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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Look at this fella, angry about the Bible and for having his Lolicon being censured by the "fascist Christians"

Reading the commentaries the situation is even more gross and pathetic, lot of hatred against Christian, especially Catholics.
We have always known this. The anti-SJWs are just one step behind SJWs. Their principles are the same, SJWs are just more consistent.
Replies: >>24833
>>24828 (OP) 
The guy on the middle left edge of that picture looks like Radiohead's frontman
They both were spawned from the same atheist/skeptic movement from the first decade of the 2000s. the difference being that most anti-SJW "don't" like the aids community and those who have become Christian since are just riding the wave for clicks but are in fact huge hypocrites.
>>24828 (OP) 
dont look right or left, look up.
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>>24828 (OP) 
The people who are still throwing around terms like "SJW" and calling themselves "anti-SJWs" in the Year of Our Lord 2023 largely haven't moved on from 2014-era Gamergate paradigms. They occasionally dress it up with rhetoric, but most of them oppose feminism or "woke ideology" because they want to play video games with big boobs and lolis. The more noble of their ilk either went down the pipeline from sex pest libertarianism to the so-called "alt-right" and then beyond or they simply grew up. Those that remain spend their time defending their porn access.
Replies: >>24850
My 2 cents.
D&D/Rock/Games/Anime/whatever are fine and "Christians" who "fight" those things are in fact silly. However, they're not a good representation of Christianity as a whole, and people who hate Christianity just because of them are even sillier.
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>>24828 (OP) 
>Just some guy
Well yeah, that guy is kind of known for it.  A fair amount of gamergate-adjacent ecelebs suck for various reasons. Some are anti-Christian this guy specifically is because he's pro faggot, maybe even a faggot himself, some because they're just grifters. Usually the former is also the latter. The skeptic community didn't start Gamergate, it's members simply jumped on board. That's not to say they weren't real Gamergaters, only that they didn't make it. 
I think this is a bit of an oversimplification though. Some "anti-sjws" anti-Christian, others are not. The fact of the matter is that the majority of sjws ideology is anti-Christian, and consequently every Christian is "anti-sjw" by default. 
If there's one thing wrong about Gamergate it was certainly their desire for "fanservice", however the feminists who pushed for censorship of said fanservice did so for the wrong reasons not to mention they also demonized "conventional attractiveness", made female characters masculine and vice versa, and pushed for fat positivity. There's also the question of to what extent censorship should be enforced.
Replies: >>24854
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>If there's one thing wrong about Gamergate it was certainly their desire for "fanservice", however the feminists who pushed for censorship of said fanservice did so for the wrong reasons
I agree that the push for censorship was not done out of honest or noble intentions and that Gamergaters were absolutely right to call them out for it, but their counter was fundamentally the same as the "just let people enjoy things" crowd. You see this a lot with people who defend their posting of lolicon hentai. I suppose they were right about what was wrong but wrong about what was right, to use a cliche.
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