Mr. Fish, I have disposable income and I am willing to offer you payment in BTC if you were to rent another VPS and host OSP on it so us streamfags can break away from cakejew's clutches and be totally independent. Peertube instances are a crapshoot, their web player is garbage, and streaming to them is less than stable. Streaming to is much more stable by comparison and simply just works, but since nobody here trusts the site (for valid reasons) I am wary at best of using it for anything.
According to OBS, it's minimum requirements are a dual-core CPU, 4GB of RAM, and a 3500mbps upstream bitrate. Having double those specs (quad-core CPU, 8GB RAM, 5TB monthly transfer, and speeds of 40gbps in/5gpbs out) runs about $60 monthly with my VPS provider and should be roughly the same across the board.
Again, I am willing to give you free money to host a streaming service. Please reply to this if you are interested and where I could contact you for further discussion.