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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Anabaptism Appreciation Thread

Can we have an Anabaptism thread? Do we have Anabaptist brothers around here?

It dawned on me the other day that the very existence of modern Anabaptism is an irresistible sign of God's agency and will in history, even if you look at it with a "secular historian's hat" and not your own believer's conviction. Most Reformation groups had powerful temporal backing, even as they may have faced persecution at one time or another. The Anabaptists, on the other hand, have seen nothing but the sword. To know one's own identity as an Anabaptist, the believer truly gazes into the Martyrs' Mirror and becomes a stranger in the world, one who would not hesitate, by the Lord's mercy, to brave the possibility of being consumed to death in their zeal. This is a testimony this world needs. Selah.
Well anon I went down the Quaker route and I can't speak for my bravery or courageousness at all, never mind it being a sign of God's agency and will. The idea of hard faith in wherever I've arrived at bewilders me. I'm only here because I got dragged like a mule, anon. More to the point the inward nature of my chosen sect is a little too permissive of me to hide my faith from the world and not preach it, with a litany of excuses that I've built up. I'm not scolding the sin I see in public, nor am I taking many great risks to tempt a martyring.

I exist here in this strange house that I've built in tribute to an old religion and I don't have the slightest clue of what I'm doing. My prayers include invariably the "give us a clue" prayer, then some shaking my fist toward God like I would my Dad along with some apologies for being such a hopeless modern degenerate. I suppose what I'm grasping at is that it's by hesitation that I'm here at all, and that I'm still here at all is miraculous to me. I come from a family of atheists, sinners and jehovah's witnesses. I might only get to dip half a toe into faith proper in my lifetime and if that's all I get out pours still a lot of the gratitide.

I wouldn't explain myself with "Salah" or words like "judeo-christian" either. It could just be each to their own or it could be the way I try to communicate with God is atypical or something but I don't tend to use them.
Replies: >>25741
Quakers are not Anabaptists, anon. I wish you luck on your journey though.
>>25639 (OP) 
The term Anabaptist is too broad, OP, and refers to a large number of denominations that came out of the radical reformation opposing infant baptism. Of them, though, I know the Amish and the Mennonites the best. In the modern day, they are not persecuted in most places. In fact, people outside the group often actively protect the Amish and conservative Mennonites, because they are revered for their piety and seen as being simple people victimized by an oppressive modern world. There are plenty of cases of outsiders paying to get Amish buggies out of impound for violating safety laws. Violations like refusing to put high visibility elements on a carriage that leads to a greatly increased rate of collisions, many of which are fatal. There are cases of outsiders standing in solidarity with Mennonites as one of their own stand trial. Oftentimes these people are standing trial for the rampant physical and sexual abuse that both Amish and conservative Mennonites protect and even proliferate. There are even physicians who provide low- or no-cost medical care to Amish and Mennonites. These physicians will even do illegal things like diagnosing and prescribing medication to patients they have never treated, because a bishop convinces them that it's in the patient's best interest. But why do the Amish and conservative Mennonites even do this? Because they believe that they are completely separate from the world. That tenet alone justifies every nonsense demand they make, like forcing people to have light blue curtains or black bonnets. That tenet alone justifies their relaxed attitude towards sexual abuse and encouragement of physical abuse. That tenet alone justifies their contempt for the world outside of their bubble. The Amish and conservative Mennonite identity as righteous martyrs only exists in their own heads and the heads of those they manage to convince. They are strangers to the world, because they continually beat their children into it just as they were. Their testimony would only be valuable if they cleaned up their act.
Replies: >>25742
You raise a good point I had to double check and everything. But I'm neither morally outraged, nor have proof of being God's Chosen™ people by not having this baptism that every other sect seems to have. I think the best way to be cleansed of sin would be to stop with all of that sinning I keep doing. And be greatful for the opportunity.

Regarding the Amish I'm fond of them because of the way they keep the word. If you consider that a man is to swear no oath then having a driver's license, or a birth certificate, or your name on a bank account or a loan is a bit of a fiddle then isn't it? Nobody 'at the time' needed these things in order to ride a horse or in order to function in their everyday lives, which rather suggests that modern living has become this unnatural state and that the Amish are the only ones still governing themselves by this stricter rule of the law.

Of this sexual or physical abuse you report being visited upon those within the sect, which cases are specifically documented that I can look into? How many of them concern the patriarch of a family not doing what a bored/resentful/otherwise displeased housewife wants them to do, that perhaps is oversold or sensationalised? I ask because modern lawfare over sexuality is a known entity at odds with the idea of a woman being subservient to a man in the same way that a man is subservient to God. I can see why as well that modern ways of thinking could corrupt women in particular with them being more socially active and/or socially pliable than their men are. And that in such situations a husband might be tempted to apply old fashioned means of hard control if they ran out of patience or means to make use of soft control (i.e. they might beat their wives).

The rules they claim to follow tend to forbid things like violence proper, or fornication, or adultery so if those are things they're regularly getting up to then there's not really much point to them feigning to honor all of their other conventions.
>>25639 (OP) 
Based and redpilled
>>25639 (OP) 
You can't judge truth by persecution. Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons were persecuted (legally, and violently, at times). They both exist today, despite having no state-level backing historically (JWs never did and still don't, but an argument could be made that Mormons presently have Utah; however, that was of their own making). They're both false, yet in the case of the JWs, they use the persecution they face as proof of their validity, as you're doing with Anabaptism.
>>25639 (OP) 
You shouldn't be proud to use the name of a heresy as though it somehow legitimizes it. Your movement has and is backed by jews wanting to splinter the faith and water it down by bringing up heresy that's been laid to rest for almost millenia as though its somehow new or hip. Repent.
Replies: >>25785
>Anabaptists bad uhm okay?
I am not one of them but the arguments against them are little and badly expressed, and currently much of their believes have been retconned into Concilium II, along with others from Luther.
Jews back them due to their extremely passive way of dealing with problems, mainly because i think they go full on with thinking this world is a test and the lord of it is the devil hence Hell.
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