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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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how should christian celebrate Hanukkah?
Replies: >>26105
By not celebrating it.
>>26102 (OP) 
I suppose you could because as the Church is the continuation of Israel, it is to some degree a part of our tradition as it relates to the rededication of the Temple. However, everything we celebrate as Christians points toward Christ and celebrates the life of Christ. Hannukah doesn't technically fill this niche and so was not a necessity carried up until today. Yes, it was practiced by early Christians but after the destruction of the 2nd Temple is probably when the practice stopped if I had to guess. I suppose the question is why do you want to celebrate Hannukah?
Replies: >>26106
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>I suppose the question is why do you want to celebrate Hannukah?
It's bait. Check your Jewish newsfeeds.
> pic-related
Replies: >>26107
Can I get a quick run down. All I can find is he is a Polish politician.
Replies: >>26108
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Sure, I'll do it in picturebook fashion Anon.
Replies: >>26109 >>26149
I remember this vid 😂 didn't realize it was same guy
I know this thread is to shitpost about the Menorah thing in Poland, but for serious.
Hanukkah is mostly a race-religious holiday, like a lot of jews ones. They celebrate their victory and God being with them as jews.
Christians that aren't of jewish ethnicity or are jewish christians don't really have to follow it, they could consider it one of the stories of God's armies triumphing but aside that not as we don't have an holiday from when God created the bears to attack the blasphemers.
Now if you want to larp as israelite then you can I suppose, nothing necessarily wrong.
Replies: >>26115 >>26116
>they could consider it one of the stories of God's armies triumphing
I see. 'God's armies' is it? Kinda wondering what the God man Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, The Prince of Peace, the Messiah Himself, the Savior of the world thinks about Hanukkah dear fren?  :^)
Replies: >>26120
>Now if you want to larp as israelite 
Maybe if you're a dispensationalist, but otherwise the Church is the continuation of Israel. So maybe better to say larp as a jew.
Replies: >>26120
According to John he went to the city during the day and had no problem about it
Yeah I found out that orthodox celebrate Hanukkah as they consider the maccabees book to be canon.
So good for them, sorry if I was wrong.
Replies: >>26135
Is Hanukkah even a religious holiday amongst the Jews or is it just a cultural celebration? In any case, to the OP's question of how should a Christian celebrate Hanukkah, I think one should take the opportunity to read the books of the Machabees.
Replies: >>26133
>Is Hanukkah even a religious holiday amongst the Jews or is it just a cultural celebration?
Judaism is both a religion and a culture, Hanukkah for jews is both religious (how God was with them) and culturally (how jews managed to win the war).
Some orthodox christians celebrate Hanukkah as Jesus Christ being the candle that shines brighter than the other candles and so completed the holiday
>According to John he went to the city during the day and had no problem about it
>no problems
>31 At this, the Jews again picked up stones to stone Him. 32 But Jesus responded, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone Me?”
Kek. The Jewish leaders were just as spiteful and hateful to Jesus Christ during that time (probably even moreso).  :^)

But fair enough, since the revolt allowed the Temple to be cleansed of the desecration by the Romans, it was clearly preparatory to the appearance of the the Messiah, the entire world's salvation, Jesus of Nazareth the completion of all the Law & the Prophets, the founder of Christianity, and the Glory of God throughout all eternity. Fair enough.
Replies: >>26166
That was not a genuine act of anti semetism
He had no problem about Hanukkah as an holiday.
Jews had a problem with him.
But Jesus didn't say that Hanukkah was wrong to celebrate as if was man made and without fundements like Pharisees laws were
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