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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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What do you guys think of national syndicalism.
No I'm not a one.
Explain it to me like you're explaining it to a retard.
Replies: >>536
It is a far right version of syndicalism originating in france. It supports private property, class cooperation opposing syndicalists ideas.
It's spanish version "Falangism'" got popular many parts of south america and even in poland.
Replies: >>537
>class cooperation
Why would the upper classes cooperate with the lower classes?
Replies: >>540
> got popular many parts of south america

most SA countries are left.
Replies: >>540
>most SA countries are left.
Yes and? There was a russian that wanted to make russian nat-soc.
>Why would the upper classes cooperate with the lower classes?
If they won't cooperate. Well then let's hope they won't, because they will be mostlikely forced to.
Replies: >>541
>mostlikely forced to
So basically a "the lower classes will fix it" situation? How does this system account for and prevent a possibility of the greater population being distracted by bread and circus?
Replies: >>542
I don't know, I'm not an expert.
Replies: >>544
Ah well, I doubt that an expert would be able to give me a good answer either. These "everybody gets a say" fantasy governmental systems always fail to account for the normalnigger question, even though this is what delivers the killing blow every time.
Replies: >>545
Maybe the upper classes got forced to work for the nation as much as they can. Maybe something like Nat-soc. Or whatever.
Replies: >>546
And I also don't get what you meant by the question.
Replies: >>547
So if the upper classes have to be forced to cooperate, it's up to the lower class to force them to, right? But the universal problem with the lower classes doing anything that isn't raw labor is how piss easy they are to manipulate. All it takes is for the upper classes to make food and entertainment easily obtainable, and the lower classes immediately turn fat and stupid. This then means that the upper classes can do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as they don't get in the way of the food and entertainment, killing any higher ideal that was originally envisioned for that political system and thus reducing it to a bloated corpse with only a passing resemblance to what it once was. So my question was what steps that this political system was going to take in order to prevent such an outcome and how it would preform such steps.
Replies: >>548
Well it's technically still syndicalism, while it wouldn't destroy the class system, but make them work together. But stare is still above all, it's mostlikely the obe who's going to make them work together. The point is that this really REALLY early 29th century idealogy. But I would expect it would do it in a sort of way how other totalitarian right wing regimes do it with classes, maybe a bit more leftist in a way. 
Still with anti-semitism of course.
Replies: >>549 >>550
>But I would expect it would do it in a sort of way how other totalitarian right wing regimes do it with classes
How do they do it?
Replies: >>552
I'm too lazy. So no, go find it yourself.
What are other less talked politically incorrect idealogies?
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