/japan/ - militarized easiness

for those we cherish, we die in glory

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“…Many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions.” - Otamin

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>Tried Japanese Mustard for the first time
>It taste like Wasabi
Fuck you Japan, I swear I'm not gonna be weeb foodie ever again. Even my hot sauce taste 10x better than this yellow Wasabi. I can't believe I fell to this meme condiment.
I have never been brave enough to try spicy condiments in all my life, let alone wasabi.
wow gay
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Just give 'em a try. It'll be OK.
Replies: >>12266
ead da fugging dadil jelly
>It'll be OK.
but what if it kills him?
This is why you try just a little to taste. From the sounds of it you just dumped it on like it was regular mustard; in which case get owned バカ。
I like the spicy stuff, but in very small amounts. I still want to taste the food. The amount of wasabi they give at restaurants and such is too much for how little I use. All the people I know are weenies and don't touch any of it.
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