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it's fucking video games, baby

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I'm not specifically talking about individual series, rather lone games that got ruined by shitty updates or developer neglect. For me, TF2 is probably the best example of a once great game left to die. Volvo and friends are less concerned with rebalancing weapons and fixing the bot problem, and more concerned with sitting on their asses and doing fuck all about it. The moment they gave the game to the "community" is the moment it well and truly died in my eyes. Shitty hats, shitty maps, hidden political messages, I can't fucking take it anymore.
Hell Let Loose, what Team17 did to that game is criminal.
Replies: >>235302
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Replies: >>235307
>>235295 (OP) 
World of Warcraft
I never played it nor i ever cared about it, but i heard that recently they released an update for the sole purpose of adding niggers in it.
How lame is that?
Replies: >>235324
>>235295 (OP) 
Nowadays, all of them except maybe very niche titles with devs that don't bend over.
>what Team17 did to that game is criminal.
Care to elaborate? I think it's fine.
Replies: >>235303
Progressively dumbing down the game and streamlining it towards a more arcadey feel so they can pander to an audience that doesn't care about the game to begin with.
Like increasing character speed, i swear all their updates are meant to trivialize actual teamwork.
Capcom's addition of Russian malware to games?

New Vegas had some minor events near Camp Forlorn Hope cut in early patches to allow the entrance to Dead Money to not kill consoles. Loads of bugs were fixed though, and all the expansions are good additions.
Replies: >>235324
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Bold move from the devs to replace the grunge and gritty atmosphere of the first builds with Santa Claus maps with steampunk PMs, spooky doll zeds and whatever KF2 was.
A shame this is not the only thing bringing down KF1 for me: animations on zeds and PMs being terrible, akward enemy spawns, shitty enemy pathfinding, no dynamic lightning on flashlights, zeds moonwalking huge walls and the gameplay loop being somewhat hit-or-miss. L4D puts KF to shame in every department, in spite of releasing 2 years before KF's retail date.
TWI should've packed their shit and moved development into something like the FEAR engine or Source instead of sitting on a game engine that turned 9 the year KF released and has not had a single killer app to boot. Again, these were the same people who sold the entirety of Unreal Tournament 2004's code alongside their "game".
Replies: >>235312
>>235295 (OP) 
Minecraft easily  even though I don't really think TF2's downgrades of updates mattered that much the community alone killed the game
>Updates actively made the world generation worse  completely lost the feeling of what  made each world feel unique which in return made the game boring
>Difficulty went down the toilet over years starting with beds
>Resource gathering dumbed down to grinding for exp to make retarded OP tools or automate basically all the main resources you could need
>Modern textures have no real identity and just look blurry
>Performance gets worse with each update while adding nothing that really changes the game
>OST ruined by adding some random faggots OC music
I agree
>and has not had a single killer app to boot
They used the UT2k4 engine.

>Unreal Tournament 2004
>America's Army
>BioShock 2
>Brothers In Arms: D-Day
>Brothers In Arms: Double Time
>Brothers In Arms: Earned in Blood
>Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30
>Postal 2
>Star Wars: Republic Commando
>Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2
>Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
>Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
>Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
>Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
>Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist
>Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
>Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
>Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
All the same engine.
Twitchwire didn't put any significant effort into packaging the mod for resale.
Replies: >>235314
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None of the games you listed sell the engine the same way UT99 did UE1 or Gears of War 1-3 sold UE3. The only game on that list that made it into a wide audience was Bioshock. But,
>BioShock 2
Not the same engine. Those games use UE2.5, which adds a bunch of modern features to compete with more modern engines. Killing Floor is effectively a UT2k4 reskin and uses regular UE2. Even KF's Unreal Editor is a reskin of the client on UT2k4 with a different splash screen.
Off the top of my head, vanilla UE2 (UT2k4) can't do:
<normal maps (added on UE2.5)
<bump maps (added on UE2.5)
<lightmaps (added on UE2.5)
<dynamic lightning (no idea, SWAT 4 and Bioshock don't seem to have it)
<decent object physics UT2k4's ragdolls being utter shit notwithstanding
<proper enviromental destruction (refined in UE3, see Gears of War 2)
<soft body dynamics (shame on these faggots since I remember a bunch of Gen 6 games with very convincing water/cloth physics)
Normal maps and bump maps can't be imported to Killing Floor. All detail on surfaces is faked using specular maps and environmental cubes, which is why everything looks so glossy, water puddles in KF-Offices being particularly embarassing.

I'll repeat my point though, KF isn't a particularly good-looking game nor any of the games made with UE2, the game would've benefitted from a newer, better engine like FEAR's or Source, and TWI are hacks who charge money for mods.
Replies: >>235317 >>235320
Notch's Minecraft was a shit game with no content made by a lazy hack. Here's a flashback: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_D922lQ8idw
I haven't played Microshit's Minecraft, but if it's truly worse than the old one then that's impressive.
How can you be so confidently obnoxious?
Replies: >>235318
>How can you be so confidently obnoxious?
Because there is no way to punch people in the face over TCP/IP.
Replies: >>235319 >>235321
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It's called CP spam and DDOS.
Fire that shit up so someone can ban you for being a faggot.
>and uses regular UE2
Wrong, the Unreal version they used is based on Red Orchestra which uses Unreal Engine 2.5.
Killing Floor is a tragedy, a budget game killed by pure greed.
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Technically you can use UDP to hole punch people over the internet with it. See https://wikiless.tiekoetter.com/wiki/UDP_hole_punching
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>>235295 (OP) 
This is real and was added in December 2023
This reads like AI-generated text.

Fixing a bug that can destroy a console isn't making the game worse.
Replies: >>235377
>trains are right
Replies: >>235332
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Did someone say trains?
Replies: >>235333 >>235334
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post real train vidya chomo
Replies: >>235335
after posting this i just learned that the word i used is not a variant of homo
Replies: >>235336
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It means pedo doesn't it?
Replies: >>235337
Yes, sorry anon.
>>235295 (OP) 
Prison Architect. Paradox got its hands on the IP after the "final" DLC and turned it into a content farm.
>>235323. My 
Precisely why community slop should NEVER become official. My blood BOILED when I found out about this. Why these braindead mongoloids have to force their dickchopping agenda into everything they touch is beyond me.
It's genuinely depressing seeing MUH CHILDHOOD get raped by Kikerosoft so brutally. All the unnecessary items, all the pointless creatures which only exist so Leddit can soy out over them, world generation became Swiss cheese riddled with glitches, removing Notch's credit from the game, all awful. But I'm most offended that they replaced C418 with a fucking ceiling ornament. God I hate Kikerosoft.
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AI generated post.
Replies: >>235349
>Everything I don't like is AI
I agree but not for the reasons you named.
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>how does M$ dare desecrate my beloved developer graphics
There is no artistry behind stupid fucking Minecraft. Those old textures and models were hastily put together and never replaced with actual character designs. You'd ask a modicum of intelligence to the people posting here to not ever feel invested on an unfinished nothing simulator made by a lazy indienigger grifter, but:
>2010 was 14 years ago
>the retarded children building brown shits in minecrap are old enough to post here
I knew the day would come but I'm still in disbelief. Please shove yourself headfirst into your local dumpster.
>nothing simulator
It simulated LEGOs. Vehicle building is still missing though.
>Why these braindead mongoloids have to force their dickchopping agenda into everything they touch is beyond me.
Because they want to destroy you and ever inch of cultural territory they can claim further serves this goal. You have watched this happen for over a decade and you still don't understand. What is wrong with you?
Replies: >>235372
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>Those old textures and models were hastily put together and never replaced with actual character designs.
RIP cute frog loli
Replies: >>235391
Is this post bait?
Replies: >>235371
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Minecraft is quite fun with mods.
Replies: >>235368 >>235369
Vanilla minecraft is fucking terrible though with that I'll agree.
Replies: >>235542
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It is. But it consumes fuck ton of ram
then you have the bedrock edition which fixes that by being made in an proper language, but is a slop who paywall everything
Replies: >>235391 >>235403
Nah, go fuck yourself. Minecraft was fun back in the day, and I have every right to despise the direction it's gone.
Replies: >>235391
No, but it has attracted fish regardless.
Because the suicide cult is a newer fad?
Sad but funny to see how Microsoft bloated Minecraft like its shitty OS. I used to be able to run Minecraft on a shitty early 2000s laptop without too much trouble.
Replies: >>235379
>Fixing a bug that can destroy a console isn't making the game worse.

It was included in PC patch too
The fact that they're so lazy and incompetent that they can make a game so simplistic run like utter dogshit is actually kind of impressive
>trans rights
I have never understood what this is supposed to mean, trannies don't have fewer rights than anyone else in the USA, or even most of western society, they're more privileged and pandered to than "regular" gays.
>>the retarded children building brown shits in minecrap are old enough to post here
The thought of what I assume is a 35+ year old man frothing at the mouth over people reminiscing about old Minecraft is funny in a way I'm not sure how to describe.
Replies: >>235391
This is exactly the type of shit that got me to quit tf2 in the first place even if it wasn't in the game 
sometime around 2013 some massive faggots started showing up and  2015 was the year it was enough
you'd think being able to say about anything in tf2 including bullying and cyber stalking would have gotten rid  of them

but I guess  no thanks to valve being able to disable chat and discord they allowed these cockroaches
Replies: >>235385
oops wrong post to reply to  meant >>235323
Replies: >>235386
Still just as incoherent regardless
How naive do you have to be to think these creatures actually have some kind of tangible goal? "Trans rights" as a message is as deep as a dog's barking. It's just the noise they make. Trannies will never have enough "rights" because it's not "rights" they want. They define themselves by being inherently "oppressed" by definition so they can always have their way and have a moral highground to deflect any criticism against them and from which to demonize people they don't like. The pathetic ones just appreciate the pity, the manipulative ones just exploit being invulnerable. They're a protected caste in western society already on par with the kikes, and you don't see either of them slowing down their sob stories.
It doesn't matter if you like what old minecraft was or later became, the point is that from the very start it was just a tech demo for something that was supposed to become 3D dorf fort, with fully animated 3D models not made of purely squares (the first being the frog girl in >>235360 named Ranna) and all the textures were placeholders Notch threw together as quick as possible.
But then it blew up as virtual lego with some of the temporary gameplay elements it got, and the significantly harder original plan got thrown out for the low effort option that was already selling like hotcakes.
You can argue about whether you like what it became or was at some point, but that doesn't change what >>235351 said about it all being temporary and unfinished.

Java edition can run properly too, you just have to treat it like a Bethesda game so it requires extensive modding from the get go.
For old PCs and versions this generally means just digging up the right version of optifine. For newer versions you're better off using Fabric modloader with a bunch of shit that changes the memory allocator, GC, optimizes a shitton of code, etc.
And if you have one of the top of the line Goyvidia cards you want to use nvidium, which just keeps all graphics data on the GPU at all times and multiplies both your renderdistance and framerate by 10 if not more.

The real issue is you can't actually make it fun on its own merit. Anything can be fun in multiplayer, even poking a pile of shit with a stick. But the main game hasn't added anything actually interesting ever, with all gameplay content being shitty dungeons with "epic loot" like a diamond shovel with one enchant. Mods just add either shit content or content that essentially turns everything into creative mode. And just as a building platform, for the lego autists, that is both fucked up by the shitty inventory AND is a toy, not a game.
Replies: >>235393 >>235394
I really want to know the direction Minecraft would've took had Notch never sold it.
I know the history behind Minecraft I was one of the first people to play it, I just thought that reaction he had was funny.
The phrase itself is totally nonsensical. They could at least make up persecution like jews do but they don't even go through that little bit of effort.
yeah yeah I'm fucking stupid for asking a question I get it.
Replies: >>235408
They want people to play the Windows 10 11 edition. The Java version degrading is part of the plan.
>The phrase itself is totally nonsensical.
Yes, that's the point. Believing in something insane shows your loyalty to The Party and to Big Brother far more than your own lying eyes. Do you expect people who believe men are women to make sense?

<They define themselves by being inherently "oppressed" by definition
>They could at least make up persecution like jews do but they don't even go through that little bit of effort

>yeah yeah I'm fucking stupid for asking a question I get it.
I think you might just be illiterate, dude.
Replies: >>235465 >>235468
>Difficulty went down the toilet
Yeah I tried replaying Minecraft some months ago and realized that they made food almost completely unnecessary outside of battle. What's the point of calling it survival mode anymore?
Because their brains are absolutely cooked and can only be ran on rust and hazbin hotel drawings
Replies: >>235466
Yep, totally fucking stupid you already made your point.
I don't know what "hazbin hotel" is and I'm not sure if I want to find out if it has something to do with trannyism.
Anyway simply saying "trans rights" doesn't invoke anything in the minds of anyone that isn't in their world, ifbthey want to plau victim surely there's loads of better phrases. If you just looked some random non-internet addicted person in the eyes and said trans rights they would probably be utterly baffled, meanwhile if you said "member da holocaust" it immediately invokes thoughts of atrocities whether they believe it happened or not.
Replies: >>235537
I'm highly annoyed that if you do ask them "what rights?" they'll just drop a "Exactly" like it somehow proves the lack thereof.
>ifbthey want to plau victim surely there's loads of better phrases
Are you having a stroke?

>man, isn't it crazy that if people scream a propaganda phrase at you and you reply to the literal meaning of the words, they get to define the argument?
Yes, that's the point. Your word magic is weak.
Replies: >>235553
I think it’s the “rights” to:
>Creep on women and go unpunished
>Live in a delusion and never get help for it
>Get to mutilate oneself
>Commit suicide without any pushback
Replies: >>235540
>Commit suicide without any pushback
as opposed to?
Replies: >>235548
I don't think it's terrible but it gets boring quickly as there's not much to do unless you like building giant monuments.
As opposed to the suicide hotlines?
Replies: >>235550
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Speaking of suicide hotlines do the responders sound like cute or hot chicks? I wouldn't mind some sexting right now.
Replies: >>235551
probably they are a call center with cheap labour from latin american countries
Yes yes I'm fucking stupid and retarded, repeat it more please.
Surely someone has asked what am I allowed to do that you can't.
Replies: >>235606
they always melt down when you ask that question 
I did it about almost a decade ago in a gmod server for fun since at the time I wouldn't get banned and they couldn't give a proper answer and just started lashing out
and little time went by and soon they started banning people for practically nothing when I used to hear nigger every once a while and no one got punished for it
Here are some of the things "trans rights" means.
>right to not be legally attacked and potentially killed for revealing your sex to a possible partner who did not know it beforehand
>right to use whichever bathroom or other public utility applies to the gender you've transitioned to, rather than the sex you were born as
>right to participate in sports according to your gender, rather than your sex
>right to assured education and availability of transitioning starting from birth
It's not really about social acceptance. It's about the enshrinement of extreme crossdressing in the law, especially through the equation of what it demands as human rights, even if it infringes on the rights of others. Social acceptance comes after law, and the social acceptance they want is the kind evolution has. From the perspective of normalcy, the called for rights mentioned previously mean.
>right to sexually harass or even sexually assault those whose genders align with their sex, without repercussion
>right to make those whose genders align with their sex uncomfortable by being in spaces designed and designated for them
>right to have a biological advantage over those whose genders align with their sex in sports because you either failed in the sports of your sex or your treatments have made you unable to perform competitively with members of your sex
>right to give children and parents the ability to make a decision even more life-altering than circumcision through the proliferation of a concept that exists in theory and give outs to the otherwise mentally ill or unstable and have the taxpayer foot the bill
Replies: >>235744 >>235798
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>I have never understood what this is supposed to mean
>How naive do you have to be to think these creatures actually have some kind of tangible goal? "Trans rights" as a message is as deep as a dog's barking. It's just the noise they make. Trannies will never have enough "rights" because it's not "rights" they want. They define themselves by being inherently "oppressed" by definition so they can always have their way and have a moral highground to deflect any criticism against them and from which to demonize people they don't like. The pathetic ones just appreciate the pity, the manipulative ones just exploit being invulnerable.
Substantially they just want the freedom to harass normal people as much as they please with no consequences, even if they are infringing everyone else's rights.
And by the way, those who try to trick straight people into thinking they are actually the opposite sex deserve all the beatings they get
I agree with you.
>right to not be legally attacked and potentially killed for revealing your sex to a possible partner who did not know it beforehand
It's illegal in most states to coerce people into sex under false pretenses, in this case claiming you're a sex you're not.
>right to assured education and availability of transitioning starting from birth
Children can't consent to medical procedures. Parents, until now, can't sterilize their children.

Psycho faggots.
Replies: >>235747
I say we shove them all into an industrial shredder. It’s the only way things will ever get better.
To be allowed to do whatever they want at all times with no repercussions. To them oppression is being told that they can't groom and rape children. Same thing as all leftoids' victim politics.
>right to not be legally attacked and potentially killed for revealing your sex to a possible partner who did not know it beforehand
I mostly agree with your broader point but it's worth noting that this one's a canard anyway. Gay/tranny panic defense has never, to my knowledge, been used to win an acquittal in the United States, only to reduce the severity of charges. Prosecuting killings committed in the heat of passion less severely than cold-blooded murder is a long-established precedent and the "gay panic defense" is not in any way unique in that regard.
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>>235295 (OP) 
What the fuck happened to TF2's optimization? I remember easily getting over 300fps on highest graphics settings with a GT740, now I can barely get 60fps on low settings with GTX960 so I am forced to play it with ps1 graphics mod. Keep in mind that I used to get those 300fps with very low GPU after the last major update, so the game progressively got shit with every minor updates.
That's not even mentioning the fact that the average player in tf2 used to be way better
honestly I'm impressed by how shitty current tf2 is
The Source engine is abandonware and discord trannies don't care about polygon efficiency, sane topologies, or fallbacks for anything they aren't using as a daily driver at that moment. Volvo may have also gone back and upped the minimums for shit at some point in the last 17 years. Only way it could get better is if someone convinces gayben everybody will rebuy their cosmetics if it's updated to Source 2 and they get the Vulkan renderer buckled down.
1080p60 isn't good enough anymore?
Replies: >>235835
>I am forced to play it
How about you play something good instead.
Replies: >>235828
In his defense, TF2 Vintage hasn't been hosted in how many years?
Replies: >>235838
I’m not savvy with specs or whatever, but my guess is the sheer amount of dogshit cosmetics and godawful community maps bloating the file size.
Replies: >>235835
Definitely noticed frame drops in some of the community servers with no regards in poly efficiency. 
High amount of cosmetics could have been the answer to this issue but even as I was playing the game with old GPU, the game was infested with cosmetic spam already and I did not have the frame drops. Also I tried "no cosmetics" mod, it loads the game faster but does little to no difference to frame rates.
For reference, I noticed these frame drops at around 2019 or 2020.
Replies: >>235840
That thing started lose its own purpose by adding unbalanced weapons anyway. It would take them one more year to add cosmetics (assuming they have not done that already)
there's a dozen different unusuals that take up multiple slots instead of just 1 now including unusual weapons
game is bloated and balance is non existent now
Replies: >>235841
It's such a fucking shame. I'll never forgive Volvo for letting this game rot.
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