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it's fucking video games, baby

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What are some games that you think were unfairly bashed by critics that you think were great games? ATV 2 Quad Power Racing is a good example in my opinion. It is just so more fun than it's main competitor ATV offroad fury 3 at the time and I have never played a better offroad racing game
>>226953 (OP) 
Dark souls 2.
>>226953 (OP) 
Binary Domain
It's kind sad that SEGA never gave it a second chance.
They could have remastered it PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbone and i am sure it would turn them a profit if they didn't overprice it of course.
They should make a more stylish sci-fi looking boxart though, it didn't surprise that many of those who saw that cover on the shelf thought it was just another COD clone, considering the time it came out.
Replies: >>236141 >>237014
>Binary Domain
That game is so fucking overrated around imageboards, it's as intuitive and interesting gameplay wise as spec ops the line.
I just played that back in December and really enjoyed it, really wish there was a sequel.
>>226953 (OP) 
Saw this at a local game store was thinking of picking it up cause I've been wanting to play more racing games lately.
Replies: >>237372
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almost everyone probably disregarded this as a dumb ps1 nascar game but its actually one of the finest arcade races of that generation
>I just played that back in December and really enjoyed it, really wish there was a sequel.
Man, that game ends just when it was getting good.
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