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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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 Dress to impress!

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There doesn't seem to be anything or anywhere that isn't affected.
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You just realized now? The world has been ending since the beginning (and before that, too). It's always increasingly over.
Replies: >>219304
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I disagree.
As late as the 1980s, things were being built. Lasting things. Though it was a pale shadow of what was built in the 50s. I'm talking communities as well as buildings.
Technically stuff is built today but it's all particleboard and prison grade cement blocks. Even this is already starting to decay. The economy is cannibalizing itself. Nothing is being built and there is no hope for the future. Even the people in power are angry and bitter.
Compare the decay with the proud creating and confidence of the 19th century.

What the hell happened to us?
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>What the hell happened to us?
Jews. Forced diversity. Forced miscenegation at the barrel of a gun next! Guns? Rights? LOL whats that? *watches the nigger lives matter protestors twerk outside his Whitetopia house in the 'burbs* *belches* *scratches ass* *turns on Tucker Carlson to make the bad fee fees go away*

Spoiler. Alert. This can all end today! We can overturn this today! Stop calling everyone a fed and being a pussy! Get off your ass and use your guns! Form militias! Overthrow tyrants! Now or never, buds
You're right and I am working on getting myself into a position where I can fight back.
This is just ridiculous.
Replies: >>219318
Happy hunting
>>219299 (OP) 
To avoid the universe's heat death you must become a "magical girl". Congratulations Shinji you are best girl.
Replies: >>219380
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NOOOOOOO you can't speak candidly and openly about the gravity of our situation and offer your racial brothers words of encouragement! That makes you a FED! You Glow! You glow! You glow!
Replies: >>219636
I have always thought these images are made by feds. It's hard to imagine an anon taking the time to make such a thing, but I could be wrong. Also, what's wrong with Kabbalah? Maybe they make these things to keep people from looking into that stuff.
>What the hell happened to us?
Dysgenics due to the industrial revolution killing off natural selection and the elite birth rate falling to below their national average.
This except unironically, now give us the magic words, magical thingamajig, and sidekick mascot to guide us please.
Replies: >>225273
I found a schizo channel called Old World Exploration and found out there is a loony conspiracy theory that history has been fabricated to hide some glorious asiatic global empire called Tartaria that preceded White colonization because people are so fucking shocked by how half-assed contemporary architecture is that they can't believe the relatively low-tech 19th and 20th centuries peoples could have erected so much incredible stonemasonry.
>>219299 (OP) 
Yup. Much of the current rot goes back to 2008. The double whammy of the housing collapse and then Obama ruined everything forever.
muh mud flood. that is a weird one.
>How could people have built nice buildings when I live in a cinderblock square??
Tartaria was an actual "kingdom" during the early middle ages. It wasn't anything special, it was Asiatic plains nomadic types with some Jewish admixture from the post-Babylon diaspora who eventually got run over by the Mongols.
What is this moralfaggotry doing on /b/?
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>everything i dont agree with is moralfaggotry
It is.
>muh racial cause, we must go to war!
Replies: >>219643
On the opposite moralfaggotry would be loving shitskins and letting our race die for them.
Go back to Heyuri muh /b/ culture poser
Replies: >>219650
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>everything I don't like is da joos
>everything I don't like is muh Hayoori
Replies: >>219665
I'm not him, but could you please explain your position instead of resorting to replying with generic reaction images?
Replies: >>219665
>everything I don't like is da joos
A jew would want White people to think that caring about their race is "moralfagging"
>everything I don't like is muh Hayoori
Heyuri zoomer fags are the most self-conscious about "/b/ culture" and whatnot
Replies: >>219700
kys right wing schizo
Is this israeli invasion into lebanon another nothing burger? Part of me wants all of this to just end in a global nuclear holocaust so I can just give up and wait for my death.
Replies: >>223246
what a sad existence. i hope you take it easy when trump loses
Replies: >>219748
>population booms
>economic crysis
>everything gets worse
Replies: >>219809
I'm not that worried that Trump loses. If he wins, you kill yourself. If he loses, the naked persecution of White people only radicalizes us. You should be hoping he wins, but you're not that smart.
Replies: >>219756
The best case scenario is gridlocked government with Trump in the white house.
Replies: >>219809 >>219813
>be post industrial
>the rich keep getting richer
>trickle down economics as excuse for it being fine and it will totally work out
>pretend there is a crysis later when it's just an inequality issue
You mean Trump as a dictator don't you? After he declares martial law, due to civil unrest that he helps perpetuate?
Replies: >>219813 >>219954
Replies: >>225273
>>219299 (OP) 
The primary issue is a lack of a solid foundation, philosophically at least. That is at the root of it all, how can you navigate life without a point of reference/origin you can trust? Even for the dumber elements who don't care about or understand that shit, it still creates a general culture and weltanschauung which they assume and work from in their daily life.

Moralfaggots are responsible for this situation, they are the emotional thinkers who are easily manipulated and bow to social pressures. They are the modern day Marxian anti-racist zealots, and were the "witch" burning and "sorcerer" flaying religious zealots of the dark/medieval ages.
Replies: >>219942 >>219954
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>i'm so based and intellectual for using some random unreadable german word
Lacking a familiarity with Weltanschauung or its alternative translations doesn't make others stupid, it's not a novel word or a neologism. It's showing of your own idiocy
Replies: >>225274
>After he declares martial law
Sure buddy. Just after the earth boils due to global warming.

>They are the modern day Marxian anti-racist zealots, and were the "witch" burning and "sorcerer" flaying religious zealots of the dark/medieval ages.
Replies: >>225273
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I find myself using French words almost daily. Some things there just isn't an English equivalent to describe them with. Try becoming a little more cultured, manbaby
Replies: >>225274
I sure as shit don't want to die scorched by a nuclear kike apocalypse, kill yourself blackpilled nigger.
It is a result of being an outcome of industrial civilization (dysgenics)
Nature is wasteful, ineffective in most things and we are the inefficiency
Best thing for you and me to do is have a fuck load of offspring and try to raise them to be ethnocentric, have them via embryo selection if have the money, get thier IQs high as your phenotypic maximum will allow so they will better able take care of themselves and fight  the out group
This will end, but not until  the ecology starts to kills people for being maladaptive
In 1980ish so many cameras went up that the prison system doubled (in the US).
>implying dictators are not real
>implying global warming is a bad thing  when we are headed away from an ice age
I would if I could.
How's the culture doing in Muslim occuPIED Germany right now again? 
It's not common to use that word among English speakers. Using random words people don't know the meaning of is gayer than being verbose.
Keep on building till you get a brick house, and then you'll still gonna have to give it a new coat of paint every few years
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