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So, let's say your spouse is cheating on you. You should be able to LEGALLY kill her (mind you, feds, I am not advocating illegal action. I am saying that this should be legal)
So in this HYPOTHETICAL ideal society, you should be able to present irrefutable evidence of adultery to a judge of marital law. After the evidence is reviewed, the victim of adultery has a 1 month grace period where he or she is allowed to kill not just the cheater, but the man or woman the cheater has slept with. Naturally, the standard of evidence must be high and the methods of killing must be proscribed (no bombs, no arson, etc). If the victim of adultery is injured or killed in the attempt, then the adulterers will be charged with manslaughter/battery as if this was an unprovoked slaying. If the victim of adultery kills or injures someone innocent in the attack, he is charged with unprovoked murder/battery.

There. Now cheating bitches will realize that their actions have consequences. Just don't be a slut. Easy. This law will especially cut down on army wives sleeping around as, presumably, a soldier would be much more capable of exacting revenge than anyone else. This is fair and just. Fatties will not be able to exact revenge very easily. Win win.

I'll be running for president in 2028 under this platform (and no other platforms) so vote for me then.
Will you crush it with no survivors?
In Texas if you catch your cheating wife in the act in your house you can shoot both her and her lover for trespassing. Oddly written law but I respect it.
Anyway, good work thus far, OP. What's the next step of your master plan?
>>231653 (OP) 
Just bring back dueling. Whether it be by fist, blade, or gun, dueling settles disputes of honor. If you are not man enough to win, shouldn't the best man at least breed your woman?
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>In Texas if you catch your cheating wife in the act in your house you can shoot both her and her lover
That law would have been convenient in Maine.
ahh, if she willing cheats on me, I want her dead or gone
Agreed. I will add this to my platform for 2028. You will be my nominee for vice president. I'll contact you.
That is fucking awesome. 
And I'm crashing the economy with no survivors (the reason for this being that the economy is what is maintaining the high level of degeneracy and also preventing revenge slayings from taking place. No economy = no FBI money (which I will also be shutting down on day one))
Replies: >>231820
So if someone is raping your wife in your home and you don't like your wife anyway....or if you delibrately cuck yourself to set up your wife legally to be murdered, then that is a-ok in Texas, the only open carry state. 
>>231653 (OP) 
What if the man thought she was single? Reminder that if you can't say it without fear of consquence you'll never be a real rebel, in regards to that pussy footing people type out using words like hypothetically.
Replies: >>231826 >>231899
>>231653 (OP) 
Very halal. Allakbar.
Replies: >>232000 >>233356
>What if the man thought she was single?
"A likely story."
While there may be some particularly clueless dupes, it should be obvious whether a woman is married or not. Besides, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Perhaps a few mistakes would encourage men to be a little more selective as well and help enforce an absolutely no cheating marriage policy.
Replies: >>231837 >>231844
>being okay with a Draconian society
Replies: >>231874
Perhaps a tag in the ear with a chip like the way we track wildlife?
Replies: >>231847
You and OP are the reason people don't take what they call the manosphere seriously. It reeks of false flagging. No one is this stupid. 

That being said I'm okay with infantacide. If a woman won't take you rather than child support he children shoudl simply be killed. Even beyond infant stage, if a human has no value it's just a liability. Once it has a job that'd be different. A woman would be much more likely to try to keep a man to take care of the children if we were to simply have them killed if she could not keep a man. This man you want to kill for having sex though, that's stupid.
<putting microchips in women? death penalty for adultery? don't be ridiculous, that will never become popular with the masses, unlike my genius plan to murder children
Replies: >>232005
How is this draconian? Just don't sleep around. ffs.

I'm not sure "false flagging" means what you think it means.
Also, I like how you randomly bring up infanticide. Not only is this not related or necessary to bring up, but it counteracts the sentence you wrote above it.
Replies: >>232005
>If you are not man enough to win, shouldn't the best man at least breed your woman?
That's like killing a dude and eating his half-eaten sandwich. If you want his sandwich so bad, you should have gotten it before he took a bite out of it. And if the sandwich is ok with being passed around, maybe it shouldn't have rights.
While I agree with bringing back dueling, in this case it doesn't fix the problem of female promiscuity. There need to be consequences for the woman for cheating. Ideally the man she sleeps with and the adulterous woman get some severe punishment, like flogging. The victim husband should be obligated to inflict that punishment on both - if he won't do it or doesn't do it properly he gets the same sentence.
>Texas, the only open carry state.
Replies: >>231913
How is no one this stupid? If a broad cheats she should be killed. It's literally still done in over half the world (Middle East, for example). It also stops STD transmission, unwanted babies, and destroyed families.
Do you also have a good solution to the pornography problem, which is largely what causes promiscuity in the first place? I'm intrigued about the way Japan does it. The age of consent is much lower there (still in the 'teens), but pornography of any kind at all is illegal. This not only prevents the harms of child pornography, but also enforces and incentivizes people to behave modestly. Their economy has been a huge success from this, recovering from losing a nuclear war to a top first world nation, in only 20 years.
>pornography of any kind at all is illegal
My man, both JAV and eromanga is sold openly. Yes, they have to blur the vagina but that doesn't mean it's not porn.
I think the impact of pornography relative to other causes (like vast government power directed at female "liberation") is overstated, but I do agree it's a problem. Just more of a symptom than a cause, and fixing the upstream issues that impact family formation would make pornography consumption decline naturally.
If that doesn't work then you can always just hang all the pornographers, including the performers. Unless you want to force them to become ordinary hookers instead, which might be ok or might not.
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We should really just make any kind of sexual activity aside from lesbian cunnilingus illegal. You still marry and have a traditional family. But sex should be between women only, and you have a surrogate child. This fixes every problem listed in this thread.
Replies: >>232521
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>>231653 (OP) 
Wife wants husband's property and money. She kills him and claims he was cheating with her friend. Her friend confirms this. Friend gets a cut. Wife enjoys dead husband's wealth.
Replies: >>232030
Browns and Nigs are hella based for honor-killings, we can learn a thing or two from the NWs.
In primitive society they have hookers and let babies starve to death as the infant mortality rate is 50 percent anyway and men are supposed to sleep around. Dying of STD's got rid of womanizers also. The point is that a man has value and the woman has value but a child does not.
This is why I stress that the standard of evidence must be high. I'm talking video evidence of cheating with no room for error.
pretty much. having natural children is immoral cus they could lose their adaptive traits
for instance if someone from the south marries someone from the north and they live in the north the kid could simultaneously freeze to death in the winter and burn to death in the summer. you should ALWAYS have a surogate child drawing from that regions local bank
Need 4 witnesses to the adultery to make the killing halal
You want to kill her cos you made a mistake in picking her, if a bitch cheats on you its cos you're a faggot and/or have no dick. Killing her is just doubling down on making bad choices.
Replies: >>233503
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spoken like a true soyboy
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