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I've never considered myself explicitly Libertarian, I am a strange sort of hybrid that is probably absurdly contradictory and hypocritical in more ways than I realize. I think that unless the state can exert absolute 100% control over something it should be privatized or the state shouldn't be involved with it in any way. It's about finding a balance between not letting the government fuck you over and not letting corps fuck you over either.
Another idea is that people should have the choice on what taxes they want to pay and where the money goes. Your tax form has a long series of checkboxes where you want to pay your taxes, such as waterworks, sewer, emergency services, roads, etc., and if you pay your taxes voluntarily for that service then you can use that service, because a lot of people pay taxes for services they never use or can't use. Social security and medicare can be included in this as well, teach people to invest their own money their way instead of relying on the gubmint to do it for them, while also depriving boomers of their golden parachute.
Replies: >>44
>>42 (OP) 
>not letting the government fuck you over and not letting corps fuck you over either.
What if the only way corps can fuck you over is through government?

Look at all the advertisements around you. The fact that private companies need to literally beg you to give them money is proof they have no power. The government doesn't ask, they steal your money at virtual gunpoint, and then waste it on stupid shit like bombing children in the middle east without asking you. The government is 100% the problem.
The State is far worse than even criminal gangs and cartels in my view. The criminal still have to wake up, steal some weapon, find an unsuspecting victim, point the gun and ask for the money, hoping the robbed does not attract too much attention, they then risk the products of their "labor" when sharing with their friends or even spending, all the while being wanted by the police. The politicians and high state officials just steal 50%+ of all you produce every year, either directly or indirectly, without even having to leave their comfy offices. There are no voluntary taxes, you either pay them, go to jail or the bill is included on everything you buy via VAT, in some nations the government can even withdrawal money directly from your bank account to "accomplish your citizenship duties" .
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