[Hide] (251KB, 468x487) > Be in 4th grade
> Still care about sports
> Am a Red Sox fan, just like my Dad
> Heard about the Bambino Curse (Baseball is the most superstitious sport there is)
> Heard about how people can get anything they want if they sell their soul to the devil, albeit at a horrible price
> Figure "Hey! Well if all these people in these dumb stories always sell their souls for selfish reasons, why not sell one's soul for a higher purpose? The greater good?"
> Greatest good my Elementary school ass can think of is the Red Sox finally winning the world series
> Have an imaginary conversation with the Devil where I agree to sell my soul if they win
> It happens
> Boston Red Sox miracuolusly win for the first time in 86 years
Am I fucked, guys?
Did it really happen? Did I actually sell my soul? It's not like I performed a ritual or whatever. I was just imagining a conversation, and acting like it was real.
But is that what all conversations with God and the supernatural are? Did I do something unforgivible? Would it matter that I was an elementary schooler, and viewed it as a selfless act?
I could use some advice. This question has been plaguing me ever since, and I'm almost 30 now. I guess I'll never know for sure until I die, but still...
It'd be nice if there was some way I could determine whether I've damned myself, and/or figure out how to repent and go about my life in peace.
Here's an article about the curse I may have accidentally ended with my elementary-school autism, by cursing myself: