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it's fucking video games, baby

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I think space station 13 is one of the best games in existence. The best open source codebase is probably /vg/station, but they have been gradually taken over by discord trannies.
So I decided to fork it to a new fork called fstation, with the emphasis on being fresh and fun:

And to that effect, I'm hosting a new server for imageboard users!:


Feel free to join!
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Cool, I might give it a try some time if it lasts for more than a couple days.
Replies: >>228494
I'm planning to keep it up!
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>look up gitgud page
>open it
>Our community has origins on /vg/ on a well known Korean photoplank
>the tone of language here may be more crass than you are used to
>If this sort of language offends you in any way then please go away or grow thicker skin
>we are happy to help you learn to hate BYOND as much as we do
Much better than the full-blown faggotry I was expecting to see when I saw the project had a fucking CoCk textfile.
I would've done away with it though, even if you're trying to make a point. In a way you're chalking it up as a legitimate practice when making projects.
oh i can remove that or change it, i haven't fully updated every such file yet
Replies: >>228508
In like it,  very tongue in cheek and a delightful surprise for anyone who reads it.
Replies: >>228508
Capitalized letters that spell NIGGER.
>If this sort of laNguage offends you In any way then please Go away or Grow thickER skin
Replies: >>228510
I'm not too well versed in license lawfagging, is it legal to change the GPL license to GPL+N? The only real difference is that all distributions and copies need to have the word NIGGER in the license. Then if anyone tries to copy any code you add to tranny forks you can report them for license violations.
Replies: >>228511
lmao i'll think about it.
Replies: >>228577
inb4 this is an IP scrape attempt
The point isn't to play gotcha with platform owners (because they're jews, and with jews you lose) but to make sure tranny faggots never touch your code in the first place.
>>228492 (OP) 
can we say nigger and make fun of leftoids, kikes, & pro-vaxxers there?
Replies: >>228792
Sure in fact I re-added nigger to the code after /vg/ removed it (ostensibly to comply with github's rules because they made the repo private).

Also got a new webpage up:
Replies: >>228793 >>228908
>to comply with github's rules because they made the repo private
What a bunch of niggers.
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Why does the thread hyperlink link to 4chan?
Also, where'd you readd nigger? I have never figured out how to use GitHub/GitGud/GitWhateverthefuckelse in my life, let alone how to search for a term in an entire repo.
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>>228492 (OP) 
Playing SS13 with anons is shit because anons are literally subhuman autists.

>Playing a round, things aren't going well
>Someone asks in radio what happened and where is (Some guy)
>Someone else speaks up, accuses of him of being the traitor
>Radio chatter slowly ramps up and there are 3-4 people accusing him of being a traitor
>Realize its a guy with voice modifier, tell him that and tell him to shut the fuck up
>He literally floods the radio with even more messages so nobody can read what I wrote
>Its just a new message accusing both of us of being traitors every 4-6 seconds
>Basically have no hope of replying to any of it

>Playing some game in the zzzchan server more than a year ago
>Anon is a traitor, and kills me because of his objective
>Fair enough, but read on
>AI spots him hiding the body, bolts doors
>He immediately starts gaslighting the AI that actually he was taking me to medbay and he's killing me
>I forget what happens later, I think security arrives and he escapes
>OOC: Hey AI you basically killed that guy, I would've taken him to medbay if you gave me the chance, come on
This was what made me finally realize that anons are psychopaths that only care about winning. The only reason to lie like that would be to fuck with someone, honor be damned.

Anyways guess what? LATER
>Player pop suddenly dies
>Ask in OOC where everybody went
> [spoiler]Admin responds, saying that half the playerbase was from zzzchan's Planetside group, and they were metacomming in their voice channel[/spoiler]
There was also that one cunt that would jump into the server just to tesloose every game.
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>zzzchan server
>zzzchan's planetside group
Replies: >>229189
Right back at you, what? 
This board has been around for 3 years, shit happened.
Replies: >>229195
SS13 regulars are subhuman autists. They went out of their way to kill infinitystation by griefing 25/8 and then metafagging about it in the thread. You should know this because you are one.
Replies: >>229193
Yeah you're right, I'm a "SS13 regular" and I've been hanging around here for 2 years just waiting to post lies on the SS13 thread for no reason.
Got it all figured out? Schizo.
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>It's already been 3 years
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Griefing is way more fun than autistic roleplaying.
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>>228492 (OP) 
Never got into h8station because it ran on a way too late version of TGcode -- after all the worst of the changes.
This one seems like it'll be fun.
I told tunnel boys not to ick ook but they didn't listen
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Well, lets have some SS13 updates.
I haven't been keeping track of things too much because I wrote off this game as being genuinely dead.

Hope Fstation is a good server, otherwise you'll have better luck turning people horizontal in TGCM.
That's really it. I don't think I need to give a update on general SS13, you already know how TGStation went to shit or whatever.

>Unitystation Remake
This project imploded under its own weight back in either 2021 or 2022, I don't even remember.
The horde of pajeet coders that only came for code bounties and didn't care about the game came and left, leaving behind only unusable shitcode that had to be replaced. The Project Lead one day came to their voice chat drunk, whining "What went wrong?".

There are people still coding for Unitystation on the github when I checked it today, so I guess its not over yet. It doesn't look like they've made much progress over the span of the year.

SS14's Project Lead, PJB, was groomed in the way autistic game devs usually are. A few progressives appeared, took high positions (Mostly coder related positions), and started lovebombing the project lead. 
He now identifies as trans.
Wow, who could have seen this coming.

By pure coincidence, a amount of SS14 players have become unsatisfied with changes in the main codebase, because they've been adding shit boring features. 
I don't remember what, other than having to go drink water every 20 minutes and melee combat becoming gimmicky shit.
Since the code for SS14's Hub is open source, the host for the biggest non-default server, Nyanotrasen, forked the hub and started running his own. They're kinda retarded, but they're running a hub that isn't administrated by a troon.
The owner of the original hub, PJB, believes that all criticism of SS14 is coming from this small collection of players who are doing it for no reason other than to troll him and seethes about it all day instead of actually improving his codebase and hub.
>SS14 dev got his soul eaten
Surprised it didn't happen sooner. I thought >we all accepted this would happen because modern SS13 was designed by and for predators, and that it didn't matter as long as they got SS14 complete enough to fork and convert into a clone of circa 2012 /tg/code.
Replies: >>233046
If I remember right PJB used to be a /vg/station coder until some drama happened and he went off to make SS14. I think he was underage at the time or some shit and when that got revealed as he left some groomers joined him and turned him into what he is today. 

SS14 was always doomed to fail, the head coder was a literal child and the rest of the coders were trying to get into his pants.
Replies: >>229422 >>232100
>SS14 was always doomed to fail
When people said this they meant that it'd never become a viable codebase with SS13's atmospherics, login system, and the other 100 systems that it needed to replace SS13. And that turned out to be wrong, because it did get all those things coded.
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>Game dev has a open community
>Group of (quote unquote) people show up to their discord and pressure them
>1 year down the line they proclaim themselves  trans
Replies: >>233055
Hey now, we're not all that bad. I once autismed as a Golem on the mines, built a whole base with maxed science machines, slimes, and hydroponics from the seed ship, took hours. I didn't go to the station until someone singulo'd the station, so I went back and rebuilt the area around arrivals with a teleporter to my base so people wouldn't instantly die when they joined round, while we waited for the emergency shuttle timer to tick down. It's autismo, but a good kind.
>dev trooned out
I wouldn't be suprised if it comes out Oranges/MSO runs a satanic fetish cult on discuck to blackmail devs just like Epstein's ((( handlers ))) did.
I agree with the image, but the bitch who wrote this is annoying. 
Also, I prefer long games with PS2 graphics.
Replies: >>233091
The tranny whose OC is in the image (and is the one who made the Bloodborne "demake") isn't the one who was originally in it. The original was a Sonic image edited with that line.
Replies: >>233093
I lost my mind when that bloodborne demake came out and everyone was slobbering the dev's nuts over it. Dude literally didn't have to do the hard part of game design (designing fun gameplay loops) and just had to do the execution part and people acted like he was some incredible visionary because he reminded them of their nostalgia for the ps1 era.
Replies: >>233440
Yes, that's what it looks like when marketing is successful. Nobody cares about the process, only the end result.
You should take it as a sign of hope that some retard tranny can be so successful by copying something so blatantly. If he can do it, imagine what you could do.
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