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it's fucking video games, baby

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Have you ever done something really stupid in a videogame? Didn't know what the fuck you were supposed to do and got no one to blame but yourself? Mistook the meaning of a message, quest or item because you can't even read? Played through the entirety of a game wrong because you don't even have enough brain? This is your thread.

>playing SH2 on PS2
>read about overhead attacks being tied to pressure sensitive controls
>assume pressure sensitive meant the force you apply to the buttons
>try to mash the square button as hard as I can to do an overhead attack
>whiffs 9/10 times, with the default 4x4 attack hitting the wall instead of the monster
>dread every minor enemy encounter knowing I will take damage because default melee attack's ass
>got softlocked on the hospital miniboss once because I didn't have enough ammo and couldn't reach it with either melee weapons
>in spite of this, manage to beat the game three times
>decide to boot up the game again a few days ago
>inside the hotel, keep the finger pressed against the square button with the 4x4
>a clean overhead attack, each and every time
>tfw played through 3 runs of SH2 without knowing what pressure sensitive controls were
One time I was playing Morrowind or Oblivion or whatever the fuck with a friend, with a friend using some experimental MP open fork. When we were in a dungeon he touched a single switch which left me stuck in an area of the dungeon for a whole half-hour, with both of us completely unaware as to what could have caused this. There just so happened to be some puzzle contraption in the area I was stuck in so the whole 30 minutes I kept endlessly doing it thinking that I'll eventually get out, and being increasingly baffled by the fact that even bruteforcing it didn't work out.
Closest I have is putting a game down for a few months, picking it up again, and having absolutely no fucking idea what anything is, does, or what I was doing. This happens a lot.
Replies: >>234498 >>244334
>>227276 (OP) 
>play VC
>have option to upgrade rifles and stuff
>only upgrade the things I see
>finish the game
>years later play it again
>click something by mistake on the upgrade menu
>scrolls down
>there were more upgrade options for weapons and stuff
I felt so retarded.
Replies: >>227304
I don't remember which game but I'm fairly sure something along the lines of "fail to realize I can scroll/change page and miss half the content" happened to me too.
Replies: >>228461
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>>227276 (OP) 
>you're supposed to mash back and forward on the d-pad once he grabs you, a mechanic never used in any Metroid game prior
>die eight times assuming you're supposed to beat him without getting touched at all
Replies: >>227411
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>play eroge
>it's bad
>art is not even that hot 
>keep playing until I beat it and then uninstall
Replies: >>227404
>Playing Tf2, on defense as pyro with a mate
>Four man push to the checkpoint on the bridge. Sniper, Heavy, soldier, and medic with quick fix
>Me as pyro with the degreaser decided to w+m1 this crowd, expecting to get headshot in a second.
>Sniper only gets a body shot taking half of my health only
>Manage to flank them and at least get a med pick
>Mate I was playing with says that had no fucking reason working and what I was thinking
>Somehow I knew the sniper was gonna choke
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>>227276 (OP) 
>never got the palm trees of eight in Final Fantasy Adventure riddle 
>could not find Terra in FF3/FF6 
>saved without having Omnislash in FF7 right next to the end of the game with that mobile save
>wanted to get all interesting endings at once in Chrono Trigger so was playing with many save states simultaneously before I even beat it the first time
>did the same multi-ending attempt without realizing what was doing in FF3/FF6 with it's choices 
>went and saved after opening some but not all of the echo visor doors in Metroid Prime 2 thus causing a game ending glitch 
>hate using the block/grab feature in fighting games for no logical reason
>cannot beat Myst nor games that are like Myst (those complex point and click adventure games)
>often one or two puzzles in a Zelda game will slow me down to the point of being stuck for a day and having to come back to it the next day despite the rest being easy 
>can't hardly find switches in Hexen without giving up so never beat it, get bored in an hour or so
>causing game ending errors in a Tomb Raider (I hope) I once played, cannot remember which one it was but was on the PC when I had an xp computer
>enjoy jumping/ducking erratically when playing retro games before moving on
>in super smash bros melee I use Zelda's grab as a taunt and the only friend I had to play it with called it an autism wave
Replies: >>227431 >>228964
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I did this with Da Capo 2 and Noble Works.
I don't know why they're not even real games and the writing is terrible.
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>mash back and forward on the d-pad once he grabs you, a mechanic never used in any Metroid game prior
You can escape from Draygon's grapple that way. Even if most players use the trick kill instead.
Replies: >>227456
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Speaking of Smash Brothers, I thought the coins that Mario spawned with his Up-B in Melee were added into the trophy lottery for some reason. Spent too much time spamming that move in Adventure and Classic mode for that reason.
>the only friend I had to play it with
I did feel retarded whenever I suggested to play a Smash Brothers game to my friends in elementary school since nobody enjoyed playing them.
Makes me think of all the faggots who are keen on calling Smash Brothers a party game when it's terrible at that. The only enjoyment I've derived from the games was the fighting itself once I got hang of it as a grownup, at least on the first two games as well as the Nintendo crossover autism I'd daydream about in middle school.
Replies: >>227603 >>228964
Huh, never knew that. I always killed him the normal way or by using the grapple beam.
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The friend and I were in our 20s. It's an easy game to get into unlike stuff like Soul Caliber that takes time to get used to. That's why it's a party game, a fun game. Only melee was good also.
Replies: >>228964
>>227276 (OP) 
>>read about overhead attacks being tied to pressure sensitive controls 
>>assume pressure sensitive meant the force you apply to the buttons
That is exactly how the pressure-sensitive buttons on the PS2 work. It sounds like the author of the guide you read as a kid is the real retard here.
The only thing i can think of, is struggling to beat some game boss, thinking i am doing something wrong, so i check on jewtube for some good tactic to beat him, only to see someone succeeding by doing the same exact thing i was.
Overthinking puzzles in point-and-click adventure games, or missing an obvious object that I should poke.
Replies: >>228449
Every point-and-click should have a button that highlights every hotpoint on the screen. If I'm stuck it should be because I don't know how the pieces fit together, not because I didn't pick up the smurf turd hiding in the Blue Man Group's prop room.
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>>227276 (OP) 
>always considered myself to be complete shit at fighting games
>for some reason I just cannot do any of the attack inputs so I just give up
>one time my friend pushes me to try some fighting game out, I know it won't work out but fuck it give it a shot
>start with the tutorial first
>this time during the input bit the tutorial explains "move the stick in a quarter circle motion then press the attack button" or something like that
>wait what
>move the stick, as one whole motion?
>not down > neutral > down right > neutral >right > neutral >button press, like I've been doing every time I've tried a fighting game?
>do the motion, it works fine
>do it several more times, it works every time
>do the other actions, they all also work
>this entire fucking time the reason why I couldn't do inputs was because I WAS DOING THE INPUTS WRONG
this happened to me with Sonic Heroes when I was a kid. I did everything and got the message that the last story was unlocked, but I couldn't find it anywhere and gave up on it
some time later I tried again to look for it, and when I was bored of trying and about to give up I held down right on the stick. Then menu fucking scrolls to show there it was the entire time with ZERO indication it was there
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Wow and I thought I was dumb
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>"move the stick a quarter circle then attack"
<attempts to recreate the Seychelles flag in joystick motions
I've always been shit in FGs as well since I have a tendency to button mash and mess up the input timings in between the stick and the attack buttons.
That being said, I've always known you had to move the stick in a circle instead of a swastika.
How long has it taken you to realize this?
Which game did you try out, anon?

This is actually a surprisingly common misunderstanding of fighting game input conventions, and I've seen it apply to many normalfags and people who are experienced in other genres without motion inputs.  It doesn't help that 3D action games (like Dark Souls or Devil May Cry, or even God of Soy) usually have pretty complicated chain inputs like YYY, YYX, YXYX, YY delay X, and so on.  So when you're telling someone to do a "down, down forward, forward" motion (AKA a quarter circle) then they can often parse that as "down, down, forward, forward" which seems like a pretty reasonable input if you don't know it isn't.  Some tutorials only show arrows for each individual direction rather than a single arrow indicating indicates the entire motion you should move the stick.

Numpad notation solves this (down, down forward, forward + punch becomes 236P) but it's not as common.
>pretty complicated chain inputs like YYY, YYX, YXYX, YY delay X
Really? I'd understand if it was something like an old games cheatcode that wants you to press 10 different buttons in a specific order, but pressing the same button 3 times and then a different button, which are both typically conveniently named as light attack and charge/strong attack or some such, seems about as simple as inputs get. Then again, I am recently reminded there is no depths which the casuals cannot fall to.
Replies: >>228546 >>228551
forget exactly which one but it was one of the Blazblue games where the tutorial where it was actually stated
Replies: >>228546
>play the System Shock Remake
>spooked by a cleaning bot designated as an enemy
>doesn't attack
>later see a Roomba at the end of a long hallway
>think, "It's just another quirk of the game like the cleaning bots"
>charges at me
>realize its eye is red
>don't have time to react 
>I'm blown to bits
Replies: >>228541
No, I just mean that the games will only use two attack buttons, delays, and the occasional single direction/tap input to create chains that are dozens of moves long.  But they don't ever demand you do anything more complicated than that, and those are the "hard games" like MGR or Bayonetta.

Probably Central Fiction, the most recent one.  The tutorial for that is kind of an infodump since CF was somewhat rushed, but I do recall that they covered how to do the inputs well.  They even included the 6236 input shortcut for doing a Z motion, which not many games do.
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>pretty complicated chain inputs like YYY, YYX, YXYX, YY delay X
Since some anons mentioned Smash Bros, I was reminded of what happened to me playing Brawl's adventure mode as a youngling. Near the end you end up in a new map made of a jumble of earlier areas. The save rooms show you a map of this whole setup, and mark your location. But for some reason my retarded kid self couldn't read the map. It's easy to read, and when I came back to the game a few years later I had no trouble. It's a bunch of squares in the shape of the rooms with lines showing the doors leading between them, the interpretation is very obvious. Felt very stupid after I figured it out.
One of you mentioned that you only started to enjoy Smash after being old enough to be good at games, but I had the opposite experience. It was fun with friends when we were all kids and we all sucked, but when we got old enough to be good at games it wasn't fun anymore for me.
My other retard experience was playing Metro: Last Light. There's a sort of boss fight against a bear near the end of the game, and you have to stun it, then shoot it in the back. Now I knew this, the game tells you very directly. But for some reason it just wouldn't die. I emptied all the ammo from my sniper, my AK, and my shotgun into its back, used all my grenades and throwing knives, then ran away and poked it in the face with my knife until I ran out of filters and suffocated. Took over an hour. Didn't work, so I did it all over again. At that point I figured I was doing something wrong, so I watched a YT clip to see how to so the fight, and I was aiming slightly too low the entire time. I felt very stupid. Especially since I was doing it on purpose to avoid hitting an ally that grapples the bear to let you get a shot.
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>Forbidden Siren on the PS2
>1st mission playing as the guy in the white robes
>enter the cabin after crossing the bridge with the sniper
>the goal's to exit through the cabin's backdoor into the woods
>cabin's backdoor's guarded by a villager with a rifle
>there are two paths to the backdoor, one at ground level and another one through a staircase
>can't sneak past him since he'll be facing whatever corridor you come through
>his bullets are OHKO, can't tank a shot then charge him
>look into the mission's objectives
<Light the huntsman's house
<there's a stove with no gas, a rundown generator and an empty paint can
<the flare from my guy's car trunk has disappeared from my inventory after dying once
>no idea how to proceed
>charge into him a few times trying to flank him
>after a few deaths, realize I can whiff his bullets from the top floor
>can't go past him, but can have him waste his bullets shooting the wall
>figure I might as well exhaust all of his ammunition
>moonwalk through the corner of his eye then sprint back into the corner just as he notices me and takes aim
>his ammo's apparently infinite
>he'll always reload after his 5th shot however
>with some trial and error time his reload right then charge him
>barely enough time to close the gap in between us both
>beat the asshole into a bloody pulp with the ratchet
>exit the backdoor
<Mission complete
Please tell me how you are meant to beat this level.
>>227276 (OP) 
I am prone to lots of dumb self-destructs (mostly through explosives) in DooM, but here's one that's a special brand of dumb-moment.

>Reelism 2 (GZDooM pk3)
>on the bridge level
>car coming down the bridge road (they insta-kill you and other enemies of course)
>Need to move around it
>Brain for some reason decides it would be a good idea to move around the opposite direction of the car.
>Wait brain, what are you doing?!
<"You are so fucking dead"
>I went square in front of the car trying to go around it the long way.
Brain. Why? We had a good score going that round...

>never got the palm trees of eight in Final Fantasy Adventure riddle
I got it as a kid, my problem is, I didn't understand HOW they expected you to solve it, and couldn't figure out how to do the figure-8s properly.
>Could not find Terra in FF3/6
Ouch, that hurts. Finding Terra post-floating continent is usually easy, the hard part is traversing the world of ruin, and dealing with Humbaba, especially if you only got Celes & Sabin.
>Multi-ending attempt in FF3/6
Last I recall, FF3/6 isn't really a game that has substantial and meaningful endings outside of the main one the way CT has them. It just has the slides you get for each character you recruit in the game at the end.
>hate using the block/grab feature in fighting games for no logical reason.
I've never had a problem with block, but grabs are so fucking annoying in any fighting game that doesn't have a dedicated button or an at-will control for it. Fwd-Punch (only when you're right up close to the enemy) is annoying as fuck, and too easy to do on accident.
>cannot beat Myst nor games that are like Myst (those complex point and click adventure games)
Games made on the SCUMM engine are some of the best games to play if you want a far-more relaxed adventure-game experience. Apogee's adventure games on the other hand... There are some games where you can get robbed out of plot-crucial items and cannot finish the game because of it: bonus points where the game is completely silent on the fact that you literally can't win the game because of it. It's fucking annoying.
>often one or two puzzles in a Zelda game will slow me down to the point of being stuck for a day and having to come back to it the next day despite the rest being easy 
Been there too. that's a pain in the ass.

Smash bros is fun. It's also kinda funny (morbidly) how most of the tourneyfags of the melee days turn out to be absolute creeps and grifters.

And they wonder why Nintendo has trouble dealing with Smash organizers.
Replies: >>228973
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>Brain for some reason decides it would be a good idea to move around the opposite direction of the car
Why? Were you thinking on the idea on the idea of not being ran over instead of looking at what was ahead of you? Do you speak to yourself in your head when you're think?

>Smash bros is fun
Have never read something like this on sleepy. Usually's everyone's fucking hostile to the idea of playing those games with no items on.
>how most of the tourneyfags of the melee days turn out to be absolute creeps and grifters
If you're referring to the sexual offenders those were the faggots who dickride the latest entry (Ultimate) none of them were white, not the Melee autists. Granted, the latter became fags/fag enablers as well, but more so in the last 1~2 years. Wanted to clear that out.
>why Nintendo has trouble dealing with Smash organizers
Why should they cater to e-sports grifters, anon? The real problem with the franchise here is Sakurai being a hackfraud and an autist, sabotaging what semblance of fun there was in 64/Melee in subsequent games, Brawl being a better game than its sequels in virtue of having an artstyle, a genuine attempt at content and not being developed by Bamco or in Unreal Engine.
If Iwata took full creative control over the franchise since Melee maybe it would still be a Nintendo fighting/party game hybrid to this day instead of a corporate circlejerk with an identity crisis.
Replies: >>228987 >>229022
>Sexual offenders & fag-enablers.
Yeah, thanks for clearing it up.
>Sakurai being a hack & autist
I really wonder if Sakurai's e-fame is similar to Inafune's : suit with more business pedigree than programming skills that got credit for a team effort because he's the face.

Iwata was too good for this world. Who knows what kind of bullshit went down at Nintendo HQ that got him stressed or chronically-fatigued to the point of getting cancer from it.
>I really wonder if Sakurai's e-fame is similar to Inafune's : suit with more business pedigree than programming skills that got credit for a team effort because he's the face.
To be fair, his YouTube channel about game development seems to show he's legit. Granted, I'm a nodev and never will be, so I may be getting rused.
The Game Center CX crossover series was god tier, though.
Replies: >>229022
Treehouse was the reason
that faggotry gave him cancer
>>227276 (OP) 
>Playing AC2 back when I was 12
>get my shit kicked in for perfectly legitimate reasons such as not gitting gud
>wonder why I always run out of energy super fast when other ACs don't
>took me until AC3 to realize that energy recharge is based of the difference between generator capacity and current equipment usage
>If you're referring to the sexual offenders those were the faggots who dickride the latest entry (Ultimate)
There were quite a few rapists in the SSBM "top player" demographic too, although not as many pedophiles from what I recall.

>unreal engine
3/10, apply yourself

Sakurai is absolutely legitimate, if for nothing else than spending his entire Christmas holiday storyboarding the intro cutscene for SSBM.
>come back to playing Binding of Isaac after a year
>maybe more
>picked up with Keeper so I could get all his marks on the paper
>decide to go for Mega Satan
>things are going fuckin awesome
>practically invincible by the time I get to Mom with the items I'd collected
>pick the negative thinking nothing of it
>proceed to kick the shit out of It Lives
>go to the Cathedral
>kick the shit out of Isaac
>portal for Delirium's level appears
>need that mark too
>ehh it'll probably appear again once I've beat Mega Satan
>tap the chest and get an end game cutscene
>what why isn't he going to the Chest?
>suddenly remember it matters whether you pick the Photo or the Negative
And just like that in under an hour I am not playing BoI anytime soon once again. Too much bullshit and item interactions to remember anyway.
>>227276 (OP) 
I didn't know you could click the analog stick
I forget exactly what game it was but it was a ps2 game and it took me a good 10 minutes to figure out what the fuck it meant
since no game before ever asked me to do such a thing
>nintendo shitcube
Replies: >>231915
Was it Conflict:Vietnam? Either way that one also had wanted the player to push the analog stick in the tutorial and it completely filtered me until I randomly played it years later.
Replies: >>231916
it was probably a 3d platformer  since I was a kid
my mother wouldn't allow me to play anything that was more than cartoon violence until I was 12
Replies: >>231918
Ape Escape?
Replies: >>231919
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it was either that or possibly sly cooper   I had the worst luck as a kid  and happened to get really difficult  games that I could never finish without spending a week doing so half of it  due to me being   shit at games
Replies: >>232000 >>232002
Bro same, Maximo kicked the shit out of me.
Were the Maximo games any good?
I never played them.
Seemed like Capcon wanted to turn this into a new series but after the sequel they let it die and forgot about it probably for the best
Replies: >>244317 >>244344
>Closest I have is putting a game down for a few months, picking it up again, and having absolutely no fucking idea what anything is, does, or what I was doing. 
I think everybody went through this at least once, that's pretty normal and understandable, i wouldn't call that a "full retard" moment.
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>bizarro hospital in Silent Hill just before the final boss
>there are some pictures depicting zodiac signs hanging on the walls
>each picture is followed by a single digit number
>pull out a notepad and a pen
>start noting down each sign's number
>try to find a correlation between these numbers and the beginning and end dates of zodiac signs
>it took me longer than an hour to realize you only had to look at the pictures to solve the puzzle
In my defense it was late in the night.
Replies: >>244303 >>244315
I love when devs throw in a puzzle that's simpler than it looks. I recently spent an hour trying to figure out a combination safe puzzle, finally gave up and walked away, then found the answer written down in the adjacent room.
Happened the same to me, it looks more complex than it is
Maximo 1 was fun for as little as I played it. Arcadey platforman ghost killan action. Good difficulty too. I should give it another go but I keep getting distracted by offbeat shit like Mr. Mosquito and Disaster report.
>start F.E.A.R.
>play a couple of hours
>put it down because I started something else
>come back to it a few months later
>play like half the game before accidentally pressing Ctrl
>the game goes on bullet time
>I had forgotten you could do that
Replies: >>244338 >>244368
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Had a similar experience with Monster Monpiece:
>It's a TCG strategy game
>Made it through 70% of the game trying to use every trick possible within the game's mechanics
>Kept receiving notices that I received "items" after each battle
>Game never explained how I activate said items in battle
>Forgot I even had said items
>Finally encounter an opponent that I could not beat
>Press the "menu" button for the very first time during the game by accident
>See where all those items went and how to activate them
>Have an enormous stockpile because I never used them
>Proceed to cheese the rest of the game
I got the best ending on the first game. The second to last world can go fuck itself.
I only ever touched bullet time twice on my playthrough. The gunplay's serviceable enough, and for every PC FPS game released after Half Life you can abuse quicksaves, so the difficulty is moot. Overall it felt like an engine showoff more than an integral game mechanic.
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