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Violence isn't a weapons problem, it's a shitty society and/or shitty people problem. The desire to harm someone else comes first, the weapon you choose to do it with comes second.
Replies: >>197123
People seem to think that laws against weapons somehow rewrite reality to make it so that weapons do not exist.
They see someone pointing an illegal weapon against them, and their first thought is "How did he acquire that weapon, and why is he pointing it at me? Weapons and violence are illegal."
There is, unfortunately, a part of me that still thinks like this, because that's what i was raised to think. I have to constantly consciously remind myself that "no, laws made by a government do not rewrite reality itself"
Replies: >>197123
>>197106 (OP) 
I will play the devil's advocate and say that the availability of weapons might influence people. For example, if someone gets extremely angry at you on a whim, he may try to punch and kick you or whatever. But if he has a weapon, he may use it on you.
Replies: >>197148
Yeah but good luck getting women and women-brained men to ever acknowledge this.
Any time I say that mass shootings by mentally competent non-Fed individuals should be prevented by making life less shit, I receive angry stares and accusations of being edgy.
On the plus side the public is painfully aware that most gun violence is because niggers.
>if someone gets extremely angry at you on a whim
So you're saying that niggers are the problem?
Replies: >>197152
That's the main problem. Ease of access to guns is one of the main factors, but "people" simply being inclined to violence (eg. niggers) may be THE main one.
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