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At long last, its time for some real autism and grindan. The return of Wurm is here, and this time, we'll be exploring the lost lands of Brorrowind! We're glad to announce that the stress test for this years server will be Dec 29th at 7pm cst. The census and excise office of Seyda Neen will officially open for business shortly afterwards (Jan 5th is the current plan, subject to general feedback. keep an eye on the thread and the website: https://wurmbadmin.wixsite.com/brorrowind)

>What is Wurm Unlimited?
Wurm is an mmo from 2006 that focuses on sandbox elements. Instead of just killing goblins for exp, its a fully terraformable world. Build a comfy cottage or a massive castle. Have a small herb garden or sprawling wheat fields. Master a craft or mine deep into the earth. Go fishing, breed horses, brew potions, even make your own cheese.

>What is Brorrowind
Every 6 months anons get together and host our own Wurm server. This time we're taking the heightmap from Morrowind and slapping it into the server. Build your own Balmora, visit Red Mountain with friends, and enjoy events like the farmers festival in Vivec. We've even got custom items and weapons this time, including craftable Daedric weapons.

>Ok sounds cool, how do I join?
Get a copy from steam, a steam key from someplace cheap, or find yourself the yarhar friendly version thats floating around (I'm sure someone with better opsec than me will post a link). Once you have a client, click connect by IP and use the settings provided later in the thread as launch date approaches (will also be available on the website)

>But how do I actually play Wurm?
Wurm does have a slight learning curve to it, but if you can read you can figure it out. I've got info for both the server and how to play on our site here: https://wurmbadmin.wixsite.com/brorrowind/new-to-wurm

>General Settings
We're keeping most of the settings from last time:
>Everyone in freedom kingdom(all gods enabled) with full pvp enabled(set up a deed and kill the n'wahs next door)
>No champions
>Runes of recall craftable but requiring 85ql to use
>No prayer limit, no priest restrictions, interfaith linking
>Alchemy enabled and buffed for 30 minute duration potions
>Treasure maps enabled and slightly easier to aquire
>Bounty mod is fixed based on initial tests. Once again get money sent directly to your bank for genociding the wildlife.
>full properties list will be up on the website

>New Features
We've got custom items to assist you on your travels this time. Daedric weapons of all flavors are available, as is a fun new reward you might find from treasure maps: Shards of Lorkhan. Anyone that can absorb a fraction of this power will find ALL of their body characteristics enhanced. We're still in the process of adding items/features, and I'll post the updates as they come.

>Feedback Needed
One of the things I'd like to discuss is the launch date. I'd like to stick to Jan 5th, but I know not everyone is a neet and might need a bigger notice in advance to set aside time. I'd like to make a final decision on this asap, so any concerns need to be aired now. 
Another thing is reducing the player CR multiplier from 3x to 1.5x. This will still keep you stronger than base values, but won't trivialize fights against trolls.
Finally, we'd like some feedback on daedric/custom weapons and armor. Right now, the stats and crafting difficulty function as only a cosmetic change from their iron counterparts. Would you prefer cosmetic only weapon/armors, or stat increases with comparable crafting requirements? Adding craftable artifact weapons (from MORROWIND, not the in game/original Wurm artifacts) is also an option.
Replies: >>229371
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>>225965 (OP) 
We've been hard at work fine tuning the new mod assets for Brorrowind, and wanted to share a quick look at some of the things you might find. Will you unlock the secrets of the Puzzle Box, or die lost in the maze of Arkngthand?

Also, I want to remind everyone that you will NEED client side mods for this server to render everything properly. Serverpacks should already be included in the client patcher, but make sure you have it ready for the 5th. A good chance to test, configure, and troubleshoot client mods would be the upcoming stress test Dec 29th. Hope to see you all there!
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Less than 24 hours remain, the stress test will be happening TOMORROW, at 7pm cst. What will you find in the city of Vivec? We'll be making sure the server doesn't explode from network traffic and helping anons configure their client side addons. Maybe some surprises for a few unsuspecting n'wahs.
Where's the magnet though?
Replies: >>230397
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>having to navigate vivec without magic
My opsec is complete shit, so I'm avoiding posting that myself. If you're brave, a lad posted links to the yarhar client in the cuck/vm/ thread.

As a reminder, the stress test starts in ONE HOUR. See you lads in Vivec!
THE STRESS TEST IS NOW BEGUN. Server is live, but only for an hour or two.
Name: Brorrowind
Port: 3724
Replies: >>230453
Events are finished, but I'm going to stick around for another 30 minutes or so for stragglers if anybody needs help getting connected/set up.
Replies: >>230468
Crashing my fucking ass off jesus christ
Replies: >>230458
Is it loading into the server or crashing right at launch? If you can't launch, you might have grabbed a server mod instead of a client mod. If you did, the easy fix is just removing the offending mod and rerunning the patcher.
Replies: >>230461
I grabbed the /vm/ launcher with preinstalled mods and was crashing on startup. Just redownloaded all the mods manually and repatched it and it works now.
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And that concludes the stress test. For those that missed it, we had:
>bed wars
>dark brotherhood attack
>race selection
>tasting of the shards of lorkhan
And for the finale, we blew up red mountain and woke up Dagoth Ur.

We'll see you again at the official launch on Friday, Jan 5th at 7pm cst!
Did you invite the kiwifaggots? They probably won't come but who knows, any extra population would be nice.
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Name: Brorrowind
Port: 3724

Welcome moon and star, to the opening of Brorrowind. After filing through the Census and Excise office, you'll be free to choose a starting location. You can of course stay in Seyda Neen and walk where you please, but we have a few alternative starting locations for those who want to deed someplace special:
>House Telvani has an outpost at what was once/will be called Tel Vos. Thankfully, you won't need to fly to access their services.
>House Redoran moved their outpost far west of where Ald'ruhn was/will be. Relocated for easier access to resources.
>House Hlaalu has set up shop in a clearing where Suran was/will be. You might have to go on a quick trip to get some lumber, but CHIM may be involved if this becomes a popular area.
Keep in mind, the Siltstrider is a one way trip, and is currently free of charge for new adventurers.

A few last minute changes:
>CR bonus
I've set this back to 3x. You'll have the same power as last time. The surprise twist is that Brorrowind has some...unique animals. I had most of them disabled for the initial spawning, but don't be surprised when you see monsters that challenge even 70fs lads.
>Custom weapons
While I've already showcased Daedric weapons (and now increased the stats/crafting difficulty/material requirements), I've put an entirely new class of weapons in the game. Smiths will find they are currently the same difficulty(and provide the same combat stats) as their iron counterparts. This may change in a future update. If it does, I'll run refunds/rebuild your weapon with the new stats. For now, enjoy Dwemer weapons!
Make sure you are using the legacy renderer if you are having problems finding the black light/white light. The stress test revealed the altar of 3 is located in Vivec (and is now actually open for business), and the black light has been moved to a more...visible location.

Welcome to Autism, N'wah.
Replies: >>231053
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The sleepychan wurm fanbase has reclined...
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Welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker.
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Update from the badmins:
>Custom cliffracer models 
They aren't going to make it in any time soon. My knowledge of blender and Rolfcode settings for creature animation is too weak, and the only workaround I could find involved a lot of clients crashing to desktop.

>Server Updates
This Friday, at 2pm cst, I'll be taking the server down briefly (estimate 5 minutes) for an update: We'll be reducing mining hits required for rockshards from 50 to 30 as an experiment- if people aren't a fan of this we can revert it later, but I've had lots of requests for this and heard no pushback.
This update will also include a new feature: while I can't quite get custom emotes (yet), I have a custom action you can use in most situations that will function like an emote. Prepare to unleash your inner gamer, as Dagoth Ur himself will bless all residents of Brorrowind with an N'wah word pass. Warning: the sound carries farther than a thuum, and can be heard at render distance.

This Saturday, at 7pm cst, we'll be having our first event. Saddle your horses and hitch your carts, because we'll be having a massive race across Brorrowind! Categories will include mounted (any mount) and cart/wagon racing. Winners will get Shards of Lorkhan and silver based on performance. All participants AND spectators (is that an airship?) will get sleep powder! There may even be other surprises after the race, so don't go unarmed!
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Update from the Badmin:

The race was a huge success, and while we managed to avoid casualties from the race itself (despite the dragons best efforts), we suffered a casualty at the winners circle. It seems n'wahs are too week to fight off shortstack thotts, and so the gods have decided next weekends event will have a fighting skill focus (pvp included)! We're still hashing out the rules and setting things up, but we wanted to give you all a heads up to train your FS. Event will happen Saturday at 7pm cst. Also, a huge thanks to Nuggro for organizing and setting up events, quests, and surprises yet revealed.

I have forg- I mean strategically delayed the daedric crafting update to Monday at 2pm cst so you lads can have a nice weekend of gains. I'm still working on getting fus-roh-N'wah working on cave tiles, but at least future cliffracers should stop breathing fire. Existing ones may still have flames. I've also begun to work glass weaponry in as another cosmetic option.

>Suggestions and the future
Once I finish cleaning up the Nword and adding glass weapons(cosmetic only, same as iron), I've got a few ideas I want to tear into next:
>item to speed up brewing time
>break into spells and start adding things that are in WO but not WU (like the mag spell for lighting forges)
That being said, I'm open to suggestions. If you have a model you'd like to add, or an action you think we should have, let me know.
Replies: >>234622
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Forgiveness, but I forgot to leave a notice here about the server move. As of 30 minutes ago we're now at Same name in the browser, but yarhar lads will need to use the new ip.

We are now using v1.1 of the Brorrowind mod, which adds some gm tools for creating events, as well as the new Bladed Fist weapon. Crafted with a short sword blade and a leather glove, this weapon works with weaponless fighting like brass knuckles. It does slightly more damage and uses slashing instead of bludgeoning.

Just confirmed the autobackup process is back up and running on the new server. Let me know if anything else explodes. Happy wurming!
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