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it's fucking video games, baby

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I'm traveling around with my Windows XP laptop and I need some gaems.
So far I have Half-Life, Opposing Force, SWAT 4. Aoe II, Stalker, Postal 2, Land of the Dead and the such.
Any old PC games, perhaps not so well known, that you recommend?
can't say no to emulators and emulators accesories.
>>231822 (OP) 
Enclave is an extremely janky but incredibly fun melee combat game from the 90s.
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>>231822 (OP) 
Spontaneously thrown together.
Replies: >>232125 >>232176
>>231822 (OP) 
monkey island
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>>231822 (OP) 
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Have I got a game for you OP.
>>231822 (OP) 
Arx Fatalis
Deus Ex
No One Lives Forever
The Longest Journey
System Shock 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
The Sims
Replies: >>232257
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>>231822 (OP) 
I don't know what you mean by "old", OP but I recommend point and click games if you're not too bored by them.

Excellent game. Such a shame all the modern 40k games that take inspiration from it are made to sell as many DLCs as possible.
I have a collection of games that I always used to carry around with me on CD, they all work great on XP. Here they are:
>Animaniacs - A Gigantic Adventure
>Chicken Invaders 1
>Chicken Invaders 2 Xmas Edition
>Crazy Taxi
>Digging Jim
>Feeding Frenzy
>Icy Tower
>Jazz Jackrabbit 2
>Super Mario Bros X
>Smoke Attack
>Stranded II
hard to believe that ToME already qualifies as old
Is this the part where I can finally talk about XPiratez, the X-Com total conversion mod? I've dumped about 100 hours into it over the past month like it's crack fucking cocaine.
Replies: >>232237
>>231822 (OP) 
Jagged Alliance 2.
The whole setting is almsot as insane as the Russia punk that developed it.
>>231822 (OP) 
All of the old Lucas Arts Star Wars games, up to Jedi Academy, not including kotor.
Seconding everything in >>231864, plus:
>Serious Sam
>Quake 2
>>231822 (OP) 
Shadow warrior  is fun
Have you tried Minesweeper, OP?
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Guess how old is this one.
Replies: >>233993 >>236617
Replies: >>233995
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And this?
Replies: >>233996 >>234008
Hmmm, it looks like a genesis game, so i assume 1992
Replies: >>233998 >>233999
I played it on a DOS PC.
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What about this?
Replies: >>234006 >>234009
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GBA game from 2002.
It says SEGA but graphics are too bad for a mega drive/genesis so i'd say that's the master system version
Replies: >>234010
i think this is hebereke for the snes
As I said it was ported to DOS too.
Replies: >>234011
And the guy playing in the video seems to ignore the flying hearts spawned by killing enemies even with his life bars dwindling. It's painful to watch an inept playthrough, especially that pirouetting during a jump should protect him from flying enemies. Wooden fingers and reaction time of a chess player.
Replies: >>234014
He plays a little better here, thankfully
Replies: >>234015
This game has gotten a lot of flack by modern reviewers it seems, but it looks fun to me.
Replies: >>234020
Apparently it was ported to several different systems. Here's a quite good player on Amiga CD32. My only complaint is that he might more often use a slide with his foot forward when the terrain slopes down and simply shooting blindly goes over the heads of enemies as a result.
And what was so bad about it, besides blatant product placement, obviously?
Replies: >>234021 >>234069
>And what was so bad about it, besides blatant product placement, obviously?
Probably not being Mario, it's just console fanboyism
Replies: >>234060
It looks like you could overfill the final score meter due to it lacking free digits to display. A dumb mistake of the designers.
>And what was so bad about it
If I remember right it had the Bubsy problem of being too fast for its own good.
Replies: >>234071
So? Sanic, Earthworm Jim and Jazz Jackrabbit were any better? Kids have better reflexes than adults, obviously.
Replies: >>234075
Sonic has the spin attack to avoid danger, Earthworm Jim isn't that fast, but Jazz also has this problem.
Replies: >>234076 >>234084
Was spin attack protecting him from environmental dangers too? How does that make any difference?
>Earthworm Jim isn't that fast
While running maybe, but it's faster in the parkour parts while swinging around. Not to mention the whole idea of that tube racing that was also mandatory.
>Earthworm Jim isn't that fast, but Jazz also has this problem.
At least in JJ2 Jazz is pretty fast when running, even more so when zooming through tubes. However the speed is offset by the large viewport on the PC screen, letting the player look ahead before bumping into enemies or falling into traps.
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I'd still play pzg 1/2 over anything more recent when in the mood for some ww2 shenanigans. Fucking SSI knew how to make them.
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