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it's fucking video games, baby

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A few months ago, I played through and finished the game Epic Mickey on the Wii. This had nothing to do with the recently announced remaster of the game in case you're asking. I wasn't too impressed with the game (Simplistic gameplay, lacking story, gimmicks done better elsewhere), but the part that really drew my attention was how the game portrayed characters like Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and Walt Disney (Though only referentially). I found myself perplexed by the game's intention, and it resulted in my spending the time since starting and long after having finished the game wanting to make a video essay ridiculing the game's narrative and the history behind it. The short is that, from all the information that I have dug up, the Oswald acquisition in 2006 was nothing more than Bob Iger trying to get on the good side of all the Disney shareholders and leaders in the company to sharply contrast him to Michael Eisner, who was leaving the company shamed and humiliated at the time.

However, tonight, I get the impression that doing such a video does absolutely nothing except inflate my own ego by piling another bundle of criticism onto a guy who everyone in the media already hates (And with good reason, mind you). In addition to that, I just realized that my own researching the history of these characters actually made me more interested in watching classic cartoons. Looking up the histories of Walt's earliest works, it lead me to look up characters and series (Such as Mutt & Jeff, Felix the Cat, Dinkle Doodle) who's material I'm now very interested in watching sometime.

Jumping off of that, I'm wondering if anyone else has done the same thing, or something similar, with video games. As much as people bemoan the modern state the industry, it feels like there's very little talk or interest regarding (Good) games that came out before. And the talk that does exist solely surrounds the announcements of new entries in legacy series, or the remake/remaster/rerelease of something from decades prior.

What do you guys think?
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I don't really know of any types of scenarios where that happened except for maybe two?  nu doom and crash 4 comes in mind which are both failures for what they were trying to achieve 
both  come off as what feels like they were handed off to random groups of people who tried to give people what they wanted but completely misunderstanding what people said and flanderized both into completely unrecognizable games

one of them feeling like complete fan fiction and not anything like the original games  and the other goes for miserably hard retard patience to beat it completely unless you just ignore  all the extra stuff that would be expected to do in previous games
Replies: >>237009
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>>237002 (OP) 
You are onto something. At least in realizing that there isn't any point in complaining for the most typical stuff where it is just another reason for people to do two minutes hate with the most typical subjects. >>237004 At least gives some proper examples of where complaining can be constructive. Since it is towards two examples of stuff which is somehow seen as good in the eyes of the masses. It might be equally pointless since everybody will say that the shitty sequels and remakes being made this decade  even if there have been pointless remakes for over 10 years now  are good somehow. Then you need to argue with idiots who think they are going against grind because they don't play the worst shit imaginable (anything with microtransactions for example as a low hanging fruit) and are only contributing to further cancer.

Hell even most big failures I can't bring myself to care about since the flops nowadays are so glaringly obvious. Starfield being garbage isn't a surprise at all since Todd hasn't been able to put out even an acceptable game in nearly 20 years. 

This also leads to the problem where like you said OP, nobody talks about the good old games anymore. Or they deal with an extremely warped perception on what is good. It's just going to lead to genuine classics being condemned to just a wiki listing as nobody talks about them. You could excuse it in some regard to most people not knowing how to pirate but emulate, but that is just a bigger incentive to get people to do so. In the worst case scenario something could be forgotten about out of a sense that "everybody has played it so there is no need to discuss it anymore". When they are still TONS of games you can spend your time on that you never touched. Or replay some games you love and discover something new to talk about.

It's why I frankly only care if somebody brings up a game that they just played and why they loved it. There is too little time to talk about the obvious games you shouldn't be touching to begin with. Hell even you mentioning getting into the older cartoons is an even better thing to do. I will admit you can create some problems in just talking about stuff you like in that you might only get people into it as secondaries, but I just wanted to get my main points across since we're past the point of empty complaining.
If you want to complain about bad games as a form of expressing yourself and practicing writing then sure, it could be productive for you. Otherwise it's a waste of energy better spent reviewing and exposing or even playing good games whether old or new.
On the topic of Mickey Mouse games, one of my favorites is Castle of Illusion (the original one of course, not the remake) but I don't know if it still holds up, last time I played it was years ago.
>>237002 (OP) 
It potentially exposes the ((( flaws ))) in them to people that might not be aware of them, so it's not that talking about a game being shitty is completely pointless. Most people who buy vidya don't actually do much looking into a game then the advertisements and paid reviews from official sources. Look are Snorefield. The game was absolute dogshit and it was glaringly obvious to anyone that paid even the slightest amount of attention to it prerelease or Bethesda's track record. But a lot of retards were legit hyped for it and only realized they'd be fucked after spending $120 on the collector's edition or whatever.

Does it actually effect change though? Not really, or at least not directly or quickly. The only way things will get better is if enough niggercattle stop buying soulless ESG infested gaymes so that continuing to make them is financially unsustainable.

>it feels like there's very little talk or interest regarding (Good) games that came out before
Probably because there's not much to add about them. Take for example something like Chrono Trigger. It's basically on every best SNES games list ever made and beloved by a lot of people, myself included. But there's not anything to say about it that hasn't been said decades ago.
Replies: >>237057
Not speaking out about shit being shit is how we got into our current situation.
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>>237002 (OP) 
There are definitely topics that have been mined for all they're worth on YouTube. It's natural to want to say something but doing it while avoiding previous topics or lines of conversation is difficult.

Bear in mind, OP, most views come from homo sapiens with smartphones or literal bots, so the perception of something as popular is not the same as it actually being popular. You shouldn't say "everyone already knows this" because there is a very good chance they actually don't. People need to be told things repeatedly, and the video makers who do it are usually quite terrible at it, barely doing more than reading a wikipedia page or talking over CoD gameplay.

If you do actually have something to say, then say it in the way you want to. I guarantee you'll be happier for having done something even if you don't get any views.
Replies: >>237213
>Probably because there's not much to add about them. Take for example something like Chrono Trigger. It's basically on every best SNES games list ever made and beloved by a lot of people, myself included. But there's not anything to say about it that hasn't been said decades ago.
For all the discussion you see about Chrono Trigger, how much do you see for Tengai Makyou 2?
>>237002 (OP) 
> Does ridiculing the state of the modern industry really add or change anything?
>However, tonight, I get the impression that doing such a video does absolutely nothing except inflate my own ego 
>Jumping off of that, I'm wondering if anyone else has done the same thing, or something similar, with video games. As much as people bemoan the modern state the industry, it feels like there's very little talk or interest regarding (Good) games that came out before. And the talk that does exist solely surrounds the announcements of new entries in legacy series, or the remake/remaster/rerelease of something from decades prior.
I think that the state of the modern industry doesn't get ridiculed enough, in fact, the lack of enough backlash is one of the reasons the industry is as shit as it is today.
The reason there's people who still spend money on trash and keep this garbage afloat, is not only due to stupidity, but mostly ingnorance, especially coming from the younger generations that were raised thinking that shit like predatory microtransaction, dlc and season passes, not to mention poz, low amount of content, broken games and low quality in general, are the norm and to be expected, because they don't know how things used to be and that they could and should ask for something much better, especially when companies expect them to invest their hard earned money on their shit.
As for your worry about the video doing nothing but inflate your ego, it really depends on the REAL reason you are doing this, if you are doing to ridicule the current state of vidya and hopefully open some normalfags' eyes, then cool, but if you are worried about getting those views and getting your channel big at all costs then yes, that might only inflate your ego and nothing else, but this only depends by your attitute about it, it's not up to us to say if it will or not.
As far as i am concerned, there's never enough people who talk about and expose the current industry for the vile shit it actually is and makes normalfags understand that is not their "duty" to give money to these scumbags who think the common people owe them anything.
Replies: >>237070
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For every person complaining there's 200 who are enjoying their slop and have already preordered the next one. Complaining will do jack shit to make shitty game companies reform themselves, you can't fix them and you shouldn't fool yourself into thinking they can ever be fixed. The only way to fix the industry is to replace it.

The most important thing that complaining about things does is informing other people. It gives motivation for upcoming developers because you're letting them know that there's people looking for something else. When you compare bad games to good (and perhaps older) games, you're signaling what you want and helping people broaden their range of what good vs bad look like, and may even bring up knowledge and design that have been lost in time.

As someone who tries to become a game developer, I have gained a lot of inspiration and knowledge from people comparing good games to bad games, and motivation from seeing that there's demand for something else.

Simply whining isn't very helpful, but the more informative your complaint is, the more potential good it can do.
Replies: >>237097
>The reason there's people who still spend money on trash and keep this garbage afloat, is not only due to stupidity, but mostly ingnorance, especially coming from the younger generations that were raised thinking that shit like predatory microtransaction, dlc and season passes, not to mention poz, low amount of content, broken games and low quality in general, are the norm and to be expected, because they don't know how things used to be and that they could and should ask for something much better,
this is something i can definitely see, when i was young i was the only one in my family into vidya, but when we all become adults, everyone tried to get into it, only to be met with all this shit.
i'd argue most of these people are phonefags/consolefags, but fortunately even on apple phones i think you can get most emulators working, so i'd argue it's 100% worth it if you have a friend/family member who happens to be a phonefag at least to show them how to emulate and some good shit to emulate on their phone
Replies: >>237072
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Most normalfags are just oblivious and limit themselves to mindlessly "go with the flow" rather than stop for a second and start questioning if things are right or wrong.
I know i am not saying anything new, but still.
I think that most people should understand that vidya is a commercial product like anything else, it is not "special" to deserve an insane amount of money for it, nor is beyond any criticism.
People often make food analogies like:
>It's like buying an hamburger and they give you only the bun, then they expect you to spend extra cash for the meat, the salad and the sauces.
And they are right, because the kind of shit that happens with vidya doesn't happen with other goods, and only vidya gets a pass with that kind of shit, for some reason.
Another example i could make is like going to the restaurant, you order a lobster and they give you a shrimp, and they ask you to pay that shrimp for the price of a lobster, or getting rotten food that makes you sick but still ask you to pay the bill.
Or maybe is like buying a car, and then having the car manufacturer demanding to have a say in how many people you can give a ride with your car, or dictating where you can go with it or you can't.
Again, people wouldn't accept that shit with any other thing, but vidya gets a pass.
It's who makes vidya that should satisfy customers, and not customers who should make vidya publishers/devs happy, normalfags seem to be unable to understand this simple concept.
Replies: >>237075
in recent past a car manufacturer told people they had to pay yearly to use the heating on their seats that already came preinstalled with the car
Replies: >>237077 >>237080
I do not think thats relevant
Replies: >>237078
>I do not think that's relevant
>Content on the disc that you have to pay for
>in recent past a car manufacturer told people they had to pay yearly to use the heating on their seats that already came preinstalled with the car
You see, if you talked about that with a normalfag they would tell you that is unacceptable and that car manufacturer needs to be sued, but with vidya?
<So what? You can't pay 60 bucks more for two season passes that give you only a 30% more content than the base game?
<Content that should have been there at launch as it was there in all previous games?
<Lmao what are you, poor?
<Why don't you get a job like me that i work at McDonald's instead of complaining?
<Don't you know that 'having a job' means that you should let corporations treat you like a fucking idiot and fuck you in the ass as they please?
Do any of you specialfags actually socialize with normalfags? Half of this shit you greentext about is either broad generalizations or straight up fantastical, like an alien making observations from a spaceship in orbit instead of on the ground.
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Where do you think you are?
>socialize with inept retards who cannot conceptualize the consequences of their actions and listen to talking screens for what they should think
Replies: >>237097 >>237100
>Half of this shit you greentext about is either broad generalizations
No shit it's broad generalizations, here we are talking about the average normalfag, those retards who are the cause of things going to shit and keep on supporting shit regardless, not about "anyone who doesn't browse an imageboard".
Of course not everyone outside of imageboards is a fucking moron, thankfully.
Replies: >>237097 >>237100
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Cool image, do you have more of these? Never gave much thought to it, but a lot of newer games have lost in color theory and visual clarity.
Makes me think devs nowadays believe cluttering the screen with particles and post-processing FX is an artstyle somehow.
>it's who makes vidya that should satisfy customers, and not customers who should make vidya publishers/devs happy
Videogame companies are a bunch of rats who make a living entertaining you, not a sacred institution that requires to be revered.
Blind brand loyalty is something that still amazes me to this day, then again we live in curent year. No virtue, no royalty, no religion, no future; in some way these wannabe serfs still need an object of devotion.
>inept retards who cannot conceptualize the consequences of their actions and listen to talking screens for what they should think
So you have zero actual experience with anyone you're shitting on beyond your on screen interactions?
Replies: >>237101
You clearly lack reading comprehension
Replies: >>237122
OP why do you always paste the same threads on both 8chan and zzzchan?
Replies: >>237114
Why ask when you know the reason?
No I'm just wondering why you spasticecialfags have to plague every single video game board with the same incessant overly generalized bitching about vaguely defined groups of people. How many years have you been doing this? I'm pretty sure I can go back to 2014 and find the exact same whinging.
Replies: >>237124
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It is clear from your posts that when people talk about retards who never question anything and just follow the herd you feel somehow personally attacked, as if you have a guilty conscience.
The discussion here is perfectly legitimate:
The industry is shit, who's fault might be?
Who are the ones who still keep this turd afloat?
Are you really surprised anons here are having this type of conversation?
<Stop generalizing guize! If you talk badly about those people it mean you never actually interacted with them!
Why did you get so defensive about it?
Do you feel you might be one of those normalfags we are talking about, do you anon?
Replies: >>237130
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This conversation happens EVERY OTHER THREAD. You faggots have the nerve to wonder why nobody posts here and then in the same breath post the same stale and tired shit you post in almost every fucking thread. It's gotten to the point where nobody can even say they like something or misspell a word without some nigger coming out of the woodwork to derail the thread or post a twitter screenshot.
Replies: >>237132
You are right anon, let's change subject:
Are you hyped for the next Fortnite update? It's gonna be epic!
I also can't wait to play the next Call Of Duty, i heard that in this one you can shoot and play online like in the other ones, i am gonna preorder as soon as i can, so i can get the exclusive skin!
Replies: >>237136
>ignoring my point so you can keep complaining
Enjoy your dead board.
Can't you tell he's not here to argue? Why even bother replying to him? Just ignore and report.
Replies: >>237142
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Moreover, you fall for your own trap. You complain about overt generalization and vague definition of groups and then one post later do exactly that by assuming everyone on the board thinks and behaves like this utter bottom feeder who got to you with the lowest tier of baits. Check yourself before you shrek yourself fag.
Replies: >>237151
>Dead board
are you actually expecting us to cater to bottom feeders? surely you must know  there are plenty of sites  for that if you somehow found this site
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And you are just as retarded as he is, go check his previous posts and look at who the fuck was trying to bait here.
That nigger wasn't even trying to argue about anything, all he did was bitching and moaning about anons making "generalizations" like some twitter faggot defending niggers when they commit a crime, and when he was told that of course it was a generalization and that not every single normalfag on the planet was like that, he kept bitching about the same shit.
>Do any of you specialfags actually socialize with normalfags?
<Anon feels called out.
>Do any of you specialfags actually socialize with normalfags?
<Anon feels called out.
The last time I socialized with a normalfag, I rediscovered that we had nothing in common regarding our tastes in vidya and music, which were vastly different from what kind of games we individually enjoyed and what we liked about the games we'd discussed. The thing about the normalfag I did have friendly chats with is that I've noticed that he can only point out things he's heard on the internet, similar to how jewtubers need a video essay to form an opinion on practically anything. I'm pretty sure most of the fags here do have friends that they talk to, but the issue here is finding "friends" who do not possess the mind of a robot if it tried to simulate a mentally retarded patient. And I don't see myself as a very intelligent guy, but I swear that almost every normalfag I've met is brain dead. You clearly don't belong here if you refuse to acknowledge the blatant issue with the industry is mostly due to its consumers.
Replies: >>237163 >>237176
Sounds like you just ran into a sociopath. Though I will agree that normalfags are insanely boring human beings.
>Sounds like you just ran into a sociopath.
I wouldn't really say what anon described as niggercattle to be a sociopath, as I've spoken to people of similar characteristics who were very sociable and quite laid-back. Normalfags allow social trends and whatever is popular to formulate their thoughts and opinions in order to avoid either social black-lash or because they're too dumb to have a thought of their own, so they go with the safer option.
Replies: >>237176
I've met some normalfags who were more open minded and intelligent than the average one, but were sadly the exception and not the rule.
Usually, when i do interact with them, i try to be subtle when talking about certain topics, if they are receptive, it means we can talk about it directly and we can get along just fine, if i notice that they are completely ignorant on the matter, or behave like a pre-programmed bot with the pre-packaged answers, then i stop wasting effort and i change the subject to some shallow shit just to be nice and temporary get on their level, only to avoid them in the future, as i know i can't possibly get along with these people.
It's like friends, there are those "friends" who are really there just to have a small chat and a laugh together, but you know you can't really trust them over important shit, and actual friends who you can really trust to talk about anything.
Replies: >>237183
>Sounds like you just ran into a sociopath. 
He wasn't a sociopath, just dull-minded. 

> i try to be subtle when talking about certain topics, if they are receptive, it means we can talk about it directly and we can get along just fine, if i notice that they are completely ignorant on the matter, or behave like a pre-programmed bot with the pre-packaged answers, then i stop wasting effort and i change the subject to some shallow shit
This is what I do as well.
>You shouldn't say "everyone already knows this" because there is a very good chance they actually don't. People need to be told things repeatedly
That is some solid advice, listen to this anon, op.
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I had thought of going into how SWAT 3 is superior to 4 in its general execution despite having a hellish development (artists/modelers didn't have access to the engine since it was still in development) but 4 manages to squeeze variety out of its sandbox by pushing to its extremes (hospital for raw difficulty, hotel for a timer, diamond runners for NPC control.)
Dropped it because inconsistent schedule prevents putting continuous hours into both and Ready or Not might as well be a tombstone for the subgenre. The themes in those games and that cult mission everyone remembers probably contributed to my humoring of David McGowan's books which ultimately contextualized modern American 'media' culture even though they must be taken with a fistful of salt and side reading -for one's inner peace if nothing else.

Talking about multimedia springboards is very anecdotal and sounds meandering but OP put his pretty well and the prevalence of adaptations lends itself well: have to highlight 
>the more informative your complaint is, the more potential good it can do

Good games? I am becoming ever more partial to arcade games but no 1cc precludes running my mouth on my first impressions.
Replies: >>238316
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Because we need reminders or else we get swept up like the rest of the chuckle fuck clown herd, even if it's made out of habit, as long as it gets you to think again.
>>237002 (OP) 
>Does ridiculing the state of the modern industry really add or change anything? 
No you just end up being a professional conplainer. The only way to change the industry is if you are actually able to transform that into motivation to make your own games.
Replies: >>238839 >>238841
> even though they must be taken with a fistful of salt and side reading -for one's inner peace if nothing else.

Jay Dyer videos suffice according to my opionion. What even chad philosophers and Orthodox prayers can't make most people do is reading Programmed to Kill in one sitting. Its one of the most horrific things I have ever exposed myself to and I have a goddamn gore collection.
We need a nother Katawa.
When is libbie VN getting finished?
Replies: >>238875
>No you just end up being a professional conplainer.
Not if he also says good things about good games.
He just needs to find a good balance between shitting on the current industry and praising the good old games, even better if he uses the good games to explain why the new ones are shit.
<make your own games
That sounds like "they are a private company they can do whatever they want, just make your own x instead of complaining" bullshit that niggerpill and retards like him often uses.
>just make your own x instead of complaining" bullshit that niggerpill and retards like him often uses
Do you fags even know what niggerpilling is anymore?
>That sounds like "they are a private company they can do whatever they want, just make your own x instead of complaining"
Anon, that actually is a valid argument when there are dozens of alternatives in a field. Not even that you have to "Make your own", just start using another service. However that then becomes the problem that people would rather bitch and moan about getting fucked six ways to Sunday rather than fix the problem.

'For example, let's look at Jewtube.' There are dozens of alternatives to it (BitChute, DailyMotion, NicoNico,Odysee,Rumble,Veoh,Vidlii,etc.), some better than others. So why don't people use them? 'Or how about Twatter?' There are numerous alternatives that you can search up by going to The Federation: https://the-federation.info/
Or how about Discord? Or how about Steam? Or how about...you get the point.

After a while, the problem very quickly becomes that people would rather be lazy rather than fix the issue.
Just play snoot game or I wani hug that gator.
>>237002 (OP) 
> Does ridiculing the state of the modern industry really add or change anything?
No, you can't stop 1000 plebs from buying the latest CoD.
What you can do instead:
 -Buy and play better games.
 -Talk about better games.
 -Make your own mods for better games.
 -Make your own better games.

>That sounds like...
If you can't into context, sure.
One is an hyper-consumerist defense of daddy megacorp, the other is an attempt to stop you from becoming an essaytuber.
>Game that excels at one thing so well it compensates its other parts which can be mediocre to bad
<ex. Eternal Arcadia, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, Mario 64
>Game that isn't overly good at any one thing in particular but also doesn't have any major fuckups anywhere with the game mechanics, music and artwork seamlessly complementing one another so it feels really good to play even if other games do certain things much better
<ex. Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, GTA San Andreas to an extent, Need for Speed Underground 2
What's preferable?
Replies: >>239851
imo first one  I'd rather have some bad or mediocre parts rather than what could be possibly considered boring and even then without some bad stuff how can you change games and innovate if  there is no risk
I can go back to Mario 64 any day ~~but then again I consider the gta games bad and the only reason people enjoy them is the sandbox which multiple other open world games did the same thing better 
and if you wanted a more mission based gta there was always the simpsons hit and run~~
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