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I've had taken a break form programming since mid 2020. Lost overall interest and such. But now it's quite hard to get back at it and get any motivation, especially having learnt how shitty the job market for programmers really is. 

So my question, is it even worth getting back at this? I liked it as a hobby but I don't want to be a code monkey in the future. Would I be better off becoming a teacher or studying medicine?

Please let me know.
Replies: >>5518
>>5517 (OP) 
>Would I be better off becoming a teacher or studying medicine?
Yes, if you don't have motivation for programming. However, another option is to become a sysadmin. This way you may get an opportunity to get into cybersecurity, too.
Replies: >>5519
I've considered becoming a sysadmin. It sounded quite interesting to me but I think it'd be boring after a while. I've also heard from other sysadmins it's not very enjoyable in the long term.

I still really like computers and programming but I am just unsure to continue with it due to current job market and the dystopian future we're facing. Let's say this were the 90's, I'd gladly get a job in the IT field but nowadays? I am unsure.
Replies: >>5521 >>5527
>don't want to be a code monkey 
how about a code horse, or a code  hyena, perhaps a code bull?
Replies: >>5524 >>5526
being a code guru sounds great
code ass
You can still code as a hobby on your own time.
Related question, how do you find the energy and motivation to work on your project with a 9-5 code monkey job? I am just too tired to do anything, but I want to work on my shit.
Replies: >>5541
Drugs or working out
Replies: >>5547
My body is weird, I gets mini heart attacks with just a small cup of coffee. I probably will die if I take drugs. How can you work out when you are tired as fuck?
Replies: >>5548
Just force yourself and the energy will come. It sounds like bullshit but that's how your body works.
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