[Hide] (152.8KB, 807x1192) 01.jpg
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[Hide] (231KB, 786x1170) An anon on 8ch's /christian/ storytimed this in honor of Easter several years ago. In honor of the end of Lent and the Resurrection of our Lord I present, for your reading pleasure, Serenity.
[Hide] (170.9KB, 825x1206) >>24254
Forgot this page. :(
[Hide] (108.6KB, 825x1200) 97.jpg
[Hide] (177KB, 818x1190) And that's it for volume 1.
[Hide] (187KB, 810x1179) 96.jpg
[Hide] (128.8KB, 807x1176) 97.jpg
[Hide] (165.1KB, 796x1193) And that's it for volume 2.
[Hide] (170.5KB, 800x1171) 96.jpg
[Hide] (101.5KB, 793x1167) 97.jpg
[Hide] (162.2KB, 788x1191) And that's it for volume 3. That's also I all I can post at this moment. I'll be back later today to post (hopefully) the rest.
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[Hide] (254.7KB, 789x1182) Time to get back into it with volume 4.
[Hide] (178.7KB, 779x1193) 96.jpg
[Hide] (102.4KB, 794x1173) 97.jpg
[Hide] (113.7KB, 795x1192) That's the end of volume 5.
[Hide] (122.2KB, 766x1150) 96.jpg
[Hide] (114.4KB, 806x1173) 97.jpg
[Hide] (153KB, 809x1195) That's it for volume 6. I'm going to take another break before I post the rest.
Volume 7. Here marks a noticeable shift in both the art style and the format. From now on half the comic is taken up by a parody "movie" that (with the exception of the one in this volume) has absolutely nothing to do with the main story; you miss nothing by skipping them. Frankly, I wonder if they were just getting bored and wanted an excuse to do something different.