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You know about "WcDonald's"? It's a temporary rebranding of McDonald's to pander to modern zoomer "anime fans", complete with a shitty pozzed disgusting-looking "'"'anime"'"' and "'"'manga"'"' of their own and gods know what else.
Apparently that shit was launched in my small irrelevant country. It's just pure cringe. I'll make sure to avoid approaching a McDonald's place for however long this campaign will last.
Replies: >>197019 >>198966
The promotional sauce isn't even good.
Replies: >>197019
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By the way, this is their "'"'anime"'"'. You can tell from 5 miles away that this is NOTHING like anime.
This is just disgusting. To anime, it's literally what trannies are to women.
Replies: >>197019
this makes me want to die
>>197014 (OP) 
They're trying to capitalize on the viral success of the Yoru Mac animations that were posted on Twitter.
Presumably, a bunch of suits, who have no idea what the fuck anime is or what even counts as anime or not, were tasked to make some shit up in an attempt to appeal to weebs.
Another conspiracy theory is that they will retroactively try to take down any anime that has used WcDonalds as a logo replacement from streaming services, since they now have the copyright to WcDonalds.
No anime will use WcDonalds as a McDonalds replacement in their works, ever again. They killed a small part of anime.
Replies: >>197024
Mendy bros... It's our turn.
Replies: >>197021
Is Wendys even a thing in Japan?
>They're trying to capitalize on the viral success of the Yoru Mac animations that were posted on Twitter.
Ironically enough one of the reasons why the animations were so popular is because they where wholesome and "trad", while they're now making some pozzed garbage.
>try to take down any anime that has used WcDonalds as a logo replacement from streaming services
This would be good, it would gatekeep retarded zoomers who can't torrent.
Replies: >>197029
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>wholesome and "trad"
I get it, but you also have to keep in mind that anything related to big fast food chains can't, by its very nature, be "wholesome and trad".
Maybe there's also a nostalgic aspect to it. McDonalds restaurants of the past are entirely different to whatever the fuck McShits are now; i wouldn't put it past them to try to prey on nostalgia. "Lifetime consumers" and such.
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I stopped going to Mcdonalds when they stopped making plastic toys and started doing cardboard puzzle shit instead.
Replies: >>197041
No dollar menu for ages, poor selection of soda, bad music playing, dirty and half broken, no ketchup machine, no playgrounds or anything like that, 1.75 usd for bacon to be put on this......why is it even up and running? I expected rebellion during the fake as shit hysteria of that virus, or viruses, and yet they shut down mostly. I throw away restaurant food when I see it at a supermarket, thingsli ke windy's chili; can't say I'm shoplifting if it's just tossed into a trash can. IN general no restaruants even have privacy booths, no cig section and I don't even smoke and I miss it because in Germany right now kids re getting served fucken beer at cuckdonalds. If I were a serial killer that took cars and skipped out of town on a daily basis I'd primarily target people going to their cars at cucdonalds and such.
Replies: >>197062
You should just become one, it would be hilarious to see a fat autistic muttering killer madman.
Replies: >>197078
McDonalds is shit. But is better than most people believe, at least the restaurant is clean, unlike a lot.
Replies: >>197078
its all fun and games until theres a bullet lodged in your chest
mcshill detected
>its all fun and games until theres a bullet lodged in your chest
That applies just as much to you too bud.
There are no seinen references, no retro looks. Nothing.
>That applies just as much to you too bud.
most places in the world are not texas
Replies: >>197129
>You know about "WcDonald's"?
No, I don't think about fast food places.
Replies: >>197104
>No, I don't think about fast food places.
While writing that sentence, you thought about not thinking about fast food places, which ironically still means that you thought about fast food places.
The vast majority of places that allow people to have guns also allow them to use them for self-defense. I have a hard time believing an angry muttering autist would have the connections to obtain a gun in places where they're not allowed.
Maybe calm down and stop having fits of impotent rage over stupid shit instead, that's a far more obtainable goal.
Replies: >>198955
>I have a hard time believing an angry muttering autist would have the connections to obtain a gun in places where they're not allowed.
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>>197014 (OP) 
Meh, It means nothing to me honestly, I stopped eating that shit a long time ago because it always makes me feel nauseous and exhausted. Can't even get Shrek themed pint glasses there anymore because of 'muh toxic heavy metals' as though fucking McDonald's of all the companies in the world actually have a moral objection to poisoning people including children.

Fuck em and the retards who refuse to learn how to cook their own meals for cheaper.
Replies: >>198995
I got 2 out 4 of those glasses
>its all fun and games until theres a bullet lodged in your chest
You won't do shit.
Replies: >>199128
just cia nigger things
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