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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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I've been thinking of getting into Christianity (sorry for poor choice of words) for the longest time now as someone raised fully atheist. Got given this KJV bible on the street today. I think this is my sign - gonna start reading it, now's better then ever.

Any advice for what to do other than just reading the Bible?
Try having a spiritual experience of God, you can have this by singing the psalms and getting full of the holy spirit and feeling his presence. I would also recommend going to a Christian retreat and be open to the Holy spirit, participate in the church services, by singing. If everything goes correctly you should feel the presence of God and be full of the holy spirit.
>>24232 (OP) 
Read one of the Gospels first (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
>Any advice for what to do other than just reading the Bible?
Find someone who is mature in their faith you can talk to about Christianity. If you have any family friends who are Christians, that's great. Feel free to keep posting here too.
Praying is important. You can ask God for clarity in how to proceed.
>>24232 (OP) 
Get an Oxford English Dictionary or using this is a good idea:
>>24232 (OP) 
>Any advice for what to do other than just reading the Bible?
Go to Church. There's undoubtedly a personal aspect to it but Christianity is not something that's practiced alone in your room.
Replies: >>24486
Get into the practice of praying. It'll feel weird or awkward at first if you're just coverting out of athiesm. But keep in mind you're addressing an omnipotent entity who can and is reading your thoughts at all times. So if it's easier you can start by just thinking a message or two specifically meant for Him to hear, tell Him what you liked today, what you're excited for, ask questions, request things or blessings (especially for others who you genuinely want to receive them), he's your King but he's your friend, get to know Him a little.
Everything good comes from God, God also permits evil to test good people.
You should go to a bible-believing local church and see about being baptized and joining the congregation. God bless, welcome to the body of Christ
>>24232 (OP) 
>what to do other than reading the Bible
Believe, and follow the Bible as much as possible.
I recommend studying the empirical facts about Christianity, The Case for Christ is a good start.
Study Guide in 251 page. Check this.
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