Nah every stratagem has an use case and thing it excels at.
Expendables have versitality in high risk situations due to their low cooldown, and the fact you get two per drop meaning your teammate can also pick it up and you both can tandem something big or deal with two dangereous threats. Very mobile sort of Antitank, but suffers against swarms of tanks like in higher difficulties.
Recoilless is a lot more consistent, has a higher penetration value, can be reloaded with ressuply stratagems and in general is a better weapon, but if you lose it, you're gonna have to wait a long time. Excellent against swarms of tanks, but sucks at upkeep and mobility, and requires a good teammate reloading you for its full potential.
Autocannon is for mook clearing as well, but has some capability to deal with armor or at least armor removal so you can finish off enemies with small arms fire. Jack of all trades, technically a better MG if the MG din't have so much fucking ammo. Much faster reload than real AT weapons. Can reload half the internal magazine as you reload 5rnd clips into the 10rnd well, very ammo efficient for an AT option. Won't actually deal with tanks like a real AT option.
Railgun has an overcharge mechanic to deal massive amounts of damage at the expense of you fucking up and instakilling you but is otherwise similar to the Autocannon with a higher damaging alpha strike. People say its OP but its only barely less shitty than the railgun from the first game which wouldn't kill Armor but would Stun it for several seconds which in many cases was better than killing them (and was actually a primary instead of a 3rd slot equipment stratagem).
Spike/Spear is essentially a handheld ATGM. Very low ammo and very ammo inefficient as a result, but kills shit dead and bypasses ammo a lot harder than Recoilless. Pretty great weapon, but won't deal with swarms like Recoilless, also won't lock onto things too close to you so virtually useless in close range situations, Recoilless, Expendables and Railgun/Autocannon do that much better, specially Railgun with the lack of explosive blast.