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How did we go from everyone agreeing that guilds are a bad idea to just calling it "occupational licensing" and everyone protecting the idea?

Why don't the same arguments that worked to destroy guilds work yesterday work to destroy occupational licensing today?  Was the downfall of guilds really due to their loss in the battle of ideas?
Replies: >>941
>>934 (OP) 
>How did we go from everyone agreeing that guilds are a bad idea to just calling it "occupational licensing" and everyone protecting the idea?
Flip the chessboard around. You are a politician or bureaucrat, if you let the guild exist then you get a steady stream of votes, taxes and bribes. If you abolish the guild then you get ... nothing. Regulated professional bodies and occupational licensing is just an extension of the state getting too big and getting manipulated for private gain.

As for the people, it's just an extension of the nanny state
>we can't just let anybody be a doctor we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
>we can't just let anybody be a dentist we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
>we can't just let anybody be a hair stylist we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
You're talking about people who wore a paper mask and rubbed their groceries with hand sanitizer a few years ago. Disgenics is at a point where a significant number of people are too helpless to oppose the dominant narrative on anything.
Replies: >>1084
>we can't just let anybody be a doctor we have to make sure they are "qualified" it's for your own safety
A licensed doctor removed an Alabama man’s liver instead of the spleen, resulting in “immediate and catastrophic death,”
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