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I have a friend who claims that (3DPD) idols are an "evil" industry.
To me that sounds like some jewtuber crocodile tears sob story, because no one actually forces you to become an idol, and it's in fact pretty hard to become one.
The only "evil" thing I see about 3DPD idols is that they're 3DPD and it's literally cucked, but maybe you know something I don't?
Replies: >>198350 >>198933
>>198340 (OP) 
I thought there was trafficking involved in the idol industry.
Replies: >>198381
By that logic Hollywood isn't evil.
It robs girls of their most fertile years and it robs men of their wallet. The industry's entire business model is to trick you into a parasocial relationship. It's pretty evil but in the same subtle, insidious kind of way that modern society is evil.
Replies: >>198933
>I thought there was trafficking involved in the idol industry
The fuck are you talking about, idols are Japanese and live in Japan
Replies: >>198462
Trafficking doesn't require you to leave the country you're being trafficked in. Also Koreans have idol bullshit too. Arguably a far more cancerous version as well.
>>198340 (OP) 
Idols are marketed as girls whom the fans could totally have a chance of getting laid with, when that's obviously not the case. See >>198354
Because of this, idols are asked to not have sexual relations to anyone, or at the very least never never disclose this in anyway; when they inevitably end up having boyfriends, and this is discovered by idolfags, which happens often, they throw tantrums, and the idols career often ends up nosediving as a result. Unless the fans somehow adopt a mindset of "wanting the best for her". Calling it cuckoldry would probably not be a surprising opinion.
https://soranews24.com/2019/10/12/idol-stalker-figures-out-where-his-target-lives-from-the-reflection-in-her-eyes-in-social-media-photo/ Idol fans are notoriously autistic, obsessive, and prone to shit like this. They can draw the biggest of conclusions from the tiniest of details.
Fans of VTubers, essentially 3DPD idols behind a 2D mask, are this to the power of 1000. They have done things like (supposedly) figure out Gawr Guras ovulation cycle based on her stream behaviour, and deduced that a staff member was posting on some Nijisanji vtubers twitter account rather than the actual vtuber, based on a single punctuation mark being different from what she normally used.
>because no one actually forces you to become an idol, and it's in fact pretty hard to become one.
Girls who try to become idols usually don't have a lot of alternative career paths.
For failed idols, and idols that have grown too old, they often end up taking the same path: JAV.
I'm sure i don't need to tell you about the inevitable fate of porn stars.
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>is thing bad?
>I kno thing 3DPD
>(thing = bad) = e-celeb, so unbad
>but thing 3DPD, so cuck = bad
Imageboards have broken your mind. Take a break.
Replies: >>198948
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This shark is too young to have a menstrual cycle.
>(thing = bad) = e-celeb, so unbad
At no point was this ever implied. e-celeb = bad
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