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Chineese military build up happening in Yunnan Province at the Myanmar /Burmese border. If Min Aung Hlaing* can’t take care of the domestic situation, then the Chinese PLA will be fully prepared.”
Replies: >>197690
the third picture looks like a bridge straight from just cause, would look good with an explosion.
Replies: >>197670
the bridge looks like a death trap a few IEDs could take down.
Replies: >>197688
Depending on how vital that bridge is destroying it might fuck you over just as much as the enemy though. Those mountainous parts of Asia are ridiculously treacherous and without roadways like that you can potentially find yourself utterly cut off from any support network you have.
>>197599 (OP) 
>Myanmar/Burmese border
Isn't that border nearly impassable jungles, valles and mountains? Is an invasion really feasible or this is yet more retarded saber rattling?
Replies: >>197703
>Is an invasion really feasible
They used to fight all the time back in the sword and archery days. Effectively occupying and subjugating people in such a place for the long term is another story entirely though. Afghanistan for example has been invaded countless times, but the invaders usually don't bother trying to directly rule anyone in the mountainous parts because it's always a waste of time and resources since there's countless places to hide and carry out an eternal rebellion.
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