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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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>be me
>24yo M
>alone in the house
>time to jigle the wewe
>prepare soap
>i remember i can use other things better than my hand
>using a fork handout the big circle the used to hang that fork was more than enough to size my dick
>happi hapi yipe
>oiled my dick up, oild the handout
>put it
>omfg i cant rub up and down it stucked
>my cock turned purple
>try to put more oil so it can slip
>it worked
>the worse 5min in my entire life
>decide go to bed
>my pant is full with cum and piss and kinda brown strips it might a cumed blood and my dick is purple 
>i cant piss
>go to hospital
>doctor laugh at me
>screw it
>he squeezed my pp till it blows more brown lookin cum
>pp not purple anymore, yippe

Note : fuck zzzchan captcha
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>using a fork handout the big circle the used to hang that fork
I can't react to your post if I don't understand what the fuck you're talking about here.
>fuck zzzchan captcha
Leagues easier to understand than anything you've posted here. Are you drunk?
Replies: >>197633
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Also the captcha is very hard
Replies: >>197635 >>197636
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>>197615 (OP) 
>>197615 (OP) 
Not funny, back to tiktok.
>prepare soap
Are you circumcised by any chance?
>i remember i can use other things better than my hand
Like an onahole? Otherwise you're just losing.
>Note : fuck zzzchan captcha
The only problem is that it's often ambiguous whether a piece is filled or not. Otherwise you just have mental retardation.
KYS soynigger.
I don't know what that is. I guess it's some american thing?
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No, I don't understand. Where do you buy your forks from?
Replies: >>197655 >>197668
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He clearly bought it from James May
Replies: >>197661 >>197684
>>197615 (OP) 
>>be me
Well who else would you be aside a flaming faggot?
Replies: >>197666
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Behead those who insult Captain Sensible Pace, and his ghastly and appalling striped shirt
Im god itself lmao
Thursday in March, my friends and I went to get cooking utensils and I saw this fork, not for eating, but for spaghetti (used to transfer spaghetti from one dish to another).
The important thing is that I don't use it, but I left it as a piece of art
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seems about the right size for OP
>>197615 (OP) 
I'm really glad no one actually talks like this and your insanity is confined to obscure imageboards.
Replies: >>197699
>>197615 (OP) 
I'm going to assume you fucked an eggplant.
No, people talk like this on tiktok and reddit, and this insanity is leaking onto obscure imageboards
>it gets replies
Replies: >>197864
>it gets saged
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