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Are you ready for muh soggy knees, /liberty/?

Are women less likely to be libertarians because:
>Of "empathy blocking."
E.g., due to sexual diphormism differences in the human brain, female brains have a larger limbic system, causing certain logical conclusions to be less likely to reach them.  The slightly more positive way of phrasing this is "Females are so empathetic [that it blocks their cognition]."
>They are less likely to suffer the consequences of their actions.
Women are able to escape living conditions caused by policies they support either by marrying up, or otherwise using their overall cultural appreciation to make their decisions seem less bad to them on the margin.
>Women actually admire totalitarianism because they admire those traits sexually, and this manifests in the kind of government they likewise support.
Alternatively, "Because men are weaker today, they look to government to be their strong man."
>They don't have the centuries of cultural tradition that men have.
In the scope of human history, women have only received suffrage relatively recently, and therefore have been making poor decisions because cultures have not evolved with the concept of women suffrage taken into account.
>Because of posts like this!  You need to encourage a more welcoming, diverse, and inclusive environment and the problem with libertarians are posts that denigrate the female mind and perspective just like the supposed "options" from this misogynistic post.
>>488 (OP) 
>Why are women so politically different?
Women are conformist first of all and therefor far more vulnerable to propaganda. That's why they got the vote. It wasn't some feminist battle for equality.

Women are conformist for evolutionary reasons. When a tribe gets raided the men are killed and the women are taken as slaves and wives. The women who abandoned their old culture and embraced their captors spread their genes the furthest. (Women can always land on their back).

Also women can't really survive without men to protect and provide for them, especially during pregnancy. Women are malleable to the beliefs of whoever is putting food on the table and for most women now that is the welfare state (Women are married to the state).

My last point is that egalitarianism is a maternal instinct. Mothers can't say you kids go out and compete for resources and whoever gets the least gets the least. The maternal instinct is take food from the big kid and give it to the little kid so they all grow up healthy. (Socialism is inherently feminine)

Materialism is another reason why getting (unmarried) women involved with politics is a disaster. Because they start thinking of immigrants as children who need extra help and those damn selfish white men who actually worked hard for their money should give some of it to the weak little kids because that's what fairness looks like to a mother.

>You need to encourage a more welcoming, diverse, and inclusive environment and the problem with libertarians are posts that denigrate the female mind and perspective just like the supposed "options" from this misogynistic post.
Libertarians are against both men and women voting so there's no issue there. Women should be married to men not the state. That's why there is a massive political divide between married and unmarried women.

Unmarried women swing liberal and progressive because they want men to pay as much tax as possible because then they get handouts from the state. But as soon as they get married they switch to a more conservative mindset because now every cent her husband spends on tax is not a cent spent on her and her children.

That's why I wouldn't worry about women being anti-liberty. As long as she is not completely retarded you put a ring on her finger and show her how much better life is being married to a real man instead of the state she will come around.
Replies: >>494 >>843
The reasons you list in the first half of your post, are those evolved cultural norms that you think are somewhat malleable, or do you think they're evolved biological dispositions that are unmalleable?
Replies: >>842
>>488 (OP) 
Women can escape the conditions men have to live through by being sluts. They can use their bodies to survive by offering sexual favors even if they are ugly. Plus society in general is far more sympathetic to bonus holes than it is to men.
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Not him, but foids of fertile age are almost without exception biologically and hormonally hardwired to perceive inferior dependent creatures as charming deserving small children and throw a REEEEEEing tantrum if anyone doesn't open his wallet enthusiastically enough for them and allow his life and community to be turned inside out for their sake.  This includes, but is not limited to, violent IQ-65 retards that a saner era institutionalized, sterilized, and lobotomized, violent IQ-60 wetbacks, ultraviolent IQ-55 niggers, and pest animals like urban deer.  They're poor widdle misunderstood babies infinitely more deserving of the land and of your money than you are, and if they learn you disagree, the longhouse won't just shame you, they'll make you unemployable.  J. D. Vance made a joke recently about "childless cat ladies" and the shrill screeches of outrage that resulted demonstrated his off-the-cuff remark landed perfectly and was a memetic killshot.

It turns out that when foids aren't kept occupied from early adulthood to menopause with hosuekeeping and childrearing, their innate biological nature drives them to go absolutely bugfuck and latch onto surrogate children to which they can devote their lives.  The forms this takes range from the merely sad, like moving twenty cats into their tiny apartments, to the malignantly dysgenic and culturally destructive stuff like moving ten thousand hyperviolent IQ-55 Haitian cannibals to your town of five thousand and signing them all up to vote.

This is unsurprising to those of us who have noticed that when foids don't actually have to be civil to men day in and day out in order to survive, they become hateful, spiteful, perpetual spoiled toddlers to the absolute greatest extent their circumstances will permit.  This is because being the GiRlBoSs and having MuH cArEeR is an empty, meaningless substitute for raising a family, and deep down, maybe not on a conscious level, they know they're wasting their lives and it fills them with despair and directionless rage.  Foids were far happier, and society was far happier, a hundred years ago, when foids were essentially livestock that could talk.

This also is further proof that every Constitutional amendment after the 12th was a grave mistake.
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>When a tribe gets raided the men are killed and the women are taken as slaves and wives. The women who abandoned their old culture and embraced their captors spread their genes the furthest. (Women can always land on their back).

Yes.  Evolutionary psychology molded them to be what they are.  Many a caveman's wife got fucked by her husband's killers on top of his cooling body, and got off on it.  Every foid is still genetically and hormonally hardwired to diddle themselves to screaming orgasm after screaming orgasm to the fantasy of Jamal and his homeboys running a train on her after killing her nerdy accountant husband.  You can call noticing this "misogyny" but it is objective truth.  Evolutionarily there are reasons for this.  In the turbulent past these instincts made it possible for their ancestors to survive.  They cannot help what they are.  It is their nature.  You might as well rage against the sun and moon.  It is illogical to hate them for it.  You can view an individual foid with affection, but if you trust her with something important--like the direction of the civilization your forefathers sweated to build--it may not end well for you.
>unsolicited mention of nigger dick
what the fuck is happening to modern anons
Replies: >>848 >>849 >>851
>what the fuck is happening to modern anons
schizophrenic retards are all that's left and they've taken over. nowadays when you have an internet "argument" it's full on don quixote tier with your opponent hallucinating things you never said, attributing to you things you never espoused and arguments you never argued, then he goes on to "defeat" all those arguments and deludes himself by declaring victory over the boogeyman of his choosing, and self congratulating. not a day passes here where this song and dance doesn't go down verbatim.
Replies: >>849 >>850
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AWFLs, Affluent White Foid Liberals, vote to give Jamal cash and prizes and help him avoid jail time every time he grabs a honkey bitch by the hair, drags her into the alley, and gets him some of dat repa-ma-rations.  When we talk about the fact that foids love collectivism and hate individualism, it's entirely appropriate to bring this up.
Replies: >>851
Even Xitter is now multiple echo chambers occasionally sending someone out to launch grenades into the others. Internet discourse was a mistake.
One more time.
>White women hate libertarianism.
>White women love BBC and rape fantasies.
What's the logic that connects the two?
I've seen this with a lot of gen alpha.  They're so poorly socialized and/or permanently online that they sound completely schizo, but what's going on is that they're making 5 jumps of thought without telling you.  They don't describe the intermediate chain of thought because they aren't used to having conversations with actual people.
Replies: >>873
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>Woman vote for democrats because they HATE FREEDOM!
Replies: >>855
We don't understand your argument.  Please make a coherent string of sentences stating and defending a position.  Thank you.
>White women hate libertarianism.
'Single' women are socialist. Get them married and suddenly they have a different opinion about the state stealing her man's guns and 50% of his income. Assuming the husband is a capable protector/provider and not a soy guzzling cuck.
Replies: >>1076
>Get them married and suddenly they have a different opinion about the state stealing her man's guns and 50% of his income.
Oh, look, it's the one guy in the English-speaking world who's never gone through a divorce, never seen it happen in his family, and never had a conversation with a guy going through a divorce.  How's the weather on your one-man island micronation?
Replies: >>1136
Make college illegal for women:
>Reduced economic friction between the sexes.  The economic dependency models between the sexes is restored.  The male dating crisis is resolved.
>Fertility rates are negatively correlated with female education levels.  Therefore, the demographic crisis is abated.
>Extra 4 years propaganda for half the population: gone.  The amount of female socialist ideology would be decreased dramatically.
We'll see whether this is true or not over the next few years in Afghanistan, since they're the only country who has done this.
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>>488 (OP) 
Learn it. Live it. Love it.
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>>488 (OP) 
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Divorce law needs to be brought up more frequently every time there's a discussion on fertility rates.  There needs to be a site like only with how terrible things have gotten to males w.r.t. divorces.
Also, the statistics of outcomes of individuals that grew up in single-mother households needs to be brought up more, too.
>>488 (OP) 
This video really makes me believe in the "empathy blocking" theory regarding female political opinions:
Giving women suffrage really has destroyed the West.
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