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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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Anyone else becoming increasingly more scared of death as you edge?, I remember not giving a fuck at 16 but now that I'm in my 20s I really can't get it out of my head and how much it will hurt

Tl:Dr death scary am I being a pussy?
>>198568 (OP) 
Fuck I meant age not edge
Just how long are you edging to trigger an existential crisis?
>>198568 (OP) 
I want to die, but at the same time i don't. Because i hate death as much as i hate life. So i have mixed feelings. I think it will feel like sleeping, but without the part where you wake up, and without dreams.
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You dumb gaytheists can keep on believing that there is nothing after death, but I will be isekaied into anime world
Replies: >>198591
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>>198568 (OP) 
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>anyone else becoming increasingly more scared of death as you edge?
You can't talk your way out of this. From this point onward you'll be known on this board as a hazardous masturbator.
OP tries to do a serious thread, makes a shitpost thread by mistake.
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>>198568 (OP) 
>Am I being a pussy?
Nah man, all contemplative people go through this. Harness this discomfort you feel to push yourself into better understanding the subject.
Consider that quite a few men, pagan and believer alike, have met their end with peace of mind. So it's just a matter of finding out what they knew.
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That's implying that god loves you enough to send you to that. If there is a god or gods they are not loving
Replies: >>198592
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God is a malevolent being. There’s no way a god who created such a horrible world can be a good person
Replies: >>199231
>>198568 (OP) 
I am at peace with my death. I will follow the footsteps of samurai and though the normalfags outnumber me a thousand and more to one, they will be cut down by cold steel of my blade!
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>>198568 (OP) 
I'm not too scared of death because I think we come back again, just like how we came here from nothing, it will happen again. Actually for me that's also a problem because life has been boring for me this past year, so living forever could kinda suck too.
Replies: >>198697
The fuck is this sagetard so uppity about? You're in several different threads being a bitch calm down.
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The plandemic showed how much people can be afraid and controllable. Many picked the wrong side.
Replies: >>198660 >>198923
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>Being scared of death
lmao, I am way beyond giving a shit at this point.
Life is a curse where everyday is perpetual mental anguish, later on, physical anguish, and then you die.

Deal with it
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¡A poco no krnal!
>>198568 (OP) 
It gets worse.
>>198568 (OP) 
just cum already dude jesus
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Indeed, you can't escape life once you're already embedded in its syntax. The concept of eternal recurrence always bothered me more than the possibility of an eternal afterlife. Can't say that I care very much at the moment since my mood is quite neutral but a lot of anguish ensues when thinking about doing it all over again if I'm feeling depressed.
Replies: >>198719 >>198731
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>lot of anguish ensues when thinking about doing it all over again
Isn't this what Buddhism is all about? As I understand, Siddhartha couldn't imagine an existence free of pain so he concluded that non-existence in Nirvana was the best possible conclusion.
I think Paradise is beyond the ability of mortals to understand, corruption is too embedded on us to think of anything without it, it would be like coming up with new colors. And the vulgarities people make of life in Heaven would fill me with dread as kid when I reflected on them.
>And the vulgarities people make of life in Heaven would fill me with dread as kid when I reflected on them.

>Ayup when ah get ta heaven Imma drink me a cold beer and light me some fahrworks!
>Isn't this what Buddhism is all about?
Only if your outlook on Samsara is negative. It can be positive if you're able to appreciate life as a beautiful tragedy, something that can only be done if you aren't miserable. Sometimes I am not miserable, and so I can appreciate life's beauty even if it is cruel and absurd. But sometimes I am miserable and wish that I was never born.
>Siddhartha couldn't imagine an existence free of pain so he concluded that non-existence in Nirvana was the best possible conclusion
Buddhism is naive in assuming that existence can be escaped. The closest thing you can hope for is negating all desire so that you don't have to suffer, but don't expect that to last forever. Buddhism is the only religion that teaches the nonexistence of the self, but Buddhists also believe in reincarnation. If there is no you, then what is it that reincarnates? A subjective experience. The feeling of being yourself is present even if you rationally deduce that the self is a phenomenal illusion (which the Buddhists did), and this subjective experience will inevitably reemerge in reality even if you kill yourself or negate your will to existence. Trying to escape is futile.
>I think Paradise is beyond the ability of mortals to understand
There are positive and negative experiences. My image of Paradise would just be a stream of positive ones. But I don't think it could last forever, how could you go from existing somewhere where you are always condemned to death when you exist to somewhere where existence goes on forever? The rules that say that everything ends would have to change part way through in order to assure that you don't die again at some point during your stay in Paradise. That's what I meant by the word 'syntax'. Existence is predicated on a set of rules that make immortality impossible. The only thing that doesn't end is the cycle of death and rebirth.
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>a lot of anguish ensues when thinking about doing it all over again if I'm feeling depressed
>Isn't this what Buddhism is all about?

Yeah that's what I've been looking into. Buddhism says there's a way to somehow control our rebirth. Personally I am not sure if it's true or not, but if there is no other option, then it might be worth a try. It also says that you can greatly reduce your suffering in this world by learning to control your mind and your perspective on the world. A Buddhist monk is supposed to attach neither to life nor death. Interestingly this seems very similar to Stoicism which is another philosophy I have studied a bit.

Anyways I definitely haven't got it figured out yet so that's about all I can really say, but I am hopeful that in the future I will learn to cope with the suffering and boredom in the world. For now I listen to Dhamma talks to help me understand things a little better
Bro, I literally think every day is going to be my last and I just worry about whether I'm going to be able to organize things properly before I go into the woods to kill myself. 
Everything would be simpler if I died in an accident or illness. I've been through three near-death experiences, including a car crash.  Death itself is not the problem.
stop edging dude
I don't like the word toxic. But toxic positivity is real and redditors and consoomers can't life without it. See any place online where redditors become the majority, criticism about product or certain behaviors become a NO-NO.
>negativity drives kikes away 
What a retarded statement.
Replies: >>198833
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I am not scared of death, I am only scared of what will happen to my precious cat were I to die
Replies: >>198890
>Isn't this what Buddhism is all about?
Being born is the result of craving.
First there is ignorance (which is beginningless if we go by the horizontal view), then there are formations (Sankharas) and they can be verbal, bodily or mental. They are best described as "determinations" as in "that which determines this" for exemple, eye determines sight. Then there is consciousness, then name and form, then the six senses base, then contact (with your "self"), then feeling, then craving, then being, then birth, and finally age sickness and death.
Note that these are not to be seen in a chronoligical order but more of a dependent origination (with this, this is).
By not identifying as yourself, you live secluded from the world in all its forms, pusruing neither pleasure nor pain. Going beyond feeling, perception and consciousness, you go even beyond non-existence, above the duality of perception and non perception.
It starts with sense restraint and establishment of the four bases of mindfulness. Don't try to be "mystical" about. This is not a special snowflake doctrine. If you do it seriously, you're gonna have to go through a period of extreme mental anguish before finding safety. Pleasant meditation does not equal right meditation. Patience and discipline is highly required. The Buddha would go in wild forests and charnel grounds to practice. One of the the practices involves observing the different stages of the decaying body. Pleasure is not an indicator for going into the right direction, quiet the contrary at first. But the relief of the first Jhana is like you were buried alive and got out of your grave. You know this is IT and nothing else, and you will dedicate your entire life into maintaining THAT.
fagatha plz eat dick
>the anon who constantly use the word "retarded" is the retarded after all
not a surprise
Man why did you have to post that?
Replies: >>198854 >>198855
Because that's what fagatha does
People born from filth can only think in terms of other filth.
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>>198568 (OP) 
Memento mori. Death does not have to be painful, nor does it have to be the end.
Fearing death is pointless. Fearing a painful and slow death is reasonable.
If you've read Saya no Uta, you may recall the part where Tanbo Ryouko talks about stealing a double-barreled shotgun from her father, and finally managing to sleep 1 night out of 3 when having it beside her, knowing that she can blast her fears away with it, or stick it in her mouth and pull the trigger if it all becomes unbearable.
>I am only scared of what will happen to my precious cat were I to die
Your cat might eat you. He/she won't die so easily in any case. Cats are resilient.
So you're going to post disgusting things for a couple days  maybe a couple weeks and get banned repeatedly and then the tiny number of fags who still use this board will go back to griping ablut whatever the fuck. What an insipid waste of time and life on a meaningless fruitless internet crusade, the thought of people doing this is depressing whether it's ironic or not.
Replies: >>198921
He's waiting for mods to take action so that he can make a thread complaining about it with no context and say that the site is too "rulecucked".
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> Dorkendor, wave your magic wand faster!
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Me personally I'm worried the Kung Flu was just a test run for the US and Chinese government since that was a co-op project between the two. I took precautions at the time when no one knew WTF Covid was and avoided visiting my grand parents if I got sick but that was voluntary, I hate how our government both under Trump and Biden basically got away with shutting down society for two fucking years over a virus that ultimately only ended up being a threat to people who for the most part already had shit health to begin with.

Imagine the excuses our government or the CCP or any government for that matter will have if they 'accidentally' release something that isn't half baked, some reason scary Black Plaque shit. Of course I still won't support lock downs or forced vaccinations even if the real deal happens but sadly there are a lot of idiots who will. Many of our leaders are psychopaths or are scared shitless of all the black mail dirt on them that they may very well go through with a borderline martial law policy.

I mean sure why not I'll larp around the grocery store in a hazmat suit for the LoLz if they release the real deal virus to try and pause protests and cancel the election but I ain't getting thrown into some plaque concentration camp nor am I taking whatever bullshit shots Bill Gates releases next.
Hey I ain't here to kink shame but why do you keep posting fat castrated trannies here? I'm sure there are other webring sites for this stuff is all.
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They fear life.
Death is a bitch. Do not be so quick to go to her.
Replies: >>199224
((( they ))) aren't even going to let me meet her in the first place
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>>198568 (OP) 
don't be afraid of death, be afraid of God
God created world pure, it's humans who have disgraced it
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