/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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Important links
Before requesting, check the gitgud links below. Report any dead links so they may get deleted.
Anons have experienced shady shit with IGG (e.g. miners and extra files that served no purpose in terms of running the games) and they're from Vietnam.


How to contribute
Post ITT, or if you have a gitgud account make a pull request / raise an issue on the repository.
Practice good opsec. Keep yourself anonymous and secure your traffic via a VPN or TOR, see links below for more information.

Guide to a happy share thread

1. Before requesting, search online and use distributed search engines (e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO).
2. Look in CheckBeforePosting, and the archives.
3. If a password is required check the archives, especially the source thread if it's listed.
4. Be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it in the share thread.
5. Links to files will purposely be misleading by having spaces, lines, keys & passwords split in the post. This includes torrent hashes.
	a. If you see a string of hex characters (e.g. c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a) with or without dashes, it is torrent hash (remove dashes).
	b. If your torrent client is shit, prepend magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to the string.
	c. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend.

1. When in doubt, upload. Ask questions later.
2. Upload to multiple hosts and keep a local copy if space permits.
3. Obfuscate your links; encode them in base64, and/or indirectly link via a private paste bin (e.g. zerobin.net) to confuse bots and web crawlers.
4. Protect your uploads with a password, key, or generator. Rename the files something random (e.g. their checksums). Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so to confuse content identification engines.
5. If your connection is stable, it is extremely advisable to self host using anonymity tools like Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster.

Old links
Previous pasta: gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/OP-Pasta
Previous thread: >>89934
Last edited by seagull
>pasta not updated
Volafile is dead and has been for a while now, removing it from the pasta would be an easy update. Also I'm pretty sure Mega downloader no longer works for bypassing limits.
Does anyone happen to have a list of GOG signatures?
>>238563 (OP) 
>We prefer darknet magnet links, not that garbage clearnet shit like bittorrents & IPFS.
This is one of the dumbest things I've read today and that's including the nigger thread. Magnets are just torrents wherr your tracker is the entire internet and DHT surveillance is trivial, look up your IP on iknowwhatyoudownload and see. The truth is nobody cares as long as you consume entertainment instead of revolting, and you should always be using a VPN anyway. The way around this is invite-only mixnets but finding a peer with access to the content you want is such a hassle it's only going to take off when it's actually needed, as it is in Japan.
Sharethreads just aren't going to be the same without Voice Anon.
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Not necessarily related to the OP but does anyone here know how to play on LAN with SmartSteamEmu?
Got some Killing Floor installed with an SSE hook and for some reason the other player can't connect to my listen server.
I've opened ports on my machine and on the router's firewall and no dice. IIRC the server only appears for a split second then fizzles out from the LAN list.
Alternatively does anyone have some clean KF Steam files? I deleted mine long ago.
Replies: >>238730 >>240553
Recently tried the Linux cracks by JC141 and it worked pretty smoothly, might be worth adding into the pasta https://gitlab.com/jc141x/portal

>$current_year and still randomly rangebanning CS exit IPs
Replies: >>238740
Try using Goldberg's Steam emulator instead.
>Alternatively does anyone have some clean KF Steam files? I deleted mine long ago.
Usually cs.rin.ru had them, but Jewgle deleted all of the clean Steamrips from Gdrive because the main uploader refused to pay 10x more for unlimited storage. Try cleaning up the DODI repack. It should be fairly easy to do, unless they removed the original steam_api.dll and the original game exe.
>>238563 (OP) 
Not OP here. I've written a first draft for the updated pasta, will post it shortly. Please r8.

Thank you for this link.
Replies: >>238745
Important links
Before requesting, check the gitgud links below. Report any dead links so they may get deleted.
Anons have experienced shady shit with IGG (e.g. miners and extra files that served no purpose in terms of running the games) and they're from Vietnam.


How to contribute
Post ITT, or if you have a gitgud account make a pull request / raise an issue on the repository.
Practice good opsec. Keep yourself anonymous and secure your traffic via a VPN or TOR, see links below for more information.

Guide to a happy share thread

1. Before requesting, search online and use distributed search engines (e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO).
2. Look in CheckBeforePosting, and the archives.
3. If a password is required check the archives, especially the source thread if it's listed.
4. Be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it in the share thread.
5. Links to files will purposely be misleading by having spaces, lines, keys & passwords split in the post. This includes torrent hashes.
	a. If you see a string of hex characters (e.g. c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a) with or without dashes, it is torrent hash (remove dashes).
	b. If your torrent client is shit, prepend magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to the string.
	c. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend.

1. When in doubt, upload. Ask questions later.
2. Upload to multiple hosts and keep a local copy if space permits.
3. Obfuscate your links; encode them in base64, and/or indirectly link via a private paste bin (e.g. zerobin.net) to confuse bots and web crawlers.
4. Protect your uploads with a password, key, or generator. Rename the files something random (e.g. their checksums). Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so to confuse content identification engines.
5. If your connection is stable, it is extremely advisable to self host using anonymity tools like Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster.

Old links
Previous pasta: gitgud.io/Blank/stv/raw/m/OP-Pasta
Previous thread: >>x
Replies: >>238785
Try this instead. The opsec comment is kind of redundant after all the shit that's happened (if you're still barebacking imageboards you deserve to get fucked) and the gitgud is dead.

How to contribute
Just post ITT. The old gitgud is pretty much abandoned and shouldn't be counted on for not-dead links.

Please search for shit yourself before requesting. We are not your mom. Remember to use independent search engines (InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO, SearX, wiby) and even normalfag tier guides like Awesome Piracy. The Internet Archive is your friend too.

Guide to a happy share thread
1. Please search for shit yourself before requesting. We are not your mom.
2. If you can't find it yourself try the gitgud archives (gitgud.io/Blank/stv/) but keep in mind that most of these links are from the 8chan days and are likely to have expired or been DMCA'd.
3. If you find it in the archives and need a password, check the source thread if an archive of it is still up.
4. If you find it in the archives and the link is alive, repost it so it's less likely to get bitrotted away in the future.
5. If you see a string of hex characters with or without dashes (c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a) it's a BitTorrent infohash. Remove the dashes and paste it into your client as a magnet link.
6. Use megatools to download from Mega. This sometimes lets you bypass their bullshit file quotas but not always, and when it doesn't you can just IP hop and resume the download as if nothing happened.

1. When in doubt, upload first and ask questions later. Please make sure whatever you're uploading is actually playable, though.
2. Please don't upload to temporary filehosts. You never know how long the thread is going to last.
3. Keep a local copy if at all possible. Archive everything.
4. If uploading to a mainstream filehost like mediafire that gets crawled by DMCA bots frequently, zip it with a password to reduce the risk of an instant takedown. Prefer pomf clones and other small-time hosts over mainstream hosts.
5. When filling requests from a private tracker like GGn, don't go and search for the request right away if you don't have it. Wait a couple days and then download it. While the risk of getting /marked/ by some autistic tracker admin lurking the thread is small now that we're far away from 4chan, shit does happen and you get one account per lifetime.
6. If your internet is good and you have a PC running 24/7, consider uploading to a decentralized file sharing service like Freenet, IPFS, Gnunet, etc.
Here are some GOG signatures i found of a random github page. I did confirm a few based on the games i own myself in my GOG library.

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>Pizza Tower (The Noise Update), 289.6 MB
You have to have a completed savefile in order to play as The Noise.
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Okay faggots I have 15 freeleech tokens and a burning need to download shit so I can keep from getting activity pruned. Name a game with a download size of less than 20GB and I'll see if I can get it, provided your taste isn't shit. Uploads will be delayed by a few days to avoid /marked/.
Replies: >>239992 >>239997
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How do you want it?
Replies: >>239997
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Probably not the BEST thread to ask, but are there any fucking ways to play cracked Steam games without the fucking game asking for admin access? Or does it always ask for that no matter where you go due to the way Steam works?
Replies: >>240025 >>240055
What? No steam crack I know of needs admin access.
Replies: >>240026
must be the shitty sites then, i tried rin ru and steamrip for one game, and in both instances instructions said to run it as admin
Replies: >>240027 >>240030
That's a blanket suggestion because that's how some people have fixed issues. I've always ignored that and never had a problem
Replies: >>240029
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true, i've generally heard that the reason why is because it just needs access to write to documents if you're on wangblows, but i never needed that level of access to be granted for that shit.
thanks, though, guess i'm one step in the clear
A lot of installers and install instructions in general will ask for admin access because otherwise retards will complain that it doesn't work when they try to install to Program Files.
Windows is a piece of shit that won't let programs do seemingly random things even as the system admin so half the programs that ever run need admin access despite you already probably being one. I'm fairly certain you can set it so it never asks you for permission though (assuming hopefully windows isn't your main system).
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Can you download free games using SteamCMD and a burner Steam account? What's the command, in case there is?
I was going to ask for clean rips for some Source mods and it's just happened to me, since I've already been snatching workshop mods.

Moreover, how easy is it to use Steamless to crack a HL2 free mod, for instance? I can't find any of them on cs.rin.ru. Hopefully it's because they're trivial to crack.
Copying links for gog-games before they go down. This is just the numbers and symbols, but I'll update it for each letter I get to. File is in base64 because I'm paranoid about scraper bots. If anyone would like to help, just say what letter you're covering so I can skip it, and post your own file in the same format so we can merge the data easily.
Replies: >>240225
Filecrypt shat the bed while I was working on the "A" titles. Here's what I have so far.
Replies: >>240239
A tip for checking GoG signatures is to add a free game to your gog account that was RELEASED ON GOG around the same time that the game you're trying to download was. Then download the offline installer for the free game (it can be a demo aswell). Then you look at the gog signature and compare with the game you actually want to play and see if they match.
Replies: >>240230 >>240234
The site uses captcha'd redirects to the filehost, so I can't do shit with signatures.
Replies: >>240231
No i mean when you download the gog game and have the gog install file.
Why? Either it has a trusted root certificate or it doesn't.
Replies: >>240236
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A bunch of MD5 hashes. I checked it against Just Cause 1 (which i own on GOG) and it matched.
Replies: >>240674
I'm better safe than sorry. I cant trust something that can be faked.
Replies: >>240241
Doing my part
I want to do my part as well, which is the better option in terms of file sharing websites, Send.cm, 1fichier or Gofile? Both of these .txt only feature one download link per game.
Replies: >>240240 >>240241
1fichier. But mediafire is better in my opinion.
Replies: >>240243
And how would it be faked? The only way I can think of is if you deliberately add and trust a fake root certificate yourself.
Gofile maxed my speed without throttling for the entirety Kingdom Come, about 75 gigs.
Replies: >>240242 >>240245
Gofile is good for download speed but they delete stuff really fast so i wouldnt rely on it.
Replies: >>240246
I've been doing 1fichier so far since I remember them being more lenient with copyrighted content. A lot of Gofile links I've been checking are 404 in contrast.
Are Send.cm or MultiUp any good? Those are the only other remaining options on GOG.to.
Replies: >>240244
I've seen alot of dead Send.cm links
>And how would it be faked? 
I have no idea about certificates. Im just very paranoid and will virustotal the files,match the signatures and/or md5 check the files.
Replies: >>240246 >>240706
I've only found failed gofile extras uploads so far but I suppose multiup would be theoretically be safer for archiving then. 1fichier gives me a one hour cooldown after downloading anything so I usually don't bother checking.
I end up doing those things a lot of the time too to be fair, but well, it should be alright if the signature checks out.
Replies: >>240706
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Here's what I've got, TOCA Driver 3 to Trap Shrine. I intended to do the entire T letter until Filecrypt started 404ing on me.
I think 8c640c has a point and >we should collect all game links per letter, instead of cherrypicking like >>240238.
Replies: >>240250 >>240253
Downloaded and decoded, thanks. Gonna sleep now, and hope that Filecrypt decides to stop cockblocking me.
I agree with you, however, I'm assuming that all of these links are going to be wacked next saturday.
Added new games to the list
Replies: >>240361
Updating my progress because Filecrypt is being autistic again. Multiup is also a pretty terrible service; sometimes you get sponsor redirects even when the link works, so you should try green links at least twice. If the site pushes Usenet it means the link is bad and you should try another one.
Replies: >>240364
And here's the contributions from other Anons, arranged in (probably) alphabetical order. I'm going to do some housework and then start cataloging the Filecrypt links while I wait for them to pull the sticks out of their asses.
gog-games is down now
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Seeing as the list didnt get very far i might aswell share this.
Someone from cuckchan managed to grab all the filecrypt links.
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I'm no Linux wizard, so I can't autogrep the links from every file or anything like that, but I can take those links and follow them to the end if somebody else has the required magical ability.
Site's back up.
"Finished" up through the "A" section. I recommend using Multi Links Plus or a similar plugin to copy all the links at once. I'm taking a break due to external factors.
"B"s are done. That's around 650 games.
I don't like going through .json files, so I came up with this absurd and impractical solution instead: open every page for every game at once and smoosh them all into one .maff for each starting letter. Amazingly, it worked, and a hell of a lot faster than my previous efforts. Here's everything.

>download and extract
>open your Firefox-compatible browser of choice
>open the appropriate .maff
>wait for your browser to stop screaming in agony
>use the tab list to find the game you want
Replies: >>240546
Modern browsers dont support .maff
Replies: >>240549
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>Alternatively does anyone have some clean KF Steam files? 
I cant seem to find any (non-sketchy) way to create some.
Replies: >>240567
>I can't seem to find any
You can always ask the one Steamfag on the board who owns the game. If he shares them I host again.
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What's this message referring to? Some gay dicksword drama?
Replies: >>240655 >>240676
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And it's gone. Weird times when a direct dl site acts like some stuck up private tracker.
No idea why the disclaimer, but believing a direct DL site gimps their downloads with malware is logical unless proven otherwise.
What about the Filecrypt links? Whether they 404 is a matter of when rather than if, but are they good to use in the following months?
Replies: >>240661
>believing a direct DL site gimps their downloads with malware is logical unless proven otherwise
We're talking signed GOG installers though so I don't see how they could.
Don't know how often they usually had to reupload but they'll probably last a bit longer now that they're not public, unless they expire from inactivity instead.
Replies: >>240667
>Next time we're open
I never saw a sign up link.
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I've been pondering, I don't have a tracker of choice when it comes to pirated Steam games for instance. Does this mean I should be on the lookout for scene groups on Telegram to keep up with decent releases, even for older games?

>unless they expire from inactivity instead
1fichier links die after 15 days of inactivity for guest uploaders and after a month for registered accounts. In a year all of their links could be wiped unless they go public again.
>we're talking signed GOG installers
How do you know they're not tampered? Last time I've heard there wasn't a complete MD5 hash list for GOG installers.
Are the other GOG DL sites good? GOGunlocked, for instance. Should they be trusted?
Replies: >>240674
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>invites for a collection of links to third party hosting sites
Anyway, how did you guys make out? I was partway through getting the links for all the Higurashi episodes when the site kicked me.
Replies: >>240683
>I've been pondering, I don't have a tracker of choice when it comes to pirated Steam games for instance.
Most scene releases get posted everywhere, don't see how they would be hard to find.
>Does this mean I should be on the lookout for scene groups on Telegram to keep up with decent releases, even for older games?
Why would a scene group be on telegram, I don't understand?
>How do you know they're not tampered? Last time I've heard there wasn't a complete MD5 hash list for GOG installers.
Signed executables are hashed, try altering one in a hex editor and you'll see the signature become invalid. Also they posted their hashes >>240235 but those are gog-games's own hashes so not really that useful except for checking corrupt downloads.
>wah wah sum pipo b mean n shiet so we're gonna punish EVERYONE
If I had money I would immediately set up a competitor site to spite these fucking faggots holy shit.
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I managed to grab a couple of games
Replies: >>240687 >>240897
I dont think being overly paranoid is a bad thing. Maybe digital signatures cant be faked. I still think its wise to put the game files into virustotal even if you believe it to be safe. You should never believe something to be safe just because.
>oh this digital signature thing is safe
This is how they get you. Being paranoid is not a bad thing. Its a survival instinct.
Replies: >>240707
>You should never believe something to be safe just because.
Correct, you should have at least a basic understanding of digital signatures and AV scans before trusing either.
You clearly don't even have that, so stop posting, stop making up bizarre rituals to feel safe about things you don't understand, and go study.
Replies: >>240708
How about you go kill yourself? There is absolutely nothing wrong in taking extra precaution.
Replies: >>240709
He does have a point. I don't think you know what a signature is either.
Replies: >>240710
It doesnt matter whether or not i know what it is. Him and You (samefag) are spreading FUD by saying "just trust me bro" and "go study about it". Not once have you ever tried to actually prove why its safe and should be trusted. The only thing you've done is try to make people take less precautions when pirating and thats very suspicious of you.
Replies: >>240712
Pointing out that you clearly don't know what you're talking about isn't FUD moron
Replies: >>240713
Why cant you prove its safe if you're so educated about it?
>tfw even reddit is smarter than you fags
Shameful display. tl;dr all GOG installers have an embedded Authenticode signature that contains a hash of the .exe signed with a certificate issued to GOG by DigiCert. Winblows can verify this for you just by right clicking and I'm sure there's something to do the same thing on Linux. If the hash in the Authenticode is tampered with it'll come back as gibberish; if the installer is tampered with and its hash doesn't match what's in the Authenticode signature the hash check will fail. No, this can't be faked unless you glow in the dark or replace the entire Authenticode, and if you do that it's going to leave a massive red flag in that the signature won't be issued to GOG.
Replies: >>240715 >>241878
The thread you linked proved absolutely nothing and ive already read it before you linked it. Now im going to adress your post.
>all GOG installers have an embedded Authenticode signature that contains a hash of the .exe signed with a certificate issued to GOG by DigiCert
Okay. So?
>If the hash in the Authenticode is tampered with it'll come back as gibberish; if the installer is tampered with and its hash doesn't match what's in the Authenticode signature the hash check will fail
This is what you say but you havent proven anything. Prove it. Dont link a fucking reddit thread that says nothing as proof.
>No, this can't be faked unless you glow in the dark or replace the entire Authenticode, and if you do that it's going to leave a massive red flag in that the signature won't be issued to GOG
Prove it. This is literally "just trust me bro" over again. Prove it. Prove the fuking thing.
Replies: >>240716
What do you expect a fucking lecture?
Replies: >>240717
Im expecting you to prove what you're saying. Otherwise dont bother saying it in the first place. You shouldnt talk about something you dont understand and then tout it as some "fact"
Mobile because I can only assume you're a phoneposter at this point.
Replies: >>240721
What a bunch of cunts
Ayo shiet any of u whiteys got Recettear?
Okay. I read through the whole thing. You did it. Congratulations. I believe you now. While you yourself couldnt prove it the wikipedia article helped convince me.
>he couldn't find a wikipedia article on the subject on his own and had to be completely spoon-fed like an infant
jesus christ
Replies: >>240730
You're still butthurt?
Replies: >>240736 >>240741
Being asshurt about shit no one cares about is the ZZZchan way.
Replies: >>240737
Nah, I'm pretty sure that's just you.
>want an updated psx collection torrent
>afraid to even ask because some reddit turbo nigger would post it on faceberg and get it taken down immediately
Replies: >>240741
I don't think I've even replied to (You).
The redump collections on archive.org are usually decently up to date. If you really want a torrent they have that as well, they do http downloads in your torrent client in addition to working like normal torrents.
Alot of the gog-games gofile links are down. I'd say atleast 70% of them based on the 30 or so more games i downloaded today.
This is why I always go for the 1fischier links. The site is slow as shit, but the only thing you need to worry about is the inactivity deletions.
Gofile links expire after about a week. For 1fichier it's something like 2 or 3 months of inactivity.
Replies: >>240857
>2 or 3 months of inactivity
15 days for guest uploaders and a month for registered accounts. It's going to be a raffle whether any of the links last the first three months.
As far as I'm aware a lot of them were down before the site even actually went down.
>first god
>now gog-games
I don't want to go back to igg.
Replies: >>240877
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Anyway heres the "complete collection" of GOG games from torrminatorr. Looks like its getting updated constantly so no worries about it being deleted.
>Password (for encrypted archives)
>kevinj93 (some game archives are encrypted due to false positive virus warning on 1fichier)
Downloaded a game to check for myself and it seems fine.
>>238563 (OP) 
Is the anon in charge of the stv repository still around? Because it's a good idea to update some of the pages based on recent news.
>Previous thread: >>x
Nice going sturg.
Replies: >>240885 >>241463
The repo itself hasn't been updated for years, it's quite evident that the anon has disappeared. I think maintaining a repo is not a good idea because it will always be in the hands of a single person, hence in risk of abandonment... Consider just storing everything in a pastebin so whoever is the current OP of the share thread can clone the paste and update it, then post the updated link on the board.
>Nice going sturg
I didn't fill in the previous thread because this is supposed to be a template.
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And some more
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gog-games is coming back. Looks like the owner was butthurt due to low donations.
>>Previous thread: >>x
>Nice going sturg.
Where did you come from that you think a deleted post number becomes an ">>x"?
>120 euros a month
>people didn't ask me politely enough in the emails that I specifically request people to send me on the site
Look god bless autism but these guys need to grow a spine and get a job.
>all expenses have been paid completely out of pocket
They had donation only links at some point though? Sounds more like he didn't like the cashflow going dry when he went private.
Replies: >>241471 >>241473
That's exactly what it was.
I think he means he ran out of donations a while ago and he has been paying out of pocket for months now, so he made it 'private' for a week to get attention (which worked) and give the people who take the site for granted a wake-up call (a hopeless endeavor, a fool's errand, a wild goose chase, etc).  Meanwhile, he has successfully communicated to GOG and anyone else that wants the site gone, that all they have to do is nag him to death.
God damn, what a fucking drama queen.
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Thanks for wasting almost two weeks of my time, you baby bitch faggot.
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what a  fuckin -
ok besides the owner being a fag anyone has scanned for viruses in their releases?
Replies: >>241875
just compare the hashes to the official gog releases retard
Replies: >>241878
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People who haven't bought the games don't have access to the hashes you mongoloid. It was already explained earlier ITT >>240714 that GOG executables are signed with Authenticode, and figuring out whether they've been tempered with is as easy as checking its properties with a right click.
You'd expect users to at least read the thread they're posting on but that appears to be too much for a site populated by no brain nigger monkeys with an attention span shorter than their dicks.
Replies: >>241928 >>242612
usually the virusware anti virus that comes with windows auto detects that type of shit funny shit to be honest I still right click just to make sure
Replies: >>241944
Are you this retarded or am I responding to a bot?
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What's the preferrable way to crack a Steam game from a set of clean files then share it for a gamenight, Revemu, Goldberg or SmartSteamEmu? What does Steamless do?
I've seen many older games run with Revemu but it seems to be long deprecated, plus many repacks share many shady executables to run the games.
Since SSE works both as a steam_api.dll and the game's executable should an SSE repack do the job?
Replies: >>242609
It's been a while but last I checked RevEmu was still actively updated, basically:
>Steamless: Tries to remove Steam DRM from an executable. Whether or not this can be used for MP depends entirely on the game (most likely not).
>Goldberg: SP/LAN only crack.
>RevEmu: Full MP crack, allows cracked and legit clients on the same server. There are a gorillion versions of RevEmu with varying compatibility with different games.
>SmartSteamEmu: MP crack, tries to be an actual Steam emu. Used to only work with a few games, probably has better compatibility now. Don't think it allows mixing cracked/legit clients.
Replies: >>242663 >>243066
Replies: >>242613
You're a regular wintermute, aren't you.
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Got this from gog-games. The setup does not have a signature!
Replies: >>242626 >>242628
Downloaded it again from another site and same thing. No signature on the setup
Replies: >>242628
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Well, that's pretty fucked. File timestamps are from May 2023 but according to gogdb the official installer hasn't changed since 2018.
Replies: >>242635
Wew lad. I have a huge stockpile of GOG installers from the /v/olafile days, I'll see if I can verify them/if GOG installers were only Authenticode signed after MS started making life hell for people who didn't do it.
Replies: >>242638
I've got gog installers that are a decade old, they always signed them as far as I know.
Goldberg allows TCP/IP but the issue I remember was that you had to add the IP of each client and they had to portforward instead of simply the host managing everything.
Replies: >>242682
As far as I know that only works if the game doesn't authenticate LAN/Direct IP connections and doesn't care if LAN game connections are actually local or not.
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Good news if you have a NoGames 4, an EDF6 dump was posted on public yarhar sites today.
The PKGs are from an asian release, which includes both English and Japanese text and audio.

Here's some links, in case anyone wants it:
Torrent's infohash from RuTracker: 89402b5d945bd56116d5dc2cff670dd8daeb60cb
Or if you prefer, URLs to Mediafire uploads for the same files from DLPSGame (base sixty-four'd):
Base game (multipart RAR):
1.01 update:
Password for the archives above is DLPSGAME.COM
For a minute I thought it was the PC version.
I don't suppose there's a working PS4 emulator yet?
Replies: >>242839
To emulate what? Having no games?
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Replies: >>242848
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EDF6 has been out on consoles for 2 years. I imagine anyone that hasn't already tried the Japanese version doesn't own nor has any interest in buying a Nogamesstation.
The entire point of emulators is to preserve any software that may be lost in time due to aging hardware. Particularly interesting software will always bring more interest in reverse engineering a console, but the effort is noble regardless of platform.
3DO emulators have been a thing for the past 17 years; Atari Jaguar emulators, for the past 20 years and there's a Casio Loopy emulator in the works on Github. You have no argument.
Replies: >>242892
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To protect and preserve her smile.
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>EDF6 has been out on consoles for 2 years. I imagine anyone that hasn't already tried the Japanese version doesn't own nor has any interest in buying a Nogamesstation.
OR maybe some of us still can't speak moonrunes and are waiting for an english translation to enjoy it better.
Replies: >>242915
Have you never been so intrigued by a game you've played it without understanding what's being said? I'm assuming you own a pisspoor and could've played a game but chose not to.
Replies: >>242920
>play edf in japanese on ps4
>dont understand any of the dialogue.
>cant read weapon descriptions.
>play game non-stop hammering away at each difficulty with each class
>slowly gathering weapons and armor
<english version releases 
>start from the beginning with no weapons.
>know what's coming every level likely ruining jokes, surprises, and even the ending because you witnessed it and saw everything already.
And you have to do that while you grind through all the early difficulties a 2nd time?

Sounds kinda lame compared to enjoying the game in a superior form later on. not everyone just needs to consume every piece of media they enjoy the moment they are able to.
Replies: >>242990
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Requesting clean files for Postal 2 v5025 on Steam that's apparently the last version compatible with NicksCoop.
If someone owns the game you need to go to Properties > Betas to download this version.
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Well, fuck...
Any alternatives?
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Well that took a while, here you go.
here you have 
i was also uploading it lol
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nothing wrong with multiple sources
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First link is the native Linux version. The Windows version with Wine should work right out of the gate, apart from including the server scripts.
Apparently the deathmatch mode is DRM-free and doesn't need a crack, which is pretty sweet. What's still locked out is the single player campaign the Coop mode uses.

I've also been looking for clean Steam files for these games, both server and clientside:
>Dark Messiah MP, could've sworn there was an independent listing for the multiplayer on the Steam store
>Goldeneye Source, lost the files someone posted a year ago here
>Dystopia, 17580 client 17585 server
>Neo Tokyo, 244630 client 313600 server
>Fortress Forever, 253530 client 329710 server
I keep getting a subscription error on SteamCMD with these last three, even if they're meant to be free Source mods. Does anyone remember how Source mods are made to work on a server?
Can you set up a cracked server with it, or is RevEmu the way to go? There's an update which dates back to 4 months ago that adds working voicechat for cracked clients. It sounds pretty tempting to repack a bunch of games with those.
>RevEmu was still actively updated
Really? I can't find anything newer than 10 years ago.
You should be able to get all of those except DMMP completely free, Goldeneye only needs a free SDK. Might need an non-anonymous account or full steam client for some and I'm sure some anon can post the DMMP client from the last game night. Dedicated servers have their own appids: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/w/index.php?title=Dedicated_Servers_List
>Can you set up a cracked server with it, or is RevEmu the way to go?
You probably can, barely used it because of the old compatibility issues. Would still go with RevEmu if SSE doesn't allow both cracked and legit clients you'd be surprised how many anons use legit clients in game nights.
>Really? I can't find anything newer than 10 years ago.
Probably don't need a new version for these games except maybe Dystopia though (an old version might even work better).
Replies: >>243071
>Goldeneye only needs a free SDK
That's Source + Source 2007, right? I tried starting up the SDK with a link to the Goldeneye folder some months ago to no avail. Do you know how the fags hosting Dystopia or Neotokyo did it? Did they ever post their server setups?
>dedicated servers have their own appids
I've posted those. As I've said I can't download them with a free Steam account using SteamCMD. Error reads ERROR! Failed to install app 'XXXXXX' (No subscription), and this goes for the Source mods.
>you probably can
Can you run a dedicated server script through SSE? Can SSE be run through terminal on Linux? The VPS providers don't allot their servers with a video renderer.
>you'd be surprised how many anons use legit clients in game nights
If this means Steamniggers get fucked up the ass while I'm able to voicechat I'm doubling down.
Replies: >>243091
Replies: >>243085
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That's a lot of flavors of dolphin porn, thanks.
While we're at it, if someone's got the old Sven-Coop install or a mod-ready repack of SWAT 4 I'd be interested as well.
I'd look into it myself, but I've never played them.
Replies: >>243093 >>243953
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And that is all the dolphin porn that I have.
How do you download and share for future reference?
Replies: >>243096
Dunno what you're doing wrong, I've used anonymous steamcmd for both Neotokyo and Dystopia srcds on linux VPSs in the past. Never set up Goldeneye so can't help you there, says it just needs Source SDK Base 2007.
>Can you run a dedicated server script through SSE? Can SSE be run through terminal on Linux? The VPS providers don't allot their servers with a video renderer.
I don't see why not but I've only used RevEmu on linux before. If the game doesn't have a native linux server binary (like Neotokyo) you'll have to use something like Xvfb and VNC since wine doesn't really do CLI forwarding.
This is more or less how I set it up last time: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=282277252
>If this means Steamniggers get fucked up the ass while I'm able to voicechat I'm doubling down.
No, it means anons who don't want to run a russian crack for whatever reason might not even be able to connect at all, and then you've cut an already small player base in half.

Anyway, I found some stuff laying around:
Cracked Neotokyo server: https://pixeldrain.com/u/mirxbgQd
Some anon's cracked DMMP server from 2021: https://pixeldrain.com/u/CsAmY1PE
I have Dystopia server & client and I think Empires somewhere but they're all outdated.
Replies: >>243096
>mod-ready repack of SWAT 4
Do you mean swat 4 gold edition with the Elite Force mod preinstalled, right?
Replies: >>243096
They own the game on Steam. All links for clean Steam files on cs.rin.ru have been wiped. If anon's feeling generous you can always ask him whether he can zip his copy and share a link, hence why these threads are invaluable.
>a native linux server binary
The KF server from past November was using one but had trouble connecting some players. Wine seems to just werk in comparison, not to mention non-extant libraries for older games.
>anons who don't want to run a russian crack
Hence why I was begging for clean Steam files. Better cracking the game with SSE or Revemu yourself that trusting some shady torrent from 15 years ago. Besides, this is what most repacker nowadays seem to use for most games, form what I can tell.
>this is more or less how I set it up last time
Thanks, that should be a start. You're essentially setting up the server then slapping RevEmu on it right? What would the SSE equivalent be, linking the server script to SSE.exe instead?
>do you mean swat 4 gold edition with the Elite Force mod preinstalled
Whatever, pack in the good shit. I haven't played it hence why I was asking. Hopefully you're a SWAT 4 expert and that mod fucks tits.
Replies: >>243099
>The KF server from past November was using one but had trouble connecting some players.
Don't see how linux binaries would have that effect unless the devs completely fucked up.
>Wine seems to just werk in comparison, not to mention non-extant libraries for older games.
Not much of a problem with Source games, if they have a linux build at all it's likely fairly recent.
>Hence why I was begging for clean Steam files. Better cracking the game with SSE or Revemu yourself that trusting some shady torrent from 15 years ago.
Don't think you're going to find many torrents with MP cracks.
They're the last people I'd trust.
While you fags are penetrating Steam-chan's moist folds can you grab a copy of Pirates Vikings and Knights II? I remember having a ton of fun with that game and it's got the right balance of team and PvP gameplay to make a good gamenight in my opinion.
Replies: >>243120
Man, I spent so much time on that and Age of Chivalry. Take me back.
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Ok, i created myself a Swat4 repack with a mod preinstalled, skins and maps.
Replies: >>243175
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>everything burned in an .iso
>executable with its own .bin
>coupled with its DirectX folder
>this menu
>popipo playing in the background
What the fuck is this? Did you make it? How? Is this a virus?
Replies: >>243182 >>243193
i used a data compressor and and then, with a template i compiled the setup.exe using inno compiler, i changed the pictures using photoshop to turn them into a bmp and the music. Was pretty easy, just that the compression takes a lot. The .iso thing was optional, but repackers do it, so it seemed cool.
There are a bunch of qt anime girls, how can't you not click next?
Replies: >>243221
Let's not gonna lie, i only did this whole thing just to put qt anime girls on a installer.
Replies: >>243223
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A man of culture.
Any of you niggers got the latest Vanilla Sprite Overhaul for dominions 6? Fucking fags locked off the downloads for the workshop so I can't just direct download it.
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Been looking through DODI and they don't seem to have Condemned in it.
I don't trust any more pirate sites, so if someone's got Steam files to the game I'll appreciate them.
Replies: >>243566
Condemned: Criminal Origins?
Replies: >>243571
Yes. Are there any more games named Condemned?
Replies: >>243578
Don't know, that is why I'm asking you nerd!
Replies: >>243579 >>243583
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Great dolphin smut, anon. I'm going to let this man on the video do the talking for me.
Replies: >>243584
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Replies: >>243584
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Replies: >>243678
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Exactly, anon. You're a pretty cool guy.
In fact, you'll be even cooler if you share your Steam files for Manhunt 1.
Think about that for a second, being an even cooler guy. Could you imagine?
Replies: >>243681
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Sorry, I don't have that level of dolphin porn, anonkun.
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Seconding >>243085's request for the old gamenight's Sven Coop files.
It doesn't have to be whole game since I already have it, the RevEmu files and/or the model pack would suffice.
Unfortunately the old download in >>>/japan/1784 is dead.
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Bumping the thread for this big guy here >>243953 and his struggle that's larger then life.
Do you have plans to host something else in case no one's got the files? Many other alright games were already shared ITT.
Replies: >>244061
Christmas Giftbox 2020 (not to be confused with 1.8gb of Mark's Asshole Giftbox):
2021 gamenight or something, I don't remember:

No idea if the crack and mods work on the latest Sven Coop.
Replies: >>243997 >>244061
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Shit you beat me to it. Oh well, here's just svencoop if you need it: https://pixeldrain.com/u/wjPudYDe
Replies: >>244061
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Many thanks.
Turns out you can use Goldberg's emulator on both client and server.
I downloaded those other games but I haven't tried setting them up.
Replies: >>244080 >>244097
>Oh boy I don't really know about this Jimbo
>you can use Goldberg's emulator on both client and server
How? Do you simply drag the .dlls into the game's folder and replace the old Steam ones when prompted? Is it that easy?
Replies: >>244108
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Yep, that easy. Seems to work with Linux's client too.
Tested with two different computers connecting to a remote server, both Windows and Linux clients, and it didn't complain.
Haven't had someone from another network to try to connect yet.
I wonder if it also works with other Goldsrc games (and Source).
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