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Are the Austrian and Chicago schools friends or enemies? I know Rothbard hated Friedman but Rothbard hated everyone.
Replies: >>107 >>122
>>106 (OP) 
The Austrian view is that the Chicago school is just controlled opposition for the establishment. They're sort of free market but will roll over for a belly rub on command. The Keynesians kick them around and say see the free market people are dumb we pwn them in every argument. And then they just pretend Austrians don't exist.

Gene Epstein actually just did a debate with David Friedman if you're interested in seeing some of the philosophical differences. watch?v=_wvKokophLE
Replies: >>111
Interesting debate. Friedman came off as a bit of a ass though. It seemed like he would only interact with caricatures of Epstein's argument and he refused to shake his hand at the end. 
And you're not wrong about Keynesians just ignoring Austrians. I tried to find a debate between the two schools on youtube and the closest I could find was this one from 10 years ago 
and this rap battle 
Replies: >>113 >>115 >>116
>Friedman came off as a bit of a ass though. It seemed like he would only interact with caricatures of Epstein's argument and he refused to shake his hand at the end. 
I think he knew he was beaten and he is a sore loser. You can get the inside story from Epstein's perspective in this podcast episode if you're interested

>Keynesians just ignoring Austrians. I tried to find a debate between the two schools
Keynesians don't really have anything to debate they are literally just the propaganda wing of the federal reserve. I don't know about format debates but if you follow Bob Murphy and his associates you can find lots of Twitter slap fights with Keynesians and MMTers though.
That's pretty good. Basically the Keynsians/MMTers think they can fuck around with the money supply to engineer desirable political outcomes. And the Austrians say no that's a scam, shuffling around money doesn't magically create new resources out of nothing.
>rap battle
round 2 was better fight me
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Replies: >>123
>>106 (OP) 
>but Rothbard hated everyone.
I thought he got along with both Hoppe and Konkin quite well, only disagreeing with the latter on praxis and the Agorist ideal of having an economy of mostly self-employeed entrepreneurs.
This debate is still going on now.
Is it better to run as LP, a party you fully control but has little traction.
Or is it better to run as Republican, a party that has lots of traction but you have little control.
Replies: >>124
Neither. Political parties will get you nowhere.
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