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"This is america we love our country, if you love japan then move there"
-an argument from the other room
Replies: >>197001 >>197112
>>196999 (OP) 
??? Please elaborate.
Anyway, I personally wouldn't move to Japan BECAUSE I love it and want it to stay racially homogenous, I don't want to be another bakagaijin immigrant
>Please elaborate.
Family members talk about some fighting game someone bought from japan
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>3rd pic
Both memes suck ass. The nippon one isn't funny and the wojak is annoying on purpose.
Finnish memes win again.
These pictures do not spark patriotism anon.
Replies: >>197011
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So much this, sister. Anyone in the world can love America, and that means that xhey lust for FREEDOM and GUNS.
You can move there and choose not to procreate with Japanese women.
Replies: >>197013 >>197023
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Nippon would be a comfy place to retire and fuck your wife in a hot spring while eating takoyaki.
Probably not a very comfy place to work though.
Replies: >>197015
I wouldn't mind living there so long as I'm retired and not in Tokyo. There was some cool city with a bunch of navigable waterways that looked comfy. Don't remember its name at the moment.
I worked at walmart for a few mouths, a nigger got coached for doing push ups
I never got coached for doing anything, and i did pull ups on the shelves they have in the back room
You can say that now, but you don't know what you'd do in the heat of the moment.
If you move to a country you should at minimum be fluent in their language, both written and spoken.
Replies: >>197112
>>196999 (OP) 
>just be a very high valued 'skilled' worker bro
And if I did that I'd contribute to the USA first, fuck that. If I got used to the money I'd make more here than there too, ergo it's a mental trap. The vast majority cannot realistically leave when you consider human psychology combined with the rules. 

Tech should solve this by now. Knowing their rules is more important, and their culture. Learning a new language so you can talk to normalfaggots is primitive a thing.
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