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>Things get worse and worse and worse every year.
>Hyperinflation, massive unemployment, government completely corrupt.
>Argentines vote for a libertarian only because they're so sick of the current system.  Even with the current political party spending nearly 2% of GDP on advertising for the mainstream parties campaign.  Thing have just gotten that bad.
>Meanwhile in Public Education Land...
>Covid remote schooling antics have turned out kids with incredible poor metrics.
>Basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills are absolutely appalling.
>Kids spend their time talking about gender and sexuality.
>Home schooling, fuck now even UNschoolers are performing better.
>Parents keep their kids in public schools.
How bad do things have to get?
Replies: >>391 >>405
>>388 (OP) 
>Covid remote schooling antics have turned out kids with incredible poor metrics.
>Basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills are absolutely appalling.
>Kids spend their time talking about gender and sexuality.
What are you going to do about it? You can't stop paying your taxes. They get their money regardless of what they do so obviously they are just going to do whatever they want. That's why all government services are inherently terrible and inefficient.
Replies: >>397
People don't have to send their kids to government schools.
Replies: >>408
Is libertarianism being appealing a bad thing?
Replies: >>402
No, of course not.
>>388 (OP) 
>How bad do things have to get?
You mentioned Argentina which is a good indicator of how bad things have to get.
Other option is educating people so they become libertarian before things get that bad.
Replies: >>508
>People don't have to send their kids to government schools.
You are still forced to fund government schools even if you don't use them. Paying twice for education is not a luxury most people can afford.
Replies: >>410
Just in the past few years, government schools are getting so bad even unschooled kids are doing better.
Replies: >>415
>Just in the past few years, government schools are getting so bad even unschooled kids are doing better.
What does that mean? What metric are you using to say that home schooled kids have not always been "doing better"?
Replies: >>491
-being taught wrong things, and having the ability to reason sabotaged for the sake of dogma presevation, thus preventing them from learning the right things.
- being taught nothing, and being left with one's natural empircial/rational faculties, thus allowing them to learn the right things on their own.
Replies: >>497
What? You said government schools are "doing worse" than unschooled kids. How are you measuring that and where is the data?
Replies: >>498
1 - He isn't me.
2 - What data do you want?  Every time I've heard someone say, "Show me the data," I'll show them it and then they'll cherrypick and say this doesn't apply to them, that doesn't work, this is a biased study, "that isn't the definition of X," etc. and ignore it anyways.  You tell me what standards you even want first.
Replies: >>545
>Other option is educating people so they become libertarian before things get that bad.
As someone who knows nothing about the US, this is something that I feel is non-existing in the US when it comes to libertarianism.
The libertarian party (if existing) would be more cozy talking on academies to people from their own circle, never really going anywhere beyond a circlejerk, instead of going toes to toes in left-wing spaces and willing to show them how wrong they are, always on the move to spread the ideas of liberty even in the most polarizing spots
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I kind of this the point about how hard homeschoolers have been WINNING recently really needs to be emphasized.  It's one of libertarianism's greatest wins in COVID fiasco, and I think it's going to become more and more apparent in the years to come.
The thing about libertarianism is that it makes things worse right away, but then creates a trend where everything gets better and better.

Socialism does the opposite, everything improves, but then a trend is established where everything just gets worse and worse.
Replies: >>541
Most of the time, probably, particularly with monetary policy.  But things like cutting red tape or tax cuts most of the time just immediately make things better.
>What data do you want?
I want you to have some kind of argument that is not just "it's true because I want it to be true". Just because we're on the same side doesn't mean we should have zero standards with each other.
Replies: >>584
I don't know about hard stats but The Case Against Education is a good book for exploring the general ideas.
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