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Why is zzzchan populated by the most obnoxiously retarded subhumans, the kinds who make your regular garden variety sperg look well-adjisted by comparison? Who benefits?
Replies: >>236939 >>237004
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>>236938 (OP) 
It's /b/, and the most active board on the webring. There's a reason why the term "/b/tard" exists.
Hang whatever "well-adjusted" nature you might have at the door; you've no need for it here.
Thanks for proving my point. Who is this boogeyman of yours, why should I give a damn, and why haven't you done a three-spin flip into traffic yet?
Replies: >>237060
>>236938 (OP) 
>Why is zzzchan populated by the most obnoxiously retarded subhumans, the kinds who make your regular garden variety sperg look well-adjisted by comparison? 
Dysgenic whites
>Who benefits?
Everybody, /b/ acts as a containment board for white retards who yell about bad moderation(there is non the mods are based). Meanwhile the niggers, sandniggers, spics, chinks and jews are content with posting on other boards as they unlike their white dysgenic brethren are better people and posters overall.
>Who is this boogeyman of yours
First off, the boogeyman doesn't actually exist. He has targeted so many random people that he has diluted it into nothing.
Secondly, if the etymological origin of the name of the boogeyman has ever existed, he has never set foot on this website.
https://archive.is/pN5B8 This is the starting point of his posting; he got banned and declared delete-on-sight after posting links to images of underage models hosted on archive.org, and threatening to do it again.
Whenever you post the previously mentioned archive link, he gets very, very angry. https://archive.ph/fCH2e
This post will be targeted as a result. Disregard it and/or archive it.
>why should I give a damn
You shouldn't. The simple fact that you're asking that question is proof that you shouldn't.
You are the only retard talking about how monumentally BTFO you got eight months later and you'll probably still be here crying for the anniversary of that event too.
Don't respond to him.
Global report, hide, ignore.
From where do you get these blacked edits? These are not on 8moe's /interracial/. Is there a dedicated blacked board or thread on the webring?
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^ yuck, theres two of them. fuck off niggerlover
It's an altchan, ofcourse it will be populated with retards
Most of these "people", in happier and more just times, would have been infant mortality statistics. But because we live in a world where moralfags insist on not eliminating the nits so they don't grow into lice, we are all forced to deal with these insufferable subhumans.
If there is a benevolent God, I pray He will do the right thing and smite every single subhuman useless eater on the planet.
Every chan is populated with retards. It's 2025 not the 2000s and early 2010s.
<it's ogre
Replies: >>240340
Zoomers such tbh
>stupid thread about the quality here
>Some cuck is replying to someone that deleted with nogged porn
It's true tho, same with the majority of the internet.
Replies: >>240352
The problem is that it's all retards. Everyone with any sort of talent, intelligence and creativity left and now the only "people" who remain are too busy gooning to kemono futaloli scat hentai and autistically screeching at anyone better than them to do anything worthwhile.
Replies: >>240352
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It doesn't feel that way to me, especially considering the fact that there are petty people out there who deliberately try to create an artificial sense of unpleasantness in a pathetic attempt at sabotage for their own amusement and/or envy.
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