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Are there women into feet? Can a woman be a footfag, or is that exclusively a male disorder? What causes the brain to mistake feet for genitalia, anyways? Asking for myself, these questions keep me up at night.
>>197083 (OP) 
>What causes the brain to mistake feet for genitalia
I don't think that's what is going on there.
Replies: >>197092
>>197083 (OP) 
>Are there women into feet? Can a woman be a footfag, or is that exclusively a male disorder? 
I think there are women into feet, probably even more than we may think, not into male feet, but still female feet like men are.
<What causes the brain to mistake feet for genitalia, anyways? 
>I don't think that's what is going on there.
I don't think that's the reason for finding feet appealing either, op got it so wrong there.
Replies: >>197095
<I don't think that's what is going on there.
>I don't think that's the reason for finding feet appealing either, op got it so wrong there.
Why don't you enlighten us then?
Replies: >>197131
Not him but iirc the nerve endings located in your feet send signals to a part of your brain that is located very closely to the pleasure sensing part, and sometimes the wires get crossed and people begin associating feet with boner thoughts.
Nothing about feet even resembles genitalia and foot fetishists don't typically say they do either.
Replies: >>197133
That's some curious reddit science theory, but I'd say that it's much simpler than that.
>>197083 (OP) 
It's just that feet can look appealing and arousing just like any body parts other than the vagina (breasts/chest, ass if you're a negro, legs, midriff, armpits, etc). It doesn't require a super elaborate explanation.
Replies: >>197210 >>197293
I want a woman to kick me in the toes
Women are into hands rather than feet.  To the point where hands are the first thing most women notice about a man when they walk into a room.  The yaoi hand memes are to women what huge sloshy milkies are to men.
Replies: >>197226
>It's just that feet can look appealing and arousing just like any body parts other than the vagina (breasts/chest, ass, legs, midriff, armpits, etc). It doesn't require a super elaborate explanation.
Exactly, i am into legs and thighs mostly, but i don't see why some people think it's so strange to find other parts of the female body to be appealing and arousing other than the usual tits and ass.
And by the way, it's not a nigger thing to like ass, it's a nigger thing to love HUGE cellulite asses.
Liking a firm, round bottom is perfectly fine and a white man choice
I mean, there's people into armpits, into navels...
Speaking of feet specifically, i don't have a particular fetish for them, but i can see the appeal if they are feminine, small and delicate looking, with tiny little toes.
Otherwise, they can also be gross and off putting if they are too big and have big toes resembling a man's.
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So women are like Kira Yoshikage from JoJo?
Replies: >>197275
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woman hands and fingers...
>That's some curious reddit science theory
Ok so you don't know and you're going to be an asshole about it.
>op never stepped on one of those anti-autism sensory mats and had the feeling go straight into his dick
Women are into hands, not feet. Feet is both for straight guys who love girly feet or gays who are into male feet.
In both cases, most of the time, they are all subs. 
I enjoy some feet, but most of the guys into it are submissive freaks who are also into weird shit like fart, pee, femdom, etc.
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