Sam HD
With no saves on Serious, all secrets but still under par  I already failed that since the first level you can't do all secrets under par I'm fairly sure.
Up until now it was all fun and games but Memphis - Metropolis is kinda making me reconsider, fucking 1 hour par time and 1 thousand enemies and for now my best attempt dies somewhere near the end of area 2 with 330 ish kills, Dunes was already bad enough until I discovered how to cheese the last area, hopefully I can just wing it and get a decent result
Replies: >>252727
So i've been playing a few silent assassin missions and its just way too easy and it just isnt fun. You have a map that displays everything. It shows every npc moving on it. Disguises are shit and you basically have to try and not get too close to guards because even though you have a disguise they will start spotting you through some gay suspicious meter.
And now it's Karnak that's breaking my balls
Replies: >>252970
Fucking hell I finally managed it, sorta, Ugh-Zan decided to be a huge faggot and not die then spam the laser attack you can't dodge so I ended up with one save  loaded right in the middle of the last fight, fuck it I did all the hard parts saveless and I wasn't about to farm the kills in the early part of the last level again, it's just tedious as fuck instead of being hard or fun (waiting for werebulls to spam from across the map in groups of 4 from the safety of  being on top of a giant fucking wall.
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>try out the 2hu fangaym 幻想少女大戦COMPLETE BOX, the games contained within being the origin of a webm I picked up years ago
>also 漢字練習 because JLPT N0 galore like most 同人ゲー
>a 2hu SRPG, what else was there to expect from the nipponese
>paly the first mission as Raymoo on haado, want to go bully some faggot faeries but tutorial けーね shows up to explain the fast and high speed modos for air and melee combatto
>promptly get gangraped by overlapping fields of lolis even with Keine's HP regen and Raymoo's 100% success rate hax
>wonder why the game renders in a fixed size window and doesn't use DXVK
>check the wine CLI output
>Hard mode's EX clear condition somehow expects you to kill all the 10 or so faeries in 5 turns while in slow speed mode which increases you melee damage but also nerfs your 弾幕防御
And these games were released from 2010-2016, the complete box even got a Switch port in 2022.
Truly the Nipponese are the master rice.
Please respond.
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This game is hard T_T
Who was the target audience for FRAGILE 〜さよなら月の廃墟〜 on the Wii?
/ss/ victims?
The game has really pretty grafix and textures but by good does it love treating you like a brain damaged toddler.
Replies: >>255613
I've never played it but I'd assume that the game is more about the atmosphere and gazing at the environments like a 3D and less surreal version of ゆめにっき
Replies: >>255636
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I went back to minecraft once again just like i said on the first post I made on this thread.
guess it was a sign because today the trailer for the shitty minecraft movie came out, holy fuck why does it look like that?
Replies: >>255619 >>255620
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Ah yes, nothing says minecraft like a sassy beautiful big black woman with an afro.
Replies: >>255620
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>no whites
>two kikes kids
>one old kike
>mistery meat
>uncally valley characters, and I'm not talking about the sub-humans
How many billions is it going to make?
Replies: >>255621 >>255636
None? This shit will flop like the Bordermemes movie, it'll get the low functioning autistic children who don't care what it looks like as long as it's minecraft, at best.
you underestimate the absolute autism of my generation, borderlands failed because despite being a videogame that pops up every now and then it isn't really that well known outside of gaming circles, but minecraft is the best selling game of all time ever, late millennial, zoomers and alphas all of them have played minecraft, the thing is so famous even bomers know about it even by mere osmosis, we are doomed.
Replies: >>255632 >>255636
You know Minecraft has like 150 million kids playing it monthly right?
Replies: >>255632 >>255636
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Monkey Island 2 has been pretty entertaining, although the puzzles seem to be much more obtuse in this than in the first game. speaking of which HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT THE SPECIAL EDITION GAVE HIM THE FUCKING DREAMWORKS FACE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Replies: >>255630
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better than whatever the fuck this is
>comparing borderlands to minecraft
Are you retarded? Even if it was 2 hours of a kike taking a shit normalfags would still pay to see it, just like the nuMario Movie.
Replies: >>255632
The movie will flop. Stick it up your arse.
Replies: >>255634 >>255635
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I hope it will flop, but nuSonic and nuMario made money, and normalfags loved nuFallout, so everybody and their mother are making videogame adaptations.
You're forgetting that Five Yiffs at Furry's made money despite being a rather crap movie with almost no advertising other than the title. Only low-functioning autists and their caregivers will give a shit but there are millions of them.
It's some kind of Akshin RPG affair where you Weegee your flashlight around then hit the Ghosts with sticks until they die and a heavy focus on environmental wagglan gimmicks interspersed with dialogue that while voiced acted well and charming in its dorkyness also assumes you're the average 5 year old/65 year old Wii user with no prior vidya experience who doesn't know how healing items work.
On one hand,
>150 million kids a small percentage of which will see the movie in all its pozzically correct glory
On the other,
>150 million kids a small percentage of which will see the movie, be unintentionally redpilled against the evils of globohomo, go home to tell their friends on shitscord not to watch it because it was ugly and not fun only to see AI-assisted cascarding bans from every social media platform for racism/ableism/bigotry etc. causing GoyimGate 3: Revenge of the Golems and a return to ZSNES to spite the dumb icky evil adults
Replies: >>255637 >>255638
kek, meds
Replies: >>255639
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Replies: >>255639
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>simple shitboasting is now schizophrenic
When did Anons become so insecure?
Replies: >>255641
To be fair to them a quarter of the posters here are schizos who can barely piece a coherent sentence together.
I spent like 30 minutes reverse searching looking at defunk blogs,scam sites and defunkt bbs boards. I dont think you will ever find a source
>the blue light on CRT
>the titty girl poorly shopped on top of the screen
The real question here is what game was he truly playing.
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Tried figuring it out on VNDB for about an hour. It's probably from a Hentai not a VN but good luck looking through that pile of shit for the source.
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It's from the Mahou Senshi Sweet Knights series by Triangle. It looks like the actual image used is from the anime, not the games themselves.
Replies: >>255649 >>255673
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Probably a recreation of this spoiler image because for some reason she has massive tits.
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>It looks like the actual image used is from the anime, not the games themselves.
Yes and no, that image is from Mahou Senshi Sweet Knights 2 ~Metzer Hanran~
Monster rape and evil MC rape, so not my fetish.
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Finished Hands of Necromancy and Mega Man Legends.
Hands of Necromancy was a mediocre shooter, Megaman Legends was amazing games, the characters are cute, the art style is great, the music is a little generic it didn't bother me that much, the bad part is the camera/movement system, took me a while to get used to the camera and the system.
Replies: >>256597
MML use to flat colors was kinda genius when everyone was trying to be as realistic as possible. It hides a lot of the issues with early 3D to a certain extent and let the game age a lot better then most 3D PS games.
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Wrapped up Monkey Island recently. Only really bullshit puzzles were in the ghost ship at the end. LucasArts also can't seem to do a proper endgame that isn't just an extended cutscene. The Ultimate Talkie version is actually pretty good and the Special Edition voiceovers do in fact enhance the game; Guybrush's VA could emote a little more for certain lines but otherwise it's all in line with the tone of the game, and little details like the less confident-sounding lines when you pick the wrong retort in a swordfight are really nice. The only real drawback is the "mugshot" conversations looking weird with no text. Strongly recommended for first-time LucasArts players.
Replies: >>256737
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Why does (Mario) The Music Box have to feature Mayro&Weegee as the main playable characters?
Brain damage on the part of the creators?
The game wouldn't lose anything apart from meme appeal if it had entirely original characters made of donut steel, but I guess even typical RPGM horror adventure games must appeal to modern audiences or something.
Replies: >>256730
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I'm hoping to play UFO50. It was 50 different games that the spelunky devs have developed over 6 or 7 years.
It just came out today and I want to see what the hype is all about.
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>(Mario) The Music Box
Now, this might be my schizo brain reading a little too far into this. But from looking at the screenshots I get the impression that the main artist(s) just really, really, really, really like Mario.
Replies: >>256731 >>256770
Reminds me of this fujo from twitter who loves drawing mario and luigi looking buff and shirtless while sticking to the original M&L art style.
For some reason, I was stumped with getting the ship. Haggling with Stan was boring, too.
Be sure to try out Monkey Island 2: The Revenge of Bullshit Puzzles, Spread Across the Game and 3 Islands!
Replies: >>256746 >>256822
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Haggling with Stan is more like an extended joke than a puzzle. It's funnier if you have actual life experience and have dealt with salesgolems to buy a car/sofa/appliance/stereo/etc. Their tactics are still pretty much the same as Stan's bit, with the only real difference being how pushy they are.
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I tried to play the Bread soup bakery game for the PS2, only to find myself lacking the autism required for its hyper-realistic control scheme.
They certainly like to draw Merio&Weeg crying while getting strangulated or gored, seems to be a common theme with 腐女子。
Instead of doing something sensible like that I binged Fate of Atlantis. Wits path, final IQ was 600-something. Lots of pixel hunting and arbitrary backtracking, especially in Atlantis. You have to keep track of the stone discs the entire game and if you leave them behind when you enter the maze you have to backtrack the entire way to enter the center ring. Also when you use the bead machine Indy says "I have lots of beads" like MI Special Edition does when you have enough money to complete the game but you can still run out. Not bad but not the "LucasArts experience" you would expect from MI or even DOTT.
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Bing bing wahoo
Replies: >>257017 >>257210
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Gay game. Also gay theme.
Get a proper theme.
>Lemoncat reference
I feel old.
>Get a proper theme.
Pic unrelated.
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Playing Doom 3 on the sourceport dhewm 3. So far I'm kind of spooked from playing it regularly without the duct tape mod.
I was gonna play the BFG edition but its not my cup of tea when I saw the differences between the original doom 3.
Replies: >>257194
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Finally got to playing Sonic Frontiers at a friend's house. I avoided it before because I didn't have a good impression of it, but now that I've played it, it is kind of fun. Not the as amazing as fans say it is, (not a fan of the digital stages, the super sonic boss fights are a bit too thematic for me, open world seems a little lacking, etc.) but I enjoyed it way more than Forces as far as I'm concerned. It goes to show Sonic Team is atleast trying to go in a better direction.
I was also thinking of playing some RPGs but I kind of am fatigued by them since I've played so many straight in a row. I don't know, maybe when I'm done with Sonic I'll try out SMT Strange Journey on the DS or Final Fantasy Tactics if I'm in the mood to.
Replies: >>257195
The game's lighting is darn impressive by 2003 standards as is the overall presentation feat. working mirrors and RTT everywhere along with really nice EAX reverb, but I'm not sure what's so supposed to be scary about demoniggers I can barely see in the dark and why does the shotgun make clonking noises.
Why did you post Blue Archive fanart when talking about some Sonic game?
Replies: >>257197 >>257200
Because you touch yourself at night.
because sonicbis blue duh 
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Might I suggest https://themeplaza.art/item/64372 ?
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The main game was pretty boring but the dlc was fun. Strange thing when a dlc outshines the main game.
Its not nip but why is My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend so damn comfy?
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Replies: >>257852
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Those are just the little aliens you fight in Space Channel 5, another Sega game from around that time.
As a matter of fact, they also appear as an unlockable form in Rez, a game by the same devs.
Makes me wonder whether the devs should've exploited the little guys instead of fading them into obscurity.
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I went into this gaem expecting some form of Ace Combat clone, but what I got instead was an alternate universe interpretation of Ace Combat with 1/10 of the usual AC budget and one of the laziest PC ports known to mang.

The game mechanics exhibit major differences from those employed by AC, most notable in the aircraft flight model and missile use.
For one, the planes in the game are much more heavy and sluggish than those of Ace Combat 3 with very slow acceleration+deceleration and an airbrake that's more or less necessary to force overshoots, plus they also have a flight sim-esque damage model in which hits from missiles will damage parts of the plane with quite severe effects on flight performance and handling.
This is rather anachronistic as the game and the animu OVA adaptation of an obscure sci-fi novel series that began in the 1980s it's based on ostensibly feature hyper-advanced fighters with integrated AIs and 10g+ close-in post-stall maneuvering capacity which would require an FCS that should at minimum try to counter-trim the plane in the event of flight surface damage instead of flying like a poorly serviced Syrian MiG-21.
Missiles in the game have minimum and maximum engagement ranges outside of which they simply won't fire, and unlike Ace Combat they track very efficiently making countermeasures virtually necessary if you don't want your plane to fly like an F-35 after a few glancing hits, your plane also carries a believable amount of them instead of 200 like in AC and they even affect your takeoff+overall flight performance.
The upside is that the missiles you and your AI compatriots fire usually kill enemy units in one hit, making escort planes somewhat reliable unlike in Ace Combat where they may as well not exist.

Sadly for as interesting as it could've been from the few missions I've played the game suffers from drab, mushy single texture environments with next to no detail copypasted everywhere and an archaic caveman control scheme owing to Xemu's inability to emulate the Xbox version and the PC port being so fucking lazy it runs at a fixed 640x480 with FMV cutscenes straight from the anime in 10:7 PAR that a PC CRT would stretch to 4:3, AND NO KEY REMAPPING WITH CONTROLLER SUPPORT LIMITED TO 3(three) MODELS OF EARLY 2000S JOYSTICK AAAAAGGGGHHHH.
In spite of this the game is suspiciously easy to play using the 縄文な numpad control scheme, I don't know if it was made easier for the PC but I'd be curious if someone with an Xbox could try it out.
The music though just like that of the anime is pure kino.
Replies: >>259117
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you wanna tell me what the fuck it's called? I don't speak sushi
Replies: >>259120
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Nevermind, found it:
Sentou Yousei Yukikaze Yousei no Mau Sora
looks boring
>scan 20 targets as part of tutorial and then do the same for the 3rd mission
I dunno man, got an .iso file?
Replies: >>259121
again, nevermind, you autistic fuck, I found it myself
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playing some tapsonic bold
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Code Vein. Apparently the Cathedral is awful, but I got no idea why. So far it's not so bad. Wish me luck.
>the Cathedral is awful
Zoomer take, it's just mildly complex to explore in a way they've never had to tackle after slurping down minimapped goyslop corridorware their whole lives.  What IS awful is the DLC, avoid it, it's insulting.
Replies: >>259484 >>259787
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I was playing Sandstorm and one of the Insurgents yelled "ALLAHU AKBAR!" while charging the objective and it gave me a good XD.
Replies: >>259448
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The reason most people found the cathedral awful was because its retina erasing bright white
Replies: >>259484 >>259787
Cathdral was supposed to be uncanny and confusing like a liminal space but I understand why people said it was lazy copy-paste game padding. I personally didn't have a problem with it.
Replies: >>259787
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So after years this is my first something something review of video game-related content:
MDickie's Hard Time, released in 2006, i am still trying to play it so it's an ongoing write-up but man, i respect the fact it was made by a single dude in England but one particular problem with this is how idiosyncratic it is times.
I will try to make it short, the concept is pretty good, the execution is also pretty decent and addictive if repetitive, a constant loop of trying to buff your character and do either menial work or dirty jobs, with sleepy time in the middle, in a short-term HARDCORE prison ran by an unknown psychopath entity and with wardens just as violent and retarded as its prisoners, no human rights no nothing, just a slaughterhouse called correctional facility.

Right now i am pissed because despite being an enjoyable experience it has a couple of notable problems related to the performance and gameplay decisions: It sometimes fatally crashes between loading times which also serve as autosave windows, that doesn't sound that bad because saves don't seem to corrupt, problem is MDickie made the game punitive so you don't savescum and crashes are seen as task manager terminations so when you reload the game your entire progress is gone because the game deleted your shit, this happened twice to me and it's not funny. The game saves automatically, save files are located in temp folders and cannot be replaced well as the save corrupts itself so you don't backtrack, it sends you as a random prisoner on death row when you reload. Curiously if you play in windowed the cursor gets stuck in the middle as a preventive measure and keyboard shortcuts don't work to exit the program BUT if you get to exit via top right corner X button the game doesn't delete its save.

Now why the hell would a person savescum a relatively short game? i learned the hard way once and if we count that occasion then it's another instance of the game deleting my save, because good old Dick placed one of the very worst gameplay mechanics i've ever seen: Illness. It's prison so what's wrong? illness is an instance in which, out of nowhere without previous warning and seemingly based on RNG, your character will get both its health and mental status mostly gone and place a death timer before you can reach a bed or the infirmary. Sometimes your physical health will succumb first to the unknown illness and an arbitrary 50/50 check will decide if you live or die which proceeds to you still being sick if you are lucky (deletes your save if you die), or your mental health might succumb first and you will get a temporal episode of madness in which you will mace the shit out of any passerby who then will fuck you up and delete your little physical health left. 

You can be a 99 in every stat and the game will fuck you up and make you limp to the nearest bed (your speed becomes null independently of speed attribute), it's a completely unfair random mechanic that should be implemented in another form, like adding something else as a preventive measure like medicine or eating a meal once in a while. Many things have been said about the game's clunky camera and combat but they are tolerable, the illness mechanic is not, first time my character died i said fuck it that was bullshit (survived 3 times the 50/50, a mental breakdown and then i got riddled by a gun pointed at another prisoner) and terminated the app so i could restart again at the checkpoint which was my character almost dead entering the infirmary.

The humour is good, most things are intuitive except many side missions because instructions are not precise, it's clunky but because nothing is complex the game goes along, overall i really like Hard Time but it's few crashes have fucked my shit up. The game in theory can be completed easily, it's just a grind to wait all those days, the problem is if you want to play it your way, in my case like an revengeful loonie who kills anyone who crosses me, then shit will hit the fan with you slamming metal pipes into dying asshole wardens' chests or massacring and mutilating rude black prisoners with a stolen submachine gun who happened to call you an animal. If you get caught you get another court hearing and days will be added to your sentence, intelligence stat makes a RNG check if you get away with it or not but there's also another humorous factor, you can get away with murder most of the times but stealing food is tough to justify, you often end up losing those cases.

Good little game, will try to complete it my way but due to the faulty save system this becomes hard, i understand punishing the savescummers but this is something else. Same critique with not being allowed to decide the colour of your attire, your positioning within the prison's cells is also random and so is most items' placements when you start a new save file. Shit is made like it should a fast experience/session yet you can play as a particular prisoner for hours, i had 10+ hours with pic related and still needed to complete half his sentence. 14 murders, didn't serve a day for them.
this game actually aged fine but the first negative impressions cursed it and got into Bamco's head.
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A 2007 Megazone 23 loicense game for the PSTriple was perhaps the last place I expected find a nep in, but here she is.
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>bike mechanic girl's dream in life is of becoming wife
The Japanese Games Industry is superior,
Replies: >>259727
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*blocks your path*
Replies: >>259728
I approve of his taste in fruit.
>have game because of bundle
>still can't fucking play it because of Denuvo
Replies: >>259744
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Might be a dumb question, but if you "own" a copy the game, how is Denuvo preventing you from playing it?
Replies: >>259749
If he bought games in a bundle, he probably got a Steam key. Not being able to play it due to Denuvo is probably a moral stance.
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I'm using the "Improved Visuals and Performance" mod, which alleviated some of the white haze that's there by default, which probably makes the bright white not so blinding. I rather like it.
This place is huge, and I had a slight detour down memory lane, but I'm still not done here. It's a fun place, though. I think it's great. I started getting a little disoriented once the areas were littered with spiral staircases.
I want to drink from the source's nectar!
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