/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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From walking into a game store for the first time to searching free games on the web to drawing videogame characters to even doing autistic game moves irl.
Do you have any stories?
A few of mine:
>The time I downloaded a Crash Bandicoot: Warped .EXE on the family PC and infected the computer with viruses.
>Hanging Sonic game covers and manuals on my wall along with my drawings of the franchise. (Distinctly remember a Sonic Battle advertising over my bed).
>Getting scared of a Newgrounds Tails Doll cartoon.
>Putting Dragon Ball Z stickers on my PS2 and drawing on my Pokemon Snap N64 cartridge.
I was autistic to the max.
Replies: >>237115 >>237188
i remember one fighting game with a boxer character, i liked playing him and only mashing buttons and somehow id always beat every kid on my neighborhood
one time i won without even looking at the screen
Replies: >>237118
>beat earthworm jim
>no one believed me
Can't say I blame them. I wouldn't have believed me either if I hadn't been there.
Replies: >>237112
I could only beat 2 and even that took me a long while.
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>>237106 (OP) 
>4-5 years old
>Notice that the Lego island disc is marked as "Lego Island" while other CDs are marked with the things they are
>kindergarten brain makes me assume that writing something on the disc turns it into the thing you wrote on it
>Find unmarked disc and write Lego Island on it to turn into a new copy of it for me
>Dad walks in and has a sensible chuckle as he sees that I was attempting to turn his burned The Police mix disc into Lego Island
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I don't recall it but apparently my sister used to give me an unplugged controller then tell me I was playing the game as well. That way she could hog the PS2 all by herself and I wouldn't complain, since I didn't know. Must've been 3 or 4 back then.
Otherwise, in middle school I remember watching that 3DS reveal trailer and believing everyone was going to get sucked once they released. I ended up buying one 5 years later though I never turned on the stereoscopic 3D.

>one fighting game with a boxer character
Killer Instinct?
Replies: >>237129 >>237186
>in middle school I remember watching that 3DS reveal trailer
It was probably not your goal but you sure managed to make me feel old.
Replies: >>237139
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You get used to it.
>Rented Smurfs game for SNES with no fucking save or level codes, almost have the game beaten but then we had to go out and took me 15 minutes to convince mom that SNES won't burn the house down if we left it on until we got back
>Sister's boyfriend came over with bags of old PC games, said he's getting rid of them and I can have them all, came back after a week and asked for them back
>Editing config files for Duke3D to figure out what things did
>Reinstalling DOS games every time I wanted to play them because I didn't understand that I only had to install them once
>Killer Instinct?
I don't think so, I think it was 2D... with pixelated sprites? Wait a second, I remember the boxer being black and having green shorts and gloves, so my memories of it are already distorted enough that it got fused with the green lantern.
Replies: >>237187 >>237191
>I remember the boxer being black and having green shorts and gloves, so my memories of it are already distorted enough that it got fused with the green lantern.
The shorts are not green, could that be Art of Fighting 2?
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>>237106 (OP) 
>I was autistic to the max.
I typed out an angry email to my grade school sweetheart that had shit like "I'll caress your face with a cheesegrater" and other creepy shit that I had read in the blog of the GTA IV serial killer, because at the time I thought it'd make me seem cool and mysterious or something. Obviously that girl steered clear of me afterwards and didn't want to talk to me. I'm sure the fact I started wearing the typical metalhead attire throughout my late teens didn't help my case.
Replies: >>237191 >>237192
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I remember the first time playing Doom on a friends IBM, the whole first person perspective and 3D geometry felt so immersive and surreal I still remember it to this day.

I still catch glimpses of that feeling with some of it's maps.
Seeing Bill Gates say how "realistic" Doom was in the Windows 95 ad is funny as fuck today, but back then it really was super immersive.
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I was going to say Little Fighter 2 but I don't think it has a boxer characters.
Still I'll post it because I used to play it a lot on computer class.
Kek. I'm sorry, anon. I had a Shadow the Hedgehog phase as a kid so I can understand your pain somewhat.
At least you didn't have a 8/10 girl and later a 7/10 rich girl obviously lusting for your dick and you were so autistic you passed the chance.
Replies: >>237195
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No one I would've rated 7 or 8, or rich but a couple girls did show interest in the past and I just didn't get it, at one point one of them straight up told me she thought I was a homo because I never tried anything at all with her.
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>at one point one of them straight up told me she thought I was a homo because I never tried anything at all with her.
Man, that's bad.
I bet that hurt.
Replies: >>237197
It did hurt my feefees a bunch yes, I didn't expect it would but it did.
Replies: >>237199 >>237201
Ahhh fuck that same shit happened to me. Makes me wonder how spergs who do get into relationships do it, are there some women who can see through the social retardation or is it them merely taking advantage?
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>respek women
>they think ur a homo 
>do anyting and u'll be a repist or it's sexual harassment
No wonder.
Sometimes girls just expect you to read their mind, they don't tell you what they feel for you but they expect you to get it on your own even if they don't give you any hint, or if they give you some hint, it is so subtle that can be easily misunderstood.
And sometimes you don't act because you are not sure if she's actually into you, or just misunderstood, because when that happens is just as bad, if not even worse.
definitely worse
Replies: >>237210
They don't matter, I bet they are sluts.
Replies: >>237210
And you bought it? Dude, she was just messing with you, probably because you didn't put her on a pedestal.
Replies: >>237210 >>237211
I thought she was just being friendly and I was just being friendly in return, I didn't think there was anything to it.
One of them, the one who told me she thought I was a fag, definitely, she's changed 3 boyfriends since. Other one I dunno, I literally only met her twice so I didn't know much about her other than she was extremely lazy, skipped most lectures and slept during the day, which her roommate told me about.
How can you be so sure?
women are profoundly retarded so she might have meant it seriously or completely meant something else
life used to be so much nicer when people actually said what they meant instead of being indirect
>I thought she was just being friendly and I was just being friendly in return, I didn't think there was anything to it.
That's a classic anon, that happens way more often than you can imagine.
>life used to be so much nicer when people actually said what they meant instead of being indirect
so literally never?
Replies: >>237294
i only wish you niggers stopped typing like some gender studies hipster faggots
Replies: >>239122
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>downloading runescape music and putting it on my mp3 player and pretend to be playing irl
>getting autistic happy over a Werehog sonic toy
>getting a ton of happy meals to get LCD sonic games
>How can you be so sure?
Because women are extremely vindictive to men they see as "lesser" not wanting to fuck them or the perception of it. Whether you would have fucked her or not isn't the issue. Neither is if she would have fucked you or if she was just fishing for validation. In her mind she made a pass at you and you ignored it. Being rejected by a "lesser" man is the single most pride damaging thing that can happen to a woman. And when their pride has been fucked up their cope is usually to call you gay because either they can't fathom someone like you could reject someone like them unless you were a fag or they're just trying to hurt you by insulting you. And seeing as the one that called you a fag sounds like a typical carousel rider, I'd put my money on that you hurt her pride and she was assblasted about it.
Replies: >>239145
I remember how our C64 had spooped me. The title screen showed a gray bird sitting in her nest.
Go back to /b/ and whine about words yhere faggot.
Replies: >>239133
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How about you start typing like a literate human being and not like a low-IQ reddifag instead?
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This should be capped
>One of them, the one who told me she thought I was a fag, definitely, she's changed 3 boyfriends since.
You dodged a bullet, anon. Don't listen to anything that slut says or do.
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