>Even if a Gay Gene were to be found, that would only mean that the theological truth of homosexuality-as-a-cross would be hard-coded into some people's genes. So what? There are so many terrible inclinations built into peoples' genes that it all goes to show that we are fallen, and even if we accept the free gift of the Lord, we still tend to whore after every sin.
Most people don't know their theology and fall prey to naturalistic and humanistic arguments. "There are animals that show gay behavior" (even though they are the exception and exclusive homosexuality is particular to humans) or "the existence of a gay gene means God made me gay" (showing an ignorance of the doctrine of original / ancestral sin and its consequences on human existence). This attitude derives from Enlightenment philosophy and its casting of base human nature as being innately good, which it appropriated from the Christian account of creation while dismissing the core truths of the faith. When secular science rewrote the account of human origins into the theory of evolution that innate good aspect was cast on to primitive societies, apes, animals, etc. This regressive speculation fails to generate any productive insight on what it means to be human and on the ultimate end of humanity in its denial that man was specifically created in the image of God, with authority over all other creatures and a unique connection with his Creator (which was severed by the introduction of sin, but is restored by the atoning sacrifice of the Son and the grace of the Spirit). The poorly catechized and the aberrant, operating on secular attitudes, circulate confused notions of virtue in life of the flesh and that loving God and Christ is a free will decision of the individual conscience and not a normative obligation, mashed with bits and pieces of dogmatic theology to arrive at distorted ideas of "God is love, and love is love, so God approves of gay marriage", antinomian formulations of "Free Grace" (that is actually what you describe in the latter part of your post), and universalism.